Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening) (9 page)

BOOK: Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening)
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She leaned in and hissed
, “You slept with me last weekend and you’re done with me? Just like that you’re ready to pass me off to your friend?” She shoved me in the chest and I stumbled back, right into something solid; soft, but solid.

“Son of a biscuit
,” I heard screeched at my back as arms wrapped around my waist. The cup that had been in the hands holding me up soaked through the front of my shirt and jeans. The cup hit the ground just as I took a step forward to keep myself from falling further back.

I looked up at Missy just in time for her to slap me. I rocked back against the person at my back once more.

"Fuck," I hissed.

“You bastard,
” Missy shouted and I flinched, because her voice echoed over and over in my head.

What's your damn problem? You knew the score. You knew it was just sex,” I managed to mutter...I think.

I felt movement at my back and the
arms around my waist shifted. My free arm was lifted and then landed around small shoulders. I looked down as a head covered in wavy, red hair popped out from my side.

“Oh, chill the fuck out, Missy.
Jeez! You had your tongue down some other asshole’s throat at the club last night, so stop acting like you didn't bring this on yourself,” the red head chimed in.

Other asshole?

I was drunk, but I still knew she meant that I was one of them.

Missy gasped.
“You’re sticking up for him? You’re my cousin,” she shouted at the redhead and I winced again. God, her voice was awful.

“I’m not sticking up for him
. I’m just tired of you acting like a raging bitch. Always trying to get attention. Every damn day it’s something else with you. We can’t ever just go somewhere and have a good time, without you screwing up the night.”

“Oh really,” Missy hissed, eyes narrowed, “If you have such a problem with me
, then you can get the hell out of my apartment. I never wanted you there to begin with!”

“Fine! Good! I’ve been looking f
or another place to stay anyway,” Redhead roared back, and for some reason, her voice didn’t bother me half as bad as Missy’s. I couldn’t see her face, but I’d bet money it was as red as her hair.

I felt her neck
turn against my arm as she faced Johnny. “Can you come take your friend please? He's heavy and if I let him go, he’s going to fall on his ass…or his face.” I hugged her shoulders tighter and her soft breasts pressed firmly against my ribs. She was a tiny thing.

At my movement, she looked up
, her eyes met mine and my breath caught.

Drunk, seeing double, maybe quadruple, didn’t matter...I fuckin’

For a second
, I thought I might throw up, but I swallowed past the queasiness, looked up, caught Johnny’s eyes and narrowed mine threateningly.

scowled, glanced at the redhead, then back at me, then at Missy who was glaring at all of us.

“You know what? Screw you all,” Missy snapped and then whipped around and stomped off.

Johnny's head followed Missy's back and he muttered, assumingly to the redhead, “Sorry, Babe, no can do. Catch ya later.” I felt her little body stiffen as Johnny took off running after Missy.

"You have got to be kidding me! He's your friend,” the redhead shouted
after him in disbelief.

A moment later
, I heard a female shout, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Which only meant Johnny had caught up to Missy.

My eyes went back to the redhead. That's all I could see. That’s all I wanted to see.

Red. Everywhere.
Lots and lots of red.

l, this sucks ass,” she muttered and her eyes lifted to mine. “Do you have any other friends here who can take you home? Or maybe someone I can call to come get you?”

My eyes immediately took in her light, flawless, porcelain skin. I narrowed my eyes to focus on the light dusting of tiny, barely visible freckles on her perfectly strai
ght, small nose. She looked like...a goddess. Her eyes were big and dark green, and something about them held mystery. They were darker than the green in mine, almost emerald. She had a round face, rosy cheeks and full, heart-shaped lips. Her hair was red, but not too bright or too dark; it was the perfect shade. It was thick, long and wavy.

Fuck me, I wanted to
shove my face in it.

“Hey, you okay? You’re not going to throw up or anything are you? Because if you are, I’d rather be ou
t of the line of fire,” she finished through a grunt, as she shifted her feet and my arm on her shoulder. I realized then that I was leaning into her far too much and I was heavy. I had to be close to a foot taller than her too.

“I don’t get sick,
Babe, and I don’t have any friends here,” I lied. I had a shit lot of friends here, but I was going to make sure it was her that took me home.

“Well, looks like we’re both out of luck. I don’t have a
car, Missy was my ride, and you’re in no condition to drive.” She paused, glanced away and pursed her pretty pink lips as if deep in thought. I wanted to lick them.

She looked back up.

“I could call a cab, I guess. Where do you live?” She stared at me and I wondered if she knew I hadn’t taken my eyes off her face since having seen it. Maybe I was just trying to focus. Maybe she wasn’t as beautiful as I thought and I was just overly drunk and seeing things. Maybe she’d be one of the chicks I woke up next to and instantly regretted waking up at all.

“Did you hear me, hot stuff
?” she asked, tilting her head to the side; my eyes fell to her mouth.

“I uhhh...I live here, in the complex. Across the courtyard,” I told her and when I lifted my eyes, hers were on my mouth
where they lingered. When she met my eyes, she sighed as if in defeat and I had no idea why. She had no reason to feel defeated...I’d let her cute ass win at whatever the hell she wanted.

“All right. I’ll take you home and call a cab from your place.
But you better not try anything,” she warned, while I wondered how she could sound serious and cute at the same time, like she honestly thought she could hurt me.

I grinned
. “I promise I won’t touch you.”

Another lie.

She frowned.

Her eyes hit my mouth again
; they lingered and my grin grew bigger.

Her eyes came back to mine and
she hissed, “
lucky bitch

She looked away and started
us toward the front door, and to my surprise, none of my idiot friends said a peep to me on the way out. Guess they were all busy...or about to get busy.

was pretty sure I could have handled the walk without leaning into her as much as I was, but I liked the feel of her against me. Plus, it was drizzling outside and the slower I made her walk, the wetter she got and the more see-through her white top became.


I was such an asshole. I guess she’d pegged me right from the

When we finally made
it to my front door, she looked up at me with eyes that could bring me to my knees.

“Please tell me you have the key,” she said quietly. I shook my head, r
eached out and opened the door. She paused before helping me inside.

“You don’t care about anyone breaking in?”

“Nope, I got nothing worth stealing. Someone wants my used up shit that badly, they can have it.”

“Ooo-kay...where’s the bedroom
?” she asked. I halted my steps in the middle of the living room. She jerked to a stop and our eyes met. It only took her a second to read my mind and she shook her head and snorted.

“Unh-uh, no way, lover boy. You can stop with the dreamy bedroom eyes. I’m helping your ass to bed and then I’m leaving. You’re gonna have to find another toy to play with,” she said
through a chuckle.

Well that sucks

I wanted her in my bed. I wanted her red hair spread out across my pillow while I
possessed her body. But maybe it was for the best. With all the alcohol in my system, I was pretty damn sure my performance would disappoint.

She cleared her throat.

“Right. Bedroom. Down the hall, first door on the right.”

She led me there; through the living room, down the hall and past the restroom. She walked in my room, stopped right at the bed and let me go. I twisted and threw myself back, flat on the
bed, legs hanging off the side.

She walked closer and I watched her
study me, caressing me with her eyes.

“What do you sleep in
?” she asked in an odd tone, and maybe slightly uncomfortably. When my brows met in confusion, she continued, “You’re wearing my drink for one, and two, you're wet from the rain. You’ll get sick if you stay in what you're wearing. Do you have pajamas or shorts or something that you sleep in? I could bring them to you before I leave.”

I shook my head. “I sleep in my box
ers, but I don’t want to move.”

could if I had to, but I didn’t want to.

"Are you really that drunk or are you playing me?"

I just shook my head.

“Oh boy,” she breathed.

She had a little sling type purse contraption around her shoulder that crossed to her side. She took it off and set it on the night stand. Without hesitation, I felt the bed compress when her knee hit the mattress and her weight came down next to me. My eyes traveled down her face to her wet shirt and I saw everything.

Her full, plump breasts, tips puckered...

Maybe I wasn't too drunk.





Eighteen Years Old


What the heck are you doing
, Mia? You should NOT be doing this

It was wrong in every sense of the word. I
t was like I was taking advantage of this guy, but the way he was looking at me, somehow, I knew he wouldn't mind. He’d probably even love to be taken advantage of. He was eyeing me like he wanted to eat me alive and I knew why. His eyes weren’t on my face, they were glued on my chest, specifically my breasts. He wasn’t even trying to be sly about it like most gentlemen would be if they got caught staring. No, he was openly and blatantly fucking me with his eyes.


I could
feel my nipples harden through my cold, wet, white shirt, and, in all fairness, I guess I couldn’t blame him for looking. I too wanted to see what he had working under his clothes. I would just help him undress so he doesn’t get pneumonia, then call a cab and wait in the living room.

Right after I see him naked

“Can you sit up? I’ll help you with your shirt,” I offered. He shook his head again and I sighed.
I should have known he was going to make this difficult. With my knees on the bed at his side, I grabbed the hem of his shirt and shuffled it up his chest and back. He arched a little to help and I struggled, but I finally managed to get it up to his shoulders. He did a slight ab curl, lifted his arms and I whipped the shirt over his head.

I looked down at his chest and froze.

Holy shit! Is that normal?

He was muscular; more muscular than any man I’d ever laid eyes on. Not that at
eighteen years old, I’d seen many muscular men in the flesh, actually only one, but...

Holy shit

n a shirt you could see every bulge in this guy’s body, but without one...


aging horny hormones, please meet, fuck me upside, downside and twice sideways.

were singing "Whatta Man" in my head while the little devil on my shoulder was bent over in her mini skirt, ass in the air, saying...What. A. Man. Indeed.

I fisted my hands
, because I
wanted to run my fingertips between the creases of his abs. No guy should be allowed to look like this. If I licked him, really quick, would he notice? If he was drunk enough, he might not even feel it.

hen I wondered if Missy did that to him already.

Then I
remembered he fucked my mega-slut cousin.

Get a grip
, Mia!

I sighed again, something I couldn’t seem to stop doing. Missy always got the good ones.  I knew it was only because she put
out faster than the man could unzip his pants, but it was still a bummer.

This guy shifted and
I looked up and straight into his green eyes, eyes so light they probably should have been blue, surrounded by long, thick black lashes that should be outlawed, and asked, “What’s your name?”

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