Addicted To Greed (6 page)

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Authors: Catherine Putsche

BOOK: Addicted To Greed
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Upon their return to the house, it was full of caterers, musician’s
waiters and waitresses all running around busy with their many
different tasks. Monika was led to her bedroom quarters by her
mother, leaving Felicity by herself to get changed into her outfit.
She slipped into her chiffon gown in mulberry red silk and stood
in the mahogany full length mirror to admire her reflection, she
hardly recognised herself; she looked older than her eighteen
years. She took a few deep breaths holding them in for a few
seconds exhaling them out slowly, how she resembled her
mother it was uncanny, it was like staring at her own mother all
those years ago, tall, slender, graceful and strikingly beautiful.
Surely if no man could possibly resist her mother then how
could they resist her? Especially the handsome architect she
would be meeting in the next hour or so.
She had nearly forgotten about the earrings Monika had given
her as a gift, she put them into her pierced ears and admired their
bright sparkle all she could do now was wait to be called, she
opened another bottle of Le Pin careful not to spill any on her
dress and began to sip on the fruity vintage red wine engrossing
herself into more of the magazines on Architectural Digest.

With over four hundred guests arriving just before six o clock
Felicity could hear them all a few floors below, muffling sounds
of conversations she couldn’t work out along with one of the
pianists playing Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. A sudden
knock at her door sharpened her senses, upon opening of the
door she realised it was Wilhelm Pearson standing at the other
side in a grey tailored tuxedo suit, her heart began to accelerate,
he was even more hansom in real life than his photo.

“Good evening, may I introduce myself I am Wilhelm Pearson
and I am here to escort you for the evening Madame Jameson.”

Felicity coughed to hide her embarrassment and replied politely,
“Oh I had no idea that you would be my escort for the evening
Mr Pearson, how delightful. You may address me as Felicity.”

She hadn’t expected this, to be escorted by
Wilhelm; she was
pleasantly surprised but hid it well. She wondered whose idea
this had been. She was keen to find out, not yet, but later on in
the evening.

Wilhelm Pearson took one glimpse of Felicity and thought she
was the most beautiful young lady he had ever set eyes upon; he
was temporally flawed by her beauty, her ocean blue perfectly
oval shaped eyes, her full big lips and the masses of curly
blonde hair falling just before her delicate waist line. He
couldn’t take his eyes off her trying to figure out how old she
was and how proud he would be to have her on his arm and
escort this young lady for the entire evening.

“No problem Felicity. I’d be more comfortable if you’d call me
Wilhelm if you don’t mind!”

With this she placed her arm into his whispering into his ear she
much preferred first name terms it was more intimate and less

Wilhelm guided Felicity down the long stair cases, he felt an
overwhelming desire to kiss her wet full lips, but thought better
of it after all she was a lady and he was a gentleman and it was
no way for him to conduct himself, he was a married man, with
a beautiful devoted wife back at home in England and three
wonderful children.
What the hell was he thinking

Monika and Richard were waiting at the bottom of the staircases
greeting guests who were congratulating the hansom pair,
receiving large and small decorated gifts that Monsieur Fredrik
and the other housekeeping staff were careful to put on a huge
table already full of presents and surprises. Monika looked
stunning beautiful and radiant in her Gucci Floral-Embroidered
Tulle Gown with crystals. Richard looked equally attractive in
his dark grey Armani tailored suit and couldn’t take his eyes off
his fiancée. Felicity felt the abundance of love in the air, and a
deep sense of happiness for her friend. Felicity clung onto
Wilhelm’s arm a little tighter, hoping to have her friend’s
happiness one fine day and her prince charming would be no
other than the one person that was escorting her tonight.

“I can see you lovely pair have already been acquainted, how
delightful. Now go and help yourselves to champagne Richard
and I shall be along with you shortly.”

The girls embraced and air kissed one another careful not to
spoil their makeup. Richard and Wilhelm shook hands. Wilhelm
then took Monika’s hand and kissed it delicately congratulating
them both at the same time. A waiter approached Felicity and
Wilhelm with a tray of canapés on one arm and filled
champagne flutes on the other hand, they both ignored the
canapés and reached for the champagne, then their arms once
again finding each other’s.

Wilhelm guided Felicity throughout the entire house giving her a
beautifully illustrated version of his grand designs. Felicity
couldn’t be more happy to let Wilhelm control the conversation
regarding his work, she found herself more and more fascinated
by his architectural talk, his dreamy voice was deep, mature and
his English accent was just divine, she could listen to him all
night, he was by far the most interesting man she had come
across in her eighteen years,
how regrettable he was married
and had three beautiful children
. She hoped her plan was going
to work regardless of his marital status.
The evening was a huge success, so romantic; Richard got down
on his knees and presented his future wife a beautiful platinum
ring with three claw set round brilliant cuts diamonds set on a
twist. Monika accepted breathlessly. As the evening came to a
close and the guests started leaving in their groups. Wilhelm
kissed Felicity’s hand and wished her the rest of a pleasant stay
in New York, inviting her to his offices to see more of his work,
the following day before her departure home to Paris.

Felicity immediately made a long distance call to the Madame
forgetting the time difference.
“Who’s this calling at this ungodly hour, speak up I can’t hear
“It’s Felicity Madame. I’m dreadfully sorry to call so late but I
can’t keep this news to myself a moment longer!”
The Madame soon changed the tone of her irritated voice all of a
sudden into a tone of curiosity.

Felicity outlined her glorious evening with Wilhelm step by step
while the Madame listened patiently; she encouraged Felicity to
stay on in New York offering her a luxury apartment of her own
nearby to Wilhelm’s offices. The Madame had even gone so far
to set Felicity up with an old colleague of hers who would be her
mentor in every aspect of architecture that she would need to
pursue her career. The Madame had also set Felicity up with a
part time secretarial post at Richard Myers and Partners, a small
Architectural company on Tenth Avenue that was several
minutes walk from her apartment.
Felicity couldn’t help thinking how incredibly cunning of the
old lady, perhaps she hadn’t lost her touch after all!

couldn’t thank the Madame enough. The Madame had
even gone as far as opening Felicity her own personal bank
account in which she had instructed Monsieur Fredrik to do on
her behalf and deposited three hundred thousand US dollars for
Felicity to use as she saw fit, assuring Felicity that there was no
way on this earth the adopted child of hers was going to go
without anything, if she required more all she had to do was ask.

“Now my dearest Felicity it’s time to go out into the big world
and make an old lady very proud. I am counting on you to show
me you have more than your mothers skills of persuasion. I’ll
do anything to support your chosen lifestyle, it is with much of
my approval, remember if it doesn’t work with the architect,
there’s always senator Gordon, and numerous others, he doesn’t
have any children to complicate matters as far as I am aware.
Try to keep your options open my dear are we clear?”

“Yes Madame everything is clear, thank you for giving me this
wonderful opportunity I won’t let you down.”
“Be sure to call me every few days for an update my dear.”

With this Felicity hung up, hoping no one was eavesdropping on
the other end of the telephone. The next day she said her
goodbyes to the Hamilton’s, her dearest friend and parents
promising she would be in touch after their trip to Hawaii.

“Monsieur Fredrik, I trust you know where my new apartment
is, I would very much like to go there.”
“Yes Madame Felicity as you wish.”

Monsieur Fredrik pulled up to a huge luxury high rise apartment
block. Felicity was greeted by what she presumed was a bell
boy; she held out her hand to be kissed, the young man looked
confused and nervously started to shake it.

“Ms Jameson may I take this opportunity to welcome you to
Stanley Apartments, I do believe you have purchased one of our
most luxurious pent house on the top floor with a delightful east
facing terrace garden. If you’d be so kind to follow me, I’ll
escort you to your new home.”

Felicity obediently followed instructing Monsieur Fredrik to
bring her suitcases along. The young man showed her the
reception area informing her that it was fully staffed twenty four
hours a day, in the event of his client needing any extra services
such as dry cleaning, the reporting of any faults that may occur
and by the off chance that if she were to lose her keys they
would have duplicates at her request. Felicity set her eyes on the
various elevators opposite each other and followed the bell boy
into one of them. A few minutes of strained silence passed in
the floor to ceiling mirrored elevator until they reached the top
floor and then she was presented with her keys for her new
apartment, and underground parking swipe card. She noticed
the young man had a name badge, he was called Peter.

“Thank you Peter, that will be all for now.”

Felicity dismissed him as though he was a piece of dirt on her
shoe. Peter patiently waited for his tip, but Felicity just waved
her hand at him to leave.
Peter stood there speechless as he had never been treated like
this in all his five years here and was secretly outraged by this
arrogant young women’s abruptness.

“As you wish Ms Pear
son, if you require any further information
please feel free to call reception, the numbers are on the back of
your apartment doors.”

“Young man you may address me as Madame Jameson
. I don’t
respond to Ms thank you, now be off with you. Monsieur
Fredrik if you wouldn’t mind doing the honors please.”

With this she handed him her set of keys waiting for him to open
the beautiful arched solid oak double doors to her new life. The
first thing that hit her senses was the smell of fresh paint, she
laid her eyes upon the huge entrance hall with great Italian
Marmorino plaster high walls, she couldn’t believe what she was
seeing the pleasingly textural effect that seemed to emphasize a
sophisticated feel. Giant hand painted mirrors, with a huge gall
robe, enough for a family of six people. She couldn’t wait to
explore the rest of the apartment.

Monsieur Fredrik began to open further double arched doors that
revealed a huge spacious living area several red oak french
doors leading out to a large terrace garden.

Felicity absolutely adored the 1973 Steinway Ebony piano, its
contemporary style fitted with the ultra modern long L shaped
couch in black leather. The whole apartment was open plan
except for the two king sized bedrooms and two luxurious
A giant ultra sleek and modern Italian kitchen with integrated
counter top sinks and stainless steel appliances, combined with a
huge breakfast bar and modern open plan dining area. Felicity
noticed cellophane, labels and tags on all the appliances and
furniture, and soon realised it was more than likely that
everything was brand new, never used. The high wall and
ceilings were freshly painted in a delicate shade of rustic cream.
Felicity envisaged the bare walls as a huge blank canvass that
she could decorate with European art and historical landmarks.

Opening the French doors stepping out in to her giant terrace
filled with Portuguese topiary trees, Acer palmate fire glow, and
Japanese shaped cloud trees, she inhaled the deep fresh air,
exhaling it slowly. She had to hold on to the stainless steel
railings in order to syke herself up for the ultimate breath taking
view. Her legs began to tremble as she had a genuine fear of
heights, she slowly opened her eyes and looked down in the
hope she wasn’t as high up as she thought, but been on the 65
floor proved her wrong.

“Monsieur Fredrik, bring me a glass of water please!”

Monsieur was enjoying the fact that Felicity appeared to be
frightened of the great height and decided to take his time to
fetch the water informing her he must let the kitchen tap run for
at least five minutes so all the new fixtures would be thoroughly
clean and hygienic enough to drink from.

In this time she vowed herself no to look down only up towards
the blissfully pale blue sky line. Thinking of nothing else but her
new love interest Wilhelm Pearson and how she would enjoy
pursuing him until he couldn’t resist and gave into all her
womanly charms, even if it did involve a little blackmail in the
process, she didn’t care as long as she got what she wanted. Her
imagination was going wild with all her and the Madame’s
ideas, her fake job would give her really useful contacts, as she
knew Wilhelm was keen to make more than a name for himself,
as he had confessed that he longingly desired to be successful
over here in the states as he was already in the major cities in
Europe. She dreamed of becoming his devoted trophy wife
eventually, escorting him on all his successes. She would have
her own houses designed as she required, he would be eating out
of her hands in no time and she would become the famous wife
of a great architect, bearing his children so long as they were
nothing more than perfect. Eventually she would have a family
of her own that nobody could take away from her and in the
process become a very wealthy woman, this was by far her
biggest desire to have all the money she ever could want in her
lifetime and more.

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