Admission of Love (15 page)

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Authors: Niobia Bryant

BOOK: Admission of Love
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She had to admit that the site of Devon was impressive enough, but Deshawn and he standing close together was overwhelming. All three of the men turned in the direction of the SUV as Chloe pulled into the driveway and parked next to his truck.

Nana Lil clapped her hands together in pleasure as she studied the structure through the windshield. “It’s already so beautiful and it’s huge. I’ll have to be sure to visit often so that you’re not lonely in that big ol’ house of yours.”

Chloe smiled. “You’re welcome anytime, as long as you promise to bring those lemon cookies of yours that I love so much.”

She laughed in pleasure. “That sounds like a plan.”

They left the vehicle and walked over to the delivery truck where the men were. The driver and another man were about to unload the crates holding her cabinets and shelves. Devon and Deshawn both looked at their grandmother in surprise.

Deshawn spoke first. “Nana Lil, what are you doing here?”

“Can’t an old lady get out of the house? I didn’t know I was on house arrest, Shawnie.”

Chloe was amazed as always that the old woman could tell them apart, and she seemed to be the only one able to do so. If she wasn’t aware what color T-shirt Devon had on, then she wouldn’t have been able to tell them apart so quickly. She had to remember to ask Nana Lil how she did it every time.

“Hi fellas.” Chloe waved briefly, purposely focusing her eyes on the men at work unfastening the straps that secured their cargo during transit.

She was nervous just being near him, and she became quiet as one of the twins directed the men to carry the boxes into the house and leave them in the kitchen. Nana Lil’s constant chatter was not enough to bring Chloe out of her reverie.

Devon had been so close to kissing her; she had seen it in his eyes. She was certain now that he wanted her but he didn’t
to want her. He had fought the desire to kiss her and then became distant. It wasn’t as if she wanted to want him either. She was firmly resolved not to get involved with anyone, but if he had kissed her back on the side of that road she knew she would have gladly given in to the passion. Her body was drawn to him, overruling what her head tried to remind her about getting hurt.

Of course she thought a big part of her problem was that she hadn’t had intimacy for years. She was a normal woman with needs. Maybe she had denied herself pure physical pleasure for too long.

But sex had never been uppermost in her mind, not until she met this brooding southern man. Chloe wanted him . . . badly. She considered giving a man her heart the same as giving him the power to hurt her, but what if she gave her body without the heart being involved at all . . . was that the same thing?

Shaking her head, Chloe forced the thoughts out of her head as she noticed that the delivery men were taking the last of the shipment into the house. The twins were standing together, still by the delivery truck laughing at something, and their grandmother was talking to one of the crew members about his ailing aunt.

She was anxious to see the black wrought iron and glass cabinets and shelves that she knew would give the kitchen a unique and modem flare. When she discovered that the California-based company also had a round kitchen table with matching chairs, all made of the same textured glass and rimmed in the same iron as the other pieces, she had immediately ordered one along with some other items she wanted for the house. Those items would not arrive until the house’s completion.

Quelling the desire to run into the house and claw the crates open with her nails, she looked over toward Devon when someone touched her elbow lightly. Chloe turned to see the burly, dark-skinned driver standing nervously in front of her, an invoice clutched in his hands. “Yes?”

“Excuse me, Miss Bolton, but would you autograph this for me?”

Chloe flashed him her smile and held out her hand for the paper. “Sure, no problem . . . Jaleel.” She had paused to read his name off the white label of his striped uniform shirt.

He handed over the paper and a pen from his back pocket, his eyes on her face as she scribbled out a note and signed her first name with flair. “You’re even more beautiful in person.”

“Thanks, Jaleel.”

She handed him the paper and pen back, but he stood there a moment longer. Chloe gave him a friendly but questioning smile.

“I’m sorry for staring.” He folded the paper and placed it in his shirt pocket. “Thanks again.”

Chloe waved to the men as they hopped back into their truck and reversed out of the yard. Both of the twins were looking in her direction, with Devon frowning considerably.

She fought the urge to childishly stick her tongue out at him, instead walking past them to enter the house. The only thing on her mind at the moment was her cabinets.


Devon had just counted to ten to try to diffuse the anger he felt. Every pair of eyes on the site were focused on Chloe’s derriere swishing in a hypnotic motion in those tight jeans she wore.

Why would she wear those things to a site filled with men?

They were all dumbstruck by her. The driver, Jaleel, had been about to drool as he stood looking at her, and she had the nerve to smile, showing every tooth in her pretty head. A pleasurable vision of him putting Chloe over his knee and spanking the seat of those tight jeans for being such a temptress brought a huge grin to his handsome face.

“She really wows ’em, huh?”

Devon turned to look at his brother, who was also wolfishly eyeing her as she entered the house. “Yeah and she enjoys every minute of it.”

Deshawn was about to make some lascivious comment about her “attributes” but Devon walked away before he could. He really wasn’t in the mood to hear his twin go off on one of his “Chloe Bolton is a goddess” speeches. Instead he told the men to finish up lunch and get back to work, before walking up the stairs and into the structure.

He heard his Nana Lil’s and Chloe’s voices echoing throughout the empty house before he reached the kitchen.

“The boys have really done a good job on this house, although I knew they would . . . they always do.” The pride in her voice was clearly present.

“I wish one of your boys would hurry up and finish opening these crates so that I can see all of it.” Chloe’s voice was sardonic and Devon could imagine that left eyebrow of hers arched.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he reached the doorway of the kitchen. Chloe was bending over to look into the crates, her behind up in the air wiggling as she moved about.

How could he help but imagine her in the same position, but naked, with himself standing closely behind her filling her with his hardness?

Shaking off the image, he entered the large kitchen. “Careful of the nails on the crate, Chloe.”

She hated the way her insides melted at the sound of her name gliding off his lips. “I am being careful, but please hurry, I want to see if they’re as nice as they were in the catalog I ordered them from.”

Deshawn and the other crew members began to file into the house. Chloe and Lil moved back out of the way as Devon and an impressively muscular man named Horse used crowbars to finish opening the crates, careful not to break the cargo inside. Soon all four sides were opened and lying on the floor. The packing material had already been removed when Devon and Deshawn inspected the cabinets and shelves to make sure they hadn’t been broken.

Chloe walked up close to see them. They were perfect. Already she could imagine them on the walls, filled with her dishes.

“Thanks, Horse.” Devon handed his crowbar over to the other man.

“No problem, boss man.” The giant of a man took the tools and left the kitchen through the area where the sliding patio doors would be installed.

That left Lil, Devon, Deshawn and Chloe in the kitchen. “Are they as nice as they were in the catalog?” Devon’s voice was low and only slightly mocking.

She shivered from the feel of his husky voice so near to her ear. Turning her head she looked over at him. “Nicer.”

Their eyes met and held.

Nana Lil’s eyes widened in surprise as she watched the two. Her thin lips shaped the letter “O” as things began to crystallize in her head, and she saw something she hadn’t even noticed before. She smiled in pleasure. “Shawnie, why don’t you show me around this mini-mansion of Chloe’s.”

Deshawn was yanked out of the kitchen by a surprisingly strong Nana Lil. The sound of her voice echoed throughout the house as she bombarded him with questions.

Chloe and Devon both laughed, finally looking away from each other. “Nana Lil’s like a child sometimes with all the questions she asks,” Devon said to fill the silence.

Neither was aware that she had purposefully left the two alone. Devon began to clear up the stray packing materials, shoving them into a heavy-duty garbage bag from a box in the comer. Wordlessly, Chloe began to help him and they worked with only the sounds of construction echoing throughout the house.

As he watched her, he wanted to ask Chloe about her breaking down on the side of the road, but he didn’t want to pry or to open whatever bad feelings she had been having, so he left it alone. She bent over again near him to pick up something. His eyes devoured her, and his hand actually itched to touch the soft plump derriere she was waving in his direction.

“What possessed you to wear those jeans, Chloe?” He meant to sound disgusted but instead his voice came out low and husky.

Chloe stood up and whirled to face him. Self-consciously she looked down at herself.
They are mighty snug.
“What’s wrong with ... my jeans?”

Her own voice was indignant until she looked up into his face and saw the desire in his eyes, causing her voice to trail off slow and soft.

They were just inches apart. Nervously, her heart hammered against her chest. She licked her full lips with the tip of her fleshy tongue. His eyes darted down to watch the innocent, but nonetheless sexy, move.

He broke.

With a hungry growl, he pulled Chloe to him, dropping the plastic garbage bag to the floor. All he could say was “damn,” as he lowered his handsome head to taste of the sweet nectar of her lips.

Initially their kisses were short, breathing in the air between them after touching their lips together briefly. Devon used his tongue to lick the tender contours of her mouth and they both shivered with desire. She was as sweet-tasting and fulfilling as the juiciest fruit. He felt like he could kiss her for an eternity.

Chloe moved her hands around his narrow waist and down to grasp his hard buttocks, wanting to touch as much of him as she could. She felt pleasure when she heard him moan at the feel of her hands as she massaged him. He deepened the kiss, wanting and needing more as he drew Chloe’s tongue out to suck on it gently as his hands moved to massage the fullness of her breasts beneath her T-shirt. Her breasts were as soft and smooth as he imagined, and he got a rush from feeling the divine pair in his hands. They were perfect twin peaks of chocolate distraction. Her nipples strained against the thin material as he teased them with his fingertips.

She used her hands to press their lower bodies together, the feel of his length of hardness against her stomach sending wave after delicious wave of pleasure through her body. He was man personified to the littlest detail. Everything there was about a man that women cherished, he contained. The physical power, inner strength and resilience and still, yes, tenderness as he kissed her sweetly, seeming to worship her lips.

The growl he released was barbarian as he offered his tongue to her. She sucked it deeply, as he had done hers.

Sweet Jesus! They both knew it would be good, but not
explosively good.

Devon felt the stickiness of his member against his boxers. He was near a climax just from kissing this beauty in his arms! Chloe felt as though her undergarments were drowning in the moisture he created.

The sound of Nana Lil’s voice nearing the kitchen broke them apart, their breathing ragged, hearts racing, mouths still damp from their intense kiss. Chloe felt dizzy from the sudden loss of him, touching her hands to her swollen lips as she watched him walk over to the open space in the wall where the patio doors had yet to be installed.

“I’m sorry, Chloe. That shouldn’t have happened. It was a mistake,” he said raggedly before walking out of the house.

She didn’t feel bereft at his words of regret over what just happened between them. She didn’t care, because at that moment she had seen but a glimpse of paradise, and she wanted more. He didn’t know he made a very big mistake in allowing them to kiss each other.

When she had told Anika of her growing attraction to the man, her best friend had told her to go for it. And she would. At that moment she decided she wanted Devon in her bed, if not her heart, and she was going to have him.


Chapter Nine


Nana Lil’s wise eyes took in Chloe’s swollen mouth and lazy eyes with a knowing smile.
Well, well, well,
she thought.
My Vonnie and Chloe. Who would’ve thought it?

Chloe saw the look the older woman gave her, but said nothing as she pretended to study the cabinets. Now, anytime she used them she would remember the kiss they shared.

Just kissing that man had brought her closer to an earth-shattering climax than any man had with ardent lovemaking. The brother was fierce, and he made her feel even fiercer in her own prowess as she remembered his primal response to her.

“Well Chloe, what in the world are you going to do with a big kitchen?”

Chloe looked over to where Lil was studying the design of the room. “You know, I

She snorted in disbelief. “Sure baby. Hey, I was thinking we would throw something on the grill, maybe even invite over a few friends. Whatcha think?” But before Chloe could answer, Lil started making plans. “We’ll have to go to the supermarket and get some things.”

Lil dug in her purse and pulled out a small notepad and a pencil. “Here baby, make a list.”

She tried to jot down everything the woman said, but Nana Lil was rattling off things so fast that it was a wonder to Chloe that she didn’t run out of breath.

“That should do it. Got everything?”

At Chloe’s weak nod, Lil took the pad and pen back, shoving them into her purse. “We’ll have to work fast. Let’s go to the house now and call everyone who’s invited. Then we’ll pick up Alicia from the office and go to town.”

Chloe inwardly cringed at the mention of Alicia’s name. She would much prefer to make the twenty-mile ride without Alicia’s sour personality, but she loved the older woman and would do anything for her, including spend an afternoon in the company of someone she couldn’t stand.

“Well, let’s go tell the boys.”

Chloe smiled at how fast Nana Lil could move her frail frame. At times the woman seemed to have more energy than a toddler who had eaten a ton of candy. When she did saunter outside, Lil had already informed the twins, and was on her way over to Chloe’s SUV. She was on a mission.

Chloe paused on the porch to look over toward where Devon stood about fifty yards away. He was on his cell phone and whomever he was talking to made him smile. His straight, even, white teeth gleamed as the dimple in his cheeks deepened.

He looked up and saw Chloe looking in his direction. Immediately he looked away and turned his back to her. With an arched brow, she left the porch and headed straight for him. Whomever he was talking to, it wasn’t a business-related call. Why would he have to walk away from the crew to talk if it was? And as she neared him, the low huskiness of his voice really clinched her beliefs.

Was it Alicia?

Who knew? But it was definitely a woman.

“De-von,” she sang loudly in a sweet tone, making sure that whoever was on the phone would surely hear her. “Who are you on the phone with?”

He whirled around, his eyes wide with surprise, or was it shock. “Uh, I’ll call you back. Okay . . . bye.”

The phone beeped as he disconnected the phone call. “Can I help you with, something, Chloe?”

She flashed him
smile. “Yeah, I have this itch that needs to be scratched?”

Devon watched her with a confused expression. “Huh?”

Chloe laughed as seductively as she could, letting her hand rest lightly on his chest. “I sure hope you’re clumsy because I can go for another one of those mistakes of yours.”

She leaned in, as if to kiss him, and Devon immediately leaned back. His eyes were dark and stormy, but she honestly didn’t know if it was from desire or anger. “Look, Chloe, I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but cut it out. You’re acting  . . . odd. I’m sorry for pouncing on you in the kitchen, it was a . . .”

She laughed, knowing he started to say “mistake.”

He quickly changed it up. “It was an act of bad judgment,” he said firmly instead.

Chloe straightened and flashed him her smile again. “Yeah, whatever. I’ll see you later, Devon.”

He watched as she walked away, his eyes dipping down to watch the movement of her hips in those jeans of hers. The sight of her snug in them had driven him so wild earlier that he
to kiss her.

It had been good, too good. Now he wanted more.

And if he wasn’t mistaken, Chloe was flirting with him. If she kept that up, how could he deny himself
her? He was going to have to keep his distance from her.

What was she up to anyway?

Sighing, Devon dug in his back pocket to retrieve the number he had gotten from Poochie earlier. He walked over to where Deshawn was measuring something on the porch. “Someone told me to give you this.”

Deshawn closed the measuring tape he was using and reached for the slip of paper his brother was handing him. “Who gave you this?”

Devon sat down on one of the steps. “Poochie from Donnie’s.”

He thought of the thickly framed girl with the light complexion and pretty face. “Oh yeah?” He trailed off in pleasure.

Devon nodded. “Yup.”

“That girl has got a body on her!”

Devon agreed. “She sure does. You gonna call her?”

Deshawn looked at his twin like he was crazy. “Does a dog chase cats?”

Devon laughed, the sound of his voice deep. “A girl like that will have you

“I wouldn’t give a damn, if it’s as good as it looks.”


People were everywhere, on the lawn, on the porch, in the backyard, and the music blaring from Deshawn’s portable radio mingled in the air with their voices. Battery-operated outdoor lights hung from the trees to give off more illumination as the sun began to descend. Three tables were set up, laden with food, beside the driveway next to the huge barbecue pit. Nana Lil, with Alicia’s help, had really gone all out with potato salad, tuna salad, catfish stew, corn on the cob, baked beans, deviled eggs, garden salad with homemade vinaigrette, lemon meringue pie, strawberry shortcake and sliced melons. The twins had grilled the ribs, steaks and chicken to perfection.

Chloe sipped on a cup of limeade punch where she sat on the front porch. Her eyes never strayed far from Devon, and several times she would find him looking at her as well. She could still remember the look on his face when she first joined the party, walking outside onto the front porch. His eyes had lit upon her, his mouth open in what could only be surprise.

She had been pleased because she put a lot of time into her appearance. After a long bath that afternoon, she had massaged mousse and gel into her hair, causing it to dry into a mass of curls that surrounded her face. The silk white sun dress she wore was Donna Karan and maybe too dressy for the simple barbecue in the yard, but she
to draw his attention. She wasn’t aware that she drew nearly every other man’s attention at the party as well.

The halter top of the dress clung to her bare breasts, tying around her slender waist before falling in drapes with a full skirt around her knees. Strappy white sandals completed the outfit with a full makeup job that took her thirty minutes to complete.

The reaction on his face had been well worth all the effort!


Devon hefted the platter of raw meat, covered by aluminum foil, up into his arms and took the walkway around the house. He entered the kitchen through the back entrance, stopping in surprise at finding Chloe already there, leaning against the counter, eating. “Hi Chloe,” he said, purposefully keeping himself from looking directly at her. “Why are you eating in here?”

Chloe wiped her mouth with a paper napkin, careful not to remove too much of her lipstick or foundation. “I felt like everyone was staring at me.”

Devon laughed as he slid the platter onto a cleared shelf in the refrigerator. “The way you scarf down food I can see why you wouldn’t want an audience.”

“I don’t scarf down food,” she balked, rolling up her soiled paper napkin to throw at him playfully.

He dodged the ball and caught it easily with one hand, throwing it into the trashcan near the door. “You’re not good at baseball. Better stick to your day job.”

“Ha ha. I don’t have a day job anymore, remember.” Chloe sat her plate on the counter and turned to wash the greasy liquid from the barbecued chicken off her fingers.

Devon gave in and let his eyes trail from her long shapely legs to her curvaceous hips, over the smooth caramel of her back and shoulders. Damn, she looked good!

She turned and caught his eyes on her, just before he quickly looked away.
You can run but you can’t hide.
“Devon, would you pass me a beer please?”

His eyes widened in shock. “Since when do you drink?” he asked as he opened the fridge and got out the beer, along with one for himself.

“I drink beer,” she said indignantly.

“I would’ve thought you were more of a Moet drinker myself.” He twisted off the top and walked over to hand her the bottle.

“You know, before I was rich and famous I grew up in the Bronx, lower middle class in a small two-bedroom apartment with my mother.” She took a sip of the cold beer. “I wasn’t always able to afford Moët, or even Alizé for that matter, Devon.”

He nodded, digesting the info. “I never thought of it like that.”

“That’s okay.”

They were companionably silent for a few seconds. “Your hair’s different,” he said. “I like it that way.”

“Thanks, Devon.” Chloe looked up into his obsidian eyes. “I thought you would. That’s why I did it this way.”

“For me?” he asked doubtfully.

She nodded. “And the dress. Do you like it?” She spun in front of him, causing the dress to rise up like a parasol around her waist, showing the skimpy black thong she wore underneath.

Devon’s loins flamed with desire. “Chloe.” His voice, deep and resonant, was like a warning as he watched her tease him.

Not to be deterred, Chloe placed the beer on the counter next to her plate and stepped closer to him. “And the perfume. It’s Trésor by Lancôme. I bought it today. You like?”

“Chloe, what are you up to?” His voice was tight as he fought for control.

She laughed huskily and leaned back to look up into his warm eyes. “I told you before, I want my—”

Nana Lil walked into the kitchen from the front hall and they jumped apart. She smiled. “Didn’t know you two were in here. Just need some more salad dressing. Excuse me for interrupting.”

“You weren’t interrupting anything, Nana.” Devon’s voice was strained.

“No, nothing at all, Nana Lil,” Chloe piped in.

Lil stooped to get a bottle of her homemade vinaigrette from the door of the refrigerator. She pulled air between her teeth and shot them a knowing look. “Yeah right, whatever.”

She left the kitchen. “Carry on,” her voice floated back into the kitchen before they heard the front door firmly close behind her.

“I have to get back to Angela,” he said, reminding them both of his date, who was probably outside looking for him.

Chloe nodded slowly. “Okay but while you’re with Angela . . . think about this.”

She stepped back close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his head toward her. With deliberate slowness, she licked his lips and pressed her body into his. Moaning, he deepened the kiss and took the lead as he let his hands cradle her waist, before lifting the skirt to massage the softness of her buttocks.

“I want you, Devon Jamison,” she moaned against his lips before moving away reluctantly. She left the kitchen through the back door without another word, leaving him totally stunned.


The night deepened in color and only a few guests had taken their leave. Chloe was glad Alicia had finally headed home. She had a feeling the woman just couldn’t stand to see Devon with another woman. It didn’t bother Chloe one bit; it was an obvious ploy on his part to try to distance himself from her. In all the weeks she been living in the house she had never heard or seen or accepted a phone call from
woman, especially anyone named Angela. It was as if the woman just appeared from nowhere. Who cared? Just because he danced with the woman and sat next to her to eat, his eyes remained on Chloe. She made sure of that.

Anytime she found him looking at her, she would blow him kisses, lick her lips, lift her skirt to show the long, shapely expanse of her leg, or shake her breasts at him.

No one else noticed because she stood off from everyone else by her SUV in the driveway. It offered the perfect cover from everyone . . . but Devon. A couple of times he smiled or raised his drink in a toast to her performance.


Devon promised himself that he would think real seriously on that idea of spanking Chloe after she pulled another one of her tricks and blew him a kiss. She was so hidden behind that damn big SUV of hers that only he seemed able to see her from where he stood by the tall hedges.

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