Acting Happy (Texas Desires #2) (27 page)

BOOK: Acting Happy (Texas Desires #2)
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Chapter 30


Any of the relaxation he’d been able to preserve from his vacation faded in the span of the last four hours. Ty’s gut roiled as he took the street turns a little too sharply up the side of the mountain to his new Beverly Hills home. Kenzie had lovingly laughed and called this nothing more than a glorified hill. How she could be so sweet, he had no idea. If he’d been her, he was certain, the first time the word cunt had been hurled his way, he’d have taken off in the other direction, but she hadn’t. Instead, she’d stayed there by his side.

He tried to focus on the good in his life. He should have been over the moon with excitement. After all, he was a man deeply in love and had somehow managed to talk her into coming home with him. Luck was clearly on his side, because he saw no possible way this relationship would have worked in any sort of complicated long-distance thing.

Bottom line? He had to do something to get a grip on the over-the-top circus the media became anytime he got within reach. They’d be a cancer to anything he tried to build with Kenzie.

“Oh my God. Is this where you live?” Kenzie flipped her head toward him, her eyes bigger than he’d ever seen them.

“I think so. Best I remember. It’s 613, right?” he asked, pulling his new Ferrari into the driveway, stopping in front of two large ornate wrought iron gates. He rolled down the window and reached a hand to the security pad, entering the code he always used. The one designated just for him. He stopped what he was doing in mid-press when Kenzie unbuckled her seatbelt and moved closer to the dashboard, craning her head out the front window to get a better look.

“It’s beautiful, Ty. It’s a mansion,” she said, her voice full of awe.

“Not really. I think it’s only about eight thousand square feet,” he said, turning back to reenter the code, and the gates opened for him. He’d seen the house months ago. It was nice, but Kenzie’s enthusiasm was contagious. Ty kept his eyes moving between Kenzie and the house, trying to take it all in like she appeared to be doing. Whatever she saw had her mouth gaping open, making him stop the car about halfway up the drive and stare at the house.

Okay, he got it. The house was a beautiful Italian-villa-style home. It was a little past dusk, so all the outside lighting was on, hitting the place just right. The view definitely felt like an invitation, beckoning them home.

“You like it?” he asked, both hands on the steering wheel as he looked out the windshield.

“Ty, it’s the most beautiful house I’ve ever seen,” she said excitedly.

“Oh, then wait until you see the backyard.” He worked the clutch, guiding them to the circle driveway in front of the house. Much like his place in Tennessee, the backyard was what he loved the most. They were on two acres of prime property, and the pool, cabana, and tennis courts were all around back. When he turned off the ignition, an older man came out of the front doors of the house, briskly taking the stairs down.

“Did you make a mistake? Is this one not yours?” she asked with her hand on the door handle.

“I suspect he lives here. There’s a set of three apartments above the garage. I understand they’re all taken with the staff that keeps the place up,” Ty said.

“Three people live here with you?” she asked incredulously.

“No,” Ty started and stopped, completely perplexed at the unbelieving stare she gave him. “Well, yes, they work here. We have a grounds keeper, two housekeepers and one’s married to a man who oversees things for me. I usually don’t have anyone in on the weekends unless I’m entertaining.”

“You’re kidding? All that for what one man messes up?”

He laughed at her, pushing open the door and stepping out before he ducked his head back inside. “Actually there’re two of us now, and he’s waiting to get your door.” He pointed a finger toward her window where the man now stood.

Once she began to open her door, Ty rounded the hood, handing the keys over to the man he needed to meet, but decided to do that later. Ty helped pull Kenzie from the car and on her feet before he placed a quick kiss on her lips. The melancholy of the ride vanished. She’d managed to once again push away that dark cloud that always hovered nearby.

“Come on, beautiful.” He took her hand, pulling her up the front porch steps and into the house. She was struck silent when they entered. Ty had to give it to the decorator; she’d done an outstanding job. The grand foyer had two large sweeping staircases leading to the six bedrooms on the second floor. Right beneath there was giant living room with large crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The back wall consisted of three-quarter length windows running the width of that room. Kenzie’s pretty blue eyes lit up as she looked out those windows at the enormous swimming pool.

“Ty! Can we go out there?”

“Of course we can,” he said, looking around for a door. “If I can just figure out how to get out there…” He walked several steps one direction and then went the other way. It wasn’t until they toured the dining room, office area, and the kitchen that they found a door leading outside.

“I can’t believe you own this. It’s incredible!” she said, walking several feet outside. The back was divided in two areas. The patio, pool, and hot tub were in the middle. A full cabana-style pool house was to the left and the tennis courts were to the right. Kenzie turned a full circle until she looked back at him. “I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

Pleased with her easy acceptance of the place, Ty tucked his hands inside his slacks pockets and walked slowly behind her as she explored every inch of the backyard. He hadn’t realized how much he’d needed her to love this part of the house. He envisioned them spending a lot of time out there together.

“Sir, there’s a delivery driver here. Where would you like those things?” the same man from earlier asked from the kitchen door.

“Is it our luggage?” Ty asked, moving closer to better hear.

“Yes, sir, among other things.”

“In the master suite. Is that the door leading to that room?” he asked, pointing to an entry directly across from the kitchen.

“Yes, sir.” Ty nodded and looked back at Kenzie who was clearly letting her curiosity get the best of her as she headed for that door. He’d planned to let her decide where she was sleeping. He’d planned to give her space while they were in the dating phase, but now he just wanted her in the same room as him. She had a way of making everything better with just her mere presence.

“Can we go inside?” she asked.

“Sure,” he called out, walking quickly back around the patio. He missed the moment she first entered and saw the room, but heard the excited gasp. Kenzie’s head popped back out the door, her eyes as wide as her smile.

“Ty, you have a lovely home. It’s beautiful!” She was gone again. By the time he made it inside, she was nowhere to be seen. “My parents’ entire house would fit inside this bathroom!” she called out and her head came outside that door. “I might not ever leave this room.”

“I could be into that,” he murmured, once inside the bathroom, coming up behind her to wrap both arms around her waist. “You made me feel better. I’m glad you like the house. I want you to be happy here.”

She laid her arms over his, turning her head to rest against his shoulder. “You aren’t happy here, are you?”

“I am. It’s just important to me that you’re happy. That mess with everyone following us today scares me that you’ll think it’s all too much and bail,” he answered honestly, kissing her temple.

“So that isn’t your normal everyday life? I kind of got the impression it was.” Kenzie turned in his arms until she could wrap her arms around his waist and look at him while they spoke.

“I wanna lie and say no.”

“It’s intense. I’ll give you that, but you get to take a shower in that thing. Are those showerheads in the walls here too?” she asked, making him smile. Her whole attention was turned to the open shower that was double the size of the one in Tennessee.

“Yep. Wanna give it a try?” he teased. Kenzie wiggled free, took a step backward, and removed the clasp holding her hair in place.

“Can we now?” She was so excited it was contagious.

“Absolutely,” he said, pulling his shirt out of his slacks. Working his tie free of the knot, he went for the door. From the sounds coming just outside, the housekeeper was now in the bedroom, probably carrying their things inside.

“We’ll take care of that when we’re done,” he said and didn’t wait for a response. He shut the door behind him while turning back to see Kenzie pulling her dress over her head. She was wearing about the same style lingerie as last night, thigh-highs, this time minus the panties, and a see-through demicup bra, but tonight she added those spikey high-heeled boots. For dramatic effect, she’d waited until he turned back to reach around and unclasp her bra then drop it to the floor.

“Dang it! I should have worn those shoes from last night that you liked so much,” she exclaimed, frustration crossed her revealing brow as she stomped her foot and completely lost character. He chuckled because she had no idea how incredibly sexy she looked right now, and he liked Kenzie just the way she was.

“You got the desired effect.” He pulled his tie free, working on the buttons at the top of his shirt as he went for her.

Chapter 31


“Is it time to get up?” she mumbled when Ty moved her off his body and climbed from the bed. Her eyes were still closed, but she did turn her head in his direction.

“Not at all. Sleep, beautiful.” Just like always, that particular endearment brought a smile to her lips and she snuggled deeper in the soft pillow. Ty didn’t immediately turn away, instead pulled the blanket up around her, watching her face soften until the even breathing turned into soft snores again. That made him smile.

Venturing to his closet, Ty found all of his clothes hung in the organizational structure his assistant, Anthony, put together for him anywhere he went. The guy never faltered.

Sliding on his athletic shorts, Ty grabbed a T-shirt before quietly walking out of the bedroom.

It took a few minutes of going room to room before he found the kitchen where Anthony sat comfortably at the table, a prepared bite of waffles almost to his mouth. Not really surprised, Ty raked his fingers through his hair, looking around for a coffee pot.

“As your assistant, you’d think you’d tell me when you were coming home early, bringing a new woman with you, and rocking the entire entertainment industry in your wake,” Anthony said, then added the bite of food to his mouth.

“You’ve been with me for the last six years. Why in the hell would you ever think I’d do something like that?” Ty asked and started opening cabinets, looking for a coffee cup.

“Just right of the coffee pot like always,” Anthony said, not missing a beat or another bite. This time he spoke with the food in his mouth. “I’m assuming you haven’t seen the news, opened email, looked online, listened to the radio—”

Ty cut him off while pouring the hot coffee inside the cup. “You’ve been with me for the last six years. Why—”

“Point again for you. So, Malea sent me no less than thirty emails, and Rocco’s headed over now.”

Ty turned and leaned against the counter, taking a long drink of the hot brew. Malea was his pain-in-the-ass publicist. Rocco, his pain-in-the-ass manager. Neither was good news, which meant things must have escalated since yesterday.

“Catch me up?” he finally said, not really wanting to hear whatever else Anthony had to say.

“Well, since you’re clearly cheating on Julia—per the
—everyone wants to know who that skank is,” Anthony said the words with exaggerated attitude as he finished clearing his plate, making the perfect last bite.

“Have they found out who she is?” Ty asked.

“Not yet. Rocco tracked her to Tennessee. If it’s the right person, she has a record, but you know that, don’t you?” he asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin before lifting his soda for a drink.

“Yup. It’s dismissed,” Ty said and crossed his arms over his chest. The coffee in his hand was forgotten as he bit at his lower lip.

“Huh. So it’s true. I would have thought you were smarter. She’s pretty though. I’ll give you that.” Anthony couldn’t have done anything better to spark his anger.

“You and the rest of you guys better watch what you say about her. She doesn’t deserve the hate. She’s more than pretty. She’s smart, funny, charming, and here to stay if I have my say about it. You all better get used to her and show her the same respect you show me.”

“I thought the problem you always had was that we didn’t show you enough respect. Regardless, I told that to Rocco. You looked weirdly happy in those pictures. He couldn’t see it, but I thought your frown wasn’t quite so severe,” Anthony said, unperturbed by his threat. Anthony dumped the dishes in the sink as the doorbell rang. The aggression coursing through Ty made him abandon the mug in his hand and push from the cabinet, going for the door, but Anthony ran around him to put both hands to his chest, holding him back.

“Dude, seriously. You don’t wanna get that door. It’s really that bad. They tracked you all the way here last night. They haven’t gotten a clear shot of her except those ones from that kid’s social media account.” Anthony pushed at his chest, shoving him away from the entry. When he stayed put, Anthony kept an eye on him as he turned and opened the door before the housekeeper was able to make it down the front staircase.

From his vantage point off to the side, Ty could see Malea standing on the front porch in her severely tailored business suit, and he caught a glimpse of Rocco pulling up the drive. To have them all here this early in the morning, when he was technically still on his vacation, spoke volumes. The anger fled as dread took its place.

Ty turned to the housekeeper and pointed in the direction of the master bedroom. “When that woman wakes, please get her some fresh coffee and guide her to my office.”

“Yes, sir,” she muttered.

Ty then turned to Anthony. “I do have an office, correct?”

“Yep. I’ll show you when slowpoke gets inside,” Anthony answered. Rocco was jogging up the porch steps, clearly in work mode too. Dressed in a suit and tie, as if ready to hit the press junket.

“Ty, why didn’t you contact me before ever showing yourself with her?” Malea started as he passed by her.

“Not another word until we’re behind closed doors.” He wasn’t going to give an inch. This absolutely would play out like he wanted it to; they just needed to get on board. Not seconds after the office door closed, Rocco jumped straight in his shit.

“What the hell, Bateman? You clearly staged that departure yesterday. Couldn’t think to send us a heads up?” his voice boomed.

“Get off me, man. Everything was done on the fly, and you’ve had more than twenty-four hours to work this. I wanna know what you two got planned, and don’t say ‘nothing yet,’ because I know that’s a damn lie,” Ty countered, strolling across the room more casually than he felt then taking a seat on the sofa directly across from them.

“We aren’t entirely sure what’s going on, Ty,” Malea started. She didn’t sit, but came to stand in front of him, her arms crossed, her toe tapping. “Sometimes I think you make our jobs purposefully complicated as some sort of test.”

He mentally counted to ten, reminding himself that they just didn’t get it. They didn’t understand why anyone would intentionally look for a quieter life. “You work for me. I pay you both very well. No part of that agreement requires that I run things past you before I do them.”

Malea’s face turned disgusted as she cast her gaze to the carpet, a deep sigh escaping.

Rocco spun around, throwing his arms in the air. “Fuck, Bateman. Is that seriously your answer? Then let me tell you what’s happened. The entire world has painted you a cheater. Every post on TMZ has you hurting the sweet victim, Julia. Her camp’s ready to put out a statement, but we have no fucking clue who this woman is that’s with you. Is she here to stay? Is she a family friend? We have no fucking idea, so we call and we call and we fucking call again and guess what? You don’t answer your motherfucking phone.”

“You know she has a record,” Malea shot out defensively when Rocco took a break. Now both those people were peering down at him with intensely accusing gazes.

Ty did what he did best, he ignored them completely. Yes, he probably should have prepared them, and yes, he did consider her past would eventually come up, but hell, he thought he had some time to get their story straight before anyone cared.

“Her case has been dismissed, and if I can convince her to be with me, she’s here to stay. You guys don’t need me to do your jobs. You need to get this under control, put your bullshit spin on it and get it taken care of. I’m trying to talk a good, decent woman into taking a chance on me, and I don’t need all this sleazy manufactured shit getting in my way.”

All three faces jerked his way. None said one word.

“What?” Ty asked after several stunned silent seconds.

“Anthony, I need my laptop,” Rocco said, still staring at Ty.

“Not a problem.” Anthony turned immediately and left the room.

Malea went to Ty, sitting down right beside him on the sofa, her legs tightly together, her hands linked in her lap with a very concerned look on her face.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing? You can’t have known her long,” she said quietly.

“Did you know her when you lived in Texas? Is that it? An old flame? Malea, that could work,” Rocco added.

He considered lying, but decided against that. Many people believed in love at first sight, it wasn’t anything to be ashamed of.

“I didn’t know her,” he admitted quietly.

“I’ve seen this a few times in young actors who hit so big. I get you need to have your feet on the ground, but that doesn’t mean you move them in,” she said equally as quiet.

“I’m waiting for enough time to pass in order to put a ring on her finger. Does that clue you in to what’s going on? She’s hesitant. So I need you to deflect the shit off us so it gives me a fighting chance.” He watched the momentary sincerity slip from her expression, and she became calculating before his very eyes. He liked this better. That other thing, where she acted like she truly cared was something he’d never seen before and it honestly scared him a little.

“Okay, Rocco, that could work. Let me get with Julia’s people. We’ll spin this. Get a lot of information out there, leading everyone on a merry chase,” she said, snapping her fingers as she reached for her purse and pulled out her cell phone.

Anthony darted back in the room, tossing Rocco his laptop case. Rocco took a seat at the small two-seater table and pulled out his computer. “What’s going on with that criminal case? Are you certain it’s been dismissed?”

Ty’s brows snapped together as he stared at the three of them. Malea was typing frantically on her phone, Anthony worked on his computer behind the desk, and Rocco was already typing away on the laptop. The “sinister three” were hard at it, ready to spin their tales.

“It’s dismissed. I’m certain.” Ty sat in the quiet just watching them until he decided to lose some of the bravado and be honest. “Look, guys, do what you do, but I need this contained. I can keep her busy, but once filming starts, she’s gonna have hours alone.”

There was a light knock on the door that had everyone looking up. Anthony shot up, going toward the door when Ty, irritated from being interrupted, barked, “Come in!”

The door opened with Kenzie sticking her pretty face inside. Her hair was piled on top of her head. She was wearing a pair of dark purple yoga pants and a small, tight-fitting T-shirt with no bra based on the way those nipples were poking out, and a coffee cup in her hands.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bother,” she said when she looked around at the room full of people and began immediately retreating.

“Come in, babe,” Ty said, quickly rising to his feet.

“I don’t wanna interrupt,” she tried again, stepping back, closing the door. Ty reached out just in time to keep the door from shutting completely. He opened it wide, throwing her a little off balance. Her coffee sloshed in her cup, and she focused on not spilling its contents. To Ty, she looked mouthwatering with her pretty, clean face and bright eyes. He ignored the coffee, drawing her forward against his chest.

“I don’t wanna spill,” she said, holding her mug out from his body.

“How did you sleep? You looked beautiful in bed. I hated the idea of waking you.” A warm flush tinted her cheeks, and he followed her gaze as she looked around him, back inside the office. They were standing in the open doorframe with every eye trained their way. Malea’s phone slipped from her hand, tumbling to the floor.

“Kenzie, this is part of my team. Anthony’s to the right. You’ll see him a lot; he’s my assistant. Your mom might’ve talked to him when he was setting up housekeeping. Rocco over there’s my manager,” Ty said, nodding to the other man. “Malea’s my publicist.”

None of them spoke. They just kept staring. Deciding Anthony was his best bet to get over the shock value of what they were seeing, he turned back to him first. “Kenzie’s mom coordinates all the housekeeping in the area. They put together the house for you. Everything was exactly like you would have made it, even to the coffee filters.”

“Good,” Anthony answered, still staring at Kenzie until his gaze turned to Ty. When the silence got awkward, and he could feel Kenzie stiffening, he spoke directly to her. “They’re a little overwhelmed, I think. They haven’t ever been in this particular situation with me.”

“Get back to your meeting. I’ll go…do something.” Kenzie started stepping away, breaking the hold he had on her.

“Wait, no,” Anthony started, throwing up a hand to stop Kenzie. “I think you should stay. He was just barking out orders and then you come in and he’s all happy.” Anthony closed in on Kenzie with a hand extended.

“It’s nice to meet you,” she said, moving her coffee mug from one hand to another in order to shake his hand.

“It’s great to meet you. You should sit in on all our meetings,” he said, nodding in affirmation as though it were the greatest idea of all time.

“Ha. Ha. Now he has jokes,” Ty said.

“I’ve always got jokes,” Anthony said, looking offended.

“No kidding,” Malea said, her hand extended to Kenzie. “It’s a pleasure.” Malea even placed a warm smile on her face as she shook Kenzie’s hand.

“We’re still on vacation. I’ll see you guys later,” Ty said and lifted a hand. Rocco automatically raised his hand.

BOOK: Acting Happy (Texas Desires #2)
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