Alejandro (9 page)

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Authors: Renee LaRuse

BOOK: Alejandro
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 “I’m not what you expected?” He smiled brightly but the lines of his forehead revealed his worry.

Speechless, she slowly shook her head.





Alejandro’s smile waned as her silence grew.

Finally, Veronica blinked. The shock began to release its hold on her muscles. She regained use of her vocal chords. “You’re more than I expected.” Alejandro smiled wide again, causing a chain reaction of butterflies and yearnings in Veronica’s body.

His skin glowed with a deep natural tan, making his green eyes pop like emerald jewels in brown sand, even though they were a bit bloodshot today. His stepmother did a good job waxing his eyebrows, leaving the natural arch of his brows untouched. Short stubble dusted his angular jaw and some of his cheekbones. The stubble was lighter than his dark brown wavy hair. The sensual pouty lips on that man made her cross her legs tighter. Beefy biceps and broad shoulders strained gently against the blue long-sleeved dress shirt he was wearing with brown linen pants. “I can’t believe it’s you,” Veronica murmured. Happy tears filled her eyes. She was moved to see his dreamy eyes become wet as well.

“You look incredible, Veronica. I’m so happy to see you.”

“And you look so handsome. But exhausted.”

“Getting here from Puerto Rico wasn’t easy. There was a red-eye flight and a few layovers involved.”

She chewed at her bottom lip, feeling terribly guilty. “You flew all the way from Puerto Rico to see me?”

He smiled and nodded. “The flight didn’t hurt me. Don’t feel bad,
. Everything going on with my family is what’s hurting me and draining all my energy. My grandfather founded a very big business, Veronica. His success allowed all of his family to be employed and prosperous as well. When he passed away, he left his company to me. I’m honored to head our family business, but there are people in my own family that have turned against me. My stepmother, my little brother, and others.” His eyelids grew heavier. Frown lines deepened around his mouth. “They don’t think it was fair that I was given so much power. I wish
was here to guide me through this. The business is facing financial and legal troubles right now. I’m under so much stress and pressure.” He shook his head.

Veronica dabbed the cloth napkin to the corners of her eyes. Her tears refused to stop flowing now that she knew more details of his despair. “I added to your stress with my bitchy demands.”

“No, no. This needed to happen. Who knows how long it’s gonna take to sort out my company’s mess. I may have put you on hold so long that I would’ve ruined my chances with you. That is something I would regret the rest of my life. Clearly there is something special between us.” He gazed into her brown eyes.

          A dopey smile spread across her glossed lips. “This feels like a dream.”

          His starry eyes trailed away from her face for the first time and he noticed the pinwheel in her hand. He tilted his head in curiosity. “What’s that for,

          “It’s for you.” She handed it to him like a bashful toddler sharing a lollipop.

          “Ohhh, I see. UnEarthly. We are total nerds, Veronica.” He grinned. “Thank you. I have something for you, too.” He scooped the gift bag up from the ground and pushed it across the table to her.

          Veronica yanked the tissue paper out of the bag to get to the prize. “Awww!” It was a stuffed animal. A horse the color of a traffic cone.

          “Your favorite color and your favorite animal.”

          “I love it!” She hugged it to her chest. The stuffed animal seemed to nuzzle her neck as she cuddled it closer. “Horsie.”  She stuck her tongue out at him.

          “You are so cute.”

She chuckled. “Thank you.”

Alejandro beckoned for Veronica to give him her hand. Once he had her soft hand in the protection of his rough palm, he visibly relaxed. “I was so worried that this meeting would not be this way. After so many dating disappointments, you know?”

“I know what you mean.”

He squeezed her hand and admired her a moment. “I’m sorry.” He abruptly stood up from his chair. “I hope you understand that I really need to hold you right now.”

Veronica breathed a sigh of relief and eagerly popped up from her chair. In the middle of the outdoor restaurant he took her into his arms. She melted against his firm chest and hid from the sunlight against the side of his neck. Everything around them, the people seated at all the tables, the hotel, the beach, it all disappeared. Only his cologne, his solid arms, his heartbeat, the feel of his stubble against her cheek, and the palpable sensual aura of an affectionate respectful man remained in Veronica’s awareness.

Alejandro only perceived her intoxicating softness and sweet smelling skin, the warmth that emanated from a woman who was beautiful inside and out, and a nervous excitement in his chest he hadn’t experienced since high school. “Mmm. My curvy Amazon woman,” he whispered against her ear and hugged her waist tighter to lift her off of her feet.

Veronica giggled, eyes brimming with happy tears. He lowered her to the earth again. Their cheeks grazed one another’s as they slowly parted, but, overtaken by their urges, they couldn’t separate. Their lips met. They relaxed into the kiss, taking the first hit of the drug that was one another. Addicted in an instant, hooked for a lifetime.  

A little boy at a table nearby called out. “Cool! Mommy! I seen a shark just now!”

Startled by the reality of their surroundings, Veronica broke away from Alejandro with her face and ears hot with a blush.

 “No, Bobby,” the boy’s mother explained. “That was just the crest of a wave.”

“Water can’t have a crust, Mommy!”

Alejandro chuckled as he kissed Veronica on the cheek. “Let’s enjoy the food now and enjoy each other later.” Like a true gentleman, he pushed in her chair for her as she sat down again, but his hunger for physical contact broke through his polite manner; he could not stop himself from kissing her on the neck before going back to his seat. The food was flavorful and the drinks extra sweet. After lunch, the couple left the gift bag at the concierge desk and then went for a walk on the beach, not once looking back at the iconic red turrets of the Hotel Del Coronado, their sights set on the bright blue horizon that became tinted pink, dark purple and gold, and sequestered the sun before they knew it. Time was of no significance to Veronica when Alejandro’s hands were worrying the small of her back or caressing her face. Chilly night air didn’t faze her while his lips were tenderly touching hers, or touching her neck, or her earlobes, or the insides of her wrists, or her tingling fingertips. This is what she’d been missing. A mutual adoration that was pure and true, familiar to her soul, but novel to her heart.

“It’s so right,” Alejandro whispered, as quiet as his deep voice allowed. “You feel so right,

Veronica could only sigh and submit.

They enjoyed a decadent dinner of seafood and wine at a beachfront restaurant near the hotel. Not until after dinner when they were standing before the entrance to the Hotel Del Coronado did Alejandro break the news. “I’m leaving early tomorrow morning.” He stroked his knuckles down her cheek and cradled her chin. “I can’t take another trip like this for about two months. I swear, after those two months I won’t let anything stop me from being here with you.”

“No.” She shook her head and strung her arms about his neck. “Don’t say sorry. Just make it up to me.”

He lowered his face in order for his green eyes to better search her glistening dark eyes. He smiled. “How,

“Don’t let me go.”

“I don’t want to, baby.” He teased her lips with his.

“You don’t have to tonight,” she smirked.

His right eyebrow twitched. He pulled her closer against him and grinned. “Would you like to spend the night with me before I leave,
mi amor

She kissed him passionately to make her answer clear.


Hot hands claimed her ample behind through the flimsy fabric of her black dress, massaging and gripping at her ass, stirring the lioness within her, rattling the bars of her cage. Veronica clenched her thighs tighter around Alejandro’s waist as he carried her to the bed, her crotch magnetized by his hardness behind the zipper of his pants. He deposited her onto the cloud soft king-sized bed. He worked on the buttons of his blue shirt then pulled the shirt back from his bronze shoulders. His chest and arms, swollen with muscle, flexed as he fought out of his shirt sleeves. Then his pants were added to the pile of clothing on the ground. He stood before her in black boxer briefs, his taut stomach and brawny thighs on display. Veronica was dizzy with anticipation.

Alejandro crawled onto the bed and nudged her onto her back. Unintentionally, his fingernails scratched at her thigh and then at her hip as he shoved her dress up and gripped her underwear. He swiftly pulled her panties off and tossed them to the floor, in a rush to part her lips, intending to help get her wet enough if she wasn’t already. She gasped and whimpered as the thick pads of his fingertips teased her incredibly sensitive bud and slick opening. She was beyond ready.

 “Baby,” he groaned, feeling her hot nectar pool in his palm and drip over his fingers. While he shed his boxers, Veronica had time to wiggle out of her dress completely and pitched it across the room. Veronica widened her eyes and breathed a carnal sigh at the sight of his manhood.

Alejandro paused a minute to protect them both, then positioned the head against her entrance. His green eyes were fiery with lust and longing. “Tell me that it’s mine, Veronica.”

“Take it,
,” she pleaded. “Please. I’m yours.”

With one thrust they were joined.

Veronica cried out, electrified. She’d never been touched so deep. Her heart was burning for his love. Her pussy felt the same, quaking, needy, stretching to the limit to take in all of him yet never quite getting enough. How was it possible that each sensual stroke brought her more pleasure than the last? He chewed at her breasts, sucked at her lips, and revisited her pebbled nipples, plunging into her all the while, discovering and releasing what seemed like natural stores of ecstasy that had been hidden in her body all along, buried treasure only a man of destiny could instinctively find.

Sweat made the curls of her hair limp against the sheets. Pleasure made her toes curl into the bed. She couldn’t keep her mouth shut. She couldn’t hold back the moans and the cries of passion soaring out from her.

“It feels good, baby?” Alejandro grunted.

“God, it’s
so good
,” she groaned.

He was close. She could feel it. His rhythm was quickening. She was almost there, her pleasure building, approaching that moment when the world would stand still.     



The shrill ringing of Alejandro’s cell phone crashed their peaceful post-lovemaking cuddle. He sighed the deepest sigh she’d ever heard. “Shit. I have to see who that is.” Naked, he rolled out of bed and strode to the foot of it where his pants were lying on the ground.

“Who could it be?” Veronica pried.  

“Could be my father, my lawyer, or my assistant.”

“Calling this late?”

He plucked the phone from his pants pocket. “Different time zones.”

“That’s why my sex monster isn’t getting enough sleep.”

“Ha! I like that name.” He walked back to the bed and gave her a quick kiss before answering the phone. “Yeah?” He got under the covers again and hugged Veronica to him, kissing her temple. “Cut to the chase, Matthews.” he said in a no-nonsense business voice that made Veronica’s heart skip a beat. She pressed her cheek to his chest, contented to listen to his heartbeat and his voice. “No. I’m not about to do that.”

“A-bough,” Veronica teased. She squirmed and laughed when he pinched her side.

“That’s our only option?...What am I paying you for then?...Look, I refuse to let the Vega company name be dragged through the mud.”

Alarmed, Veronica popped up from his chest, not remembering the proximity of her skull to Alejandro’s jaw.

, Veronica, what’s the matter?!”

“I’m so sorry!”

“You head-butt me!”

“No I didn’t! I didn’t mean to, sweetie. It, it was a love tap. It wasn’t that bad, was it?”

“Is my tooth still there?”

“Yes! Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” She cupped his face.

“Matthews, I’ll call you right back,” he sputtered into the phone. “What made you jump like that?”

“You own
Vega Foods, Incorporated?”

His brows wrinkled. “Yes. Why?”

“Craaaaap! Alejandro, I work for Aletia Kokkinos, the lawyer heading the food poisoning case against Vega Foods.”

Alejandro’s mouth hung open in disbelief. But then he relaxed and started laughing. “No way. Of all the paralegals in California to fall for, I fall for you,” he said smiling.

“It’s not funny. I could lose my job.”

“Why don’t you tell your boss you can’t work on my case, and then work on some other cases?”

“I’m still working inside the office where I’ll hear discussions about the case. I don’t want to feel like a mole and a traitor to either side.”

“Then let me take care of you. Resign from the firm and be with me.”

“Are you forreal?”

“You want to see more of the world and I know that my work and my travels would be much more rewarding with you by my side.”

Veronica planted a hard kiss on him.

“Ouch.” Alejandro pulled his swelling bottom lip away, grimacing but smiling.

“Sorry, sorry. Why am I such a klutz!” They both laughed.

With his thumbs he dried the happy tears from the apples of her cheeks. Then he lifted the back of her hand to his lips. His green eyes glistened. “You and me.”

“You and me.
. How about you, in me?” She smirked.

“You can definitely get more of that,
.” His boyish grin was made crooked by his plumped bottom lip. Veronica giggled and kissed him again, gently this time. The couple sank into the bed to know each other again between the sheets.

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