Acres, Natalie - Bang the Blower [Country Roads 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: Acres, Natalie - Bang the Blower [Country Roads 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I think she must’ve taken a hard lick on the head when she crashed that dragster,” Duke said, nuzzling her ear. “She used to fire out the comebacks, and now it takes her a little while.”

“That’s not funny, Duke,” she snapped.

“No, but it’s true,” Hank said, forcing her legs apart. “You may be more difficult than you were before, but now you have to think about things before you spit out fighting words.”

“Stop,” she ordered, her voice firm, her request sharp.

“No,” Hank said, walking his hands toward the prize again, sliding her way as he maneuvered his fingers closer to her pussy.

Duke bracketed his arms around her upper chest, his arms pressing down on her breasts as he held her against him. Her full mounds looked ready to pop, and good Lord, her nipples were hard enough to make a man’s mouth water for a nibble, thirst for a bite.

Rising to his knees, Hank gripped his cock and rubbed the tip over the texture of her lips. “Here, subbie. Tease me.”

Her eyes were hooded and lazy as she turned her cheek. “I didn’t promise head tonight.”

“Your body may be battered and bruised, but as far as I can tell, there’s not a thing wrong with your mouth.”

She smiled as she licked the tip, sampling a taste of him. “I never said there was anything wrong with my mouth or tongue, Hank.”

“Prove it,” he dared her, pressing his palm to the top of her head, guiding her.

“Sucking cock is an acquired taste,” she complained, acting as if she’d never tried giving a blow job before, or perhaps, had no interest in giving him head again. “I’ll have to think about this.”

“You’re teasing him, Julie,” Duke rasped, pinching her nipple. “Hank doesn’t like to be tested.”

“Neither do I,” she said, rolling her tongue over her bottom lip. “I must’ve bumped my head like Hank suggested. I can’t remember if I enjoy sucking a man’s dick.”

“Why don’t you let me refresh your memory?” Hank suggested, tucking his cock between her parted lips before she took the opportunity to object.

Sucking him to her throat with the first gulp, she moaned as Duke twirled her nipple, pinching and releasing the little bud until the erect point was as long as Hank had ever witnessed. “Hmm,” she crooned, tapping his balls as she coddled him.

“That’s it, submissive. Use your mouth for my pleasure. Suck deep. Take me to your throat. Tap the end. Drag those pretty lips over the slit, nice and slow.”

With a sudden pop, she released him. She frowned, her brow furrowing as she watched him. Oh boy, he thought, he’d given too many orders, placed too many demands.

“You know, it’s a damn shame a man like yourself can’t suck his own cock. Then, you’d be certain to get the kind of blow job you expect, wouldn’t you?”

Hank snarled. “I think someone needs a spanking.”

Duke shifted behind her and before she could apologize—not that she would in the first place—he hoisted her out of the water, tossed her over his shoulder, gave her a good wallop on the ass, and grabbed a towel.

Hank would’ve cursed him if he didn’t understand Duke’s train of thought. They needed to break in their little woman, school her in the art of loving them again. And he couldn’t wait to give Julie the education she needed most.

* * * *

Julie’s pussy was on fire, and neither one of them offered to finger her. Maybe the self-stimulation carried over. Maybe she didn’t need a man—or two of them—to sate her.

Duke placed her on the bed. Hank disappeared, walking straight through her long closet.

“That’s how you got in here, isn’t it?”

“Hank’s room is on the other side of that wall,” Duke informed her. “He had the upstairs remodeled before we brought you home. I’m pretty sure he thought of everything.”

“And you seem proud of that fact,” she snipped. “Doesn’t a woman have a right to privacy here?”

“Not if the woman belongs to Hinman,” Hank said, reentering the room with a tote, which he immediately tossed to the bed.

“I don’t belong to Hinman,” she told him. “Never have and never will.”

Wearing nothing but a hard-on, Hank clucked, his upper lip curling. “We’ll see about that, now won’t we?”

He dug through his bag of intimate treasures and pulled free a set of pulleys and cuffs, along with a dildo, one wide enough to raise brows or garner a frown, both of which she most likely supplied.

“Lie down,” Hank said firmly, snapping the rubber as he attached the pulleys to a pair of frilly handcuffs.

“What do you think I am, Hank?” she asked, her belly in knots, her breasts throbbing. She’d played house with Hank and Duke countless times.

The fiery need she saw burning in Hank’s eyes then was quite troubling. He was struggling with his emotions, and she could only imagine what was going through his head.

Duke moved out of his way and Hank pushed her against the bed. “Hank, I don’t think she’s ready for this.”

“Listen to your brother,” she said as Hank secured her right arm, and then her left. With her limbs wide, he straddled her middle. “After I tuck this dildo in between your legs, Duke and I are going downstairs. We’re gonna have us a drink. We’ll toast the evening ahead and then come back and play with you. That is, if you’re a good girl.”

“I’m never a good girl, Hank,” she snapped, cursing under her breath. How had she gotten herself in this mess? Yanking her arms downward, she quickly discovered there wasn’t a lot of play in the pulleys secured.

“I know,” Hank said, winking. “But by the time we’re through with you, you’ll be ready to play nice.”

“You have no right doing this, Hank Hinman!” she exclaimed, uncertain if she sounded angry, excited, pleased, or altogether put out.

“I have every right, doll. You belong to me.” He stuck his tongue in the corner of his mouth and stared at her pussy. “And one way or another, you’ll believe that by the end of the night.”

“I wouldn’t count my money before you tuck it in your pocket if I were you.”

Ignoring her, Hank said, “Duke, grab her right leg and hold it still.”

“This should be interesting,” Duke said, clutching her calf as she tossed and turned.

Fishing a few scarves out of the bag, Hank tied several together before he bound one ankle and then another, feverishly executing efforts to make her his hostage.

“This isn’t working for me,” she stated flatly.

“You aren’t in any real pain, are you?” Duke asked, sincerity oozing from his voice.

“No,” she replied, thinking she should’ve kept her mouth shut and played on the fact that real men wouldn’t have tied up a helpless woman the day after they picked her up from the hospital.

She was afraid to toss that card. Theatrics might cost her. Besides, she found herself relaxing. Was she actually enjoying this?

With her arms and legs splayed, Hank waved the dildo in front of her. Then he gave her a smart swat straight across her bare mound.

“Oh God!” she exclaimed, a bolt of pure ecstasy shooting up and down her spine. She’d always loved spankings. Whether they tanned her ass or her pussy, she enjoyed the smacks, the sounds certain to rouse her as much as the burn discovered from the erotic slap itself.

“There, submissive little one,” Hank rasped. “We’ll get that tight snatch heated right up.”

“Let’s get one thing straight,” she began, stretching her neck and looking down the length of her body. “I won’t call you Sir or Master.”

He smacked again. “We’ll see about that.”

“Damn it, Hank!” she exclaimed, writhing against the ties. “This is out of hand. It’s too soon.”

“Yes, it is,” Hank agreed. “I didn’t take you for a woman who’d play hard to get. You’ve longed for me, yearned for Duke. Considering you’re still as crazy about us as the day you left—don’t deny it—you should’ve stripped at the door and remained bare-ass until we gave you permission to dress. Since you didn’t, you’re paying the price.”

“Duke!” she exclaimed, directing all conversation toward the only Hinman with a brain in his head. “Don’t you see how unreasonable this is?”

Hank gave her another thrashing, and she twisted, trying to shift in an effort to thwart the direct contact with her pussy. The effort failed and the fiery need settled in her core.

Good God, she would’ve held them down and fucked them if she could’ve gotten her hands on them.

“You know how he is,” Duke told her when Hank left her room and headed for his own.

“This is crazy,” she said. “You can’t leave me here, Hank Hinman!”

“Admit it,” Duke drawled. “You love being teased.”

“No. What I’d love is far more appetizing than being left up here all alone! I can’t believe you two would leave me spread out like this. What if Frank comes in? What if the housekeeper sees me like this? What if…”

“What if I make you a deal?” Duke asked, seduction laced through every syllable. He leaned over and blew a stream of hot air against her folds.

She jerked. A bolt of passion zipped through her body. She would’ve paid them for sex then. Painfully aroused, bathing with them had been one thing. Understanding what they held in store, something else altogether.

“If you’ll be quiet for just a minute, I’ll give you something to think about.”

Hank returned then and stood in the doorway watching them. She swallowed hard. That male ego was worse than she remembered. Success gave Hank a cocksure attitude, a holier-than-thou kind of persona that suggested he was the ruling order in Hinman country.

Duke nudged her folds with his nose, nuzzling her. “Hmm, sweetheart, you still smell like a fresh peach.”

“Duke, please don’t do this. Lick me. Love me. Hell, don’t just look at my pussy and act like you’ve never seen one before!”

He took an indulgent swipe and then left the mattress, coming to the head of the bed. He towered over her and smacked his lips when he leaned in for what promised to be a short-lived kiss. “Taste me.”

Their lips crashed together. His tongue swirled around hers as he toyed with her.

“Hmm,” he muttered. “See how good you taste, darlin’?”

She rubbed her lips together when they parted ways. She stared at the evidence of his excitement. His penis hung between his legs, stout and erect, so damn tempting her pussy clenched at the sight.

“Are you going downstairs for a drink dressed like that?”

“I just wanted you to get a good look at what I’ve been savin’ for ya.”

“Really?” she asked, rolling her eyes. “From what I understand, that thing hasn’t been retired while I’ve been away. Word gets around between tracks. The only thing you’ve been saving yourself for is a hard time, and from what I hear, you’ve had plenty of those.”

He winked. “You sound jealous, baby.”

She was.

“I believe she is,” Hank said, returning to the bed. He grabbed the dildo again, and this time, he didn’t waste a second. Retrieving a tube of lube from his pocket, he doused the toy in the clear fluid and gently tucked the object right inside her folds. “There, honey. You have fun now, ya hear?”

* * * *

Downstairs, they entered the study and headed for the bar to pour drinks and shoot whiskey. About the time Duke chucked ice cubes in a couple of tumblers, Hank’s phone rang.

“This is Hank Hinman,” he said, straining to hear through the static on the line.

“I hear you’re paying for information,” the voice said.

“Yep, that’s about the straight of it,” Hank said, his gaze meeting Duke’s. “Who’s this?”

“My name doesn’t matter. I have the information you need.”

“That’s not good enough. How can I pay for information if I don’t know what I’m buying?”

“I hear you’re a man of your word,” the voice said. The vocals were bad and it only took Hank a minute to realize why. Evidently the guy on the other end had fallen victim to a tracheotomy. “I hear you’ll pay a right smart, too.”

“Fifty thousand sound like a right smart?” Hank asked.

“Sure,” the fellow replied. “But I need it tomorrow. Meet me at noon at the Ole Lamplighter Restaurant down on Riverside in Columbia. Do you know the place?”

“Yes, I do,” Hank replied.

“Come alone. If you bring one of your ranch hands, I’m a dead man. And that girl you’re trying to protect may die, too.” A beat later, he said, “In fact, if I were you, I wouldn’t let her go anywhere without you or your brother, and don’t trust those who’ve gotten too close.”

“What are you trying to say? Do I have someone working for me who’ll harm Julie?”

The line went dead. A repetitive busy signal remained.

“Hank? What is it?” Duke asked, frowning.

“I’m meeting a fellow tomorrow at Ole Lamplighter. He says he has information about who tried to harm Julie. Says we can’t leave her alone or trust those who’ve gotten too close.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“I don’t know,” Hank said, tossing back the drink Duke poured. “But we can drink upstairs and keep an eye on her at the same time. I’m not about to ignore a smoke signal when Julie’s enemy has already proven he’s perfectly capable of starting a fire.”

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