Alessandro's Prize (14 page)

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Authors: Helen Bianchin

BOOK: Alessandro's Prize
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It was war as they went toe to toe, and at any other time they each might have glimpsed the humour in the standoff.

Lily eyed him with fearless disregard, her eyes dark velvet brown brimming with speechless anger, while Alessandro continued to hold his ground.

The air between them sizzled with tension for several long seconds.

She wanted to refuse. Except she couldn't win. And her ribs, her head,
ached too much to fight him.

‘I don't like you.'

His mouth curved a little at the edges. ‘Right at this moment, I don't expect you do.'

It didn't take long to retrieve a bag, add clothing and collect what else she needed before re-emerging into the lounge to deposit the bag at his feet.

Alessandro merely grasped the leather handles and hefted the bag over one shoulder. ‘Don't forget your keys,' he reminded as he crossed the room to the door, leaving her to follow.

OK, so she'd made her point. Without a word she collected her laptop, then she covered the distance to the door, opened it, and summoned the lift.

The drive to Alessandro's apartment was achieved in silence, and the moment they were indoors she turned to face him.

‘Happy, now?'

His eyes measured her own, deceptively calm, almost lazy in their regard. It was the faint hint of elemental ruthlessness just beneath the surface of his control that lifted her fine body hairs in instinctive self-defence.

‘I'll go upstairs and unpack.'

She chose the guest suite she'd occupied when both she and Sophia had stayed over following the Milan fashion after party.

There was a need to check the kitchen and see what she could prepare for their lunch. Both pantry and refrigerator were well-stocked and she sought Alessandro's home office, then she tapped the door twice.

There was no answer, and she knocked more forcibly.

Maybe he wasn't there.

Then the door opened and he stood in the aperture, looming far too tall since she'd ditched her heels for soft moccasins.

‘Are you going to be here all day?'

‘The prospect bothers you?' he queried evenly.

It bothered the
out of her, but she was darned if she'd admit to it. ‘Not at all. Will one o'clock suit you for lunch?'

For a second she thought she glimpsed a gleam of humour apparent, and her eyes sharpened a little.

‘One o'clock will be fine.'

Lily inclined her head. ‘I'd like to check my emails later. After lunch will be fine, if that's OK with you?'

On receiving his affirmative, she turned and retraced her steps to her suite.

Unaware Alessandro remained where he stood until she moved out of sight, before he thrust one hand in his trouser pocket and lifted the other to thread fingers through his hair.

He felt at odds with his emotions, alternately wanting to drag her into his arms and kiss her until she begged for mercy…or

Go one step further and take her to his bed? That would work…not. Bruised ribs, a narrow escape from concussion, add shock, and anything approaching intimacy wasn't going to happen. Yet.

Meanwhile, he had the distraction of work.


With lunch in mind, there was a need to decide what she should prepare.

Pasta was a staple, and there were sufficient fresh tomatoes, ingredients to make a basil pesto, bread rolls in the freezer she could use to make

It was pleasing to discover Alessandro had invested in excellent equipment, and for a kitchen in a private apartment it was a dream in which to work. Whoever drafted the plan
where to build cupboards, place the dual ovens,
the stove top, pull-out drawers in which to store saucepans. Plenty of bench space.

Did he cook? Or did he dine out?

At precisely one o'clock Lily put lunch on the table and tamped down a sudden jolt of nerves as Alessandro appeared without warning.

He possessed the silent tread of a cat, and for a second her hand shook as she indicated the table.

His eyes narrowed. Her features were pale, and bruising was beginning to appear around the twin butterfly strips at the edge of her forehead.

Silent anger rose to the surface against her ex-fiancé. It was only a matter of time before James's whereabouts were discovered.

He watched as she picked at her food, eating little before she pushed her plate aside.

‘Not hungry?'

‘I'm fine.' She stood up. ‘You finish up while I make coffee.'

Alessandro let her go, and when he was done he entered the kitchen with crockery and utensils in his hand, deposited them on the bench.

‘The pasta was superb,' he complimented as he collected his coffee. ‘I'll take this with me.'

Lily merely inclined her head and continued stacking the dishwasher.

One night, she ruminated as she returned to her suite after logging her laptop to his Wi-Fi, then she'd return to her own apartment.

Something that she broached as they shared the kitchen clean-up following the evening meal.


‘What do you mean
?' Lily demanded. ‘I'm perfectly fine.'

‘James knows where you work, where you live. Until he's apprehended and charged, you will stay with me.'

‘You have to be joking. That's ridiculous.'

‘Tomorrow we'll head to my Lake Como villa for a few days. Mine,' he emphasized. ‘As you know, James already has Sophia's address.'

Which successfully stalled the protest she wanted to voice.

James wouldn't…would he? A month ago she would have said no. But now? Who knew?

‘As yet Sophia is unaware of the attack. Why distress her?'

It irked that he had a point.

‘You're not giving me any options.'

Alessandro reached out and tucked back a stray lock of hair that had escaped the casual knot atop her head. ‘No.'

He was close, much too close for comfort, and she silently cursed her quickened heartbeat as blood pulsed through her veins.

She wanted her life back, and a return to normality. Not an emotional see-saw that seemed to speed up with every passing day.

‘I'm going to have an early night.'

Alessandro cupped her nape, saw her eyes dilate, and brushed his lips to her forehead. ‘Sleep well.'

Something he wouldn't do, knowing she occupied a suite not too far from his own.


villa proved to be a luxurious mansion perched high on a hill above Lake Como, reached by a winding driveway lined with trees.

There was an air of tranquillity apparent, a sense of peace that permeated the beautifully appointed interior with its lush furniture and fittings. Exquisite lighting, ornate balustrades bracketing a wide curving staircase leading to an upper floor.

A mansion, but also a home, Lily decided as Alessandro assigned her a guest suite. It was, in a word, incredible. All of it. Sanctuary, she mused. Equally suitable for a pleasurable relaxed sojourn as it would be for entertaining.

‘My housekeeper prepared lunch, and there's a lasagne in the refrigerator for dinner.' He placed her bag on a long chaise positioned adjacent a large window. ‘There's a media room at the end of the hallway, and a library of DVDs. Feel free to explore the grounds if you choose.'

‘Thank you.'

He had assumed a polite, but friendly
role, and that was perfectly fine. At least it provided a little distance, and that was a
thing, Lily conceded.

Not that she coveted his attention, or even his company. So
this vague feeling of disappointment? It hardly made any sense.

Admit it
, she admonished as she unpacked her bag.
You like him. More than
He stirs something deep inside you that you're afraid to explore.

With every passing day it seems as if you are taking another step towards…

It would be so easy to give in, to enjoy sharing his bed, a part of his life, for as long as it took, no strings attached.

Maybe that was what she needed.

An affair.

Yet there was the knowledge that when it ended, she'd be broken-hearted and bereft, with little alternative but to leave Milan, Sophia, and settle far far away where she'd never see Alessandro again.

So why even take the first step down that path?

With the day stretching ahead, she connected to Alessandro's Internet connection, checked and answered emails, and after lunch she explored the manicured grounds.

The gardens bore hardy annuals, decorative shrubs perfectly shaped in unison, a functioning birdbath and to her delight the sight of a little black and white kitten sitting grooming itself in the weak sunshine.

‘You adorable little thing.' She approached it with care, not wanting to frighten it away. ‘I wonder who you belong to.' The kitten ceased its grooming and watched as Lily drew closer, tilting its head when Lily lowered down onto her knees.

Curious, the kitten padded forward, then stopped, before inching to within sniffing distance.

Lily slowly extended her hand, and after debating whether to risk moving closer the kitten bounded forward and almost fell over its front paws.

It was easy to scoop the tiny furry ball into her hands, and to Lily's amazement the kitten tucked its head into the curve of her palm and began to purr.

Love at first sight, and Lily lifted the little bundle and brushed it against her cheek and received a tentative lick in response.

From inside his home office Alessandro stood at the window and watched the scene play out. So the housekeeper's cat's new litter of kittens had reached the exploring stage, he mused, aware of the need to find homes for them soon.

Ah, there was Frederica, the mother cat, in search of her wayward offspring, and he saw the moment she sensed a human presence, her momentary struggle to pursue or retreat, only for the maternal instinct to win.

Would Lily hand the kitten over?

Gently she brushed her cheek against the little black bundle, then she carefully held the kitten in the palm of her hand and extended it for Frederica to examine.

The sweet gesture between two females, one human and the other animal, touched him in a way he was rarely affected, and he watched as Lily allowed Frederica to attach her jaws to the kitten's neck, then trot back to where the rest of her brood were resting.

Knowing his housekeeper's soft heart, there was undoubtedly a soft blanket nestling in a basket somewhere safe.

He stood for several minutes as Lily rose to her feet and followed Frederica's progress until the cat disappeared from sight.

Dinner became a solitary meal as Alessandro was caught up with something obviously important requiring his presence in the office, and Lily ate alone, plated his lasagne ready to heat in the microwave, left a side salad with dressing and bread rolls under cover on the table, and sought the media room.

It was after ten when the movie she'd selected to watch
came to an end, and she closed the unit down as the credits rolled.

Bed beckoned, and she entered her suite, shed her clothes, donned nightwear, then she completed her nightly routine and slid between the sheets of a very comfortable bed.

Sleep came easily, so too the disturbing images that brought her awake with a start. In the night's darkness she had a moment of not knowing where she was, until her memory engaged and the vivid replay of James's attack began to fade.

Not nice
. Worse, no matter how she tried, any attempt to resume sleep proved elusive.

After what seemed an age she tossed aside the bedcovers and padded along the hallway to the head of the stairs.

Hot milk would help, and she eased her way down to the lobby, located the kitchen, heated milk in the microwave, then she moved to one of the French doors overlooking the gardens and sipped milk as her eyes became accustomed to the view.

It was there Alessandro found her, and he quietly said her name as he crossed to stand beside her.

Lily spared him a quick glance, glimpsed his bare chest, the jeans with the snap undone, and wondered what had disturbed

‘I'm so accustomed to working at full pace, the quieter life is affecting my sleep pattern,' she managed lightly, and hugged an arm across her midriff without being aware of doing so.

‘No bad dreams?'

When she didn't answer he turned slightly and tilted her chin. ‘Liliana?'

Why did he do that? She didn't need his gentle touch, or the soft huskiness in his voice. It affected her in a way
she couldn't afford, heightening her senses to an alarming degree.

‘Just one,' she admitted.
And I woke alone and didn't know where I was
. She held up the mug. ‘Hot milk. Works every time.'

‘Do you want to talk about it?'

Unbidden, a slight tremor shook her body. ‘Not particularly.'

‘Then let's get you back to bed.' Alessandro took the mug from her hand, placed it onto a small table, and caught hold of her hand.

She could almost believe the impossible, except to do so would be akin to chasing moonbeams. And she no longer had faith in fairy tales.

But one night, just one night in this man's arms would be heaven to her wounded soul. To feel wanted, even if it was only for a while. To fall asleep in warm arms, knowing when she woke he'd still be there.

Yet there would be the inevitable
, when, even if the sex was fantastic, it would be a one-off thing and where would that leave her?

So he'd escort her to her suite, then leave.

Except he didn't leave and she didn't tell him not to stay. One minute she stood looking at him, the next she heard a husky sound emerge from his throat as he moved into the bed and drew her down beside him.

‘Sleep, Lily. And in the name of heaven don't move too much…there's only so much a man can take.'

It felt good. Better than good, and like the kitten she'd comforted earlier in the day, she tucked her head into the curve of his shoulder…and slept.

While he remained awake, fully aroused and aching.


Light was filtering through the shutters as she woke, and for a moment she thought she was back in her apartment. Except the room was wrong, the bed wasn't her own, and she was lying curled, spoon-fashion, into a warm male body.

Worse, a male hand cupped her breast.

A very aroused male.

‘You're awake.'

‘No, I'm sleeping and you're part of a very bad dream.'

She felt his warm breath against her hair, and she made an effort to free herself, without much success. And long after she had to wonder why she didn't put more effort into it.

Because she wanted what she shouldn't have?

A need to extend the comfort he offered?

Or because it felt
to remain exactly where she was?

All of it.

Yet she offered a token protest.

‘I don't think this is a good idea.'

Alessandro lifted the weight of her hair aside and nuzzled the sensitive curve at the edge of her neck and her body trembled beneath his touch.

‘You don't play fair,' she managed shakily, and gasped as he traced the curve with the edge of his tongue.

To give in,
to his ministrations, became an undeniable temptation, and a shaky sound left her lips as he traced a path low to the slight swell of her breast, then he gently bared it and took the sensitive peak into his mouth, savouring it as if it were the finest delicacy.

With the utmost care he slid both hands to catch the hem of her sleep vest and slowly eased it up over her head.

She met his dark slumbrous eyes, and was unable to look away as he shaped each breast and smoothed a thumb over each peak until they became tautly erect.

A faint gasp emerged from her throat as his hands slid to her waist, settled there, then his fingers sought the button fastening the elasticised waistband, freed it, then he smoothed the soft cotton over her thighs until the trousers pooled at her feet.

Instinct kicked in as she swiftly placed a protective hand over the soft curls shading her feminine core, only to have him cover it with his own.

‘So shy, Liliana?'

A strangled gasp left her throat as he lowered his head and took her mouth with his own in a gentle exploratory kiss that blanked her mind to everything except
…his touch, the clean smell of soap he'd used in the shower mingling with the musky scent of man.

She was barely aware of his arm sliding down her back to cup her bottom as he urged her body in close against his own, making her achingly aware of the hard thickness of his erection.

Heat flooded her body as he sought the soft hair at the apex of her thighs and slid a finger between the damp folds, rested there, then he sought the acutely sensitive clitoris, felt her buck a little beneath his touch, only to sense her sharp indrawn breath as he skilfully brought her to orgasm, and held her as she shattered.

For long minutes she simply rested against him, too caught up with her body's reaction to move and she murmured an inaudible protest as he gently urged her to face him.

‘Let me pleasure you.'

‘You just did,' Lily managed in a voice husky with emotion, and heard his soft chuckle.

‘Not enough,' Alessandro said quietly as he began trailing his mouth in a slow provocative path to the juncture of her thighs, parting them gently to lave the sweet moisture
pooling there before probing the soft folds with his tongue, seeking and finding the engorged clitoris so acutely sensitive from his touch.

. Her fingers dug through the hair on his head and held on as he drove her wild, unaware of the guttural sounds emerging from her throat, or the way her body thrashed in the throes of ecstasy.

She became aware of a low keening cry and realized it was her own voice in protest as he paused momentarily to afford protection.

There was only one factor consuming every cell in her body: the need for his possession.

‘Please…now.' The husky groan left her throat, and died to a whimper as he began a nibbling path over her stomach to pause at her breasts and gently bite the soft flesh there before taking possession of her mouth in a deep erotic kiss.

Just as she felt she could stand no more, he lifted his head and searched her passion-filled eyes with his own…and it was as if the earth stood still for a few timeless seconds, then he positioned his length and eased into her.

He saw her eyes dilate as she absorbed his size, and she arched her hips in silent encouragement. It was all he needed to plunge deep, and her lips parted with a soundless sigh as he began to move, slowly at first, then with increasing speed, taking her with him as he urged her high, so high she clung to him, so much a part of him as he took her to the brink, then he held her as she came apart.

She was beyond words, for she was at a loss to describe how she felt, or what she'd experienced in his arms.

Heaven. Simply heaven.

Later they shared a shower, and it was there she saw the faint white scars on his body; the tattoo on his left biceps, the small emblem at the edge of one hip.

Lily gently traced a scar, then another as she wondered
what had occurred for him to receive them. Three were slashes from a knife. A puckered indentation defied identification.

‘You find them repugnant?'

She met the darkness in his eyes, and slowly shook her head. ‘No.' A lump rose in her throat and she swallowed it with difficulty. ‘They're part of who you are.'

Without giving pause for thought, she leant in close and trailed each imperfection with her lips. ‘Maybe one day you'll tell me about them.'

There was the need to crouch a little to trace the tattooed emblem at his hip, and she caught his indrawn breath as she rose to her feet and reached for him.

In one fluid movement she wound her thighs around his waist and brought his head down to her own as she sought his mouth in a provocative kiss that could only have one ending.

It was a while before they emerged to dry off, and even longer before Alessandro swept an arm beneath her thighs and carried her back to bed.

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