Against All Enemies (46 page)

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Authors: Richard A. Clarke

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Abdullah, Crown Prince

Abizaid, General John

Abraham Lincoln
(aircraft carrier)

Abramowitz, Morton I.

Abu Dhabi

Abu Nidal

Afghan Services Bureau

Afghanistan: bin Laden and al Qaeda in; Northern Alliance; Soviet war in

African embassy bombings

Aideed, Farah

Air Force, U.S. (USAF): and African embassy bombings; and Israel; in Saudi Arabia, attack on,
Khobar bombing; on September

Air National Guard

Ajaj, Ahmed

Al Kifah Center (Brooklyn)


Albright, Madeleine

Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), Bureau of


Allen, Charles

American Airlines

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

American Enterprise Institute

American Stock Exchange

Andrews Air Force Base


Annan, Kofi

Antiballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty

Arab Oil Boycott

Arab-Israeli War


Ariana Airlines

Arlington National Cemetery

Armey, Dick

Armitage, Richard

Army, U.S.: and Israel; in Saudi Arabia; War College; and weapons of mass destruction;
see also
Special Forces

Ashcroft, John

Aspin, Les


Atlanta Olympics

Atlantic Fleet

Atta, Mohammed

Aum Shinrikyo



Ayyad, Nidal

Aziz, Tariq


Baath Party



Baker, James

Bandar, Prince

Bank Secrecy Act

Barksdale Air Force Base

Basit, Abdul,
Yousef, Ramzi

Beers, Randy

Beirut bombings

Benevolence International Foundation

Benjamin, Dan

Berger, Sandy

biological weapons

Black, Cofer

Black Hawk Down

Blair, Tony

Blitzer, Robert

Bodine, Barbara


Bolten, Josh

Bonin, Richard

Border Patrol, U.S.


Boutros-Ghali, Boutros


Bremer, Jerry

Breshnahan, Gary

Brinton, Crane

United Kingdom

British Security Service

Brown, Mike

Bush, George H. W.: assassination attempt on; and Gulf War; and Pan Am 103; troops sent to Somalia by

Bush, George W.: and Afghanistan; attempt of to link Iraq and al Qaeda; homeland security actions of; and September 11 attacks; war on Iraq of

Bush, Laura


Cali drug cartel


Campaign Coordination Committee


Canas, Richard

Canavan, Michael

Card, Andrew

Carnegie Endowment

Carter, Jimmy

Casey, William

Cato the Elder

Centers for Disease Control

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): and African embassy bombings; and assassination attempt on former President Bush; and
attack; counterterrorism budget of; Counterterrorism Center; and Department of Homeland Security; Directorate of Operations; and Iraqi invasion of Kuwait; and Israel; and Khobar bombing; and bin Laden; and Millennium Terrorist Alert; at National Security Special Events; and Northern Alliance; and al Qaeda; and September 11 attack; shootings at; and Somalia; during Soviet war in Afghanistan; in Sudan; terrorist snatch by; and weapons of mass destruction; and World Trade Center bombing in 1993

Chamberlin, Wendy

Charles, Sandy


chemical weapons

Chemical Weapons Inspection Treaty

Cheney, Dick

Cheney, Lynne


Christopher, Warren

Churchill, Winston

Cisco Systems

Civil Defense

Civil Liberties and Security Board

Clark, General Wesley

Cleland, Max

Clinton, Bill: and African embassy bombings; and assassination attempt on former President Bush; and Atlanta Olympics; and
attack; counterterrorism funding requests of; counterterrorism policies of; Dayton Accord negotiated by; impeachment of; and Iranian-sponsored terrorism; and Khobar bombing; and Middle East peace process; and Millennium alert; money laundering regulations sought by; and Oklahoma City bombing; and Pan Am 103; al Qaeda and bin Laden targeted by; reading habits of; and shootings at CIA; and Somalia; and terrorist snatches; and TWA 800; and weapons of mass destruction; and World Trade Center bombing in 1993; and Yousef

Clinton, Hillary Rodham

Coast Guard, U.S.

Cohen, William

Cold War



Color Code System

Combat Air Patrol (CAB)

Commerce Department, U.S.

Commission on Aviation Safety and Security

Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection


Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act (1987)

Congress, U.S.: counterterrorism funding in; FBI restricted by; and homeland security; and Iran-Contra scandal; and money laundering regulations; Republican right in; sanctions against Iran passed by; and South Africa; War Powers Notification to


Continuity of Government (COG)

COPS program

Counterterrorism Security Group (CSG): and African embassy bombings; and Atlanta Olympics; and
attack; and Khobar bombing; bin Laden targeted by; and Millennium alert; National Security Special Events designated by; and Oklahoma City bombing; and September 11 attack; and Sudan; terrorist snatches planned by; and weapons of mass destruction; and World Trade Center bombing in 1993

Cressey, Roger

Critical Infrastructure Coordination Group

Crocker, Ryan

Crowe, Admiral William

Customs Service

Cutler, Lloyd


Dam, Kenneth

D'Amato, Alfonse

Darby, Admiral Jack

Dayton Accord

Dean, Diana

Deek, Khalil


Defense Department (DOD), U.S.: and African embassy bombings; and assassination attempt against former President Bush; and Atlanta Olympics; budgets of; and
attack; and invasion and occupation of Iraq; and Iran; and Iraqi invasion of Kuwait; and Israel; and National Security Special Events; and al Qaeda; and September 11 attack; and Somalia; and Sudan; and terrorist snatches; and Threat Subgroup; and weapons of mass destruction

Defense Intelligence Agency

DeLay, Tom

Delta Airlines

Delta Force

Democratic Party

Deutch, John

Diplomatic Security

Dobbins, James

Domenici, Pete

Domestic Preparedness Committee

Downing, General Wayne

Drew, Nelson

Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)


Duelfer, Charles


Eagleburger, Lawrence

Eddy, R. P.


Eisenhower, Dwight D.

El Salvador

Emergency Broadcast System

Emerson, Steve


Energy Department, U.S.

Escobar, Pablo


Evans, Donald


al-Fadl, Jamal

Fahd, King

Federal Air Marshals

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): and African embassy bombings; and assassination attempt on former President Bush; and Atlanta Olympics; and
attack; counterterrorism budget of; and Department of Homeland Security; Evidence Recovery Teams; Hostage Rescue Team; and Khobar bombing; and Millennium Alert; National Security Division; National Security Special Events; and Patriot Act; and al Qaeda; and September 11 attack; and shootings at CIA; Strategic Information and Operations Center; terrorist arrests by; and TWA Flight 800; and weapons of mass destruction; and World Trade Center bombing in 1993

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Federal Protective Service

Federal Reserve Board

Feith, Douglas

Fenzel, Major Michael

Feurth, Leon

Finsbury Park Mosque (London)

Fitzgerald, Patrick

Flynn, Cathal “Irish”

Ford, Gerald

Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST)

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)

Foreign Service, U.S.


Freeh, Louis

Frey, Admiral Scott


G-7 Summit

Gallucci, Robert

Gardner, General Jay

Garfinkle, Adam

Garvey, Jane

Gates, Robert

Gelb, Leslie

Gelbard, Robert

Gellman, Barton


Gibson, John

Gilbert, Margie

Gingrich, Newt

Giuliani, Rudolph

Glaspie, April

Gordon, General John

Gordon-Hagerty, Lisa

Gore, Al

Gorelick, Jamie

Gottbaum, Joshua

Greene, Brent

Greenwood, Colonel Tom

Grenada, U.S. invasion of

Guevara, Ché

Gul, General Hamid

Gulf War, First: events leading to


Haass, Richard

Hadley, Stephen

al-Haili, Abu Zubair


Hajir, Abu



Hanssen, Robert

Hart, Gary

Hastert, Dennis

Hatch, Orrin

Health and Human Services (HHS) Department, U.S.

Hersh, Seymour


Higgins, Kitty

Hind-D helicopters

Hitler, Adolf

Holbrooke, Richard


Holy Land Foundation

Homeland Security, U.S. Department of

Hoover, J. Edgar

House of Representatives, U.S.;
see also
Congress, U.S.

Howe, Admiral Jonathan T.

Hughes, Karen

Huntington, Samuel

Hussein, King

Hussein, Saddam: Bush administration's attempt to link al Qaeda and


Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)

Inderfurth, Karl “Rick”



Intelligence and Research Bureau

Internal Revenue Service

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

International Criminal Court

International Emergency Economic Powers Act

International Summit on Terrorism

Iran: Islamic revolution in; terrorism supported by; war with Iraq,
Iran-Iraq War

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