Alec's Royal Assignment (Man On A Mission Book 3) (20 page)

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Authors: Amelia Autin

Tags: #Fiction, #Thrillers, #Political, #Romance, #Suspense, #Crime

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Tenderness welled up in her heart, because uncertainty and Alec was a rare combination. Just as she had certainty of purpose, so did he—and she loved that about him. Uncompromising. Unyielding. Invincible. He would always demand the best of himself...and of her. Warrior heart calling to warrior heart.

“We are not starting over,” she corrected him, another smile beginning to form, a sure one this time. “We are merely beginning a new chapter.”


ndictments were handed down today in a federal courtroom in Washington, DC, in a human-trafficking conspiracy case that could have far-reaching repercussions,” announced CNN correspondent Carly Edwards, standing on the steps of the courthouse. “Named in the indictments were seven current or former employees of the US embassy in Zakhar, a country that is critically important to the United States’ strategic plan for NATO and Europe. Also named in the indictments was Aleksandrov Vishenko—” a mug shot of Vishenko appeared briefly “—reputed to be the head of a New York City–based branch of the Russian Brotherhood—also known as the Russian Mafia—and a half dozen alleged associates. Sources tell us that at the same time the indictments were sought here, nine men were indicted in Drago, the capital of Zakhar, for their participation in the alleged conspiracy. Trial dates have yet to be set. Back to you, Tom.”

The news anchor in the studio said, “Thank you, Carly. In other news today...”

Alec clicked on the
in the top right-hand corner of his internet browser, closing the window. He wasn’t interested in the other news from home—he’d only wanted to hear the story about today’s indictments.

It gave Alec particular satisfaction to hear the CNN correspondent saying Aleksandrov Vishenko’s name—the only name reported in the story—along with the words
Also named in the indictments

American jurisprudence being what it was, the trials were at least six months away, probably more. The sixth amendment to the US Constitution referred to the right of the
to a speedy trial. It said nothing about the prosecution or the rights of the victims. Defense teams often sought to push trials out as far as they could, especially if their clients were out on bail. All those indicted today were eligible for bail, and while the judge could set bail as high as he legally could, Aleksandrov Vishenko, at least, would make bail. That was a given.

Caterina Mateja was currently residing inside the royal palace in Drago. It was far safer for her than staying in the States, although she’d have to travel back and forth to the United States between now and the trials. The defense teams had the right to take her deposition, although Alec would be damned before he let them intimidate her, even though he was sure they’d try. The prosecution team would want to prep her for trial, too, so she would have to go there as needed.

When she was in the States she’d be closely guarded by US marshals, but Alec would never know a minute’s peace until she was safely back in Drago. Her blood would be on his hands if anything happened to her, since he was the one who’d convinced her to testify against Vishenko and the others. At least while she was here she was as safe as she could be. The king had arranged tight security, and Alec could keep a watchful eye on her, too. So could Angelina.

He laughed softly to himself. If Angelina’s behavior around Caterina was any indication, she’d be a terrific mother to their children. A little
protective, maybe, but it would be his job to help her know where to draw the line. The old traditional split of parental duties might not apply so much anymore, and with Angelina’s assistance he would work to overcome the example set by his father in that regard. But some things would never change—involved, hands-on fathers still instilled self-confidence, self-esteem and, most important, self-discipline in their children. He could hardly wait.

He’d finally met Angelina’s parents when Cate had returned to Zakhar, and he’d understood almost immediately why Angelina hadn’t been eager to introduce them to him—their moral outrage over the “shame” Cate had brought to their family told him all he needed to know about them. He shook his head, still unable to fathom how parents like Angelina’s had managed to produce an extraordinary woman like her.

A slight movement behind him alerted him to Angelina’s presence even before she spoke. “Is everything okay?” she asked him in the deep, rich contralto that had enthralled him when he’d first heard it. It always would. “What did the news say?”

He turned around to face her. “Nothing new. I just wanted to hear it again.”

The glimmer of a smile touched her lips. “Soon,” she said with satisfaction. “Soon they will begin to pay.”

“Not as soon as they would if the trials were being held here,” he reminded her. “But it
happen—we’ll make sure of it.” He stepped toward her, and she walked into his embrace. “‘I am one,’” he reminded her in a low voice.

“As am I.” They held each other close, both of them giving the encouragement and support the other needed. When they finally drew apart, Alec kept his hands on her shoulders and asked, “So how was your day,

She flushed. The promotion was recent enough that he knew she still found immense satisfaction in hearing her new rank, which was why he made a point of mentioning it as often as he could. “Busy,” she said. “I had not realized all the administrative work involved in managing the queen’s security detail. Just coordinating all the schedules takes far too much time. And then, of course, I had to stop and see Caterina—Cate.”

She shook her head ruefully. “I cannot always remember to call her Cate, even though she prefers that name now. And even if I do, she will be Caterina to me, I think, no matter what.” Her expression turned wistful. “Caterina means pure. When she first told me she wished to be called Cate, I wondered if...”

“If she didn’t want to be reminded of what she thinks she no longer is?” he finished for her.

She nodded reluctantly. “We have told her many times there is no shame in what happened to her.”

“But she doesn’t believe us.” Alec smiled sadly. “Yeah, I know.” He pulled Angelina back into his arms and held her tight. “We just have to keep telling her. And showing her. Someday she’ll believe. I have to believe that. Maybe when she testifies. Maybe when she faces Vishenko in court and tells her story to the jury—maybe then she’ll finally realize the shame is his, not hers.”

“You are such a good man,” she told him softly, laying her head on his shoulder for just a moment. Then she chuckled to herself, surprising him. Their eyes met, and hers were brimming over with humor and a little glint of teasing. “That is what Cate says. I think, perhaps, she has a little crush on you.”

“What?” Alec was too startled at first to say anything else. Then he protested, “But I’ve never done anything to... You know I haven’t... She knows that I—”

“Yes, she knows you love me.” The humor faded from her face and the wistfulness returned. “I think that is why she feels it is safe to let herself care about you a little—because she knows you will never ask more of her than she can give...

She caressed his cheek with one hand. Her left hand. The one wearing his engagement ring, soon to be joined by a wedding ring.
One more month,
he promised himself. He caught her hand in his and pressed a kiss into her palm. A tender kiss that soon turned into more. He reluctantly let her go. “Did you eat with Cate?” he asked. “You were so late I went ahead and fixed myself something, but if you’re hungry I could—”

She smiled the smile she kept for him alone. A private smile that promised unbearable delight. “I am hungry, yes,” she told him. But as she said the words, she was taking his hand and walking backward into the bedroom, drawing him with her. “I am
hungry for you.” She fell onto the bed, pulled him down on top of her and squirmed a little until his erection was nestled between her thighs. Telling him without words exactly what she was hungry for.

The scent of her soap teased his nostrils, and he breathed deeply, enjoying her nearness. He smiled down at her—a wolfish smile he didn’t bother to hide. A smile that conveyed exactly what he was hungry for, too. But he did nothing else, perfectly willing to wait, because his Angel would make the first move if he didn’t. She’d take the lead the first time. Then it would be his turn.

He took primitive satisfaction in knowing she was his just as he was hers—what was that phrase she liked to use? Forever and a day, that was it.

Forever and a day.

Angelina was a romantic at heart, no matter how much she tried to deny it, and that poetic phrase she used proved it. Alec was more prosaic. He could no more stop loving her than he could voluntarily stop breathing—he would love her throughout eternity. If that translated as forever and a day in Angelina’s book, that was fine with him.

* * * * *

Don’t miss the next thrilling installment in the
miniseries, coming soon!

And don’t forget the previous titles in the miniseries:





Keep reading for an excerpt from
by Elle James.

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Can this Colton cowboy save his wife—and his beloved ranch—when a killer threatens everything they hold dear?

Read on for a sneak preview of
New York Times
bestselling author Elle James,
the fourth book in the

“Why don’t we get married?”

Even though she’d known it was coming, it still hit her square in the chest. The air rushed from her lungs and a tsunami of feelings washed over her. A surge of joy made her heart beat so fast she felt faint. She crested that wave and slid into the undertow of reality. “A marriage of convenience?”

“Exactly.” Daniel reached for her hands.

When she hid them behind her back, he dropped his arms. “It wouldn’t have to be forever. Just long enough to satisfy the stipulations of your grandmother’s will and save your horses, and that would help me get past the Kennedy gauntlet. We could leave tomorrow, spend a night in Vegas, find a chapel and it would be over in less than five minutes.”

With her heart smarting, Megan forced a shaky smile. “Way to sweep a girl off her feet.”

He waved his hand and Halo tossed her head. “If you want, I can make an official announcement in front of my family.”

Megan shook her head. “No.”

“No, you won’t marry me?”

“No.” She pushed past him to pace down the center of the barn. “Your plan is insane.”

“Do you have a better one?” he asked. “I’m all ears.”

The plan was the same as the one she’d been thinking of before Daniel had woken up. Only when she’d dreamed it up, it didn’t sound as cold and impersonal as Daniel’s proposal. Somewhere in the back of her mind she’d hoped that marriage to Daniel would be something more than one of convenience.

After yesterday’s kiss, she wasn’t sure she could be around Daniel for long periods of time without wanting another. And another.

Don’t miss


New York Times
bestselling author Elle James,

Available September 2015

Copyright ©2015 by Harlequin Books, S.A.

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