Adrenaline: A Fall Away Series Bonus Content Collection (11 page)

BOOK: Adrenaline: A Fall Away Series Bonus Content Collection
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My face felt like it was splintering into a dozen different cracks, and I clenched my teeth to dull the ache in my jaw.

“I’m not worried about the Breathalyzer,” I whispered, looking down into my lap. “He might know what happened at the club.”




Jax watches K.C. dancing…

Madoc stood next to me, watching K.C. through my bedroom window. “She’s lost her damn mind,” he joked.

“Yeah.” The corner of my mouth turned up. “Finally.”

My little pearl-clutcher had certainly gone off the reservation, and I crossed my arms over my chest, taking in the sight of it.

She was smiling and crazy beautiful.

Digging my cell out of my pocket, I dialed the police station.

“What are you doing?” Madoc asked, bringing his Newcastle to his lips.

I wiggled my eyebrows at him, knowing he would know what that meant.

“Hey, Rachel,” I said into the phone, trying to sound concerned. “It’s Jax. Who’s on patrol tonight? I need to report a lot of noise coming from next door.”

Madoc immediately hunched over and started laughing, but it was so deep that it sounded more like a wheeze.

He shook his head, smiling. “You’re such a prick,” he chuckled.

Yeah, I am.

K.C. Carter may have lost her damn mind, and I wanted to make sure she never found it again.




Jax and K.C. before they leave for the camping trip…


“Jax, Jared is honking the horn!” I cried out, running my fingers through the hair of the head between my legs. “Oh, God.” I arched my back off the mattress. “Right there!”

I groaned as Jax sucked my clit into his mouth and worked it hard, giving it quick nips with his teeth and stretching it out between his lips.

“Oh!” I rolled my hips, making love to his mouth.

God, I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t think he’d slept all night, and then I woke up twenty minutes ago with him on top of me. He had an appetite, and I was beyond delirious.

I knew he’d spent time in the office, getting work done last night, and then he’d told me—when his tongue wasn’t inside of me, that is—that we were all going camping starting today.

Jared was waiting outside, and I wouldn’t put it past him to barge through the door, demanding his brother back.

I threw my arms over my face as his tongue flicked me, sending me spasming home.

“Jesus!” I moaned and cried, punching the bed with my fists.

“Juliet! You okay?” Tate called from the other side of the door, and I covered my face with my hands again.

“Fuck off, Tate,” Jax barked, sucking me until the final shudders had left my body.

“Oh, my God,” Tate burst out. “Um, we’ll be downstairs. Hurry up!”

My head fell to the side, and I closed my eyes, my face warm with embarrassment.

Jax gave me one last long lick and kissed up my stomach, stopping to suck on my breast.

“Don’t you ever get tired?” I whimpered through my hands.

“Of you?” He swirled his tongue around my nipple. “Doesn’t look like it. You’re too hot when you come.”

I dropped my hands to his face, bringing him in for a kiss. “I need a shower,” I whispered into his lips. “And you’re brother is going to drag you off of me, so you better go.”

“Jax! Now!”

We both jerked our heads to the door, hearing Jared’s bellow from downstairs.

Jax smiled and pecked me on the lips before jumping off the bed. His hair was still wet from the shower he took while I was asleep, and he already had jeans on. Digging into one of his bags—I assumed from the shopping trip with Madoc yesterday—he grabbed a black t-shirt and slipped it on his long torso.

“Be ready when I get back, okay?” He grabbed his phone, keys, and wallet, shoving them in his pockets. “Pack a bikini and some of my t-shirts to wear. You don’t need anything else.”

A smile spread over my lips, and I sat up, covering myself with the sheet. “I’ll be ready.”

I knew he wanted to get out of here soon, and I was glad he’d confided in me. I didn’t know how concerned to be about his father or whether or not he was a genuine threat, but I trusted Jax and Jared’s responses to keep a safe distance until they were prepared.

And hey, if it meant sharing a tent with Jax for three days, then I was cool with that. Tutoring was on a one-week hiatus for the Fourth of July next week, and I wasn’t starting my theater job until after tutoring was completed mid-July.

He dived back down for a quick kiss and then headed for the door. “And don’t comb your hair,” he ordered, looking back at me and winking. 

I saluted, watching him leave.

Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I kept the sheet wrapped around me and rotated my ankles and feet back to life. I’d practically been fucked into the mattress, although I do vaguely remember going into his office last night, riding him in his chair, and then returning to bed as if I’d just gotten up to get a drink of water.

The bedroom door swung open, and I looked up to see Fallon pulling to a sudden halt and peering down at me wide-eyed.

“Oh, wow,” she said, stunned.

I bowed my head, groaning. I didn’t even want to know what I looked like.

I heard a second set of footsteps and glanced up to see Tate.

“Well,” she drawled out, grinning. “You’re a mess.”

I nodded, tightening the sheet. “Energy,” I mumbled. “He has lots of it.”

Fallon came in, circling the bed, while Tate sat down beside me.

“One, two, three,” Fallon counted, and I looked up to see her picking up condom wrappers on the floor. “Four, five…” she continued and came to stand in front of me, shaking her head.

I swallowed and glanced at the nightstand and then back up at her with her handful of wrappers.

Shooting my hand over, I grabbed another wrapper off the night stand and shoved it into her hands. “Six,” I mumbled, looking away. 

And that didn’t count the office sex last night or the oral sex this morning.

“I…I’ll…um,” she stumbled over her words, “I’ll go back over to your place and run her a bath.”

She walked out, and Tate called after her as she started to rub circles on my back.

“My soothing salts are under the sink!” she shouted to Fallon.

I shrugged her hand off, letting out a nervous laugh. “It’s not my first time, Tate. Stop fussing.”

She dropped her hand to her lap, speaking sternly. “You ever done it six times in one night before?” she asked.

I stared at my feet, smiling to myself and shaking my head.

She continued, “And if Jax is anything like his brother, then I’m sure he’s no gentlemen in the bedroom.”

I folded my lips between my teeth, trying not to laugh and look like I was losing my mind. I was mortified, delirious, and happy all at the same time, and I probably looked like I’d been attacked by an animal. 

But definitely not by a gentleman. Oh no.

Character Conversations


Juliet: Do you remember when I asked if you were into lingerie and you said that lingerie was nothing more than clothing you had to take off?

Jax: Yes.

Juliet: And that there was no point to it, because it only covered up everything you wanted to see anyway?

Jax: Yes.

Juliet: And that you were a low-maintenance man who liked low-maintenance women, and I didn’t have to put on any frills for you?

Jax: I feel like we’re going to fight again. Which is fine, but we have to be at dinner with the family soon, and we don’t have time for make-up sex.

Juliet: *dangles lingerie from fingers*

Juliet: This was expensive, Jax. ‘WAS’ being the key word, since it’s now useless! I dragged Tate out to go shopping today and bought my first piece of real lingerie to test your comments. I only wore it for two minutes, and every time you get excited, you cut off my clothes!!!!

Jax: *grins

Juliet: It’s not funny.

Jax: You in that little black number was anything but funny.

Juliet: So you do like lingerie then, don’t you?!

Jax: Clearly.

Juliet: Well, what am I am supposed to do?! Buy it, so you can enjoy it one time and ruin it?

Jax: *grins

Juliet: Or maybe make you check the knife at the door?!

Jax: Do you really want that?

Juliet: Don’t give me that sexy little smile and think I’m going to melt. I love you, but I’m mad.

Jax: I love it when you’re mad.

Juliet: Oh, shut up.

Jax: *grins

Juliet: Stop looking at me like that.

Jax: *whispers* Baby...

Juliet: I’m not melting this time, Jax! *runs upstairs* And another thing. Start using a clean knife in the mayo jar! There’s bits of mustard in there from after you’ve spread it on your sandwich and then used it in the mayo! It’s gross!! *disappears up stairs

Jax: *snorts *texts Madoc

Jax: We’re going to be late for dinner.

Jax: *climbs stairs




*warning* This is a spoiler for

Madoc: I was thinking...Fallon and I are planning a winter trip to Aspen. We want you to come.

Tate: Oh, yay! Me smack dab in the middle of your candlelit dinners and intimate bubble baths. Count me in.

Madoc: I’m serious. There’s a great party scene there, tons of people to meet...You’d have a lot of fun.

Jax: *watching *gritting teeth

Tate: I have fun, Madoc.

Madoc: You have vibrators, Tate.

Addie: Oh, Madoc! Really!

Madoc: Oh, please. It’s not like your panties have seen any action lately, either.

Addie: *huffs *stomps out of kitchen

Madoc: Tate, for real, though. Come on. Let’s ride some snowmobiles, go to some swanky parties, and drink ‘til we puke. You can invite someone along, if you want.

Jax: *glaring at Madoc

Tate: I’ll think about it. *gets up, walks out of room

Jax: What the fuck are you doing?

Madoc: *shrugs

Jax: That’s my brother’s girl, asshole.

Madoc: Your brother can go screw himself for all I care. He left, after all. He doesn’t want her.

Jax: He’ll always want her. And if you try to set her up with guys, you won’t have to worry about what he’ll do to you. Stop going out of your way to fuck with me, and I mean it.

Madoc: Tate has every right to do what she wants. And she’s getting very good at doing EXACTLY what she wants if you haven’t noticed. But she does listen to me. More than she does you, so be prepared.

Jax: *smirks* You’re my best friend, so no offense, but I’m smarter than you. If. You. Haven’t. Noticed. SO BE PREPARED.

Madoc: >:(

Jax: >:(

Madoc: >:(

Jax: >:(

Madoc: wanna like play
Grand Theft Auto
in the basement?

Jax: You got the new PS4 version?

Madoc: Duh.

Jax: Okay, then.




Madoc: You see, this little thingy here is called the dip stick. It tells us how much oil we have and when it should be changed.

Juliet: *scowling

Madoc: But it’s lucky for you that you have a big, strong man around to do all the car work for you. You don’t have to worry your pretty little head about anything.

Juliet: *scowling

Madoc: And when it comes time for you to buy a car, leave it to Jax and all you have to worry about is which color will go with your fingernails.

Juliet: *scowling

Fallon: Madoc...

Madoc: I’m just teasing. Sorry, Juliet. It’s okay that you don’t know about cars. Even though you’re the only one in the group who doesn’t know about mechanics.

Juliet: *scowling

Madoc: I’m teasing! *grabs her, hugs her* I’m sure you learned lots of awesome stuff in Girl Scouts. *laughing

Juliet: *scowling

Jax: MADOC!!!!! Get your ass in here!

Everyone runs up to Jax and Juliet’s upstairs bathroom...

Madoc: What?

Jax: Lucas flushed his vegetables from lunch down the toilet! It’s overflowing!

Madoc: Well, get the plunger!

Jax: I tried that. There’s water everywhere! It’s not stopping.

Fallon: Oh, shit...

Juliet: *shifts eyes around room, watching everyone

Jax: Oh, my God. Seriously! What a mess! Why won’t it stop?

Madoc: Alright, I’ll call a plumber. Fallon, get some towels.

Fallon: *runs to hall closet

Madoc: *gets on phone

Jax: Ugh, it’s about to spill down the stairs. Fallon, hurry!

Juliet: *arches eyebrow and watches boys

Juliet: Are you guys for real? *reaches down, turns valve, shutting water off

Madoc: :O

Jax: :O

Hey, it stopped!

Madoc: How’d you know how to do that?

Juliet: Girl Scouts. We took a field trip to Home Depot, and the guy showed us how to handle emergencies like this.

Madoc: Girl Scouts?

Juliet: Yeah, so bite me. *and walks out

Jax and Fallon: *laughing

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