Alexandr's Cherished Submissive (21 page)

BOOK: Alexandr's Cherished Submissive
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Fear caused her to twist in Krom’s grasp, and she let out a startled, “What the hell?”

“Relax,” Krom said in a deep voice that fair shook her bones. “Will remove poison.”

She stiffened further, wincing when pain exploded behind her eyes with a hard pound.

Maks made a soothing noise and moved around into her line of sight. “Krom is skilled with…what is word…touching muscle to make it feel better. To help whole body. Knows how to soothe head.”

Jessica knew the answer as soon as Krom wrapped his big fingers and palms around her skull then squeezed. Almost instantly, the pain lessened then eased to the point that it was just an annoying background hum. She was putty in his hands. Krom knew pressure points, and he was now her new best friend. As his long fingers manipulated her scalp then her neck, she relaxed and let out a sigh of relief as the aching tightness slowly left her muscles. He was an angel, a side-burn-sporting, tattooed angel with a blessed touch. He began to press and massage her tight shoulders, taking away further tension until she was in danger of slumping over.

Krom spoke again, and Maks translated. “You need to drink more water and sleep.”

She didn’t bother to reply, only let out a languid sigh when Krom took a step back, and she collapsed onto the couch. She pulled a comfy teal throw pillow beneath her head and grabbed a furry, cranberry-colored one to hold against her before she mumbled an apology to the men and gave in to sleep.


A few hours after her long nap, she found herself in her Uncle Peter’s study with him, her Aunt Mary, Alex, Maks, and Krom. Jessica had just been informed that she would be leaving the country. Told she was going like she was a little girl being sent off to stay with a relative. She stared at her Uncle Peter then glanced over at her Aunt Mary, today wearing a loose red knit dress with a pretty leather belt. The older woman was clearly not a fan of Alex’s crazy plan, but she kept her lips pressed firmly together, her displeasure with the blank faced man sitting next to Jessica was obvious. Alex didn’t care. He continued to ignore everyone but Peter.

She woke up alone after that horrible night and hadn’t seen Alex again until earlier today when he’d given her a chin lift before leaving the room with a group of men she didn’t recognize, all speaking in Russian. That had hurt. She thought they had something, but once again, he’d pulled back, and she was left with the wounded heart. Jesus, would she never learn?

Narrowing her eyes, she frowned at Alex, trying not to notice how handsome he was, how the familiar scent of his cologne soothed and aroused her. No, she needed to pay attention to one thing and one thing only.
would decide where she went and with whom. And most certainly, Mr. Alexandr Gorev did
get to tell her what to do. “You want to take me to Rome?”

“Yes.” He replied like it was the most normal thing in the world, his attention now on his phone as he texted someone.

Irritated at his rude behavior, she turned her glare on him then regretted the action when it made her neck pinch. The day she’d gotten beat up, she hurt, but it was the days after, when pains in places she didn’t even know she had surfaced, that she was really miserable. Days when she could have used a hug from a certain man she thought was into her. Or at the very least gave a shit enough to check on her the next day. He confused the hell out of her, and she didn’t like it. And she certainly didn’t want to have to deal with his bipolar ass in Rome of all places.

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“You are going. End of discussion.”

“Jessica,” Peter said in a low voice, his face heavy and somber. “You are going.”

“But…” She looked at him. “Why?”

“It’s not safe for you here right now, lass. Until the authorities find out who did this, they could try it again. It’s not likely, but I don’t want to take any chances.”

“You don’t have to go with Alex,” her aunt added. “We can send you anywhere you want.”

Alex’s anger prickled her skin in little stings, and when she turned back, she found him glaring at Mary. There were undercurrents here that she didn’t understand, things she’d been left out of. She needed the truth, and she wanted it now.

Struggling to remain calm, she spoke in a measured tone. “Can I talk to Alex alone, please?”

Aunt Mary started to protest, but Uncle Peter stood and went over to his wife. “We’ll give you a few minutes.”

Jessica scarcely paid any attention to the door shutting as they left. Her gaze was focused on Alex, who was staring back at her. “What is going on? Have you lost your mind?”

“You are in danger. We make you safe.”

Her nostrils flared, and she tried to remain calm as he glanced at his phone again. “I’m aware of that, but danger from who? Why am I being targeted?”

“Because you are loved.”


He tilted his head slightly. “Do you not want to go to Rome with me?”

“No, I don’t.”

For the first time since she’d entered the room, he focused entirely on her. “No?”

“No,” she said in a firm voice.

“Then we will stay here, but it will put a strain on your uncle.”

“What the hell are you talking about? God, for once can you just give me a clear answer?”

His gaze snapped with anger, as did his brisk voice. “You are target. And like any target, people will be tempted to take shots at you. If we stay in Ireland where is easy for them to get to you, there will be more attempts. When we go to Rome, is much safer. You will be untouchable.”

The thought of having to live through another attempt on her life was more than she could bear right now. “Untouchable.”

Prinsessa moya
, do not be scared. Trust me.”

“I-I don’t know. This is all happening so fast.” Her lower lip trembled, and she gave him an imploring look. “Help me understand what’s going on.”

His lips softened, and he came over and kneeled before her chair, placing his warm palms on her thighs. It felt almost as if he was touching her bare skin. A warmth filled her belly, and her breath caught when he moved closer, forcing her thighs apart. Once his solid mass was between her legs, he slid his hands up slowly, glancing the sides of her breasts, until he’d ran his fingers into the thick hair at the back of her skull. He leaned closer, enveloping her in his scent, and rubbed his cheek against her uninjured one. Without even thinking about it, she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close and let out a long, heartfelt sigh.

“Is better?” he asked in a low voice while tenderly kissing her neck with soft rubs of his damp lips.

She nodded, unable to answer, relief filling her at being in his arms.

It was all kinds of better. Maybe the best.

His breath warmed her ear as he whispered, “I want to take you to Rome, not just to keep you safe, but to have you all to myself. Never in my life have I wanted a woman the way I want you. I am greedy for you in way you could not understand. I promise you that you will enjoy yourself. You will love the city, and it will love you. Come with me.”

Trying to rally her brain, she pulled away a bit. He’d been a real jerk. “I don’t understand. You vanished, and when I saw you earlier today, you totally ignored me. Those are not the actions of a man who desires me. You don’t seem to be attracted to me at all. Then you say these nice things that make me think you really do want me.”

“I have always wanted you, from the moment I saw you, but I had to make sure certain things were in place before I made you mine.”


He sighed, his warm breath ghosting over her. “We will discuss this later, in Rome.”

“I don’t want to discuss it later in Rome. If I’m even going with you, I want to discuss it now.”

“Is not right time or place with your aunt and uncle hovering outside of door. I promise you, Jessica, that I will tell you, but not now. Trust that everything I do for you I do because you are special, important to me. Can you give me time to explain?”

He was being so nice, so charming and affectionate, that she found herself nodding. “I can give you time, but I want answers, Alex. I mean it.”

“And you will get them.” He stroked her inner thighs by her knees with his thumbs. “Does this mean you will come with me?”

Now it was her turn to rub her cheek against his, enjoying the tickle of his goatee. “I have always wanted to see the Roman ruins, and I’ve heard Italy is amazing. How long will I be there?”

He pulled back enough to place a delicate kiss on her lips. “A month or less, enough time for your uncle, I mean authorities, to find whoever targeted you.”

It was impossible to say no when he looked at her with such warmth that it made her body light up and her brain turn to mush. “Okay, I’ll come with you.”

He grinned. “Okay.”

“You know I’m placing a lot of trust in you, right?”

“I do. And you must know that your trust means much to me, is greatest gift. I will protect you. I will never let anyone harm you. From now on, Jessica, I devote myself to your happiness.”

The sincerity in his voice undid her, and she drew in a watery breath and pressed her face to his neck as she whispered, “Thank you.”


When Alex had said he was taking her to Rome, she had no idea he meant right that moment. He’d given her enough time to pack two suitcases, kiss her aunt and uncle goodbye, and whisked her off to the airport for a first class flight to Rome with Maks and Luka riding in coach. Oleg was home visiting with his family, but he would meet them in Rome, at some point, for a week to give one of the other guys a break.

The entire time they were in the airport, Alex had doted on her, holding her hand while she tried to ignore the people staring at her bruised face. It was better than it had been two days before, and she’d managed to conceal the discoloration a little bit with makeup, but thanks to her pale skin, it still was glaringly obvious. They’d stare at her face then give Alex a look that made her aware they thought he was the one who hurt her. By the fifth time this happened, she wanted to scream that he didn’t abuse her, but Alex seemed oblivious to those narrow-eyed glares so it helped her keep her temper in check. She was usually so mellow and calm, but Alex seemed to magnify her emotions, and she found herself feeling very protective—and possessive—of him.

She was dressed in comfortable pants and a cute, navy top with lacy, capped sleeves and a high neckline, while he wore his usual suit, deep gray this time, along with a silver and navy tie that complimented her top. She would have thought it was a coincidence, but he’d gotten dressed after he’d seen what she was going to wear. It’s like he wanted them to match.

Odd man.

Freshly shaved, he was in full on badass mode, and she found it interesting the way people seemed to avoid meeting his eyes. Then again, the women were too busy ogling all that was Alex in a suit to notice he had eyes. There was something about a dangerously sexy, well dressed man that flat out did it for her. So contained and in control, yet she knew the barely civilized man who hid below the public mask he wore. He rubbed his thumb gently on her hand as they moved through the crowd, his touch soothing her while he constantly scanned the busy crowd. She took that opportunity to study his face, and her heart fluttered. Just looking at him made her happy, and the fact that he seemed equally pleased to have her on his arm was almost surreal.

During their flight, they kept the talk light and easy, but there was a sexual tension building between them she couldn’t miss. His every touch seemed to burn along her skin, and soon, she found herself completely under his control, relaxing as he took charge of her every need. Yeah, his bossiness with other people, like the poor flight attendant who’d annoyed him in some way, was irritating, but she couldn’t get too mad since it was on her behalf.

Plus, in an odd way he, he made her feel safe. Cherished. It was in the way he watched her, how he paid attention to her silent moods, how he took care of her, and how he used any excuse to touch her. At all times, he made sure that she was comfortable, that she had everything she could possibly need. She wasn’t used to a man fussing over her like this, and his attention was a soothing balm to her frazzled nerves.

Being spoiled was nice, and not something she’d ever experienced. Her parents had loved her to death, but they’d been financially conservative. She’d had to work on the farm for an allowance or get a job whenever she wanted something that her parents viewed as unnecessary while she was growing up. Like her senior year spring break trip to Cancun. Waitressing all those tables had provided enough money for her to have a good time, and her mother slipped her an extra two hundred dollars before she’d left along with a box of condoms, which made Jessica want to crawl beneath her bed and die as her mom lectured her on safe sex.

She let that memory play out, smiling a little bit as she remembered her dad also slipped her two hundred dollars, and told her not to get arrested because he would not be happy to have to fly down to Mexico to bail her out. In fact, he just might leave her there. He’d been smiling when he said it, but she wasn’t entirely sure he was joking.

Alex shifted next to her as he took his jacket off, the scent of his cologne teasing her. Because they were in first class, the flight attendant was there almost instantly, taking his jacket and hanging it up before offering them a blanket in a low voice. Their flight was a late night one, and in the subdued atmosphere of the plane, she fell asleep on Alex’s shoulder not long after their meal. When she woke up a few hours later, they were in Rome, and when Alex led her out of the airport, a thrill raced through her. Everyone around them was speaking Italian, and she couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that she was in Italy, of all places, with Alexandr Gorev, of all people.

As soon as they stepped out of the airport, she had to brace herself. The bright light pierced her eyes, and a wave of noise from the early morning rush of beeping cars, whistles, and people shouting hit her like a smack in the face, waking her fully as the rising sun warmed her skin. Her mouth was dry and her eyes gritty, but she couldn’t help her huge smile as she got her bearings. However she’d gotten here, she was in Italy now, with an amazingly awesome man and a pack of scary ass bodyguards. When Alex smiled down at her, she marveled about how life had certainly changed in the last couple months. Back in Iowa, she never imagined anything like this could actually happen to her. She was so normal, so average, just another college girl whose greatest aspiration had been to figure out her major. And she never would have imagined that a man like Alexandr Gorev existed, let alone seemed to care deeply for her.

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