Alex Cross 16

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Authors: James Patterson

BOOK: Alex Cross 16
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Table of Contents


By the Same Author

Title Page

Copyright Page







Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27


Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

page 2

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46


Chapter 47

Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

Chapter 51

Chapter 52

Chapter 53

Chapter 54

Chapter 55

Chapter 56

Chapter 57

Chapter 58

Chapter 59

Chapter 60

Chapter 61

Chapter 62

Chapter 63

Chapter 64

Chapter 65

Chapter 66

Chapter 67

Chapter 68

Chapter 69

Chapter 70

Chapter 71

Chapter 72

Chapter 73

Chapter 74

Chapter 75

Chapter 76

Chapter 77


Chapter 78

Chapter 79

Chapter 80

Chapter 81

Chapter 82

Chapter 83

Chapter 84

Chapter 85

Chapter 86

Chapter 87

Chapter 88

Chapter 89

Chapter 90

Chapter 91

Chapter 92

Chapter 93

Chapter 94

Chapter 95

Chapter 96

page 3

Chapter 97

Chapter 98

Chapter 99

Chapter 100

Chapter 101

Chapter 102

Chapter 103

Chapter 104

Chapter 105

Chapter 106

Chapter 107

Chapter 108

Chapter 109

Chapter 110

Chapter 111

Chapter 112

Chapter 113

Chapter 114


Chapter 115

Chapter 116

Chapter 117

Cross Country

Alex Cross's Trial



Run for Your Life

Worst Case


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

James Patterson

About the Author

We support National Literacy Trust


Also by James Patterson

The Women's Murder Club series

1st to Die

2nd Chance (
with Andrew Gross

3rd Degree (
with Andrew Gross

4th of July (
with Maxine Paetro

The 5th Horseman (
with Maxine Paetro

The 6th Target (
with Maxine Paetro

7th Heaven (
with Maxine Paetro

8th Confession (
with Maxine Paetro

Maximum Ride series

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

Maximum Ride: School's Out Forever

Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports

The Final Warning

Manga Volume 1 (
with NaRae Lee


page 4

Manga Volume 2 (
with NaRae Lee

Daniel X series

The Dangerous Days of Daniel X (
with Michael Ledwidge

Daniel X: Alien Hunter Graphic Novel (
with Leopoldo Gout

Daniel X: Watch the Skies (
with Ned Rust

Witch & Wizard series

Witch & Wizard (
with Gabrielle Charbonnet

Alex Cross novels

Kiss the Girls

Along Came a Spider

Cat and Mouse

Pop Goes the Weasel

Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

Four Blind Mice

The Big Bad Wolf

London Bridges

Mary, Mary


Double Cross

Cross Country

Alex Cross's Trial (
with Richard DiLallo

Detective Michael Bennett series

Step on a Crack (
with Michael Ledwidge

Run for Your Life (
with Michael Ledwidge

Worst Case (
with Michael Ledwidge, to be published January 2010
Stand-alone thrillers

Sail (
with Howard Roughan

Swimsuit (
with Maxine Paetro


Torn Apart (
with Hal and Cory Friedman

The Murder of King Tut (
with Martin Dugard


Sundays at Tiffany's (
with Gabrielle Charbonnet





This eBook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any way except as specifically permitted in writing by the publishers, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorised distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author's and publisher's rights and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly.

page 5

ISBN 9781409061571
Version 1.0

Published by Century, 2009

2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1

Copyright © James Patterson, 2009

James Patterson has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work

This novel is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental

This electronic book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser First published in Great Britain in 2009 by Century

Random House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA

Addresses for companies within The Random House Group Limited can be found at: The Random House Group Limited Reg. No. 954009

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 9781409061571

Version 1.0

For Judy Torres


page 6


HANNAH WILLIS WAS a second-year law student at Virginia, and everything that lay ahead of her seemed bright and promising—except, of course, that she was about to die in these dark, gloomy, dismal woods.
Go, Hannah,
she told herself.
Just go. Stop thinking. Whining
and crying won't help you now. Running just

Hannah stumbled and staggered forward until her hands found another tree trunk to hold on to. She leaned her aching body into it, waiting for the strength to take another breath. And then to move another burst of steps forward.

Keep going, or you'll die right here in these woods. It's that
The bullet lodged somewhere in her lower back made every movement, every breath an agony, more pain than Hannah had ever known was possible. It was only the threat of a
bullet, or maybe worse, that kept her on her feet and going at all.

God, the woods were almost pitch-black back in here. A quarter moon drooping over the thick forest canopy did little to light the ground below. Trees were shadows. Thorns and brambles were invisible in the underbrush; they pierced and raked her legs bloody as she pushed through. What little she'd been wearing to begin with —

just an expensive black lace teddy — now hung in shreds off her shoulders. None of that mattered, though, or even registered with Hannah anymore. The only clear thought that cut through the pain, and the panic, was
Go, girl
. The rest was a wordless, directionless nightmare. Finally, and very suddenly — had it been an hour? more? — the low canopy of trees opened up around her.

"What the . . ." Dirt turned to gravel underfoot, and Hannah stumbled to her knees with nothing to hang on to. In the hazy moonlight, she could make out the ghost of a double line, showing the curve of a country road. It was like a miracle to her. Half of one, anyway; she knew she wasn't out of this mess yet. When a motor sounded in the distance, Hannah leaned on her hands and pushed up off the gravel. Summoning strength she didn't know she still had, she stood again, then staggered into the middle of the road. Her world blurred through sweat and fresh tears.

Please, dear God, don't let this be them. This can't be those
two bastards.
You can't be so cruel, can you?

A red truck careened around the bend then, coming at her fast. Too fast! Suddenly, she was just as blind as she'd been before, in the woods, but from the truck's headlights.

"Stop! Please stop! Pleee-ase!"

she screamed.
"Stop, you

At the last possible second, the tires squealed on the pavement.

The red pickup skidded into full view and stopped just short of flattening her right there into roadkill. She could feel heat coming off the engine through the grille.

"Hey, sweetheart, nice outfit! All you had to do was stick out your thumb."

"The voice was unfamiliar — which was good, really good. Loud country music was blasting from the cab too

Daniels Band,
her mind vaguely registered, just before Hannah collapsed onto the pavement. The driver was down there on the road a second later as she regained consciousness. "Oh, my God, I didn't . . . What happened to you? Are you —
happened to you?

"Please." She barely mustered the word. "If they find me here, they'll kill us both."

"The man's strong hands wrapped around her, grazing the dime-sized hole in her back as he picked her up. She only exhaled, too weak to scream now. A cluster of gray and indistinct moments later, they were inside the truck and moving really fast down the two-lane highway.

"Hang in there, darlin'." The driver's voice was shaky now. "Tell me who did this to you."

"Hannah could feel her consciousness slipping away again. "The men . . ."

"The men?
What men,
sweetheart? Who are you talking about?" An answer floated vaguely through Hannah's mind, and she wasn't sure if she said it out loud or maybe just thought it before everything went away.

The men from the White House.


page 7

HIS NAME WAS Johnny Tucci, but the boys back in his South Philadelphia neighborhood all called him Johnny Twitchy, on account of the way his eyes jumped around when he was nervous, which was most of the time.

Of course, after tonight, the boys in Philly could go screw themselves. This was the night Johnny got into the game for real. This was man time. He had "the package," didn't he? It was a simple job but a real goody, because he was alone and had to take full responsibility. He'd already picked up the package. Scared him, but he'd done just fine.

No one ever said so, but once you started making deliveries like this, it meant you had something on the family, and they had something on you. In other words, there was a relationship. After tonight, there'd be no more running numbers for Johnny, no more scrapping for crumbs in southside neighborhoods. It was like the bumper sticker that said,
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
So naturally, he was pumped — and just a little bit nervous.

His uncle Eddie's warning kept playing like a tape in his mind.
Don't blow this opportunity, Twitchy,
Eddie had said.
I'm way out on a limb here for you.
Like he was doing him some kind of big favor with this job, which Johnny supposed maybe he was, but still. His own uncle didn't have to rub his face in it, did he? He reached over and turned up the radio. Even the country music they played down here was better than listening to Eddie's nagging in his head all night long. Turned out, it was an old Charlie Daniels Band tune, "The Devil Went Down to Georgia.". He even knew some of the words. But the familiar lyrics couldn't keep Eddie's voice out of Johnny's head.

Don't blow this opportunity, Twitchy.

I'm way out on a limb for you.

Oh, fuck!

Blue flashers danced off his rearview mirror — coming out of nowhere. Two, three seconds ago, he could have sworn he had I-95 all to himself.

Apparently not.

Johnny felt the corner of his right eye start to twitch.

He goosed the gas; maybe he could make a run for it. Then he remembered the piece-of-shit Dodge he was driving, lifted out of a Motel 6 parking lot back in Essington.
Goddamnit! Should have gone to the Marriott. Got
a Jap car.

Still, it was possible the stolen Dodge hadn't been flagged yet. Whoever owned it was probably sleeping back at that motel. With any luck, Johnny could just eat the ticket and no one would ever have to know. But that was the kind of luck other people had, not him.

It took the cops forever and a day to get out of their cruiser, which was a bad sign — the worst. They were checking the make and the plates. By the time they came up on either side of the Dodge, Johnny's eyes were going like a couple of Mexican jumping beans.

He tried to be cool. "Evening, officers. What seems to be —"

The one on his side, a tall dude with a redneck accent, opened the driver's door. "Just keep your mouth shut tight. Step out of the vehicle."

"It didn't take them any time at all to find the package.

After they checked the front and back seats, they popped the trunk, pulled the spare-tire cover, and that was that.

"Holy mother of God!" One of the troopers shone his light down on it. The other one gagged at the sight.

the hell did you do?"

Johnny didn't stick around to answer the question. He was already running for his life.

NOBODY HAD EVER been any deader, or dumber, than he was right now. Johnny Tucci knew that, even as he broke across the tree line and started slip-sliding down a ravine at the side of the highway. He could hide from these cops, maybe, but not from the Family. Not in jail, not anywhere. It was a fact of life. You didn't lose a "package" like this without becoming one yourself. Voices came from up the slope, and then dancing flashlight beams. Johnny dropped down low and threw page 8

himself under a clump of bushes. He was trembling all over, his heart was going so fast it hurt, and his lungs were heaving from too many cigarettes. It was almost impossible to keep still and keep quiet.
Oh shit, I am so dead. I am so, so dead.

"You see anything? See that little bastard? That freak?"

"Nothing yet. We'll get him. He's down here somewhere. Can't be far."

"The troopers fanned out on either side of him, working their way down. Very deliberate and efficient. Even as he caught his breath now, the trembling only got worse, and not just because of the cops. It was because he'd started to figure out what he had to do next. Strictly speaking, there were only two real options. One involved the .38 he had holstered to his ankle. The other, the package — and who owned it. It was only a question of which way he wanted to die.

And in that cold moonlight, it didn't really seem like much of a question at all. Moving as slowly as he could, he reached down and pulled the .38. With a badly shaking hand, he fitted the barrel in his mouth. The damn metal clacked hard against his teeth and tasted sour on his tongue. He was ashamed of the tears coming down his face, but that couldn't be helped, and who would ever know but him anyway?

Jesus, was it really going down this way? Crying like a punk, all alone in the woods? What a crummy world this was.

He could just hear the boys now.
Sure wouldn't want to go
out the way Johnny did.
Johnny Twitchy. They'd put it on his gravestone — just for spite. Those heathen bastards!

The whole time, Johnny's brain was saying
but his trigger finger wouldn't do it. He tried again, both hands on the grip this time, but it was no go. He couldn't even do this right. He finally spit the gun barrel out, still crying like a little kid. Somehow, knowing he was going to live another day didn't do a thing to stop the tears. He just lay there, biting his lips, feeling sorry for himself, until the cops got as far as the stream at the bottom of the ravine.

Then Johnny Twitchy crawled real fast back up the way he'd come, ran across the interstate, and dropped into the woods on the other side — wondering how in Christ he was going to make himself disappear off the face of the earth, knowing that it just wasn't going to happen.

. He'd seen what was in "the package."

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