Adira's Mate (21 page)

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Authors: April Zyon

BOOK: Adira's Mate
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Nothing could have ever pushed
the two of us together like fate did. That’s why I’m here on the destroyer with
Because I was born to be yours.
She had absolute faith that the ancestors were the
ones that had brought them together.



Chapter Nineteen


months later


You realize if you’re caught
they’ll throw the weight of the
law at you,
right?” She recognized Bracken’s voice coming over the communications link.
Standing inside the bedroom, though, she couldn’t see the video board on the
wall, which also meant he couldn’t see her.

I know, but this is important to
her, so I’m going to see it done. Is everything in place?”

A low huff of breath sounded.
“Yeah, it is. He acknowledged the message, and I got assigned to that section
of the border so I can let him through without any issues.
if this goes sideways.”

Don’t you think I’ve thought of
all that already? By the stars, Bracken, I’m neither an idiot nor a fool. But
this may well be her only chance. Yes there’s a lot of risk, but I’m willing to
deal with that. If you are not, then I’ll ensure you’re reassigned elsewhere
and take the slot personally.”

No, I said I’d do this, and I
like that woman of yours. I just want you to know. If I end up before the
marshal for this, I am totally selling you out.”

I expect nothing less. Now get
off the line, and we’ll talk again once things are in motion. Remember, short
burst message to let me know that the craft is
route, nothing more.”

Chat soon,” Bracken said.

Then there was nothing but
silence. She heard the chair creak as
moved in
it. Peeking through the gap in the door she saw him leaning forward, elbows on
his knees, his hands buried in his hair.

moved into the room with her
hand on her distended belly and leaned against his desk when she finally
waddled her way there. “Fin, what’s going on?” she wanted to know. “Talk to me,
what’s that all about? What is Bracken worried about, honey?” She reached out
and touched his cheek, simply because she needed to. “Why is he worried about
something going sideways?”

Lifting his head he shot her a
look. Then, leaning back in his chair, he held out a hand to her. Once she was
in his lap he pressed a kiss to her lips and rubbed his hand slowly over her
“Because I asked him to do me a huge favor.
It’s risky, and could potentially get us all shot for treason. But it’s worth
it in my mind. Other than that I can’t say until everything starts to happen.
Sorry, but I’m not willing to blow the surprise no matter how much you pout.
Though it is absolutely adorable when you do.”

I’m not pouting.” She was pouting
and knew it, but still. Taking a deep breath she sighed and
her head on his shoulder. “We are supposed to go and see the doctor again
today. She wants to run another scan on Junior here to ensure that he’s okay.
She’s worried because I’m so large and still have some more time left in the
pregnancy.” Then again she was carrying
child and he was a massive man himself.

We can do that in the interim
while we wait to hear back from Bracken.” He pressed another kiss to her lips.
“Are you ready to go now, or should we sit here another few minutes?” Stroking
his hand down her belly, he leaned his head back to look at her.

I think sitting just a few more
moments. It hurts to walk and stand for too long. I swear your son is massive.
That’s good though, right? It means that he will be strong and healthy, right?
The doctor assures me time and time again that it’s simply because of me
growing a
child but still, heavens, it’s a
little hard to walk, as you well know.” The poor man more often than not had to
help her move along and when he wasn’t available her guards were.

The baby is doing fine. If you
weren’t so tiny,” he teased. He smiled when she shot him a glare. “It’s the
truth, and you well know it. You are a little woman in comparison to
females. Even our smallest females are still bigger
than you are, little wife. Personally, though, I happen to like you just as you
are. And soon enough all the aches and pains of pregnancy will be forgotten by
the fiery hell of childbirth. Or so several of my crew
assured me.”

When that happens, remember you
are supposed to forget everything that I have to say to you during that time.
Whatever is said is said because of pain.
they had been told many, many stories about childbirth and what was to come for
them. “Just know that no matter what I love you.
And yes I am a small woman compared to your people, but I’m still perfectly
capable of carrying this child, you know.”

I know you’re more than capable,
. I’ve watched you grow large with our child. Quite
frankly I’m stunned you’re even still speaking to me at this point in time.
This hasn’t been easy on you, I know that. I only wish I could do more to help
you get through this pregnancy.”

She could only smile. “Yet with
each movement that he makes, I smile. Each time that he twists and turns I get
happy. Our child is utterly perfect and you know it.” She
her hand on his that was stroking her belly. “Besides, how can I not be happy
when you’re here with me?
You rubbing my feet, back, and
belly all the time.
Even when the others are around you will do it. Do
you know how much that means to me?”

I’m just grateful I can give you
a moment’s respite from the strain. The crew all know you have me wrapped
around your finger so why bother being all proper in front of them? Not that I
can seem to manage it with you close at hand for very long anyway.” Shaking his
head, he pressed a kiss to her temple. “On a serious note, how are you really

Actually, I’m doing very well.
I’m happy.
I wish I wasn’t so tired all the
time, but life is very good, Fin.” She rubbed her cheek to his and smiled
happily. “How about you, honey?” she wanted to know. “With all that’s changed
in your life, are you okay?”

He nodded, rubbing his nose to
her skin. She watched as he closed his eyes, and relaxed even more. “Change is
good,” he said softly. “As long as you are by my side,
I think I can take on pretty much anything at all.”

She rubbed her cheek to his cheek.
“I will always be at your side, husband. It’s where I belong. There is nowhere
else in the world that I would rather be, just here.

Pressing a light kiss to her
skin, he drew back and lifted a hand to cup her cheek. He rubbed his thumb
slowly over her skin. “Let’s go and see the doctor. If we have time after that,
then we’ll come back for a rest before your surprise arrives.”

That sounds like a wonderful plan
to me.” She nodded and hugged him closer.
“Oh and food before
we go back for a nap, please.
Sound good? I’m hungry. Silly, I know.”

Not silly in the least. You are
growing a life,
. You need to have all the fuel
you can get so you can continue. We’ll stop for a snack on our way back from
Smiling, he urged her off his lap,
his hands steadying her until she had at least a semblance of balance.

You are so good to me,” she said
with a grin. “You always know just what I need at all times, don’t you?” Even
before she knew what she needed he was able to see to her desires. With her
hand in his, they walked toward medical so that they could once more have a
scan of their child to ensure he was developing as he should.

Hardly, but I’ve become very good
at guessing what you might need. You tend to give me hints from time to time,”
he said. He squeezed her hand as they walked to the doors of medical. Going
inside, he pressed a hand to the small of her back as they waited for the
doctor to spot them.

feet were bare. She had stopped
wearing shoes two weeks earlier because of how swollen her feet were. “Perhaps
today our son will allow us to see him face on?” The little brat kept his back
to her far more often than not in the imaging. Something that always made her
, funnily enough.

Maybe he’s shy,” he said. “I fully
understand the sentiment. I hate having my image captured. Perhaps he does take
after me more than I’d realized. Not a bad thing really,” he told her.
Squeezing her fingers, he cleared his throat. The doctor finally turned to look
at them, smiled, and waved them over to a table.

He’s very much like you,”
said with a smile. “And that lovely baby of ours is
very shy. I adore that about him but I truly do want to see him.” The imaging
scanners that the people had on the ship were amazing. She could see every
single part of the child.

Then you’d better have a chat
with our boy, and let him know that his mother wishes to see his face. Because
they are wheeling the scanner over here now, and time’s running out to sweet
talk him.”

Good point.” She placed her hand
onto her belly and smiled. “I love you, my sweet little man. I really do want
to see you, honey. Will you please ensure that you show yourself to the scanner
so that I can see you, my darling boy?”

helped her up onto the table,
then down to her back. He moved to stand by her head, her hand in his as the
doctor and an assistant got the scanner in place. “Think he’ll show us his face
today?” he asked her while the doctor pressed a couple of buttons on the
scanner before moving to pick up her data pad.

He had better or I’m going to be
a very grumpy momma when he finally comes out.” She was stroking her hand
lovingly over her belly. She loved knowing that her child was safe and happy as
he was. She could all but feel the joy from their son. “I can feel all of his
emotions and that makes me so happy.”

He’s trying to woo you into
forgetting he’ll be showing us his ass soon, and only his ass,”

We’re ready to go, Lady Daykin.
Lay back, hands at your sides, and relax.
Shouldn’t take more
than a moment or two before we get a good look at your son.”

snorted at that. Giving her hand
a kiss, he settled it by her side and eased out of the way of the scanner.

which bothers me. I love the kid but it’s bugging me that he’s always showing
us his backside.” It was as if the boy was mimicking his father as much as
possible. She loved her child already but it was the wildest thing, the way
that he always turned his butt to the scanner. “Please show us yourself, my
little man.” She spoke softly to her baby, begging and pleading with him as
best she could.

The doctor was talking quietly to
the assistant as they both squinted at the data pad the doctor held. The
assistant pointed at something that had them both narrowing their eyes more and
tilting their heads one way, then the other.

you two so confused?”
asked from the side.

The same reason I had you come
back in today. We’re picking up a shadow that shouldn’t be on the scan,” the
doctor muttered. “Let’s get her up on her feet. We’re putting her into the
full-body scanner. One way or another we’re going to get a look at whatever
your son is hiding from us, little devil.”

felt a little terrified. “What
do you mean?” she asked, reaching for
. “He’s
healthy, right?” she demanded. “Please, tell me that my son is okay?”

Your son is perfectly fine, from
the view we’re getting of his little bottom. But he keeps moving with the
scanner, his back to us at all times. So we’re going to do a full-body scan,
all sides at the same time, so that he can’t keep doing that. I didn’t want to
do it before because it’s a horrid use of power, but your son is pushing me to
it. Sorry, General, but the little guy isn’t playing fair.”

rubbed a finger to his nose.
“Like mother, like son,” he said for

She snorted. “Like father, like
son,” she muttered. “And you’re certain that he’s okay?” she asked the doctor
as she stepped into the full-body scan. “And the drain of power, it will be
okay, right, Fin?” She didn’t want to do anything that might cause them all
injury in the long run.

We’ll be fine,”
assured her. He leaned in to press a kiss to her
lips. “Let me alert the command deck before they think the dining hall is
plugging in something they shouldn’t and send a squad down to scare them.
Stepping back, he tapped the earpiece he rarely ever
didn’t have in place and passed along the word of warning. “You’re good to go,

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