Again (Time for Love Book 3) (20 page)

Read Again (Time for Love Book 3) Online

Authors: Miranda P. Charles

Tags: #beach read, #sexy romance, #steamy romance, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Again (Time for Love Book 3)
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Amanda kissed him on the mouth, thrilled about his last sentence. Would hearing his declarations of love ever grow old?

“Keep this up and I won’t be able to tell you everything before he arrives,” Connor murmured against her lips.

She grinned and stepped out of his arms. “You may continue.”

He sighed. “Where was I?”

“You told him your proof is that we’re in love.”

“Oh, yeah. So Lucas laughed out loud about that. He said he knows that there are things I would never give up even for you. Well, I got insulted by that. How dare he insinuate I don’t love you enough? So I told him to go ahead and challenge me.”

“Oh, Connor,” Amanda said with a
. “You’re just playing into his hands. He’s baiting you.”

“I know. He thought he was being very smart about it, too. But I’ve accepted the challenge and I’m happy to meet it.”

“So what is it?” Amanda asked, super curious now.

“The challenge was that I give up my gloves collection to prove I’m willing to do anything for you.”

Amanda’s eyes widened, her jaw slackening. “Connor, no!”

“Already arranged, babe,” he said, grinning widely.

Amanda’s gaze flew to the frame on the wall where his autographed gloves collection proudly hung. “You can’t, Connor. You love that collection. It’s worth a lot to you.”

“Oh, and you’re saying you’re not?” he asked dryly.

“I’m saying you don’t need to prove anything to
. Why would you bother proving yourself to Lucas? Who cares what he thinks?”

“It’s done, babe,” he said.

“But I can’t let you do it. To think that Lucas will now own your prized collection—”

“Who said he’s gonna own it?”

She frowned. “Isn’t that the deal?”

“The only deal was that I
give up
the collection. I have it in writing too, which he emailed me to make it official.  He wrote, ‘give up your gloves collection to prove your love for Amanda’. Now, there’s nothing in his email that said I have to give it up to

“But that’s what he means, though, isn’t it? That he should be the one getting it?”

“Yeah, I’m sure that’s what he means. But it’s not my fault that he was careless with his words. He was the one who insisted we put this deal in writing so no one could back out of it. He was the one who wrote it. So whatever’s in writing stands. That was what I’ve accepted.”

“So who gets it, then?”

“My favourite charity. They’ll be auctioning it. In fact, one of their representatives will also be arriving in a few minutes to pick it up.”

“You’re really willing to give that up?” Amanda asked, glancing at the frame again.


“I really don’t want you to,” she muttered, feeling guilty that she was the cause of his losing something he held dear.

“Hey, I still have the opportunity to win it back at the auction.”

Amanda laughed. “Oh, honey. You’re so smart.”

“Not really. If Lucas had worded the challenge properly, he would have ended up with it. But he didn’t. So it’s not that I’m smart, he was just careless.”

“Lucas won’t take it lying down.”

“Too bad. He can fight with the charity rep if he wants.”

Connor’s office phone buzzed. It was his receptionist announcing Lucas’ arrival.



“Connor!” Lucas said, giving Connor a big man-hug. “Good to see you again, bro. I must say I’m very impressed with your shop.”

“Thanks. Wanna have a look around?”

“Yeah. How’s business going so far?”

“Good, actually,” Connor responded as he led Lucas out the front door and to the side driveway leading up to the big service area at the back. “I’ve managed to secure a couple of big car hire companies as clients, and the marketing we’re currently running is getting a good take-up.”

“Really settling down, hey, dude?” Lucas said in a teasing tone. “Do you miss the excitement of being part of the race, though?”

“Not really. Things are so busy for me here that it’s a different form of excitement altogether. How’s everything going with you?”

“Great! I’ve no competition for the girls now that you’re not around.”

“Still haven’t changed your tune, I see,” Connor said with a chuckle. “Like I said before, the Mr. Fuck King title is all yours.”

Lucas laughed. “You do know it’s not the title, right? It’s the winning, man, it’s the winning. And I’m not satisfied with winning by default.”

“I’m afraid you have no choice,” Connor said amiably. “
was only in your made-up games by default because I was the only one you wanted to compete with.”

“Well, bro, the others can’t really put up any challenge whatsoever. Boring.”

They laughed and Connor proceeded to show Lucas the various service areas of his new shop.

“I’m really happy for you, Connor,” Lucas said sincerely as they made their way to the offices. “The place looks great and I can really see this business taking off. Again, I’m really impressed.”

“Wow, thanks, Lucas,” Connor said. “Does that mean I can expect you to set up a rival business soon?”

Lucas clapped Connor on the shoulder. “You never know, man. You never know. But for now, I’m happy touring with the team. Until someone else could honourably claim the title of Mr. Fuck King and do it justice, I don’t have a choice but to stick around.”

Connor snickered as they turned to the corridor leading to his office. “It’s a tough job, I know.”

“I’m glad you’ve resigned from it!” Amanda called from inside Connor’s room.

“Hey, Amanda! Glad to see you again, beautiful,” Lucas exclaimed, rushing to give Amanda a hug.

Connor narrowed his eyes as Lucas held Amanda for far too long. The man was even whispering in his girlfriend’s ear. “That’s enough, Lucas,” he growled.

Lucas looked at him, a wide grin appearing on his face. “Why, Connor? Scared?”

He snorted. “Don’t be ridiculous. She loves me. I just don’t want your paws on her for too long.”

“You really love this guy, Amanda? I’m sure you could do much, much better,” Lucas said.

Connor glared at Lucas. He liked the man enough to consider him a friend for life despite his immaturity, but Lucas still annoyed the shit out of him sometimes, like right now.

“Well, Lucas, for me, Connor’s the best,” Amanda said, giving Connor a sweet smile.

Connor melted. He pulled Amanda to him and kissed her on the lips.

“Aw. You guys are so sweet,” Lucas said dryly before pretending to gag.

Connor shook his head. “We can only hope that one of these days you’ll grow up, Lucas.”

Lucas laughed. “My mother tells me that all the time. Anyway, seeing this picture here,” Lucas said, sweeping his arm in front of the couple, “I’m assuming that you
still going ahead with my last challenge, Connor?”

“Last challenge?” Connor asked with a raised eyebrow. “Am I hearing you right? After this, you won’t rope me into any more of your ridiculous competition games?”

“Well, now that you’re
in love
, I can’t see how that would be possible. So yes, I’ll miss competing with you, Connor, but I think this is the end of the line for you and me.”

“Oh, how sad for you, Lucas,” Amanda quipped.

“Yeah, it is,” Lucas agreed gravely. “Now you’re lumped with him, Amanda.”

“I know,” Amanda said with mock resignation. “But someone’s gotta do it,” she added, putting her arms around Connor.

Connor smiled contentedly, squeezing Amanda against him.

“Well, a deal’s a deal. So, I’m taking this now, right?” Lucas asked, going to Connor’s gloves collection and taking it down from the wall.

“Careful,” Connor said, moving to help Lucas lay the heavy frame on his desk. “It’s not mine anymore.”

“No. But Amanda is,” Lucas said.

“Yes, I’m very lucky,” Connor agreed, grinning happily.

Lucas shook his head. “Unbelievable,” he muttered.

“Anyway, Lucas,” Connor said, trying to stifle his grin. “A guy from my favourite charity is picking that up shortly. He should be here any minute. I’ll let him know that they have
to thank for my generous donation.”

Lucas stared at Connor, his jaw dropping to the floor. Then he started laughing.

Connor watched his friend in bemusement. Lucas couldn’t seem to rein in his mirth. “I wasn’t expecting this reaction,” he said wryly.

“Oh, dude,” Lucas said, breathing deeply to control himself. “I should have known you’d think of something like this.”

“It was your fault, you know. Did you read your email? You forgot to specify that I should relinquish the collection to

Lucas ran his hand on the frame. “My words were deliberate,” he said.

“What do you mean?” Connor asked.

Lucas sighed. “When I issued you the challenge, it was as a joke. I didn’t really think you’d take me seriously. But obviously, your love for this woman knows no bounds. So I was going to hand over the frame to Amanda after you’d given it to me.”

“Oohh,” Connor said, his lips rounding to an ‘O’.

“Seriously, Connor. I know how much this means to you. Do you really think I’d literally take it from you?”

“That’s so sweet, Lucas,” Amanda said, going to Lucas and giving him a hug.

“See, Connor? This is another reason why I planned it that way. How else could I make Amanda willingly hug me? Maybe I should come up with something bigger and more moving. Maybe then she’d agree to have sex with me—Ouch!”

Amanda pinched Lucas again on his side before returning to Connor.

Connor chuckled. “No chance in hell of that, Lucas. I’ll kill you first.”

“I was just joking,” Lucas said, rubbing his side. “That really hurt, Amanda. Your nails are long.”

“Sorry,” Amanda said, not sounding apologetic at all.

Connor sighed, going to his collection. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to buy this back when the charity holds the auction. It’s a good thing I believe in worthy causes.”

Lucas clapped his hands once, then rubbed them together. “Auction? So I
have a chance of legitimately owning this thing with a clear conscience?”

“Oh, no. No, no, no, dude,” Connor said. “You are not competing on an auction with me for this. You said this was the last challenge.”

“But I’m not challenging you. I am going to a charity auction to bid for this, whether or not you’re there.”

Connor squinted at Lucas before extending his hand. “May the best man win, then.”

“Oh, no,” Amanda muttered, rolling her eyes.


onnor and Amanda waved goodbye to Lucas and the charity guy who came to collect Connor’s generous donation. They went back inside and Connor locked the front door, glad he was now alone with Amanda.

“How much do you think that would go for in the auction?” Amanda asked.

“Who knows?” he answered. “Many, many thousands, I guess.”

“I want you to win it back,” Amanda said, her gaze troubled.

He smiled. “If I don’t, then I don’t. At least the charity will get good money for it.”

“Well, I hope you’re the only person who could afford to make the winning bid. I think you can beat Lucas.”

“Fat chance of Lucas being my only major competition. Even if just one of the Carmichael brothers hears about it, I’d have very strong competition in my hands.”

“I’m sorry,” Amanda said, sounding gloomy.


“You did it for me.”

“And I’d do it again and again, sweetheart,” he said, kissing her forehead. “Come, I want to show you something.”

He led Amanda to an office at the back of the building that overlooked the state-of-the-art car service area. The room was still empty, except for a big TV hanging on a wall and a small bar fridge in a corner.

“This will be my permanent office,” he said.

“Oh, this is a nice room,” Amanda said. “Those new bigger windows on that back wall look great. You could watch your guys work on the cars from here.”

“Yeah. That’s why I thought this should be my office.” He took her hand and led her to the windows she was talking about. “Remember when I said to you that you’d probably find me spending too much time in the garage?”


“I was wondering, since this room is large, what if you shop for furniture to fill this area here?” he said, indicating the space near the window. “Maybe you could get a sofa bed to go here so it’s facing the TV. And get rugs and blankets and throw pillows. You know, make it a nice living room. I have more than enough space over on that side for my desk and cupboards.”

“Are you planning on lazing around while your staff is hard at work?” she teased.

“No. I was hoping that on some weekends, or some nights, that I'm working—like when I get that old model Jag that I want to buy and soup up—then you could be here with me. You could watch TV or do some work or read or even watch me work. We could open this window and still talk to each other even when I’m outside.”

Amanda looked up at him, grinning. “I like that idea.”

“You do? Good,” he answered, seriously pleased. He knew he could be so immersed with tinkering with cars that time would fly without him noticing. He didn’t want Amanda to feel neglected. At least if she was just a wall away, he could easily take breaks and cuddle with her—or make love—before going back to his cars.

“What kind of colour scheme do you want?” Amanda asked.

“Whatever you want. It will mainly be your area. Just don’t make it too girly. I wouldn’t want the boys teasing me.”

Amanda placed her arms around his neck. “Can I lounge around here in my lingerie?” she asked sultrily.

His cock jerked. “You can even wear nothing, baby,” he said breathlessly, already imagining Amanda sitting on the hood of a car, naked.

“Hmm. I better look for a comfortable, durable sofa bed then,” she said, rubbing her leg against his.

“Yeah,” he agreed, lifting her in his arms and walking out of the room. “But right now, my desk in the other office will have to do.”


hree Months Later...

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