Read Alejandro Online

Authors: K. Victoria Chase

Tags: #The Santiago Brothers - Book Two

Alejandro (20 page)

BOOK: Alejandro
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Dimples. “I know, so am I.” His brows raised as his gaze drifted away. “I haven’t heard Rafael’s voice in… years. I didn’t believe it when you said he was an agent, and I certainly thought it beyond the realm of possibility when you said he’d returned to church.”

“He’d made mistakes in his life and wanted redemption — and he found it.”

“I know the feeling.”

She heard his whisper loud and clear. There was a light in his eyes she hadn’t noticed before and an ease about his square jaw that spoke volumes about his mindset and heart, despite the looming raid. “You mean…”

He reached out and stroked the covers over a lump that was obviously Angel’s foot. He grasped it for a moment before patting it and withdrawing his hand. “Uh, yeah.”

His throaty voice held emotion she, too, was feeling.
He knew the feeling? He knows the feeling.

“I guess when this is all over and we get you and Angel back to Virginia,” he fingered a wayward lock of hair, brushing it back over her shoulder, “I’ll attend church with the family.” His gaze locked with hers, his eyes filling with panic. “And you?”

Well, I asked for a sign.
She beamed at him and laughter bubbled in her chest. Ale shushed her through a smile, pointing at the sleeping child beside her. She covered her mouth with her hands and only dropped them when the laughter subsided.

Ale cocked a teasing brow at her. “So me finding faith is humorous?”

She shook her head. “Oh, no. It’s just… I’ve prayed for a sign—”

“You prayed for me.”

“You know I did.”

“And I can’t thank you enough,” he whispered, taking her hands in his, his eyes full of the gratitude she now felt toward God for answering another prayer.

She trained her voice to stay low. Angel needed his rest, not an aunt who could barely contain her excitement over a man who for so long had endured pain and heartache and now he was free. And perhaps free to be with… “Have you talked to your mother?”

His eyes dropped to their hands as he squeezed hers while expelling a breath, this time strained. “No, not yet. I plan to, after I get some food in me.”

She gripped his hands back. “She’ll be so happy, Alejandro.” There’s something to be said about prayer warriors.

“I still don’t think a reconciliation with my dad is a good idea.”

“I understand.”

“But I no longer feel that… that maybe I can’t be around kids because of him.” He released one of her hands and rubbed Angel’s blanket-covered leg. “Trust me, I won’t let anything happen to this kid. Carlos won’t take him away.”

The resolution in his voice gave her hope for a favorable ending to this operation. He gripped her hand firmly, and she took comfort in his protection and… love?

He hadn’t said the words, nor did he imply he’d any feelings beyond, well, those that were often cooked up in intense situations.
I’ve been kidding myself.
All those years of working with children at church, she hadn’t had much time for anything else, much less meaningful contact with men.
When I get home, I’m going to get myself a man.
Then she’d know when one was really interested in her and when one was interested in… other things. Not that both types of men wouldn’t be interested in the latter, but at least one of them would have real, true feelings for her.

She stood, pulling her hand away. His head shot up and she felt his gaze even though she couldn’t meet it. “So ah, tomorrow the raid will happen and this will all be over with?” Audrey busied herself with the few toys Angel had, gathering them into a pile on the small table in the opposite corner of the room. She turned back to the bed and gasped. She hadn’t heard Ale move across the room.

He slipped an arm around her waist, dragging her against his body. Eyes glazed with desire, his dimples deepened as he watched her struggle. “Why are you fighting me?” he whispered, leaning close to her ear, nibbling the bottom of her lobe.


“Shhh.” He pointed toward Angel. “Your nephew is sleeping.” His goatee tickled against her neck as he chuckled before laying a trail of kisses from beneath her jaw to her collarbone.

“Well… um… mmm…” Audrey struggled for breath. “We should, um… leave his room.” Audrey swallowed a moan as his lips lightly brushed her mouth.

“Uh-uh,” he began against her lips. “If we leave, you can escape and yell at me. This way…” He pressed a light kiss to the bottom corner of her mouth before taking the whole of hers in a smoldering kiss that sent a delicious shudder through her body. “I have your undivided attention.”

Attention? I’m not… not even… can’t think straight…

“Audrey, I don’t want this to end — what’s happening between us.”

Now she was alert.

“When this operation is all over, I want to see you.”

She swallowed at the overwhelming thought. “Like, a date?”

He laughed, his breath hot against her neck before another kiss scorched her skin. He leaned back, his eyes entreating. “No, more than that.”

Thanks to him, Audrey couldn’t find her voice to say yes. She only stared back, open-mouthed.

The look in his eyes turned wicked. “You look like you need convincing.” He squeezed her closer. “More kissing? You need more kissing…” Audrey laughed out loud as he leaned in. “Shhh!”

Angel moaned in his sleep and both Ale and Audrey froze. The tot snorted and rolled over away from the two of them. Ale took her hand and led her out of the room. In another minute, they were seated on the couch, with Audrey wiggling out of his attempt to scoop her onto his lap.

Ale held up his hands. “I won’t push you.”

With shaky hands, Audrey racked her hair behind her ears. She let out a quick breath and raised her eyes to meet his. “Tell me again. Now that I’m coherent.”

A rakish smile flashed, but did he just blush? “When this is all over, I want to be with you.”

Together. Be together. The concept had her mind in a fog. “In Virginia?”

He shrugged. “Wherever you want. I’m not picky.” His eyes turned warm and a wistful-like smile touched his lips. “It would be nice to see Rafa again. And my mother…”

Audrey saw the lump in his throat bob, watched as he blinked a few times.

“I need to make amends while I still have time.”

Still have time.
With a pang of regret, Penny entered her thoughts. At least she still had her sister’s letters and the house. After Trujillo and Alba were locked up, she’d return to Penny’s home and take her time reconnecting with the sister she’d prayed Penny would turn out to be.

“You’re smiling. What are you thinking about?”

A tear slipped from her eye. “Penny.”

“Still regretting?” he asked, while using his thumb to wipe the tear from her cheek.

Audrey nodded. “But only a little. I’m happy to hear you want to see your mother and brother again.”

He leaned back, a lazy smile on his face, eyes never leaving hers. “Well, I have you and my mother to thank for that.” Pausing, his gaze drifted to the hallway. “And the kid.”

Audrey giggled. “The kid.”
The kid!
A dart of fear struck her. What would Angel think about having Alejandro around? She was his legal guardian. If things… if she and Ale ever…would he accept Angel?

Ale watched her through a shuttered gaze. “You look like you’re thinking about a million things at once. One thing at a time. First, we’ll finish the raid. Then, we’ll get you and Angel back to Virginia.”

“And third?” Audrey swallowed, heat rising to her cheeks in anticipation of him repeating what she’d already heard twice but couldn’t quite get enough of.

“Third.” His voice turned husky as he slid closer, his devilish grin tripling her pulse. Arm snug about her waist, he lifted her effortlessly into his lap. “Third, well, we’ll have to see, won’t we?” Mouth descending to take her own, Audrey relished the look of shock as she playfully slapped his face. She slipped from his grasp and backed up toward the hallway.

, how about when
figure things out, you let me know?” Biting her lip to keep it from spreading to infinity, she winked before rushing to the safety of her room.



Chapter Eleven



ALE adjusted the wire taped to his left pectoral muscle, laying his shirt over it to detect any bulges. Last thing he needed was for Trujillo to spot the device and call him out as a fed. With his cover blown, Alba would be long gone, even with Carlos’s help.

“I’m telling you, you’re already made.”

Ale gritted his frustration at hearing for the umpteenth time that the operation was compromised. “It’s fine, Mel.” He’d long ago given up logical arguments and instead chose the juvenile route.

“Then explain to me how Trujillo’s men knew to come to the bus station?”

“Again? You want me to explain
how they were probably retracing Lana’s — Penny’s — last steps to find out where she was hiding Angel?”

“Yes, again, Alejandro, because you’ve had some close calls lately and I’m concerned.”

Ale eyed his partner’s scowl and crossed his arms. He loved her. She had his back and took him to task all in the same breath. A great friend and partner. Now that he and Audrey—

He and Audrey.

If she was going home to Virginia, then he’d find an assignment and move there. In time, trust between him and his new coworkers would grow, but he doubted he’d find another truer friend and wingman — woman — than Mel.

Ale ran a hand down the front of his shirt, satisfied the wire didn’t produce a bulge noticeable to the trained eye.

An eye like Trujillo’s.

“First it was the hit at Lana’s house, and then it was the tail at the school, and now the bus station? Ale.” She grasped his hands, drawing his gaze from his shirt to her eyes. “I. Don’t. Like. This. I’m telling you, it’s a trap.”

Enclosing her hands in his, he drew them to his chest. “I’m touched you care. I’ve. Got. This.” He dropped her hands and sidestepped her, moving to the table opposite them to retrieve his ops folder. One last look at his target before taking him down.

“Alejandro, you can be a real mule sometimes.”

“Well, you know how stubborn I am, so you know I’m not going to stop until I have Alba and Trujillo.” He reached behind his back, readjusting the sheath holding a blade hidden inside his jeans, while keeping his eyes on the target’s profile workup. Alba’s picture was old, approximately six years, but it was all they had to go on. Unless he recently visited a plastic surgeon, Ale was counting on identifying Alba by the scar that curved from his right ear to the corner of his mouth. Rumor was he’d received the scar as a parting gift from his former boss — whom he killed.

Mel’s weighty sigh sat heavily between them as they locked eyes. He never knew her to fear anything — except maybe men. Not literally, just the thought of any romantic attachments. Strange, she was a beautiful woman with spunk. Every man’s dream. She didn’t hide the trepidation in her eyes, and for the first time, Ale was nervous. “Melody, don’t look at me like that. Last thing I need, hours before we take this guy down, is to second-guess myself. That’s,” he pointed a finger in her direction, “where mistakes are made.”


“Then just have my back.”


“Good.” Nodding, his lips slacked into a half grin. “This will be over before you know it.”

Her eyes narrowed into slits before she stomped from the room. He followed her into the command center for a final briefing. Special Agent Brooks of the DEA had just called the room to order and the last of the instructions were given about the raid. Ale glanced at his watch.

Seven p.m.

“I’ve got to get back to the garage. I don’t usually take a long dinner break,” he whispered into Mel’s ear. “Do me a favor and call the guy at the safe house for an update, okay? And tell him to let Audrey know everything is okay.”

“You’re leaving me for her, aren’t you?” Mel asked, keeping her eyes trained on the speaker. Her lips twitched ever so slightly northward.

Ale smothered a grin with his hand. “You knew it wouldn’t have ever worked. You’re too good for me.”

Mel snorted, and then faked a cough when eyes darted in her direction. “Would you just leave? And Ale…” She laid a hand on his arm to stop him. “Be careful. I mean it.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, before bumping fists with her.

“Marshal Santiago is on his way out there,” Brooks told the group.

Ale lifted his hand in farewell as other agents acknowledged him with nods. “I’ll be waiting for the signal.”

Ten minutes later, Ale was standing in Trujillo’s garage with a clipboard, flipping through the last of the drug orders he expected to see from this place. All the vehicles were prepped, and in a few minutes, he’d brief the drivers. Alba was due to arrive any second, and Trujillo had delayed the transportation until after Alba’s departure. The amount of money the drugs were worth would alone make the headlines, even if he didn’t have Trujillo and Alba. And when the order was given, the men would drive out to the waiting DEA roadblock.

I couldn’t have planned this better myself.

Except for one thing — and he blamed Mel for this: the chill that bit into his spine and nearly shattered it when Trujillo caught his eye on his way into the shop minutes before. Something wasn’t right. Well, something hadn’t been right for a while, but this was new.

The door to his right opened and Carlos entered the working bay. Alone. Ale gave him a look as Carlos strode in. “Where is he?” his whisper sliced the air.

Carlos didn’t even flinch. “Minutes behind me. But you have bigger problems.”



Ale tried not to act annoyed. Anything other than the appearance of a casual conversation with Carlos would look suspicious. “What about him?”

Carlos leaned in a bit too close for Ale’s liking, but with his voice so low, Ale couldn’t blame him. “He knows.”

Two little words. Mel had guessed it, and deep down Ale sensed it as far back as his first meeting with Carlos in Trujillo’s office.
He knows.
“What does he know?”

BOOK: Alejandro
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