Age of Aztec (4 page)

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Authors: James Lovegrove

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: Age of Aztec
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“Yes, sir,” Mal said again. She wanted to run. She wanted to scream. She wanted to kick Kellaway to the ground and stamp on his balding sunburned head, stamp on it until it was pancake flat.

“Otherwise that’ll be your blood there,” Kellaway added, unnecessarily. “You’ll be the one bringing disgrace on the Jaguar Warriors. And neither of us would wish that, would we?”

The chief superintendent’s smile was never convincing. Nor, with the tumbledown, caries-clogged teeth it revealed, was it pretty.

“I think you can do this,” he said. “I think you’re the woman for the job... chief inspector.”

Now he was trying to be consoling, ingratiating.

Both he and Mal knew he had just handed her a poisoned chalice and it was very likely that, sooner or later, she would have to drink from it.



“Oh, shit. Oh, fucking shit.”

“Yes, marvellous, isn’t it?” said Mal.

“I mean, congrats on the bump-up. Richly deserved and all that. And a handsome raise, too.”

“I was just thinking I could do with a new pair of curtains in the flat.”

“I’ve got a better idea. Buy us a few rounds at the nearest pub. Because that’s what we really need to do – go out and get totally rat-arsed. This minute. Because our lives have just become about ten times harder.”

“No. No, we do not need to get rat-arsed. That is exactly the opposite of what we need to do.”

“But –”

“Maybe later, another day, but right now we’ve been given an assignment. We have a crook to catch. We work for the criminal investigation department of the Jaguars, so we’re going to do what they pay us to do and investigate. The Conquistador is just a man. He pulls off audacious terrorist outrages and gets away with it every time, but he’s still just a man.” Mal thumped the desk. She wasn’t sure why, except that it made a loud noise and she felt better for it. “The more we know about him, the easier he’ll be to take down. So we have to figure out how he does what he does. How he chooses when and where to strike. How he gets in and out. Above all, who the fuck he is, behind that mask. Let’s get cracking.”

She grabbed her jacket.

“Where are we going?” asked Aaronson.

“Where do you think? Where he was last seen. Scene of the crime.”



a car and drove east. En route to the City of London ziggurat, they reviewed what they knew of yesterday’s incident. In his lap, Aaronson had a copy of Chief Inspector Nyman’s case report, which the detective had been typing up half an hour before his execution. Aaronson went through it, reading out salient details.

“The Conquistador stowed away aboard the Sun Broadcasting aerodisc, hidden in a locker. He emerged and threatened the pilot at gunpoint, forcing him to descend to within jumping distance of the ziggurat. The cameraman decided to play have-a-go hero and tackled him. He came off worse. The Conquistador beat the guy senseless, chucked him out of a hatch, and followed. He also made short work of those two sergeants, by all accounts. Elite officers, and he made them look like amateurs.”

“I’ve seen him in news footage, how he fights,” said Mal. “I’m not saying I couldn’t take him. It wouldn’t be easy, though.”

“DCI Nyman’s theory is that he’s had training. Eagle Warrior training. What do you reckon to that?”

“I’d say Nyman is – was – correct. The Conquistador, whoever he really is, is military. Or ex-military. You don’t pick up sword skills like those from private tuition.”

“Not Jaguar training, then?”

“What, he’s one of us? Is that what you’re saying?”

“Just airing the possibility.”

Mal mimed a shudder. “Fuck me, I hope not. What’s Nyman’s verdict on the armour retrieved from the scene?”

“New, bespoke, not a genuine antique, a copy. Somebody must have smithed it for the Conquistador, or the Conquistador smithed it himself. He was going to follow that up as a line of enquiry next. Should we?”

“I don’t know how far we’d get. The Conquistador’s wily. I doubt he’d leave the armour behind if he felt it could be traced. Anything else relevant?”

“Nyman reckoned the Conquistador knew the patrol disc would start shooting. He was counting on it. It was how he planned on making his getaway.”

“His mysterious getaway. Vanishing into thin air.”

“You sound like you know how he pulled it off.”

“I have an inkling.” Mal indicated to turn off the Strand onto Fleet Street. A cabbie braked and politely let her through. The traffic was always on its best behaviour around a marked Jaguar Warrior car.

“Can I make a personal comment, boss?” Aaronson asked.

“You will anyway, even if I tell you not to.”

“You’re taking this remarkably well. You’ve just been given the job no one on the force wants. You seem pretty cool about it.”

“I don’t have a choice. What can I do? I can’t tell the chief super to go and stick it up his arse. I just have to make the best of things.”

“But Nyman’s, what, the third inspector in a row who’s handled the Conquistador case.”

“And the third Kellaway’s executed. Way I see it, he can’t go on getting rid of us at this rate, otherwise there soon won’t be a CID left. That gives me some breathing space.”

“Do you honestly think that?”

“No. But also, the Conquistador’s had it easy so far.”

“How so?”

Mal flashed a grin. “Fucker hasn’t had me to deal with yet.”



inch of the plaza, which was still closed to the public. Mal paid particular attention to the corpse enclosure. The flagstones there bore spectacular firework-like patterns of dried blood, baked black by the sun.

Then they climbed the ziggurat and picked their way across the shattered remains of the temple. Again, as below, it was the throwing off of the corpses that interested Mal. She squatted at the ziggurat’s rear edge and peered over. She probed the stonework below the lip of the apex, feeling with her fingers. Finally she found what she was after.

“Come and see this.”

“No thanks.” Aaronson felt dizzy just being this far above ground, never mind watching his superior officer leaning out over empty space.

“Don’t be such a wuss.”

“Still no.”

“I’ll hold you.”

“Oh, all right.”

Aaronson shuffled forward and, with Mal gripping his trouser leg, craned his neck. It was a sheer drop of some two hundred feet to the enclosure below.

“What am I looking for?”

“See that there? In the cement between those two blocks?”

“No. Oh. Yes. Is that...?”

“A climber’s piton.”

The ring-shaped head of the piton protruded out barely half an inch, and was as dark as the stonework around it. Unless you were searching for it, you could easily have never spotted it.

“Are you a climber, Aaronson?”

“Only career and social. Look at me. I’m shaking like a leaf. Do I look like I’ve got a head for heights?”

“My guess is our friend the Conquistador anchored the piton in with a hammer and abseiled down on a line looped through it. Then he reeled the line in and hid himself among the dead bodies.”

“You’re kidding.”

“I don’t think I am.”

“But surely eyewitnesses would have spotted him coming down.”

“Maybe. But nobody hangs around close to the corpse enclosure, do they? Plus, it’s behind the ziggurat, hardly prime viewing position. The temple obscures the altar from here. And if he abseiled quickly enough, and the line was thin, he might look from a distance like just another body falling. In all the confusion it’d be an easy mistake to make. Then the retrieval truck arrives, and to the workmen he’s just another partially clothed stiff.”

“The truck didn’t turn up until two o’clock. You’re saying he lay there for two hours in a pile of hacked-up corpses, playing dead?”

“I am.”

Aaronson whistled. “He is one determined fucker, that’s for sure.”

“I’d guess, too, that he smeared himself with blood, and maybe also stuck on some bone fragments and gristle from the bodies, so that at a glance he’d appear like all the rest of them.”

“Determined and sick.”

“No,” said Mal, “he simply doesn’t care. He does what he has to, whatever it takes, so that he can survive and attack again another time.”

“A madman.”

“It can look like madness, to be that focused on your goal.” Mal worked out the piton with a pocket knife, bagged it as evidence, then stepped back from the edge, contemplating. “This man – somebody did something to him once, something that changed him. He was hurt or damaged in some way, and he blames the Empire and wants to show everyone how consumed with hate he is. Everything he does, it’s showboating, designed for maximum effect. State occasions. Public ceremonies. Priest investitures. If it’s holy, he has to desecrate it. Hence the armour and weaponry resembling something an old-world Spanish explorer would have been kitted out with. This is all about making a statement, the same one over and over.”

“Not a
statement, I hope.”

“I’m serious,” Mal snapped. Sometimes Aaronson was too flippant for his own good. He needed to rein it in if he ever hoped to get ahead. “He’s set himself up as the opponent of the Empire, its nemesis. When the Spanish invaded Anahuac, they were expecting to find a primitive culture ripe for the picking, based on their and other Europeans’ experiences in North America. They got a hell of a shock when it turned out that the Land Between The Seas had technology and capabilities far beyond their own, and was in fact readying itself to expand its territory. They fought the Aztecs hard and committed countless atrocities, but it was inevitable that they would be defeated.
– an ironic name, in the event. It’s as if this guy, our Conquistador, wants to reclaim the title, turn it back from something vainglorious to something meaningful again.”

“All on his own? One man against the entire world – against billions?”

“In his head, those are acceptable odds,” Mal said. “He believes all he has to do is keep hitting the Empire where it hurts, time after time, and eventually it’ll fold up and crawl away.”

Aaronson grimaced. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you admired him.”

“Someone that blindly, nakedly stubborn – what’s not to admire? Doesn’t mean I’m not going to do everything in my power to nail the bugger. And not just because he’s an enemy of the state and a mass murderer. Because it’s my neck or his.”

“So,” said Aaronson as they set off down the steps, “any ideas? Are we going to wait until the Conquistador makes his next move and try to nab him then?”

“That was Nyman’s tactic, and look how far it got him. No, I think it would be more sensible to force his hand. Lure him out. Let’s us make the running for once.”

“You have a plan.”

She did. A sketch of one. It would require Kellaway’s full backing, some string-pulling, and the mobilisation of considerable manpower and resources, but she doubted she would have trouble securing any of those things. The chief super was no less keen than she was to see the Conquistador dead or in custody. A commanding officer could shift the blame onto subordinates only for so long. Mal sensed she was his last throw of the dice. If she didn’t come up with the goods, Kellaway would most likely be kneeling beside her in the quadrangle at HQ, waiting for the shimmering whir of obsidian and the farewell to earthly existence.

The galling thing was – and Mal could never share this with anyone, not even Aaronson – she had been on the point of turning in her resignation this very morning. For the past few weeks she had been trying to pluck up the courage to write her letter of notice and hand it in. Today, she’d been convinced, was going to be the day. In fact, back in the quadrangle earlier, with Kellaway, she had been close to blurting out the words “I quit”several times.

Events had taken on their own momentum, however, and almost before she realised it she’d been assigned the Conquistador investigation. It was too late to change that now. In spite of her disenchantment with her job, the Jaguar motto still had some resonance for her:
Never back down, never pull out

Besides, just as this case that could break a career, it could also make one.

All the more crucial, then, that her plan got given the green light, and worked.





6 Vulture 1 Monkey 1 House

(Tuesday 27th November 2012)


aerodisc touched down at Palermo at 11am local time. It was a commercial long-haul flight out of Heathrow, and the yellow quadrant on the disc’s compass totem was highlighted to indicate its southerly bearing. For the onward journey east to Beijing, with recharge stopovers at Istanbul and Karachi on the way, the red totem quadrant would be highlighted, in accordance with divine precept.

Stuart Reston disembarked with all the other business class passengers. A flight attendant enquired if he’d had a pleasant trip, and he nodded, although in truth the flying time was so brief – a little over an hour – that he felt like he’d scarcely fastened his seatbelt before it was time to unfasten it again.

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