Agent in Training (12 page)

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Authors: Jerri Drennen

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense, #Thriller, #Contemporary

BOOK: Agent in Training
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Nick sat on the sofa. He flipped through the stations on the TV, looking for something interesting besides talk and game shows.

Shiloh had been holed up in her bedroom since they’d returned to her apartment. Not once had she even popped out to see if he was still there.


He didn’t want to see her anyway, though he felt sorry for her after their visit to Oak Haven. Her father was mean, or at least he had been then. Maybe Nick’s presence had riled him, made him say the things he had.

Nick changed the channel, ready to move on again, when a couple started making out on screen. He watched as the man stripped off the woman’s clothes.

His mind drifted back to being with Shiloh in her kitchen. The memory alone made his cock jump. He had to fight this.

Think barbed wire. Think chastity belt. Think chafing.

Better yet, think lush, silky red hair. Ivory skin as soft as the petals of a flower. Think long, sexy legs that could wrap a man in their embrace and keep him there for an eternity…

"What are you watching?" Shiloh asked from behind him.

“Ah…” Nick looked at the screen and saw the couple were now under the sheets, doing the missionary dance. “Sex, I think.” He felt his face heat with shame, and didn’t want to look at her—afraid of the disapproving stare he knew would be there.

“You think? You mean you don’t know?” Her tone was teasing.

Nick looked up and noted the amused sparkle in her eyes. “Well, yeah. I mean. I know… but I… Forget it.”

“I must say, Nicholas, you’re so articulate.”

“Right.” Nick shook his head and turned back to the set, swallowing when he saw the couple had switched positions. He’d always loved a woman that would take charge. Maybe that was why Shiloh fascinated him so much.

“Wine?” Shiloh handed him a glass of Cabernet.

Why was she being so nice to him? What did she want? And why had he been so distracted that he hadn’t even heard her in the kitchen? Uncorking a bottle of wine no less? “I really shouldn’t drink on the job.”

“One glass isn’t going to hurt you,” she said, handing it to him. "Oh, and I ordered dinner. It should be here in about half an hour.”

She came around and sat next to him, crossing her legs.

Nick’s gaze zoomed in on them. The thought of those legs wrapped around him came back, and to cool himself, he took a long swallow of wine. The liquid went down the wrong way and he choked, spraying wine all over his slacks.

She patted his back until the coughing jag quit.

“You all right?” Her face registered concern, which shocked him.

“I’m fine.” He noticed her appearance for the first time since she’d returned to the room. Her green dress was cut so low that the top of her voluptuous breasts practically spilled from the neckline. Her hair was down, flowing in waves around her face, and she’d taken off her glasses. An intoxicating mix of wild flowers and a light musky scent radiated from her body and stirred his to life. Yes, she was definitely up to something.

“What are we having for dinner?” He tried to look at anything other than Shiloh’s overexposed cleavage.

“I thought we’d have rack of lamb with baked potatoes and baby snow peas. Oh, and oysters for an appetizer. Then chocolate-covered strawberries for dessert.”

Nick knew then and there she was trying to seduce him––but why? She’d been fighting their attraction for weeks. Could it be because he’d told her he didn’t want anything but a professional relationship? Was that what brought about the sudden change in her? Was she one of those women who wanted what she couldn’t have? Or maybe she was going to turn him on again, and then go cold as ice.

“You don’t like lamb?” Her remark brought him out of his suspicions.

“No, that’s fine. I’m just wondering why you’re doing all this.”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, the sexy dress, the oysters, and strawberries. Being nice when it’s so out of character. Are you trying to get me into bed or something?”

Her face flushed, and she lowered her gaze.

He reached out and tipped her chin up with his hand. “What’s going on, Shiloh?”

A single tear slid down her cheek and she wiped it away, then met his gaze. “I’m tired of being alone. Even an Ice Princess needs affection.”

Nick closed his eyes, feeling like a jerk. This was the first time she’d opened up to him and he didn’t know what to say. He was used to firing back barbs, not trying to comfort her. He’d never done well with emotional women.

Silence weighed heavy in the room, except for the moaning and groaning coming from the TV set. When he was about to say something, the doorbell buzzed.

Shiloh jumped up. “That’s dinner. I’ll get it.” She moved toward the door, grabbing her purse on the way.

He released a breath. What was he going to do? Sleep with her? Wasn’t like he didn’t want to, but it would be going against what he’d promised himself. Strictly professional.

He looked at Shiloh as she paid for their meal. She had a great behind, accentuated by the delicate curves of her back. Exquisite.

He remembered the firmness of her breasts. The sweet taste of her mouth. The hot feel of her touch.

. How was he going to get through this night without ending up in her bed? And then again, did he really want to keep things platonic between them? He was confused, and horny as hell.

Nick contemplated which body part would win out, his brain or his cock.

Turning off the TV, he rose and followed her to the table. He stood a moment behind her, a strong yearning washing over him. At that moment clarity hit him—he just wanted Shiloh.






With trembling hands, Shiloh carried the food to the table and set several containers down. She couldn’t believe she’d as much as asked Nicholas to sleep with her. How desperate was that?

Well, to hell with him. She didn’t need a man, especially one who didn’t appear to want her.

“Here, let me help.” His voice came from behind her and she jumped back, colliding with his chest.

She was too embarrassed to face him. He was likely gloating. What must he think? She could only imagine. Hard up older woman seeking young buck for night of pity sex. Yeah, that’s about right.

“Do you want to eat now or later?” he whispered next to her ear, and sent a two-twenty jolt down the length of her body.

“Later?” she asked, unsure of what he meant. “After what?”

“After we’ve worked up an appetite.” His lips touched her earlobe, instantly frying a circuit inside her. His hands snaked around her waist and pulled her hard against his chest, igniting a bonfire in the pit of her stomach… one that quickly moved lower.

Shiloh wasn’t sure if this was real, or if she was dreaming. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like an oyster or two first?” she managed to ask with remarkable ease.

“I don’t need any.” His tongue slipped inside her ear and her legs turn to Jell-O.

“Are you sure we should do this?”

He sighed. “Anyone ever told you that you think too much? Close your eyes, Shiloh, and enjoy.”

“You’re pretty sure of yourself.”

“Never had any complaints.” His hands slipped up to cover her breasts, gently massaging them.

Shiloh closed her eyes and practically purred, leaning against his shoulder to give into her desires. Having a coherent thought when he touched her was… impossible. Why not do as he suggested––enjoy the experience? One night in his arms, then she could get him out of her system for good.

Her arm curled up around his neck, giving him full access to her breasts. Instantly he used that access to advantage.

His fingers slipped under the green silk and squeezed her breast, rubbing her nipple through the roughly laced material. “Should we go into your bedroom? Or did you have something else in mind?” His voice was husky, and it sent her senses reeling. “A fantasy, maybe?” he added.

Shiloh shook her head. “This is fantasy enough. The bed will be fine.”

He laughed and spun her around, lifted her into his arms, and kissed her. The kiss left her clinging to him in anticipation.

He carried her to the bedroom and laid her down gently on the bed. His lips reconnected with hers then his tongue plunged into her mouth, causing her blood to simmer.

She reached for him again. Drew him down on top of her and the weight of his body became an aphrodisiac to her senses. Who needed oysters with Nicholas around? His male, musky scent made her head spin.

When he shifted, his arousal brushed her thigh, exciting her to a fevered pitch. The intoxicating taste of wine and peppermint mingled as their tongues explored each other.

Shiloh’s mind drifted back to the last time they were together, when she’d held his velvety shaft in her palm and caressed him. All she could think about was him buried deep inside her… She wanted to feel his powerful thrusts as he brought her to orgasm.

With shaky hands, she reached for his shirt, and in a rush to feel his naked skin against hers, gave no heed to the buttons. They pinged off, one by one.

Nicholas broke their kiss. “In a hurry?”

Shiloh reveled in his breathless tone. "I’ll buy you a new shirt,” she said, then sent the last two buttons flying.

He growled, then tore the shirt off and tossed it aside.

Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at him. He had such an incredible chest, taut and well defined, his stomach etched in a muscular six-pack design.

She’d never seen a man so perfect, and she swallowed. She watched his muscles flex as he unbuckled his belt and pulled it from his jeans.

“Roll over so I can unzip you.” His devilish grin made her belly do a double twist.

Shiloh turned onto her stomach, her heart racing as he slid the zipper down to the small of her back. The skin tingled where he touched her. She couldn’t believe she was doing this—really going to make love to Nicholas Trent.
Please don’t let this be a mistake

He rolled her back over and pulled the dress down, his denim eyes darkening to midnight blue.

“You’re one hot woman, Shiloh.” He tugged the dress over her hips and tossed it over his head. His Adam’s apple bobbed when his gaze slid down her body.

Did he find her as sexy as she found him? She hoped so.

Before he came back to her, he removed his jeans, took his wallet out and opened it up.

He pulled out a foil-wrapped condom and winked at her. “I was a boy scout. We were taught to always be prepared.” He stood by the bed, giving her a chance to admire him in the pair of black silk boxers that hugged his hips perfectly. How could the man have no flaws? He was hot all the way down to his size-thirteen feet.

She couldn’t believe she’d gotten him in her bed. She was no gorgeous cover model, the type she was sure he was accustomed to having in his bed.

The bed bowed as he joined her. When his hand ran gently over her stomach all logic ceased for Shiloh, as hot, coursing desire washed over her.

Nicholas released the front clasp of her bra and it sprang open. He inhaled roughly, then ran his hands over her breasts, a light caress that caused her nipples to peak.

When his head dipped down and his mouth covered her breast, Shiloh closed her eyes and thought she’d lost her mind. The sensation was incredible... Her back arched to urge him on as his tongue swirled around her nipple in an erotic motion. His hand slid off her silky thong, his fingers invading her womanly folds.

Nick glanced up with amazement on his face. “You’re so slick.” He thrust his finger inside her again.

She moaned, then confessed, “It’s been a while.”

“Yeah, you told me.”

She turned away, feeling foolish.

He forced her face back to look at him.

“I’m glad you haven’t been with anyone for a while. It makes this special for both of us. And if we’re being honest… it’s been months for me too.”


“Yes, really. Why is that hard to believe?”

“Because you’re so…” Her face heated. “Nothing.”

“What? Come on, tell me.”

Shiloh wasn’t sure if she should or not. “Okay. Young and perfect.”

He smiled. “Thanks. But have you looked in a mirror? You’re so damned sexy, Shiloh.” He pressed his cock against her leg for emphasis as his fingers continued to work their magic inside her. “You’ve got me hard and I want you in the worst way.”

Shiloh slid her hand down his flat stomach, then worked it under the band of his boxers to encircle him.

“Let’s see what we can do about that.”


Nick clenched his teeth, struggling not to lose control. The woman was driving him crazy. He couldn’t believe how hot she was and all he wanted to do was bury himself deep inside her. And he would. But he intended to please her first.

This needed to be perfect for her, because he knew it sure as hell would be for him. He was already harder than he’d ever been in his life and he hadn’t even gotten inside her yet. The thought of her intense heat surrounding him almost made him explode.

As his fingers explored her, he triumphed with each little gasp of pleasure he received.

When she arched up to meet his exploring finger, he knew she was close to coming. And he couldn’t hold back. He stripped off his boxers and slipped on a condom. Unable to wait any longer, Nick positioned himself between her legs, and entered her in one sure, penetrating thrust.

The instant he was buried deep inside her, and she wrapped her long sexy legs around him, his reserve crumbled. He started to move at a measured pace.

He braced her hips with his hands and moved in hard, deliberate strokes, watching her beautiful face, reveling in her look of ecstasy. Her auburn hair lay out around her face on her pillow… like wildfire. God she was breathtaking.

Nick’s heart soared.

She dug her nails deep into his side and moaned, then tightened around him. He lost all control and quickened his pace until his own release came, so intense he saw stars.

Damn. I thought that was a myth

He collapsed on top her, then rolled to her side, his hunger satisfied and more than spent. For the moment.

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