Acquiring Hearts (21 page)

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Authors: S. Donahue

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Acquiring Hearts
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The first course, which consisted of salad and penne pasta in a vodka sauce, was being served when they entered the dining room. Brad hired two servers and a dishwasher because he knew his future mother in law and future wife would want to do all the work. He wanted them to enjoy themselves.


The meal was progressing nicely and the conversations were flowing. Everyone seemed to be getting along.


After the main entrée of Chicken Parmesan was finished and the dishes were all cleared, Gia looked at Brad. She decided it was time to tell the family what was going on.


“We invited everyone here to talk about the wedding. Before we begin, there’s something I want to do first.”


Brad looked confused. He had no idea what she was planning on doing.


Gia looked at Rachel and handed her a card. Inside there was a note and a picture of both of them. At the end, it said I have something to ask.


Rachel was crying from reading the note. “What do you have to ask me?”


“Will you be my maid of honor?”


“Yes, of course I will. You better not have picked anyone else!”


Gia ran over and they hugged each other. They were both crying because they knew they could never stay mad at each other for long. Gia went back to Brad’s side at the other end of the table.


“You amaze me more and more every day,” Brad said in a low voice.


“We’ve decided to have the wedding sooner,” Gia announced.


“When?” Everyone was throwing questions out in the open.



Isn’t it going to be November 19
? I’m confused,” Joanna said. “I thought…” She stopped herself because she wasn’t sure what Brad knew and what was going on.


“I’ll explain everything.”


“Brad knows about the party in November. We decided to turn it into a wedding instead. Invitations haven’t gone out yet therefore, no one knows about the party yet. I ordered the wedding invitations and we just need to plan all the wedding details.”


Gia’s dad decided to interrupt her and ask the burning question. “Why are you rushing the wedding, princess. You just got engaged like a month ago. Don’t get me wrong, we love Brad, but maybe you should wait a little longer.”


“Daddy, it doesn’t matter if it’s today, tomorrow or three years from now. We love each other and we decided it should be sooner rather than later.”


“Ok, as long as you’re ready.”


Brad was waiting for her to tell them about the baby, but she didn’t say anything. He figured she was probably nervous so he opened his mouth.


“There is also something else.” Everyone looked at him waiting for him to speak. He thought Gia would speak on cue but she didn’t.


I guess I have to do it. Here goes nothing.


“Gia’s pregnant,” he blurted out.


She looked at him, her eyes wide with shock at the burst of news. To Gia’s surprise everyone was happy and excited.


“Oh My God. My baby’s pregnant!” Carlotta screamed excitedly. “How far along are you?”


“I’m about six weeks along. I’m going to the doctor next week.”


Brad had the servers bring out bottles of champagne and everyone celebrated the news. They all made plans to meet up and start discussing the wedding plans.


Gia couldn’t believe everything was falling into place.


This should be an interesting couple of months.






Chapter Twenty-One


Time flew by so fast. Tomorrow was the big day. Everything was set to go. Of course it didn’t happen without issues. What wedding would be complete without a couple mishaps, especially when you have only two months to plan?


With the short notice, everyone pitched in to help out with all the details, especially since the court-date for Tom’s assault on Gia came up in the middle of the planning. Tom was sentenced to five years in prison. Gia felt relieved. She had been on edge a little bit knowing he was still out there.


Gia was spending the night at her parent’s house. She didn’t want to see Brad before the wedding, since it was bad luck. That’s all she needed in her life. Rachel was also sleeping over, so it would be like old times when they were growing up.


“Rach, I want to thank you for everything that you have done for me the past couple months. I really appreciate it.”


“Stop, you’re my sister. I love you.”


“I know. I love you too, but you went above and beyond. The party that you threw for us last week at your house with all our family and friends meant so much to us.




“So who’s this guy you are talking to?”


“No one you know!”


“Really, are you bringing him to the wedding?”


“I don’t want to jinx it. No, I’m not bringing him to the wedding. I haven’t even gone out with him yet. I have to get the Vinnie situation under control first. He’s still stalking me and begging me to take him back.”


“Please don’t. You don’t think he’ll show up at the wedding do you?”


“I hope not. I don’t want to start something with someone else and have Vinnie ruin it for me. He’s crazy.”


“I know. Who are you texting?”


“No one”


“You’re shady.”




“I guess we better get to bed. I have a big day tomorrow.”


“I’m happy for you Gia.”


“Thanks. Rach?”




“I hope everything works out for you too. No matter what, we’ll always be sisters and best friends.”


“You got that right and if I have to fight Sheila tomorrow for you, it’s on.”


“Please, I don’t even want to think about it. Good night.”


“Good night,” Rachel said laughing.




* * * * *

The next morning, the Coppi house was in utter chaos. Everyone was rushing around. Gia, her mom and all her bridesmaids had to be at the salon for hair and makeup by ten am. She had six bridesmaids. They all met at the house for a continental breakfast that her parents had catered.


The ceremony was starting at four o’ clock that afternoon followed by cocktail hour at five and the reception from six to eleven. They were having all the traditional wedding services except for the church.


Gia didn’t think it was right to have the wedding in a church since she was pregnant. Her parents, the holy rollers, were upset because she was being married by a judge.


It’s not real.”


“According to the state it will be.”


“Not in God’s eyes.”


“Uh, I give up.


That was one of the many issues they faced.


The other was the fact that Sheila had to be invited to the wedding because of her parent’s friendship with Joanna. Brad felt everything would be okay. Gia had her suspicions and thought it was unnecessary. During her mini argument with Brad over it, she stated, “She better sit there with her mouth shut or I’m going to be flashing my marriage license in her face this time.”


“You’re overreacting,” he said as he laughed at Gia’s joke.


“Me, overreact? Never. How dare you say that!”


“It’s your hormones. They’re crazy.”


Sheila ended up getting invited with the assumption that Joanna was going to tell her that she needed to behave at the wedding.



As Gia stood in the mirror staring at herself, she couldn’t believe this was all happening- finally. So much had happened in such a short time, but most importantly she found love.


The Vera Wang strapless gown fit beautifully. She had been worried lately with the little bit of weight she had gained from the pregnancy.


There’s my baby girl,” said Donato as he smiled at Gia in her wedding dress.


“Hey, Daddy”


“You look beautiful.”


“Thank you.”


“Are you ready? Everyone’s downstairs waiting.”




“Before we go, I just want to tell you how proud I am of you. Your mother is too.”


“I actually thought you were mad about all of this.”


“Never. We love Brad. He’s perfect for you. I know that he’ll always take care of you. Every father wants their daughter to be happy. You have accomplished so much. You should be proud of yourself.”


“I know. I thought you were upset about the baby.”



Are you kidding me? I’m going to love my grandchild like my own.”


“Daddy, I love you.”


She started crying and embraced her father. She felt relieved to know she had her parents blessing.


“Please don’t mess up your make-up. Your mother will kill me. Come on, let’s get you married.”


She walked down her parents steps for the last time as a single woman. When she left the house, her family, friends and half the neighborhood were outside waiting to see her off.


The trolley was in the middle of the street waiting to escort her family and bridesmaids to the ball room. The chapel where the ceremony would take place was located inside there.


Once they arrived, Gia was ushered to the bridal suite with her father. She was a nervous wreck. She had not seen Brad since the previous morning. He spent the day with his groomsmen playing golf and hanging out. They did speak a couple times on the phone yesterday but not today. Although she knew Brad would be out there waiting for her, she was still nervous to see his face when he saw her walk down the aisle.


There was a knock at the door and Donato answered. He turned to her and said, “It’s time.”


“Ok, I’m ready.”


She put her arm in her father’s. As she turned the corner to the chapel, the doors were closed. The bridesmaids had already walked down. She waited in anticipation to see her future husband.


Meanwhile at the front row, Brad stood waiting for his bride. He could not wait to make her his wife in front of all these people. He had been waiting for this moment since the day he got down on one knee and proposed, which seemed like 100 years ago.


The organ began…


The doors opened in front of Gia. The chapel looked spectacular. The red roses and white lights twinkling everywhere made the place look so beautiful and romantic. It was like a fairytale.


She looked straight ahead and caught Brad’s eyes. He was looking at her like there was no one else in the room. Her eyes started to tear up.



He looks so handsome and distinguished standing up there. I’m one lucky woman.


When they reached the front, her father placed her hand in Brad’s.


Take care of my princess.”



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