Read Alexxxa Online

Authors: D. T. Dyllin

Alexxxa (9 page)

BOOK: Alexxxa
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“I don’t have some kind of thing for her,” I snapped. “A part from caring for her as a person. That’s probably something you wouldn’t understand.”

Josh stepped up beside me and laid a hand on my shoulder. “Come on man, you can’t interfere. Let Alexa work shit out with her ex. I’m just pissed because we don’t have a camera in there.”

I smirked at Tara. “That’s right. If you don’t get out of my way you’re forcing Alexa to be in breach of her contract. We have the right to have cameras on her right now.”

Tara took a few steps back and scrunched up her face. “Seriously?”

“Yep,” Josh said, backing up my lie, or exaggeration really.

Tara nibbled her lip and slinked away, but not before catching Josh’s eye. “I’d recommend staying far away from her,” I said. “That bitch is poison. Trust me.”

Josh shook his head. “I can’t believe some of the girls who went to your high—“ But I didn’t wait to hear the rest of what he said. I needed to get back in the VIP room to make sure Alexa was all right.



Chapter Thirteen





I’m one of those rare people who enjoy both dominating and submitting when it comes to bed play, it really just depends on my partner and mood. Devlin though, he always dominated, which was one of the reasons he liked to watch me play with other guys. He’d enjoyed me being the aggressive one with someone else because he couldn’t let me take control with him. In some strange way it still let him feel like he was dominating me because he’d tell me who I should seduce. I rarely had a say in it. But I’d been okay with it because I had loved him. I’d thought he’d go with me to L.A. and somehow we’d stay a couple even while I pursued my dream of becoming a porn star. When he’d told me that he wouldn’t go with me after all, I realized that our relationship wasn’t what I thought it’d been. It didn’t change the fact that I loved him… just that I knew I had to leave him behind. But as I stared up at him, me on my knees and his hard throbbing cock pressing against my lips…I fell headfirst into my past. It didn’t matter what names he’d called me. He didn’t mean the things he said. I’d hurt him so he wanted to hurt me back. He obviously still loved me.

I moaned around Devlin’s hot flesh as he pushed into my mouth and hit the back of my throat. He held me still as he pumped in and out of me, fucking my face. I was enjoying it, I’d missed him so much more than I’d realized and I was dripping for him. I wanted to do more than just give him head, I wanted him to fuck every hole I had available. It was always how we showed each other that we cared when we’d been a couple. Sex equaled love and affection between the two of us.

But then the atmosphere changed. Devlin’s grip shifted so that his fingers were digging into the side of my face and his rhythmic pumping turned brutal. I choked and tried to pull away but he had complete control over the situation and I had none. Time seemed to slow down and Devlin’s cruelty felt like it went on for an eternity as he tortured my throat with his dick. Just when he was ready to come, he shoved my head all the way down so my lips touched the base of him, and he pinched my nose. I could feel his hot seed sliding down the back of my throat as I flailed and hit at him, trying to get him to release me so I could breathe. I was starting to panic when dark spots began to dance in front of my eyes.

“What the fuck?” I heard David’s muddled voice. It was hard to make out with my heart beating so loudly in my ears.

Devlin suddenly let me go and I fell to the ground, gasping for air. As I lay on my side, the taste of Devlin still on my tongue, I watched as David—geeky Davy Jones from high school—tried to defend me against the man who claimed to have loved me. David didn’t stand a chance. With one punch he was on the floor next to me, blood trickling down his chin from a split lip, and my eyes fluttered shut, encasing me in oblivion.



Chapter Fourteen





What I saw—Alexa on her knees, Devlin’s engorged dick in her mouth, him pinching her nose while she flailed and hit at him. Her reaction told me what was happening was not rough sex of some kind—it was Devlin torturing her.

“What the fuck?” I blurted, causing Devlin to release Alexa—
Thank God
. She slumped to the floor and her eyes turned up to land on me. I was completely ensnared in their saddened depths when I felt something hard smash into my face. I hit the ground and was slightly dazed, the tang of copper filling my mouth. I glanced back over at Alexa whose eyes had fluttered shut. She passed out. She fucking passed out. A rage like I’d never felt before overcame me. I jumped to my feet and went straight into a fight stance. I’d been studying mixed martial arts for years now. I would never be big enough, or good enough to compete, but I could hold my own against someone like Devlin Saint. He may be a big motherfucker, but guys like him thought that size was everything. They rarely trained beyond lifting weights at the gym.

Devlin eyed my stance and laughed. “Are you for real with that shit?”

I cupped my hand and struck a blow to his temple with lightning speed. He immediately swayed to the side, blinking at me. His face then screwed up in anger and he charged me. I redirected his force and let him carry himself into the wall. He dropped like a bag of rocks. When he didn’t get up but blinked at me with a dazed expression, I grinned. “I bet that felt pretty fucking real.”

The curtain to the VIP room flew back and several Pittsburgh Police Officers stampeded in. I raised my hands in surrender. “He attacked her.” I nodded in Alexa’s direction. “And I’m pretty sure he’s on something.”

One of the cops moved to Devlin and started frisking him. It only took him a moment to find what I was hoping he would. He pulled a plastic bag with while powder from Devlin’s inside vest pocket. He glanced at his partner and whipped his handcuffs off his belt. “You’re under arrest…”

I didn’t bother to listen to the rest of Devlin getting his rights read, the situation was in hand. I needed to make sure Alexa was taken care of. I turned to the other cop. “Can you please call a paramedic for her?”

“Already on the way,” he snapped gruffly. “While we wait I need for you to give me your statement.”

“Of course.” I told him what I’d seen and how I’d reacted, but the entire time all I could think of was Alexa. I stared over the cop’s shoulder and watched her, hoping she would wake up soon. The longer she stayed unconscious the more worried I grew. The only assuring factor was the deep rise and fall of her chest. Just as I was finished talking, the same paramedic that had come to the hotel when Alexa had been passed out rushed into the room. I heaved a sigh of relief. Everything would be okay…at least I hoped.



Chapter Fifteen





“Alexa? Alexa, can you hear me?”

I swatted at whoever was trying to wake me up. I was so tired and everything was spinning. “Sleeping. Leave me alone,” I grumbled and tucked myself into a little ball.

“Alexa, you need to wake up.”

Sudden light appeared in front of my left eye as someone peeled open my eyelid. “What the hell?” I jolted up and nearly knocked my face right into David’s. But it wasn’t him that had been abusing my sensitive eyes. Crouched right beside me on the floor was a paramedic with a tiny flashlight. He addressed David instead of me.

“She seems fine, no signs of a concussion, but I’d recommend following up at the hospital or at the very least with a general practitioner tomorrow. She doesn’t seem to be having much luck lately. A good thing she has you.”

“Thank you.” David stood and shook the elderly paramedic’s hand. “I’ll make sure she follows up with a doctor.”

“David—” I glanced around the empty VIP room—no Devlin—no Tara— No one was there except for me and David, since the paramedic had just left. “What happened?” A flash of David hitting the floor played across my mind’s eye. I lifted my throbbing head up so I could better see his face. Except for his split lip, he seemed to be completely unmarred.

David dropped down beside me, his cerulean eyes skimming over me, studying, assessing. “How do you feel?”

My nostrils flared with annoyance. “Answer the damn question. What happened?”

“Look, Alexa, just because I don’t buy into that stupid alpha male bullshit, and I don’t spend half of my life in the gym, doesn’t mean I can’t take care of myself, or you.” He tapped the end of his finger on his lip. “Devlin may have gotten the first punch, and yeah, it was a doozy, but…like I said…I can take care of myself.” His lip cracked open and started to bleed again as he spoke. “We need to get out of here. Do you want to make your statement now or go down to the station later?”

My eyes widened as far as they could go. “What? Who called the cops?”

“The manager. He didn’t want any trouble for the club. Devlin had some cocaine on him so they took him in.”

My head pounded with the same rhythm as my heart beat. “Not now. I just want to go back to the hotel. I’ll make a statement later—tomorrow or something.” Devlin wouldn’t sit in jail for long, not with his father’s lawyers on task.

“Where are Tara, Josh, and Mac?”

“They went with Tara to some other club. Tara was getting antsy around the cops so I suggested they go with her and get some generic background filler filming done.”

. Was Tara doing drugs too? Or was she hiding something else? I wasn’t normally excited to see cops but I didn’t get antsy either. I’d have a little chat with her later about what was going on with her. “So just you stayed?”

David tried to smile but his lip was obviously bothering him a bit. “Yeah.”

A spark of warmth started in my belly and crept through out my system, heating my skin. David had stayed to take care of me. But my warm fuzzies only lasted a moment before embarrassment took its place. He’d seen what Devlin had been doing to me, after all. Devlin and I had played rough before, but he’d crossed the line and taken it into scary territory. I’d never been afraid of him before, or anyone else for that matter. If I had been I never would have trusted him with so much of myself.

“I just—can we go back to the hotel please?” I hated how little and fragile my voice sounded. I wished that the floor would open up and swallow me whole.

“Of course, whatever you need,” David said softly. He helped me up and maneuvered me so that I was tucked into his side. A part of me wanted to pull away from him, but at least in my position I didn’t have to make eye contact with him and—I felt completely safe with his arm wrapped around me.  I let him lead me outside without really seeing anything in front of me. I supposed maybe I was in shock, and most definitely still drunk. I had a lot to think about and my head was killing me. When we were safely being driven home in the Lincoln Town car, I allowed myself to curl up in David’s lap and close my eyes.



Chapter Sixteen


BOOK: Alexxxa
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