Across the Miles (8 page)

Read Across the Miles Online

Authors: Kristen Dickerson

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #celebrity, #love, #adventure, #travel, #comedy, #young adult, #teen, #concert, #teen adventure, #bullying issues, #bullying teens, #fiction about women

BOOK: Across the Miles
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And when they fell asleep that night, even
though they were in separate rooms, their minds were on the same
path. They were relieved to have finally addressed the elephant in
the room, happy to have their feelings out in the open, but still
bitter toward the world, wishing that life could have given them


Chapter 11


“So where are you taking me?” Rose asked
Liam. They had just arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and had the night
off, so Liam was going to take Rose out on the town. He had gotten
them a taxi and was currently telling the driver the address that
he had looked up on his phone.


“You'll see! It's no fun if I tell you where
we're going! It would ruin the surprise.”


“Well why does it have to be a surprise?”


“... just go with it,” Liam laughed, not
really having a real reason.


“Well, at least you didn't blindfold me or
something,” Rose joked.


Liam laughed, then glanced out the


“That's a good idea, actually. Too bad I
didn't think of that before, because we're here!”


Rose looked out the window and couldn't hold
back the huge grin that spread across her face.


“An arcade? Seriously? You brought me to an
arcade? You're seriously just as big of a dork as I am. If I wasn't
sure of it before, I definitely have confirmation now.”


“So I take it you like it?” Liam questioned,
hoping his surprise was welcome.


“Of course I like it! Last one to the air
hockey table is a rotten egg!” Rose shouted, darting out of the
cab. Liam quickly paid the driver, then darted off after her.


“Oh, you are so going down, Rose!” Liam
yelled, as he ran to the opposite side of the air hockey table.


“You wish! I just happen to be an air hockey


“Says who?”


“Says me!”


“Well, we'll see about that,” Liam replied
with a smirk.


And the game began.


It was a close game. They were currently
tied, and Liam was about to take what he swore would have been the
winning goal, when a few teenage girls approached him, tapping him
on the shoulder, asking him for an autograph.


Man did they have bad timing.


But Liam couldn't deny them. He prided
himself on being available and kind to his fans, so he politely
turned his attention away from the table, just long enough for Rose
to take her winning shot.


“HA!” Rose shouted, doing a victory


Liam quickly signed the girls' autographs,
then turned his attention back to Rose.


“That so doesn't count! I was distracted!
That's not fair! I totally would have won!”


“You wish, Walker. You wish.”


“Fine. Best two out of three,” Liam argued,
not ready to be defeated yet.


“Game on.”


They ended up playing for a good half hour.
After Liam won the next two games, Rose insisted that they play a
fourth, which she won, so they decided to quit and call it


They then made their way to the laser tag
arena, where they teamed up with some more fans of Liam who had
been following them around for a while. Liam had noticed them
hanging about and was nice enough to ask them if they wanted to
join in. Liam wasn't the type to get freaked out when a fan hung
around. He was actually pretty flattered by it. Rose found it
extremely charming.


“So... dance-off?” Liam asked after another
hour of playing various arcade games. He was practically jumping up
and down in excitement. It had been so long since he had been to an
arcade like this. He could barely contain himself.


“Absolutely,” Rose replied, having a blast,


“When was the last time you just let go like
this?” Liam couldn't help but ask as they picked the song and level
to dance to.


And Rose had to think about that. She
honestly couldn't even remember.


“You know... I don't think I've
let go like this. You bring out a whole new side of me. I never
realized I could miss something that wasn't there before, you know
what I mean?”


“I do,” Liam replied. And he really did
understand. Rose brought out a whole new side of him, too. A whole
side he had never known was there before. A side of him that wanted
to make him a better person, to just live care-free, and enjoy
every single day that he was given. Enjoy every single second with
Rose that he was given.


Liam then realized that he had been staring
at Rose, but, luckily, it seemed like she hadn't noticed. In fact,
she looked like she had zoned out while staring at him, as well.
Liam cleared his throat, which caused Rose to jump. They quickly
shifted their gaze away from one another, and started the game,
falling back into their same old routine.


All in all, it was a successful trip to the
arcade. It was basically the best date ever. They felt like kids
again. They were so care-free and had so much fun. It was exactly
the kind of light outing they needed. They felt completely at ease.
There was no awkwardness from the conversation they had the day
before about their feelings for one another. It seemed it had all
been forgotten for the time being.


That is, until they went out for dinner,
where they were greeted by a much-too-friendly waitress, who was
obviously a huge fan of Liam's, and, as far as Rose could tell, was
an extremely attractive young woman. Liam didn't seem to notice,
though. He only had eyes for Rose. At least, until the waitress
practically threw herself at Liam a few seconds after they walked
"Oh my gosh I can't believe it's really you! It's such an honor to
meet you! I heard that you were in town for a few days but I never
thought I'd actually meet you!" The waitress practically screamed
at him.

Rose leaned over and whispered into Liam's ear
as they sat across from one another in a booth, “I see what you
mean now about how me not screaming in your face was kind of
attractive to you. This chick is scary."
Liam chuckled.
They quickly ordered their food, while sharing amused expressions
over the excitement of the waitress every time she came by the
table, which was way more often than should have been necessary.
But they didn't mind for the time being. They were just happy to be
there together, enjoying a nice meal over a candlelit table.
"So... tell me about your dating history,” Rose questioned, hoping
she wasn't prying too much, but genuinely curious about the girls
who had used and broken Liam in the past.
Liam nearly choked on his drink.
“Oh... wow. I don't even know where to start...” Liam pondered, but
interrupted himself abruptly at the look on Rose's face.
“NO! No! I didn't mean it like that. It's not so extensive that I
can't remember it all. It's just... complicated. And... kind of
hard to talk about, you know?”
“Oh. Okay... well, you don't have to talk about it. I was just
curious. It's just... you mentioned after that news article came
out that most people use you and leave you. I guess I just wondered
if you've ever had at least one good relationship in your

“I did, before I became famous. But the second I became famous, and
then she became famous by association, I realized that she was
beginning to use me- holding hands in public way more often than
necessary, making sure the paparazzi always got her good side...
you know, stuff like that. So I had to leave her.” Liam shrugged.
“The fame was getting to her head. And every girl after her was the
exact same... so I just stopped dating after a year of dealing with
it all. It's been two years since then.”
Rose couldn't believe it. Liam was such a great guy. She couldn't
believe that girls would use him like that. They probably never
even stopped to appreciate what they had before they traded it in
for the spotlight.
“Those girls are crazy. You're a great guy, Liam. You deserve
Liam blushed.
“Thanks... but what about you? What's your story?”
“I don't have one.”
“Wait... what? How do you not have one?”
“I don't date. The only friends I had in Kansas were Mason and
Lillian, who you'll hopefully meet in Wichita, and then the glee
club, but there wasn't anyone I wanted to date there. And I just
haven't found the right guy in New York City. I don't just date
around, you know? Why waste my time if the guy isn't worth
And, suddenly, Liam understood where Rose was coming from when she
turned him down. Liam wasn't the only one in this relationship who
was afraid to let someone in. Rose was afraid too, just for
different reasons. Liam saw that now. She really did like him, but
she didn't want to waste her time with all the emotions and
commitment if it would all just come crashing down at the end of
the summer. And he knew it would come crashing down at the end of
the summer, but it didn't mean he didn't want to fight for her,
because oh boy did he.
Rose had helped Liam to open up his heart, and let someone in for
the first time in a long time. Now, it was up to Liam to do the
same for Rose. He would have to show her that he was worth opening
up for. He was worth the risk. He was worth letting in.
Liam was just about to open his mouth to tell Rose all of this when
the waitress suddenly appeared back at the table, gently putting a
hand on Liam's shoulder while she asked if there was anything else
she could get for them. She only had eyes for Liam, though. Rose
might as well have not been there.
But Liam ignored the waitress, brushing her off, and slowly reached
out to grab Rose's hand from across the table. And if the waitress
couldn't take that hint, then she must be blind.
Luckily, though, the waitress seemed to understand, and backed away
in a huff, saying she would be back later to bring them the
Liam continued to hold on to Rose's hand.
“Um... Liam? What are you doing?” Rose questioned after a few
seconds of Liam not letting go. If anything, his grip only got
“I'm showing you that I could be worth it.”
And that's all he had to say about it. He then continued on with
their previous conversation, holding Rose's hand the entire
“I really wish I had known you in high school, Rose. My life could
have been so much better. I mean, don't get me wrong. I would never
change a minute of it. My past is what got me to where I am today.
I just still wish I could have met you sooner.”
Rose paused for a second before replying, “So do I, Liam. So do
And she squeezed his hand in return.

“It looks like you two are done eating. Can I
bring you your check?" The waitress asked a startled Rose and Liam,
who instantly broke apart where they were holding hands over the
table, and began glaring at the waitress for ruining their moment.
This had to have been the waitress' fiftieth time coming over to
their table that night, and the couple was no longer even
attempting to be nice about it.
Liam was a bit reluctant for the dinner to end, but it was getting
late. In fact, the restaurant would probably be closing soon. Plus,
they needed to get back to the tour bus to get some rest. They were
setting off to Wichita, Kansas first thing in the morning.
When the waitress brought the check over, Rose reached out to take
it, but Liam stopped her, placing his hand over Rose's again.
"No way. I've got this," Liam said.
"At least let me pay for mine!" Rose retorted.
"Well I'm the one the waitress left her number for on the check.
Therefore, it belongs to me."
Rose gave Liam a confused look, then glanced down at the check.
Sure enough, the waitress had left Liam her phone number. Rose
couldn't help but burst into laughter, and decided to give in to
letting Liam pay, just this once.
"Waitress! Here you go! Thanks for your service! And I'm
flattered... but, not interested." Liam said to the waitress as she
came over to take the check from them.
And with that, Liam took Rose's hand in his, helped her out of the
booth, and they set off on their way back to the tour bus.


Chapter 12


Welcome to Kansas, the sign read, as the tour
bus passed into the state.


“Oh, gross,” Rose couldn't help but mutter
from her seat in front of the window. Liam was by her side,
strumming lightly on the guitar.


“I so agree with you. Kansas is just so...
blah, compared to how I live now. I didn't want to come back here,
you know, because of all of the memories of people spray-painting
my car and pushing me into lockers, then calling me up, claiming to
be my long lost friend when I got to LA and had a name for myself.
But my publicist thought it would look good to go back to my roots-
allow my original “fans” from back home to support me.


“Well... maybe one good thing could come out
of this trip...”


“What's that?”


Well, this was it. The big moment. Rose
couldn't hesitate anymore. She had been thinking about this since
their dinner last night, when Liam held her hand, but she was still
a little unsure of how he would react. Here went nothing.


“How would you like to come home with me?
Meet my family?”


Woah. Woah. This was huge. Rose wanted Liam
to meet her family. Maybe he had made a break-through after all. I
mean, Rose had let Liam hold her hand whenever he felt like it all
day, so he figured he had made some sort of progress on their
relationship. But woah.


“Yes!” Liam all but blurted out. “I mean...
yeah. Sure. That would be cool.”


“Nice save. Way to play it cool,” Rose joked
with him.

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