Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole (43 page)

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Wadhwa said it was “troubling” that “47 percent of all U.S. science and engineering workers with doctorates are immigrants.” If doctorates in science or engineering are so important, why don’t any of the stars in Silicon Valley have one? A lot of the biggest names—Gates, Jobs, and Zuckerberg—don’t even have undergraduate degrees.

As long as the media hide the details, it’s easy for Indian American Wadhwa to claim that “[t]he next Google could well be cooked up in a garage in Guangzhou or Ahmedabad.”
Where are all the Indian Googles and Paypals now? This importation of cheap tech workers has been going on for decades.
Already, 65 percent of all high-tech visas go to Indians. Sixty-five percent! The next-largest H-1B visa holders are the Chinese, filling 12 percent of the slots. We better be getting a few Asian geniuses.

But judging by the articles they write, Indians’ main talent is self-promotion. Ron Banerjee—another objective source—gloats in the
Financial Post
that “the wealth and success of Indian immigrants is undeniable.”
In the
International Business Times
, Harichandan Arakali asks: “India’s Startup Scene: Will VC Dollars Create the Next Amazon?”
Washington Post
’s Vinod Dham says, “Indian engineers on H-1B visas have . . . contributed significantly to advancing innovation in high technology.”
Yet another article about how awesome Indians are—written by Neesha Bapat—is titled: “How Indians Defied Gravity and Achieved Success in Silicon Valley.”

Apparently, Indians think they’re just peachy! If white Americans expressed this much regard for themselves, it would be “racist.” Here’s how such an article might read:

How White American Men Defied Gravity and Achieved Success in Silicon Valley

Did you know Twitter was created by four American white men? Yes, Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass defied gravity and achieved success in Silicon Valley. All white Americans!

How about these companies also created by white American men? Netscape (Jim Clark and Marc Andreessen), Mozilla Firefox (Dave Hyatt and Blake Ross), Netflix (Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings), Oracle (Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, and Ed Oates), Apple Computer (Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak [the adopted Jobs’s biological father was a Syrian immigrant, admitted under the pre-1965 immigration act], Pandora (Will Glaser, Jon Kraft, and Tim Westergren), Zillow (Richard Barton), Wikipedia (Jimmy Wales), Craigslist (Craig Newmark), Uber (Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick—technically a Canadian white man), Zynga (Mark Pincus), and Yelp (Jeremy Stoppelman and Russel Simmons).

This list goes on! Why, the next Google might well be cooked up in a garage in Ft. Benton, Montana, or Camden, Maine.

If you think about it, white men have actually accomplished quite a lot.

The cheap-labor advocacy group Partnership for a New American Economy excitedly tweeted that two—yes TWO (2)—of the five LinkedIn founders were, I quote: “born in Europe”!
They were born in Germany and France. Here’s my counter-tweet: “98.7% of the founders of important Silicon Valley companies were born in America! 99 percent are white men!”


One person to analyze H-1B visas who’s not in it for either cheap labor or ethnic chauvinism is Professor Norman Matloff, who has been writing
about so-called high-tech visas for years. He says: “The vast majority of H-1Bs, including those hired from U.S. universities, are ordinary people doing ordinary work, not the best and the brightest. On the contrary, the average quality of the H-1Bs is LOWER than that of the Americans.” We’re not going to get the guys who designed the Indian nuclear bomb. They’re doing fine in India. Why leave?

The main advantage of foreign labor over native workers, Matloff explains, is that H-1B workers are indentured servants: They can’t quit without risking deportation, so American employers get to pay less for standard computer programming work. You can imagine what a huge cost-saver that is! Foreign workers go off in cubbyholes, type away at their code for twelve hours, then collapse. Tons of Americans could do the same work, but, the problem is, they want to be paid.

“Employers know they have these workers over a barrel,” business professor Sankar Mukhopadhyay explains. “They aren’t going to demand a raise during those six years [of green card sponsorship], even if they deserve it, and they aren’t going to move on to another company, because they know doing those things will jeopardize their chances of getting their green cards in time.” As Benjamin Franklin said in 1751, the main advantage of slaves and indentured servants isn’t that their work is better—it’s worse. It’s that “Slaves may be kept as long as a Man pleases,” whereas “hired Men are continually leaving their Master.”


Microsoft’s Bill Gates pleaded with Congress to give him more cheap foreign workers, claiming computer giants like Microsoft were just trying to bring in “smart people,” and that H-1B visa holders were so immensely qualified that their salaries started at $100,000 a year.
Then it turned out that only 12.4 percent of Microsoft’s H-1B holders were paid as much as $100,000—mostly lawyers and other executives.
Even worse, since the
introduction of the H-1B visa, Microsoft has been laying off American workers by the bushel.

Intel’s chairman Craig Barrett must have needed a thesaurus to write his op-ed on the brilliance of H-1B workers. He called them “the world’s top talent . . . highly educated workers . . . working in high-need jobs . . . in highly skilled professions . . . valuable foreign-born professionals—including badly needed researchers, scientists, teachers and engineers . . . scientists and engineers . . . highly educated graduates . . . the top minds . . . driv[ing] innovation and economic growth . . . professional talent.”

Then Barrett used the H-1B program to fire American workers and replace them with underpaid foreign workers.

If Gates, Barrett, and the rest of them really want “the world’s top talent,” where were they when Jason Richwine was being crucified for proposing that we do just that? Quite obviously, high-tech employers neither seek, nor desire, “smart people.” They want cheap people. Mass-immigration advocates push ethnic stereotypes about high-IQ immigrants, but then go crazy whenever anyone suggests we actually bring in high-IQ immigrants.

As long as we must be incessantly hectored about Indians as high-IQ computer whiz kids, let’s take a look at their IQs. You can’t play the high-IQ game when it suits your cheap-labor interests, then cry “racism” when those claims are examined. The average Indian IQ is staggeringly low: 82. That’s about the same as the average IQ in Afghanistan—84; Panama—84; Dominican Republic—82; Paraguay—84; Yemen—85; Pakistan—84; and Tonga—86.

Yet we take more immigrants from India than from Canada—in fact, we take more from India than from Canada and Great Britain combined. We take more immigrants from India than from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, and the Czech Republic put together. Why are we discriminating against Canadians, British, Danes, Swiss, and Swedes? The answer is: Because those immigrants would tend to fill the kinds of
jobs rich people have. Immigrants are always great—unless they might take your job. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg isn’t looking to bring in people who will take
job; he wants immigrants to take his employees’ jobs.

It’s so obvious what employers like Gates, Barrett, and Zuckerberg are doing that even Public Radio International has noticed. In a story about H-1B visa workers abused by their American employers, PRI quoted one who said, “I’m being paid less, which sucks for me, and it also sucks for American developers because I am a threat to them. I am cheaper.”

Indentured servitude was abolished in America in 1867, two years after the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified. Henceforth,
employees would have the right to quit. It didn’t matter if the employment contract was entered into voluntarily. If a worker couldn’t quit, it was serfdom, prohibited by the Peonage Act of 1867.

The great abolitionist senator—Republican, of course—and future vice president Henry Wilson cited the example of New Mexico after it eradicated the “wretched system” of indentured servitude. “[P]eons who once worked for two or three dollars a month,” he said, “are now able to command respectable wages, to support their families, elevate themselves, and improve their condition.”
Democratic Senator Charles Buckalew said the inability to quit resulted in conditions that were “always exceedingly unfavorable to” the employee, adding that the system “degrades all—both the owner of the labor and the laborer himself.”

So more than a century ago, everyone agreed: No more indentured servitude. But today’s employers have conspired to bring it back with H-1B visas, then they strut around like they’re Martin Luther King by invoking the magical word “immigration.” Immigration covers a multitude of sins because we have all agreed to pretend mass immigration from the Third World is the same thing as black civil rights.

In the 1960s, leftists were at least self-destructive: They wanted to damage the country in ways that would hurt
parents, and
kids. The New Left has found a way to be self-righteous only after checking to make sure they’ve completely exempted themselves from the destruction
they’re wreaking. Liberals will pull every string imaginable to prevent their own kids from having to compete with immigrants—and then demand cheap employees for themselves. The middle class and lower class take it in the shorts—and the elites get to feel noble.



immigration moratorium. There’s no possibility of quick fixes. The entire immigration bureaucracy has to be shut down. It’s evident that the government can’t be trusted to use three brain cells in admitting immigrants, so its discretion has to be completely revoked. No matter how clearly laws are written, government bureaucrats connive to confer citizenship on people that a majority of Americans would not want to let in as tourists, much less as our fellow citizens. Instead of trying to do the “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” thing, mopping the floor while the water is still pouring in, we need to stop the inflow, then take time to assimilate the immigrants already here.

No other fix will work. Congress could just insist that immigrants pay taxes, learn English, not collect welfare, and have good moral character, except the problem is: It already has. All those laws were swept away by INS officials, judges, and Democratic administrations. Doing it again won’t produce a different result.

We trusted the government, and it screwed up.

We can’t even expect our immigration officials not to make citizens of convicted felons.
Tens of thousands of immigrants have been granted citizenship
being convicted of crimes in the United States. And, no, you can’t see their names or read about their crimes.

A year before the 1996 presidential election, the Clinton White House worked feverishly to naturalize 1 million immigrants in time for Clinton’s reelection. Criminal background checks were jettisoned for 200,000 applicants, so that citizenship was granted to at least 70,000 people with FBI criminal records and 10,000 with felony records.
Murderers, robbers, and rapists were all made our fellow Americans so the Democrats would have a million new voters by the 1996 election. In 2013 alone, the Obama administration released 36,007 convicted criminal aliens with about 88,000 convictions among them—including 426 for rape and 193 for murder.
They’ll soon be your fellow citizens, too.

Usually, we only find out about all the convicted felons our government is making citizens when there’s a political scandal. But it’s a daily practice. Consider this small news item from 2011: Twice in one day, the border police arrested Mexicans who had previously been convicted of sex offenses against children in the United States. Neither of the men’s original child sex convictions made the news. The truth came out only when the border patrol accidentally mentioned the convictions in press releases about their rearrests.
One was illegal alien Eduardo Rodriguez-Lopez, who had been convicted in the United States for sex with a child and deported. The other, Antonio Batista, was a U.S. citizen. He had previously been arrested for human smuggling, sex assault on a minor, and sex abuse.

What does it take to be turned down for citizenship in the United States?


Even if we could trust the government on immigration—and again, we can’t—there are the legions of immigration lawyers, lobbyists, nonprofits,
and general miscreants whose single-minded mission is to turn America into the Third World hellhole of liberal fantasies.

Everyone in the entire immigration apparatus is working frantically to bring the hardest cases to our shores. Left-wing traitors, who used to honeymoon in Cuba and fight with peasant revolutionaries in Peru, bring endless lawsuits to ensure every genocidal Rwandan can get on the American gravy train. Immigration lawsuits are decided by judges who come from the same nonprofits, and Democratic-appointed federal judges issue lunatic rulings to ensure that there will never be a pause in the transformation of America.

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