Adrenaline (Speed #2) (6 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

Tags: #Adrenaline

BOOK: Adrenaline (Speed #2)
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with my mouth dropped open in shock. “I hate racing.”

Trey smiled as he held the door to the limo open for me. “Come on, baby. We’re in Vegas, and I had tickets. I promise you’ll love it.”

I rolled my eyes as I slid into the car. As much as I hated Vegas, I desperately needed a vacation from work and when Trey offered up a trip to Vegas for the weekend, who was I to turn him down. Of course me being me, I paid for my flight and even booked my own hotel room. The last thing I wanted to do was make Trey think I was only with him for his money. Truth be told . . . I was about to break things off with him before he asked me to go. I didn’t have the heart to do it, so I put it off . . . again. This was the fourth time I had tried to break it off and backed out. Trey was the first guy who ever really put any effort into a relationship with me, yet I still felt like something was off.

The sex was good. Not mind blowing, but good. I had hoped the longer we dated the more I would begin to feel something for him, but nothing happened.

“I seriously doubt I’m going to love watching cars race around a track as they are being driven by grown men who forgot to grow up.”

Trey tossed his head back and laughed as he reached for my hand. “So, are you enjoying Vegas?”

With a fake smile, I nodded. “Yes. I’m having a really great time.”

“So can I convince you to fly back to Texas on my plane?”

Why the idea of flying around in private planes with Trey made me feel like a paid whore, I’ll never know. It didn’t feel right.

“No, but I will let you give me one incredible orgasm before I leave for the airport tomorrow.”

I could see the disappointment on his face before he flashed that brilliant smile of his. “It’s a deal. But, in the meantime, I think we should have a warm up.”

Before I could argue, his mouth was on mine and his hand went up my skirt. He pushed my panties out of the way while I opened wider, giving him access to ease the instant throbbing between my legs.

It didn’t take long before Trey was swallowing up my moans as he finger fucked me to an orgasm.

Pulling his fingers out, he kissed me once more before pulling his phone out and making a call.

Frowning, I adjusted my panties and turned to look out the window, all of sudden feeling very uncomfortable in my own skin.

“Hey, it’s me. Yeah, just checking in. That’s great. Sounds good. Listen, got to run but I’ll call you later, okay?”

I never knew who Trey was talking to half the time. I assumed it was his assistant. The only thing I thought was strange is how he always seemed to make a call after doing something like he just did. As if the guilt from doing something sexual with me made him feel bad. Every time the call was short and business-sounding, making me think it was his assistant.

“Who was that?” I asked. I never asked him before, but for some reason, I was bothered by the call.

“No one. Just an associate that’s been blowing up my phone all morning.”

For the first time since dating Trey, I got the feeling he had just told me his first lie. Plenty of guys have lied to me . . . practically my whole life. So when he didn’t look me in the eyes and fumbled with his phone, I knew.

I wasn’t the only woman in Trey’s life.

I blew out a frustrated breath as I stood in the VIP-only area. Trey was in heaven as he talked to a few NASCAR drivers and got his picture taken with them. When one asked if I wanted to get in the picture, Trey said no, which momentarily caught me off guard.

“I mean, let me get one alone, baby, then you jump in and you can get one.”

Needless to say, his response only confirmed my suspicions that Trey was seeing someone else and couldn’t risk a picture of the two of us together.

I slipped away when the photo was being taken and Trey wasn’t paying attention. I wasn’t sure where I was allowed and not allowed to go. All I knew was I needed fresh air.

Stepping outside the garage area, I turned the corner and ran right into someone.

“Shit! I’m so sorry,” I blurted out as I looked up at the guy I ran into.

Strong hands took ahold of me, causing me to gasp at the zip of energy that rushed through my body as I stared into the bluest eyes I’d ever seen.

“I’m . . . I’m so . . . ahh . . . sorry,” I said shaking my head to clear my thoughts as I stared at his features. He had a strong jaw line, perfect nose, eyelashes I’d kill for, and the most breathtaking smile I’d ever seen.

Down, Paislie. Settle down.

The man standing before me had to be the most handsome guy I’d ever laid eyes on. He was dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt that showed off his massive chest. He had tattoos all the way down his left arm that filled me with the urge to trace them with my fingers. No, with my tongue.

What in the hell is wrong with you, Paislie?

“Are you okay?” he asked.

Mother of all things good in this world. His voice sounded like God had opened the gates of heaven and sent an angel down. It vibrated through my entire body, and in a good way. A
good way. Was that a southern accent I heard?

Please let him be from the south.

“No,” I mumbled.

His eyes filled with concern as they traveled over my body and I visibly trembled.

What in hell is happening to me?

He looked deeper into my eyes. “Did I hurt you?”

My mouth parted open and I tried like hell to talk.

“Paislie? Are you hurt?”

The second he said my name, I fantasized about him calling it out as he moved over my body with his lips and—

Closing my eyes, I pushed all those thoughts out and got control of myself. “I’m sorry. I think I was stunned for a moment.” Pinching my brows together, I asked, “How do you know my name?”

His right hand dropped and my body instantly missed the contact. He lifted the VIP pass and smiled a crooked smile that honestly made my knees shake. “Oh,” I said with a chuckle. “Duh.”

Good lord. What are we, in middle school? Duh? That was the best I could come up with?

I couldn’t help but notice his left hand was still holding onto my arm. I glanced down at it and he must have noticed too because he dropped it. “So . . . are you okay?”

With a wave of my hand, I let out a nervous laugh. “Totally. I’m sorry. I needed to get away from Trey . . .” I closed my eyes and cursed under my breath. “No, I mean I needed fresh air and I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

When I looked back up into his blue eyes, I couldn’t help but notice the dimples on both sides of his cheeks. Jesus in heaven . . .
please give me the willpower to not jump this man right here and now.

“You have a beautiful smile,” I blurted out.

His eyes lit up with something I’d never before. “So do you, Paislie.”

My cheeks flushed and I had to place my hands on them to cool my face. “Um . . . thank you. Again, I’m really sorry about bumping into you and acting like a crazy fool.”

“We’ll just call it a warm up, I’m sure I’ll be doing lots of bumping out on the track.”

All of a sudden I found myself very interested in racing. “You’re a driver?”

With a cocky smile, he replied, “Yep.”

I sunk my teeth down into my lip; clearly NASCAR drivers now turned me on as desire pooled in my lower stomach. “What number are you?”

It was then I heard a dog bark. Glancing down, a boxer was patiently standing at his hot owner’s side. I instantly dropped to the ground as I cried out, “A boxer! I love boxers!”

The dog promptly licked and tried to climb up on me as his owner corrected him. “Sorry about that. He tends to lose focus when a pretty girl is around.”

I peeked up through my eyelashes and tried hard to hold the eye roll back.

“Too cheesy?” he asked.

Standing, I held my thumb and index finger up. “Just a little.”

“Told you it wouldn’t work, Deuce.”

“Deuce? Cute name.”

Mr. Hotter-than-hot frowned. “Cute was not what I was going for with his name but . . . I’ll take it.”

Smiling like a schoolgirl, I tried to understand what it was about this guy that made me feel so . . . different. Giddy almost.

For Christ’s sake. Get a grip, Paislie.

“Well, I should let you go. Good luck today and again, I’m sorry for bumping into you.”

With a nod of his head, blue eyes and crazy sexy dimples leaned in closer and softly said, “I’m not.”

My heart practically pounded out of my chest as I watched him walk off. “Wait!” I called out. “What’s your number or your name or something for me to scream out when you drive by?”

With a wide grin, he said, “Malcolm Wallace.”

Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t stop the stupid look of happiness from spreading across my face. “Good luck, Malcolm Wallace.”

His wink did me in and a moan slipped from my lips as he said, “Thanks, Paislie.”

And just like that he walked around the corner and was gone.

I dropped back against the building and fought to get my breathing under control. My stomach dipped and my chest felt funny.

“What in the
was that?” I mumbled.

“There you are.”

I pushed off the wall and made my way over toward Trey. All the happiness and feelings I had just experienced vanished with the sound of his voice. “Sorry, I needed some fresh air.”

“We should probably check out a few other things before heading up to the box seats.”

Nodding in agreement, I said, “Sure.”

Trey placed his hand on my lower back and guided me back past the open garage. Stealing a glance, my green eyes were caught by Malcolm’s intense stare. Lifting my hand, I waved as he flashed me that crooked smile I was positive I would be dreaming about tonight and many future nights.

My heart felt heavy the further we walked away from the garage area. Once we were in our box seats, I searched the program until those blue eyes were staring up at me from the page.

Malcolm Wallace.

He raced for Elliot Racing and was twenty-six years old. He won the Daytona 500 last month and was ranked as one of the best drivers in NASCAR. The car he drove was number twenty-four. My new favorite number.

When they started their engines, I became an instant fan while the rumble from the sounds of the engines moved through my body. “Who you going for, babe?” Trey asked.

My eyes zoomed in on his car. The blue and white paint theme would be easy to keep track of as they raced around the track. “I think I’m going with my lucky number. Twenty-four.”

“Ahh . . . Wallace. Good pick.”

Keeping my eyes focused on the number twenty-four car, I took a sip of beer before saying, “I think so.”


My heart was racing as I tried to keep my breathing under control. Glancing up, I saw her again. This time some asshole had his hand on her, leading her away. When she lifted her hand to wave goodbye, my heart felt like it jumped to my throat.

“Dude, are you okay?”

Turning my attention to Dalton, I brushed the feelings away. I was probably just tired and it had been too long since I’d actually had sex.

“Yeah, Deuce and I ran into someone and . . . you know what. Never mind,” I said, waving my hand to dismiss the conversation.

“How’s the car looking?” I asked.

Dalton went into his normal spiel about how the car was and how he thought it would run. I watched him intently as he talked, but I didn’t hear a damn word he said. My mind was thinking of a beautiful, dark-haired beauty with flawless skin, sensual lips, and emerald eyes. Damn, her smile about knocked me off my feet.

Deuce whined at my feet and I was wondering if he was missing her as well. The way her energy rushed through my body when I held her. I hadn’t experienced anything like that before with anyone else since Casey.

My heart ached as I focused on the race and not Paislie.

Paislie. What a beautiful name. It suited her.

“Malcolm? Did you even hear what I just said?”

My eyes snapped up as I gave him a nod. “Sure I did, just trying to get in the right frame of mind.”

His eyes narrowed as he looked at me. “You okay, dude? You seem like you’re preoccupied with something.”

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