Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole (16 page)

BOOK: Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole
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The female head of the Asian-American Defense and Education Fund, Margaret Fung, applauded Chen’s light sentence, saying that a harsher penalty would “promote the idea that when people come to America they have to give up their way of doing things. That is an idea we cannot support.”
At least Chen came to the United States based on
his specialized knowledge of nuclear cell extraction biology. No, I’m sorry—Chen immigrated to America with his entire family when he was fifty years old—fifteen years away from collecting Social Security—to be a dishwasher.

Female immigrants from Japan periodically kill their children because they have been “shamed” by a husband’s infidelity, leading to long cultural pieces in
calling such child murders a “tragedy” and explaining that, in Japan, “the shame of having failed at her own suicide would be regarded as punishment enough.”
There’s isn’t a lot of soul-searching when an American man kills himself and his kids, though those cases also tell a tragic story about shame and failure.


Here are some of the Americans who would still be alive if the government had been a bit choosier in determining who gets to live in America. Please don’t write me with your favorite story of immigrant criminality. I know each of them is special in its own way, but there just isn’t the space to list them all. To keep it short, I’ve limited the list to recent mass murders committed by legal immigrants.

The seven people murdered by Chechen immigrants Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who planted a bomb at the finish line of the Boston Marathon in 2013. In addition to the three people killed in the blast, including an eight-year-old boy, dozens of Americans suffered severe injuries in the marathon bombing and are still learning to live with prosthetics and other artificial devices to replace lost legs, feet, eyes, and hearing—all thanks to an immigration policy that allows other countries to dump their losers on us. Days after setting off the bomb, the duo murdered a young MIT police
officer during their attempted escape, and two years earlier Tamerlan and another Muslim immigrant slit the throats of three Jewish men on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attack—which I believe was also the work of immigrants. CNN headline after the attack: “Boston Bombing Shouldn’t Derail Immigration Reform.”
Leaving aside the wanton slaughter, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan were tremendous assets to America. They were on welfare and getting mostly Fs in school. Good work, U.S. immigration service!

The three people, including a fifteen-year-old girl, Ashley Chow, murdered in North Miami in 2012 by Kesler Dufrene, a Haitian immigrant and convicted felon who had already been arrested in the United States nine times. Dufrene was due to be deported, but was released when Obama halted deportations to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake.

Sixty-seven-year-old Florence Donovan-Gunderson and three National Guardsmen—Heath Kelly, Miranda McElhiney, and Christian Riege—fatally shot in a Carson City IHOP by immigrant Eduardo Sencion in 2011. Four other IHOP patrons were left in critical condition by the Mexican-born Sencion.

The thirteen soldiers killed at Fort Hood in 2009 by Major Nidal Malik Hasan, son of Palestinian immigrants. Hasan’s parents operated a restaurant in Roanoke, Virginia—because where are we going to find Americans to open a restaurant?

The thirteen people murdered by Vietnamese immigrant Jiverly Wong, at an American Civic Association in Binghamton, New York. Wong became a naturalized citizen two years
being convicted of fraud and forgery in California. Apparently, Wong decided to commit mass murder because he was upset that people disrespected him for his poor English skills, a problem that could be avoided by admitting immigrants who speak English.

The five people murdered at the Trolley Square Shopping Mall in Salt Lake City by Bosnian immigrant Sulejman Talovic in 2007. Talovic was a high school dropout with a juvenile record. INS:
No room for you, Norwegian doctor. We think this Sulejman is really going to amount to something!

BOOK: Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole
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