Read Addicted To Greed Online

Authors: Catherine Putsche

Addicted To Greed (32 page)

BOOK: Addicted To Greed
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“Can we order more take out tonight I am not in the mood for
“Yeah Destiny, what do you fancy?”

, I have a craving for king prawns in black bean sauce
with pancake rolls and some greasy chips and a giant handful of
prawn crackers.”

“Sound great, think I’ll have the same, and some prawn toast it’s

Destiny nodded in agreement.
Ella thought hunger was taking them all prisoner, remembering
they hadn’t eaten anything all day.

“Well I don’t know what the boys fancy but I could murder a
rear to medium steak with onion rings and chips, maybe
beefeater would be a good idea, I know the boys can’t resist
their crinkle cut chips.”

“Right, stop now the pair of you; you’ve both got me thinking of
nothing else but food and I’m starving.”
Chapter 15

Chase couldn’t believe
that he had a brother who was out there
all this time alive and never knew about him until now; he was
over the moon and could hardly contain his excitement. Since
his return from Hong Kong several weeks earlier he made the
decision to stay in the UK permanently to be closer to his
family, he had already informed his colleagues and appointed a
new chair person for his partnered company to work on his
behalf and in his absence, as he had no intention of going back
to Hong Kong not now, he informed his fiancée Zhaohui of two
years of his decision over the telephone asking if she would like
to come and live in England and set up home with him here.

Zhaohui was originally from Hong Kong, her father, Chuanli,
who became Chase’s partner often funding their company on a
larger scale, Chuanli was a very intelligent and wealthy business
man who Chase trusted fully.

Chase originally met Zhaohui, Chuanlis only daughter through
work as she would often lead meetings in her father’s absence
and she would regularly ask Chase to assist her as her father had
a soft spot for the young English mans energy and motivation
and new ideas he brought to the company.

Chuanli didn’t fully approve of
his daughter and Chase forming
a relationship until he had the opportunity of getting to know
Chase on a personal level and then he gave them their blessing
in the hope that they would eventually marry, he couldn’t ask for
a more in a son in law than Chase he was a good man who
would look after his daughter.

Zhaohui had completed her education at Cambridge in England;
she also graduated with masters in advanced Computing and
worked for her father since she graduated in his multinational
company, helping her father set up successfully and expand in
the UK, she was highly proficient in English. She fell in love
with the UK and expressed her longing to Chase to move there
on a permanent basis, on a number of occasions, she was
delighted when Chase asked her to move over there with him,
she couldn’t wait to meet her new sisters to be, she heard all
kinds of stories about them, she just hoped they would accept
her into their family and accept her being of Chinese descent,
this was her biggest fear.

Chase placed a call to Destiny and Ella informing them both that
Wallace was still in London and would be delighted to meet up
with them all tomorrow at 10 at his London Offices. Both girls
were thrilled and assured Chase they wouldn’t miss the meeting
for the world as they were really excited at the prospect at
legally adopting their new brother.

Chased had previously asked Wallace prior to the meeting
tomorrow to look at any legality that was in place for Benjamin
that may prevent adopting Benjamin and becoming his soul
Wallace assured him he would look into it and discuss his
findings if any tomorrow at the meeting. For the first time in
Chase’s life he felt that his father’s death had been worth
something, a new brother, he wondered if they were many more
surprises to come, he had a horrible feeling in the pit of his
stomach that something would prevent him from adopting his
brother, he tried to cast it to one side but it kept coming back
niggling away at him. He placed his final call for the evening to
his mother who picked up on the third ring.

“Chase my dear, how lovely to hear from you, I do hope you can
find the time to visit one more time before you go back to Hong
Kong, you know how much I miss you sweetheart.”

In all the excitement Chase had forgotten to inform his mum
about his decision to stay in the UK permanently.

“Well mum
, I have some news you may welcome, I’ve made a
decision to stay in the UK permanently, and I am looking at
properties to buy the day after tomorrow, hoping that one of
them I can make into a home for me and Zhaohui. I miss you all
dearly and need to be closer to you all.”

“Oh Chase this is just the most marvelous news I have heard in a
long time, have you told your sisters yet?”

“Yes they’re
aware of my plans and are just as delighted as you
I may add, much to my surprise. Have Ella or Destiny told you
about Benjamin yet?”
“No dear, who’s Benjamin?”

“How about I come over now and explain. Are you and Charles
home for the evening?”
“Yes sweetheart we are, nothing planned tonight except a night
in front of the television.”
“Great, I’ll be over in the next half an hour or so depending on
the traffic and I’ll tell you all about Benjamin.”

Chase replaced the receiver grabbed his car keys and made his
way once again back to his childhood home in which he missed

Jeannie informed Charles Chase was coming over and they both
made a joint effort to tidy up before his arrival. Jeannie
wondered up two flights of stairs and up into the attic debating
to herself if now was a good time to open the large brown
envelope she had picked up several weeks ago from Wallace’s
London offices, the one Wilhelm had pleaded with her to pick
up on the night of his death that she kept safely hidden from
Charles as she didn’t want to upset him with her past. Jeannie
was sincerely grieving for her first husband; he had been her
childhood sweetheart, her first real love, the father to her
beloved children although they were divorced for over ten years
now she still harbored some deep feelings for the man who had
quite literally broke her heart. She couldn’t forget the good
times they shared together, the births of all their children, and a
unique bond that they knew would never break, even in the
event of their deaths. Curiosity led her to find out what was in
the contents of the large envelope, she knew from the feel of it
had to be paperwork, due to the texture and the enormous weight
of the thing, but what did it contain? There was only one way to
find out, she gently closed the attic doors so Charles wouldn’t
hear where she was and began to open the envelope. She began
to read the handwritten letter from Wilhelm addressed to her,
she became chocked with grief unable to stop the tears from
falling, she had to re - read the four page letter over and over
again for all the information to sink in, she checked all the paper
work that Wilhelm said he had enclosed was there, the birth
certificate, medical reports, records and admission forms along
with all the other legal documentation she would need. The
realisation suddenly hit her and clarity on what she had to do
become crystal clear.

She placed all the documents carefully back into the envelope
and hid it back under the bed where it had been hiding all this
time, shocked beyond belief with its revelations. She took her
mobile out of her pocket and dialed the number Wilhelm had
given to her in the letter arranging a mutual appointment that
would suit both her and Felicity.

Chase arrived with a large bouquet of white roses for his mother
and a box of cigars for Charles excited and in good spirits. Once
explaining who Benjamin was and what Ella, Destiny and
himself had planned for him in his future, the matter of legally
adopting him, how wonderful he was.
Jeannie held Chases hand and wished him all the love and
support in the world, trying to act surprised of Benjamin’s
existence, had she not read the letter a moment ago she would
have never guessed, however she needed to keep quiet in order
to collect her thoughts on what she was planning to do to

love to accompany you to Wallace’s offices tomorrow; I
think what you and your sisters are doing is exceptionally noble,
I want to offer my full support and help in any way I can. When
do I get to meet this wonderful little boy?”

Chase was flawed by his
mother’s reaction and held onto her
hands tightly, Charles also wanted to meet him, Chase assured
them both they would get the opportunity at the weekend as his
sisters and he had arranged a weekend fishing trip up on Ilkley

Chapter 16

After Chase left, Charles excused himself to go to bed as he had
an early morning appointment and needed to get some sleep.
Jeannie was only too happy to assist him while running his bath
as this would give her ample time to get ready and meet up with
Felicity at ten o clock this evening.

Felicity arrived at Kennedys wine bar just before half past nine,
nervous and agitated as to what Wilhelm’s ex wife wanted, she
had never meet the woman before now. Felicity just wanted the
documents that Jeannie mentioned were in her possession so
they wouldn’t fall into the wrong hands, she knew if she didn’t
get them that all her chances of becoming Benjamin’s legal
guardian and mother again would be quashed and it would be
pointless to pursue custody of the boy as her chances were not
very good. Her attorney had assured her that she was his mother
and she would stand a good chance of getting full custody of her
son, despite her diagnosed schizophrenia, but Felicity wasn’t
convinced, she knew it was a battle she could lose because of
her medical history. She had no idea that Benjamin’s half
brother and sisters were seeking to adopt him. As far as she was
aware, no one was interested in the boy as they weren’t aware of
his existence. She knew she had a battle on her hands already
convincing the doctors and nurses that she could be Benjamin’s
mother again as she hadn’t visited him in seven long years, the
only thing she did have in her favor was the fact that she raised
her daughter Bonnie with very few psychotic episodes, however
without Wilhelm’s devoted help and tolerance of her illness she
believed that Bonnie would have been taken from her and
Wilhelm would have become Bonnies soul guardian, just
allowing her to have supervised visits in the event of a divorce.
She was lucky to have come this far without any complications,
safe with the secret that Bonnie wasn’t Wilhelm’s child as he
had a paternity test done at her time of birth, little did she know
that he suspected her infidelity with the congressman. She
became convinced that Wilhelm wouldn’t confide in anyone else
due to the lack of shame he must of felt of not been her
biological father.

Bonnie as far as Felicity was concerned was the most perfect
child a mother could ask for, beautiful, petite, intelligent and a
joy to be around, as opposed to Benjamin her not so perfect
child who resembled a monster, she never once could accept
Benjamin as her own and denied to herself she could create such
a grotesque child, she denied his existence until now, forgot
about him, simply pretended he didn’t exist too embarrassed and
ashamed of the way he looked, she didn’t want to be associated
with him in any shape or form until she found out that he had
perhaps the highest inheritance of them all. She convinced
herself that the money would belong to her and if she would get
custody of the monster she would be more than able to afford his
medical and educational needs, shipping him off to the next
institution where she believed he belonged away from society
hidden away from the world.

, make me another double vodka and coke, but this
time don’t be so greedy with the vodka, a lady needs her
anesthetic you know!”

The bartender glanced over to where the young attractive
woman was sat nodding in approval at her bitter request; he was
used to dealing with awkward customers that looked down at his
profession and saw him as nothing other than a slave.

“If you don’t mind bartender can you make mine the same

Jeannie made her way to the bar dressed elegantly in a full
length black trench coat and Donna Karan pain tent leather four
inch stilettos; she had taken the effort to glam herself up as she
was a little nervous to come face to face with the women who
stole her once faithful husband.

licity wasn’t aware that Jeannie had arrived; Jeannie carried
the drinks to the table where Felicity was seated, extending her
right hand introducing herself forcing a tight smile. Felicity
jumped out of her seat expecting the waiter, unable to take her
eyes off the exceptionally beautiful woman who stood in front of
“I took the liberty of bringing your drink to your table; I have to
say I admire your choice of drink I ordered the same.”

“Oh my God you must be Jeannie right? I wasn’t expecting you
for at least another half an hour, please excuse my manners.”
Felicity shook Jeannie’s hand not expecting a firm and brutal

Jeannie seated herself opposite Felicity and took the envelope
out of her trench coat laying it next to her on the long cushioned

“Let’s pretend we are without manners tonight Felicity, I
haven’t come here to expect manners, I want answers that only
you can satisfy, are we clear dear?”

Felicity automatically slumped back into the bench witnessing
the brown envelope.
“Is this your idea of blackmail, because I can assure you it won’t

“Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear on the telephone, I am here
for answers and you’re here for the contents of this envelope, are
we clear?”

“What is it you are so eager to know? I don’t have the whole
evening to waste with petty talk, just fire away with your
questions and I’ll do my best to answer them.”
“A long time ago Felicity, let me re-jog your memory, you stole
my husband from me and my children, I’ll admit Wilhelm
wasn’t perfect and he made many mistakes, I am in no way
defending him however, I do believe you used blackmail is that

BOOK: Addicted To Greed
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