AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories) (147 page)

BOOK: AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories)
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              “I mean that .  . . Well, I’m sexually aroused,” Ralph replied.  He just had no idea how else to put it, and there were no plainer terms.  He just wished he didn’t have to spell everything out.  It was so embarrassing.

              “Oh, that’s the thing you do when you want to have babies isn’t it?” Kayzer replied, as he came from a rather conservative clan where sex was for reproductive purposes only. Doing such activities for fun was frowned up rather severely, though Kayzer wasn’t quite aware of that, as he wasn’t exposed to it.

              “That’s one way of putting it, I guess,” Ralph replied.  Kayzer seemed so innocent, now he almost felt bad for lusting after him.  The guy obviously had no experience whatsoever in sexual things, and Ralph didn’t want to feel like he was shattering that innocence.

              “Okay, were you dreaming about the person you want to have a baby with?” Kayzer asked, the naivety just dripping from his voice as he asked. He didn’t realise just how out of the loop he was from normal life, and other species. His clan was up in the mountains, very little interaction with any of the outside world. They kept to themselves and were very traditional, so this was all very strange and new to the young dragon.

              “Yes, that’s what I was doing,” Ralph replied.  Maybe babies weren’t what was on his mind during the dream, but if that’s how Kayzer thought of sex, then he wasn’t going to contradict him.  That wouldn’t serve ay purpose . . .. Other than mortifying himself even further.

              “Cool, who was it you were dreaming about?” Kayzer asked, though he assumed that he most definitely didn’t know the person, Kayzer just wanted to listen to Ralph’s stories. He was an inquisitive mite, and enjoyed hearing what Ralph had to say. The man had such a calm and soothing voice, and it wouldn’t hurt to hear a little love story, as that was what he assumed he was getting.

              Ralph bit his lip at the question.  He didn’t know what he should tell Kayzer.  On one hand, he was afraid to tell Kayzer the truth considering how innocent he was, but Ralph was just no good at lying.  Not to mention, if he could avoid lying then he just wouldn’t do it.  So, he would have to tell the truth.  “Well, I was dreaming about you.”

              “About me? Why me?” Kayzer asked, a little shocked if he was honest. That wasn’t the answer he was expecting, but it certainly peaked his curiosity.

              “Because, I like the way you look, and the way you act.  I just like you,” Ralph replied.  Well, that and the fact that Kayzer roamed around in the nude for a bit certainly didn’t hurt anything.

              “You like me?” Kayzer repeated, a blush forming on his cheek. Kayzer wasn’t quite sure how to react, but he honestly couldn’t stop smiling. A weird feeling was tingling in his stomach. This was all so exciting.

              “Yeah.  Sorry if you think that it’s weird.  I mean, I totally understand if you don’t feel the same.  We just met after all,” Ralph said nervously.

“No,  I don’t think it’s weird. I think it’s kinda cute,” Kayzer said, giggling a little. The thought of being with Ralph brought such butterflies to his tummy, so he would give it a chance. He wasn’t sure if his parents would approve, but at least he had found someone he liked, and didn’t have to have his parents arrange a mate for him.

“Really?” Ralph asked, surprised at that.  He wondered if Kayzer would want to do anything else with that information, or if he was just saying that he wasn’t upset that Ralph liked him.  Either were good, but one was obviously much better than the other.

“Yeah. I like it… i like you. I don’t really know what to do though. I haven’t said anything or been in a situation like this before,” Kayzer explained, as he didn’t want Ralph thinking he was weird for being so unsure or hesitant, it was mainly because he had no experience in such a situation. However, he wanted to explore these new feelings and see what they could do together. It could be fun, Kayzer was already starting to feel a connection with Ralph, who knows how far it can go?

“Well, I don’t know either.  You want to join up with your clan, after all, so I’m not sure that there’s much we could do, besides have a little fun together on the way,” Ralph said.  They couldn’t be together, because they’d be parting ways in a little less than a week if everything went smoothly.

“Oh? What fun can we have?” Kayzer asked, a little curious. He was more than happy to have a bit of fun with Ralph, make a few memories with him. It would be a nice little addition to their journey through the woods, especially if they were only going to be together for a short time. They may as well make the most of their company together.

“Well, we could do things like kiss, and see where that takes us,” Ralph suggested. Hearing that just made the blush grow bigger on Kayzer’s cheeks. He’d never kissed anyone before, he didn’t know what to do, but his curiosity was screaming at him to give it a try. It couldn’t hurt after all. Just another new thing to discover.

“Yeah, okay. Let’s do that,” Kayzer said, a hint of nervousness in his voice, though he waited for Ralph to make the first move.

“All right.  Now, if at any point you feel uncomfortable, just say so, okay?” Ralph began, then he moved in for the first move, giving Kayzer a peck on the lips at first, and then giving him another kiss, running his tongue along Kayzer’s lips. At first, Kayzer wasn’t too sure what to do, but with Ralph’s careful touch, he was soon able to relax into the kiss and start kissing back. It was difficult to adjust to the motion, though he started to get the hang of it as he parted his lips and let their tongues start to tango. It felt so good! Kayzer could just feel the tingling sensation dancing down his spine as his emotions ran high. This had to be one of the most incredible experiences ever, and they were only getting started.

Ralph parted their lips to see how Kayzer was enjoying it so far, and he even was so bold as to run his fingers down Kayzer’s side.  “How was your first kiss, then?” he asked, hoping to hear positive things back.  Ralph knew that he certainly enjoyed the kiss.

“Amazing,” Kayzer giggled, lifting a hand and brushing it through Ralph’s hair, unable to stop smiling. This was absolutely wonderful, and Kayzer just wanted to continue. “Can I have some more please?”

              Ralph couldn’t help but smile at that and lock his lips with Kayzer for a nice, drawn out kiss.  They both deserved it, Ralph thought.  So, he let their tongues dance until he got the urge to do some other things with his mouth, so he began kissing and nipping on Kayzer’s neck, leaving little hickies in his wake. As he felt Ralph’s lips against his skin, Kayzer wasn’t sure what to do. He just held Ralph close, moaning a little as he craned his head back. Things were starting to build up, and Kayzer could feel his cock growing harder as the arousal really began sinking in.

              When Ralph began to feel Kayzer’s cock getting hard, he lightly ghosted his fingers over his crotch and began to suck on one of Kayzer’s nipples, gently playing with it and rolling it in between his teeth. Kayzer gasped loudly as his lust cried out for more of this wonderful attention. The dragon wanted nothing more than to have Ralph as close as possible and to feel all these wonderful emotions stirring through his body.

              “More, please. More,” Kayzer whispered softly into Ralph’s ear, letting his hands slide down the man’s back and rest contently on his ass.

              Ralph almost couldn’t believe that Kayzer was so willing all of the sudden, even though he was so new to all of this.  Granted, he wasn’t going to complain, nor deny Kayzer what he wanted.  So, Ralph slipped off Kayzer’s boxers, then started to slowly stroke Kayzer’s cock while he lavished the beautiful man’s chest with kisses, sucking here and there to leave behind love marks.

              The moment Kayzer felt Ralph’s delicate touch on his member a loud moan escaped his lips and his whole body shivered with anticipation. He had never felt something like this before, and it was just perfect. As far as Kayzer was concerned, Ralph was just magic to invoke such feelings inside him. He never wanted to lose this. Kayzer simply planted multiple kisses on Ralph’s skin, letting his hands massage his lover’s ass while his teeth nibbled on Ralph’s ear. His body was just on autopilot as it savoured the new pleasure he was given.

              Ralph felt pretty good with all of Kayzer’s reciprocation, but he tried not to let himself get too carried away in the wave of pleasure he was feeling come over his body and forget to give Kayzer the pleasure that he deserved as well, so he kept stroking Kayzer, giving him what he wanted while enjoying the feeling of his teeth and hands.

              The pleasure was starting to get too much for Kayzer. He could feel something strange building up in his system, something he had never felt before. As Ralph continued to stroke his cock, growing faster and faster as each second past, Kayzer just couldn’t hold it in anymore. He squeezed Ralph’s as to help cope as a loud moan escaped his lips and he shot his load. Kayzer honestly wasn’t sure what had happened, but he could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest as he had to work to catch his breath.

              “What the… that was…. amazing,” Kayzer said after a few minutes as he regained normal function of his body and just cuddled with Ralph. After he felt the sensation of the sticky white come shooting out from Kayzer’s cock, Ralph stopped and gave him a kiss, then held Kayzer close and gently petted his hair.  “You liked that?”

              “I really liked that,” Kayzer replied breathlessly, closing his eyes and just enjoying the feel of Ralph playing with his hair.

              “Would you like to keep going?  There’s a lot more we could do,” Ralph said, though if Kayzer was too tired, he would stop.

              “There’s more?” Kayzer asked, astonished that there was actually more they could do. He thought the handjob was intense, but it seemed there were more activities they could do to feel that amazing pleasure.

              “Of course,” Ralph replied and gave Kayzer a nice long kiss before he unzipped the sleeping bag entirely so that he had a bit more space, then slipped down between Kayzer’s legs and spread them apart.  He was maybe moving a bit fast, but Kayzer was allowed to ask him to stop at any point, so he wasn’t too concerned about making him uncomfortable, so he began to gently lick his entrance to get things started.

              This feeling was even more alien than the last one, and Kayzer wasn’t quite sure how to react. He moaned softly, gently brushing his hand through Ralph’s hair as he felt the man’s tongue exploring inside of him. It was very strange, but nice at the same time. Soothing even. It made him curious as to what else they could be doing together, and he was quite looking forward to exploring it all.

              Ralph made sure to take his time rimming Kayzer, mainly because it was Kayzer’s first time, and Ralph wanted to do what he could to prevent the man from being too sore.  He spent the better part of fifteen minutes just loosening Kayzer’s entrance with his tongue, and then he paused to reach over to his knapsack and pull out a bottle of oil that he usually used on his hands to make sure they didn’t get cracked and dry while working out in the fields, and he spread some over his fingers.

              “Just as a warning, this next part might feel a little strange.  Is it okay if I go ahead?” Ralph asked.

              “Sure, that’s okay,” Kayzer said a little hesitantly, mainly because he didn’t quite know what to expect. Still, he was up for it. A whole new world of emotions and feelings had opened up for him, so he was willing to explore it as long as Ralph was there to hold his hand through it all.

              “All right, I just wanted to warn you,” Ralph said, and then he took the head of Kayzer’s cock in his mouth and started sucking on it a little and began bobbing his head while he slowly pushed one of his fingers inside of Kayzer’s entrance to get him a little more loosened up. The mixture of Ralph’s finger and his mouth was such a strange mix of pleasure and pain, but the pleasure certainly outweighed the pain. Kayzer moaned out loud, reaching out for Ralph’s free hand and squeezing it tightly as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation.

              Ralph gave Kayzer’s hand a nice squeeze and lowered his mouth farther on Kayzer’s cock, moving his mouth nearly up to the head, then back down as far as he could while he gave Kayzer a short while to adjust to the feeling of a finger in his rear.  After he thought that Kayzer would be ready for a little more, he started thrusting his finger inside of him, then gradually adding a second one into the mix.

              It took a few moments for Kayzer to adjust to it all, but he concentrated more on his blow job than the finger poking in and out of his rear. He was really chuckled into the deep end with this new experience, but he was coping and he just kept squeezing Ralph’s hand as tightly as he could and allowing his moans to slip past his lips. This was amazing!

              “Keep going, Ralph… keep going!”

              Not wanting to disappoint, Ralph took as much of Kayzer into his mouth as he could, deep throating him while adding another finger to his entrance and beginning to scissor them.  He was trying to keep a nice balance of pleasure to counteract the pain, and just hoped he was doing well.

              With everything that Ralph was doing, Kayzer didn’t last much longer. He held Ralph’s hand as tightly as he could, feeling the build up in his system ready to be released.

              “It’s happening again… it’s coming!” Kayzer called out, only seconds before the load was released, followed by an orgasmic moan as his muscles tensed up then relaxed as he felt the satisfaction overwhelming his body. It just kept getting better and better, Kayzer wasn’t sure how it could improve from this.

BOOK: AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories)
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