Adam (15 page)

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Authors: Kris Michaels

BOOK: Adam
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Dixon walked to the table and draped Christian’s jacket on his shoulders after Adam put the cast in a sling. “Come on, Doc, give me his meds and I’ll get Christian settled. When you relieve Drake, send him to our end of the hall.” Dixon glanced at Christian. “You’ll have to excuse my brother when you meet him. He is a royal pain in the ass. I’m making apologies in advance. The man just doesn’t know when to shut up. Has himself this thesaurus and loves to pretend he is more educated than he is. Damn, one time he…”

Adam chuckled and tuned Dixon out. Christian would learn to do the same thing or go insane. Once Dixon or Drake determined they liked you, they never shut up. He gave Christian a bottle with two pain pills in it. Without a better handle on the young man’s mental state, he didn’t want to tempt fate or aid depression. After Dixon had led Christian to the main house, Adam picked up the phone and placed a call to an old friend and colleague.

“Dr. Wheeler.”

The best damn shrink in the Midwest was about to get another patient. Hell, Guardian had Dr. Wheeler on retainer. “Hey, it’s Adam, I need a favor.”

Adam’s psychiatrist chuckled. “Hey, okay, what’s up?” The shrink’s easygoing attitude both irritated the hell out of Adam and impressed him.

“Got a young man here. He’s not a Guardian asset, so I’ll be footing the bill, but I think he needs help. Been treated like shit by his family.”

“Huh. Any particular reason for the abuse?” Adam heard the shrink’s interest click from mildly curious to full on.

“Yeah. But that’s not my story to tell.”

“Alright. I can get a four-wheel-drive and come by tomorrow. Getting a little stir crazy being stuck inside anyway. Damn blizzards. They don’t have shit like this down in Alabama.”

“Yeah, they just have hurricanes.”

“Well, that’s true. Be there around lunchtime. I deserve one of Miss Betty’s lunches for making the drive over.”

Adam chuckled. “Deal. I’ll even ask her to make you some of her Christmas cookies. Dude, they’re awesome.”

“Oh, there you go! Bribe the shrink with sweets. It works every time.”


Chapter Seventeen

A delicious combination of warmth and hardness surrounded her. His scent wrapped around her, bringing Keelee out of the sleepy haze in which she lingered. She smiled and purred against Adam’s chest. Her fingers trailed up his defined stomach and wound through his shirt, finding the hair on his chest.

“Baby, please tell me you’re awake, because if you’re doing that in your sleep, I’m in trouble.” The warm rumble of Adam’s voice earned him a soft laugh.

“I think I could get used to waking up in your arms.” Keelee snuggled closer to him and felt his very obvious interest. She ground against his hard-on, only to wince at her muscles’ loud announcement they had woken up too. Her body did not approve of her recent movement, or any movement for that matter.

Adam laid his hand across the small of her back. The warmth and pressure against her sore muscles brought a long sigh as she relaxed into his caress.

“How bad do you hurt?”

“I don’t.”

“That’s a load of crap.” Adam’s growl pulled a smile from her.

“Well, I don’t… if I don’t move. Or breathe.”

“Come on babe, a nice hot shower will loosen those tight muscles. We need to get you up and moving around.”

Keelee groaned and tried to burrow closer. “Is it over? Did you find Clint?”

She felt his body tense. “No. He wasn’t at his father’s ranch. The sheriff put an APB out on him. Guardian has coded him. If he comes up on the grid, we’ll know it.”

“The grid? What’s that?”

“The economic world today is driven by electronic registry. Everything a person does, from accessing a checking account, driving through a monitored intersection to ordering a pizza online can be used to locate, track and even determine the future movements of a person. Guardian’s surveillance of the worldwide grid is more elaborate than even the NSA’s.”

“So you’ll be able to find him?” Keelee couldn’t keep the tremble out of her voice. The memory of Clint’s rage as he beat her sent a shiver of fear through her. Adam pulled her closer and kissed her temple. The soft, warm caress evaporated the momentary jitters that thoughts of Clint provoked.

“If he shows, yeah we’ll get him. But we believe he left right after he used his brother Christian for a punching bag.”

Keelee jerked her head up at Adam’s comment. “Is Christian okay? What’s he doing here? He’s supposed to be at school. He’s never come back for the holidays before.”

Adam held her chin and lowered for a slow kiss, stilling all the questions she wanted answered. The feel of his tongue floating across her lips, asking for admittance, melted any thoughts she had into a puddle of mish-mashed fragments of words she couldn’t be bothered to string together.

Her tongue danced with his, meeting his soft, lazy strokes. He nipped at her lips before he pulled away.

“Christian’s going to be fine. Jason has taken an interest in the kid. I’m not going to waste my breath on that bastard Clint and neither should you. Come on, we’re taking a shower now.”

Keelee couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. “We? I like we.” She took his hand and slowly stood, stretching her sore muscles. She stopped mid-stretch when she noticed him staring. She glanced down to where his eyes were riveted. Her white T-shirt was pulled tight against her breasts, revealing her excited nipples standing out starkly against the thin white cotton. He moved toward her and cupped her breasts, while his thumbs rubbed against her hard peaks. Keelee shuddered at the sensation that raced straight to her center. She strained against him trying to get some type of pressure against her clit. Immediate excitement and need had her clenching her sore muscles attempting to find relief.

Adam’s knowing smile, before he gave her a chaste kiss, frustrated her, and she could tell he knew it. “Come on, babe. Shower. I promise when we are done, all your aches will be alleviated.

Keelee followed him into her ensuite bathroom. He headed straight for the shower, pulling his shirt off as he walked. From his rippling muscles to the tight vee of his waist, he was perfection. His jeans molded to his ass and thighs as he leaned into the massive glass-encased shower stall to turn on the water. Steam lifted almost immediately, and so did her lust.

As Adam turned, she leaned against the sink and crossed her legs at her ankles. The rise of a masculine eyebrow brokered the question. Keelee smiled and pointed towards his jeans. “Lose the denim, cowboy.”

Adam cocked his head and smiled. He scratched his chest in a lazy fashion before he dropped his hand slowly across his abs. His movement contracted the muscles in his arms and torso, making them dance. Keelee’s eyes bounced from one sensual image to another trying to take in the entirety of the man standing in front of her. The top button of his jeans slipped from its anchor and he slowly lowered his zipper. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth and wet her lips.
Damn, this man is perfection
. Every romance novel she’d ever read needed him as the cover model. He closed the space between them, his jeans open, revealing a trail of slightly darker blond hair. The bulge of his manhood strained against the fabric, making a three dimensional rendering of his cock. Her suddenly dry mouth forced another swipe of her tongue past her lips.

“See something you like, baby?”

Keelee lifted her eyes to his and smiled. “Oh, hell yeah, cowboy. You better drop them drawers before those jeans cut off circulation and do damage to my property.” Keelee brazenly palmed his cock and gave it a firm squeeze.

“Jesus woman!” Adam bent forward and braced his arms on either side of her, anchoring his weight on the counter. “Your property?” His mouth lowered to hers, sealing off any chance she had to reply. Keelee lifted her arms to circle his neck and groaned at the movement. Adam growled and caught the bottom hem of her T-shirt, pulling it up and breaking the kiss.

It took two seconds for Adam to drop the offending cotton, pull her into his chest and claim her mouth again. The springy texture of his chest hair sent rivulets of pleasure pulsing from her hard nipples. His large hands tenderly traveled her back. One migrated north to the nape of her neck, the other south to her ass.

He pulled away from the kiss, allowing them both to breathe. “If we don’t get in the shower now, I’ll forget myself.” His hard, hot body backed away, sending a shiver down her spine. He pushed her panties down and she stepped out of them, suddenly embarrassed by her complete nakedness. Keelee could feel the blush spread across her like a paintbrush sweeping a canvas.

Adam pushed his jeans off and released his rigidly hard cock. It slapped against his body and he grabbed it and gave it a couple of slow strokes. Pulling the eye patch off, he dropped it on the counter. Keelee’s embarrassment vanished as he held his hand out to her.

They stepped into the shower and Adam spun her around, putting her directly under the hot stream of water. Her hair plastered to her shoulders and back, where it tickled the top of her ass. His hands carefully drew her hair over one shoulder before he began a bone-melting massage of her back and shoulders. Keelee leaned into the wall and moaned.

“Where in God’s green earth did you learn how to do that?” She almost didn’t recognize her voice.

Adam chuckled. His hands continued their trails of ecstasy. “I’m a D.O. In addition to a typical medical school, we have four years of instruction on the manipulation of the human body to alleviate stress points, realign muscle and skeletal issues and relieve pain.”

“Huh… well, Dr. Cassidy… I think you could teach the class now.” Keelee let him pull her back into his chest. His hands began a massage on her front, but there was no way these touches could be considered remotely medical. Once again, one hand migrated north to her neck and the other traveled south.

He whispered, “Open your legs for me, baby. Let me touch you.”

Keelee couldn’t resist. His hands were magic and they wove a spell of desire and need around her. His lips trailed up and down her neck from her ear to her shoulder. One hand gently held her neck and prevented her from moving. His lower hand teased her sensitive folds. Long soft strokes around her clit excited her already lust-filled need. He nibbled the shell of her ear as he grasped her enflamed nub and flicked it repeatedly. Tremors quaked through her and that tidal wave of release he had shown her was possible barreled towards her.

Keelee reached behind her, grasped his hips and pulled him into her. His hard cock seared a trail of hot desire against her butt and back. Adam speared her core with two fingers, using his thumb to press hard against her clit.

“So wet and so hot, baby. You’re beautiful. If you could only see what I see. I’m going to make you come for me now.” His hand sped up and the tidal wave he created crashed against her. Keelee’s life narrowed to this moment in time. Nothing but Adam mattered.

A sense of movement punctuated her reeling senses. She heard more than saw Adam put on a condom. He steadied her as he sat on the bench in the shower. Gently, he turned her towards him and helped her straddle his lap. His lips claimed her breast and suckled, kick-starting her body’s smoldering coals into flames of desire. Keelee gripped his massive shoulders and arched her back as far as her abused muscles would allow. His hum vibrated around her nipple. A shiver of excitement rippled across her heated skin.

Adam’s hand spread her, dipping his fingers into her channel. “God baby, so beautiful, so responsive. Lift up.” Keelee put her weight on her knees and lifted. Adam grabbed his shaft and centered it under her.

Keelee lowered onto him. The heat from the thick, blunt tip of his head pushed into her. The grind of her knees on the marble bench was forgotten as his shaft spread her. The slide of his hot shaft inside her further excited her nerve endings, desperate for contact. Her gasp and his moan coincided with a release of sensation deep within her core. When she was finally seated against him, he pulled her to his chest. The change in position brought an exquisite pressure against her insides.

“Oh God, Adam… you feel so good inside me.” Keelee’s breath caught in her throat when he lifted her bottom.

“Try to stay right there, baby. I don’t want your muscles to strain. Let me love you.” Adam thrust slowly in. When he hilted, he ground against her. He withdrew and with slow, languid intent buried himself into her again. Keelee lost any concept of her bathroom, the water falling in the shower or the sounds of her desperate pleas echoing off the marble-lined shower walls.

Adam’s hand reached up and pulled her face down to him. “Shh… beautiful. We’ll get there. Just feel how good we are together.”

Keelee fought to focus on him. Her eyes locked with his. One the color of a summer’s sky, the other milky white. Her breath pushed out with each slow, gentle thrust. He led her up a spiral that wound toward heaven. The tension and need for release ran deep and became so intense tears slipped down her cheeks.

“That’s it, sweetheart.” He pulled her down for another kiss. Against her lips, he whispered, “I love you, babe. I’ll spend the rest of my life proving it to you.” She felt him claim her lips again and reach down to her clit. He swallowed her cry when he applied a fierce pressure to her tight nub and thrust into her quickly. Electric tingles zinged through her vaginal walls as her convulsive clenching constricted her around him. She felt his release. His entire body tensed and froze as he came. His massive physique surged in relief.

Boneless. There was no other way to describe how completely relaxed and utterly satisfied she felt. The world slowly intruded into her consciousness. The sound of the water hitting the cavernous shower floor, their panting breaths, the strain of her knees resting on the white marble bench, all came back into focus. Adam’s hand caressed her back in small circles. Her wet hair squished between her breasts and his chest. The lingering smell of sex and desire hung in the air.
God, please let me remember these sensations forever.

Adam grabbed her bottom and stood in one motion. Keelee squealed like a little girl. She clutched against him so tightly her shoulder lodged against his neck. She locked her ankles together behind his back. Adam gave a small laugh and walked them to the water controls, turning off the shower. “Baby, you could strangle a man with those thighs. Maybe I’ll give you the chance, but right now, it’s time for breakfast. I don’t know about you, but I worked up an appetite.”

Keelee snuggled against him and sighed. “Feed me and I’ll just fall back to sleep. I’d better just get dressed. I have animals to feed and ice to break.”

Adam tapped her legs with his hand. She unlocked her ankles and let them drop down to the floor. He wrapped a towel around her and flopped one over her head. Keelee giggled and wrangled the towel to wrap up her wet hair.

“Your doctor hasn’t cleared you to resume normal activities. Let Dixon and Drake take care of it today. Besides, Dr. Wheeler is on his way here. I’d like you to talk with him about the assault.”

Keelee straightened.
Oh hell, no. Not happening. Not in my lifetime.
“I appreciate your concern, but I don’t need to talk about it. It happened. It’s over. I’m not worried about him coming around here to carry through with his threat. He won’t come anywhere near this place. He’s not stupid. Crazy… okay I’ll give you that, but he’s definitely not an idiot.”

Adam threw his wet towel on the hook by the shower and pulled on his jeans. Keelee’s gaze drifted up and down his torso. He stood with his hands on his hips. His eye ran over her.
Oh my God, I will never get used to seeing this man.
As her eyes leveled with his, he cocked his head questioningly.

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