Alien Attachments (20 page)

Read Alien Attachments Online

Authors: Sabine Priestley

Tags: #Space, #Alien, #978-1-61650-566-0, #romance, #Futuristic

BOOK: Alien Attachments
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“What happens if you go more than four times?” Jared asked.

“They have safeguards built in and will shut down automatically. Same thing happens if you try and exceed the weight limits. It just won’t work.”

Dani got sucked into the conversation as Jared picked Balastar’s brain on everything alien. She was surprised when a server came to announce that dinner was ready in the main hall.

Jared rubbed his stomach. “Ah, food! It was real nice talking to you, Balastar. Hope we can chat again someday.”

“As do I. Would you mind giving Dani and I a moment before dinner?”

“What? Oh, yeah sure. Sorry if I interrupted. Great talk, though. See you inside, Dani?” Jared asked.

“Be right there,” she said.

“I was hoping for more time alone, but I like Jared. He reminds me of my uncle.”

Dani laughed. “A bit rougher around the edges I’d bet.”

“Perhaps.” Balastar caressed the back of her hand.

“He’s a good guy,” Dani said, feeling the butterflies in her stomach. “I mean, I’ve only just met him, but he seems really nice.”

Balastar paused, then said, “Did you enjoy the topic of conversation? The workings of FTL and portals?”

“Of course, it’s fascinating stuff.”

“Indeed. I thought the information would be good to have.”

“Why do you say that?” Dani asked.

Balastar held out his arm to walk her inside. “Because it’s something every child in the empire learns from an early age.”

Oh shit,
Dani thought as she looped her hand over his arm.

* * * *

Dani set aside Balastar’s apparent knowledge of her secrets and tried to enjoy herself. There wasn’t anything she could do about it, and truth be told, she liked the man. When they were outside earlier with Jared, she completely forgot about him being a councilman. He was just Balastar. A drop dead gorgeous man who was nice. And not just to her. He clearly liked Jared as well.

As they entered the lavishly draped dining hall, her psi constricted in an unfamiliar way. The tension in the room was palpable and Balastar’s arm tightened. At the far end of the table, Rucon and Mara stood talking to a fleshy, older man, dressed in black floor-length robes. Rucon stood stiff and perfectly still. Mara spoke calmly, placing herself between the two.

,” Balastar said, pulling her to a stop.

“Fragit?” Dani whispered.

Balastar shook his head. “Have Marco give you a lesson in Sandarian swearing. He’s quite good at it. ‘Fragit’ is like Earth’s ‘Damn it,’ although a bit stronger.”

“How do you know that?”

“Let’s just say I’ve been studying up on it. I find your Earth movies highly entertaining.”

“My Earth?”

Balastar reached up and placed a warm finger on her lips. She smelled the exotic scent of his cologne and thrilled at his touch. The butterflies in her stomach fluttered about.

“Shhh. Your secret is safe with me. Perhaps I can help with your education?” He removed his finger from her lips and drew it across his own.

The butterflies did a little happy dance.

Balastar nodded toward the stranger. “That’s Councilman Gordat Prayda.”

“I’ve heard of him,” Dani said. “Ria calls him Prayda the Predator.”

“I guarantee he wasn’t invited,” Balastar said.

A familiar pull turned Dani to find Ian staring at them. His face was a mask of stone and his psi completely blocked. She turned back to Balastar, determined not to let Ian ruin the night.

Balastar whispered into her ear. “Gordat likes pretty women. If he comes over, address him as Councilman Prayda and bow your head. Not too deeply.”

“I know that,” she answered. “Now.”

“Good girl. He’s dangerous.”

Every time Balastar looked at her, she got all squishy inside. Normal attraction between two people. Nothing threatening to overwhelm her. She cleared her throat. “Some fear you may be dangerous too.”

He sighed. “I know. I’ll take care of it. I want you to know, you can trust me. All the Cavacents can trust me. I’m on your side.”

She nodded. She did trust him. She feared the situation around them with the empire, and now Prayda, was starting to unravel, but she trusted this man.

The rest of the Earth team gathered closer. Ria quietly explained the situation to Gina and Battista. They might have been wearing formal attire, but they looked ready for a fight.

Mara instructed a servant to add another place setting to her right, away from Rucon who stood still as a statue. A very tense statue.

Councilman Prayda acted conciliatory, but it was an overly-played performance. He rubbed his pudgy hands together and glanced about the room. He nodded in their direction and Mara escorted him over.

“Everyone, I would like to you meet Councilman Gordat Prayda. He was taking a walk up the hill here and just happened to notice our gathering. Isn’t that fortunate?” Mara continued with the introductions, the EPs first, then the humans.

Prayda barely acknowledged the three humans but instead turned a lecherous eye on Dani. “Very nice to meet you all.” He licked his already wet lips. “Rucon’s Earth team is somewhat legend. Such a wonderful and prosperous little planet.” He didn’t wait for a reply from anyone. “Yes, yes indeed. It’s been awhile since I’ve enjoyed the company of this lovely woman.” He patted Mara’s hand, his rheumy eyes lingering too long on her chest before turning back to Dani. “When I saw the activity on your little hill here, I decided to come see if I could join your party. It’s a perk we council members enjoy, isn’t that right Balastar?”

“Indeed, however I had no need to crash this evening’s event.”

The two councilmen locked eyes, neither willing to speak. Mara jumped in to smooth the moment. “Ria and Dani are our newest Earth Protectors. They’re really quite talented.”

Prayda released Balastar’s gaze and scanned Dani’s body from head to toe and back again. “I’m sure she is.”

I don’t care who you are. I don’t have to take this shit.
“Excuse me?” Dani said.

Prayda gave a chuckle that made her skin crawl. The man’s breath reeked of something foul. “I simply meant that you’d have to be talented to be selected as an EP, my dear.”

Yeah right, you fat toad.
“Oh look, they’re bringing out soup. I hope you’ll forgive us, Councilman Prayda, but I’m starving.”

“Of course, dear. Of course,” he said, not moving. He studied Dani’s face for a long moment before he turned and took Mara’s arm. “Come Mara, you must fill me in on what you’ve been doing these last few months.” The sweaty little man led Mara to her seat and settled in next to her.

Balastar leaned close to Dani and said in a low voice. “Use caution, Dani. You must always show a council member due respect. Even a repugnant reptile like that one.”

“And what of you?” Dani asked as he pulled out her chair. “Must I always show you respect?”

He paused before replying, “I’d prefer honesty over respect if you don’t mind.” A grin pulled at the corner of his mouth, and she couldn’t help but smile. Just being in his company relaxed her. She was glad that Ian and Armond were at the other end of the table.

Balastar sat to her left and Ria took the seat on her right.

Ria repeated Balastar’s warning. “Watch your temper with that councilman, Dani.”

“I know, I know,” Dani said. “Seriously though, he truly reeks of evil.”

Ria laughed. “Well said. I don’t know whether to be happy or offended that he didn’t even acknowledge my presence.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll always acknowledge you,” Dani said.

“Awww. Thanks.”

Before long, their end of the table had warmed to the charismatic Balastar. Jared chimed in with questions at every chance while Gina and Battista made a show of telling Dani how much they enjoyed having her on the team. Balastar winked at her while Gina rattled on.

Dani glanced at Ian who sat talking to someone she’d never seen before. He was unreadable but Armond, who sat on the other side of him, appeared hostile. The look he gave her bordered on disgust.

She flashed him her best smile. There was only so much a girl could do to keep everyone happy.

Balastar remained a perfect gentleman throughout the evening. He was an intelligent, funny man with a boyish grin. What was not to like? Those nearest him laughed constantly. Marco acted like he’d found a new best friend and waived his bulbous hand demanding more stories.

Dani nudged Ria and motioned to the other end of the table. Prayda pelted Mara with question after question. The poor woman hadn’t been able to touch her food. Probably didn’t want to, given the man’s breath.

Ria nodded. “Rucon looks like he’s about to kill the snake. What’s he playing at?”

The minutes ticked by, and Rucon became increasingly agitated. Negative energy filled the room and even Balastar quieted. Rucon made it midway through the main course before losing control. He stood and slammed his palms down on the table, causing the dishes to jump.

Ignoring Rucon’s display, Prayda stood, folded his napkin and placed it next to his plate. “I want to thank you all for a wonderful evening, but I am afraid I have other pressing matters to attend to.” He took Mara’s hand and pressed his wet lips against it.

Dani admired Mara’s ability to maintain composure and not wipe the slobber off.

“It was most enlightening, as always,” Prayda said, loud enough for all to hear.

Rucon stood, red-faced, frozen to the spot. Prayda nodded in his direction and left the dining hall without a glance back.

Rucon’s shoulders relaxed slightly. “Ladies and gentleman, if you will excuse us for a moment. I’d like a word with my team. Continue eating, we’ll be back shortly.” Rucon motioned for them to follow. Dani sat and waited until Ria nearly knocked her off the chair.

Oh, right. I’m on the team.
She chose to ignore the amused look on Balastar’s face when she followed Ria out of the dining hall and back to Rucon’s library. Once everyone was assembled, Rucon closed the doors and addressed them. “Prayda is planning something. His entire conversation with Mara was a series of veiled threats. Does anyone have any idea what he’s doing?”

Armond was the only one to answer. “There’s only one thing I’m aware of that he could hurt you with.” He didn’t say anything further. He simply looked directly at Dani.

Dani wanted to call him out, but it was probably true.

Rucon nodded. “If he knows about her, he could convince the emperor we’re lying. Which we are. There’s nothing we can do till he makes his move.”

“With all due respect,” Armond said, “having her here is too dangerous. She isn’t worth the risk, your lordship.”

Dani stared at the albino.
What the hell does he mean by that?

“That,” Rucon said in a low voice, “is not your call to make.”

“Yes, sir.” Armond said.

“Until Prayda tips his hand, we must appear to be operating as usual. And Dani, watch what you say to Balastar.”

“I will, but…”

Rucon frowned. “What?”

“He knows.” Dani sensed a barrage of emotions from around the room, but the look on Armond’s face was truly disturbing.

“He what?” Ian said.

Dani held up her hand. “Hold on. I know you’re all worried about him, but I don’t think you need to. I don’t get any kind of negative feelings from him. He wants to help.”

“I agree,” Ria said. “I don’t think he’s a threat. More like an ally.” She looked at Rucon who nodded slowly. “Maybe it’s time I have another talk with councilman Balastar Alder. For now, I want everyone on guard.”

Back at the gathering, Prayda’s place setting had been removed and Rucon rejoined his wife.

The rest took their seats and listened to Balastar finish a story about diplomatic negotiations with a race that had a very different view of what he politely referred to as “relations.”

“They were fornicating all over the place,” he said in his deep voice, careful not to let more sensitive ears overhear. “Everyone just carried on like it was nothing. Once they’d finished, and it didn’t take long, they’d get up and go about their business. Truly memorable.”

Listening to the story, Dani found herself watching his lips.
Maybe he can break the bond I have with Ian.
Her body involuntarily tensed. Did she want that?

Balastar was easygoing and genuine. He cared and made no secret of it. Unlike the slime Prayda, he treated everyone as equals, including the wait staff. He was one of only a few who bothered to thank them.
He’s a good man.


Ian’s voice startled her. “
What do you want?”

He looked at her in a brutal moment of honesty. She caught her breath as his desire for her, along with the impossibility of their being together, hit her. Dani desperately wanted, maybe needed, to ignore the way the thought made her heart ache.

The connection closed and his face slid back to a mask of indifference. “
You can’t trust him

Dani toyed with her fork. “
Are you listening to my thoughts?”

“No. It doesn’t work that way. I’m observing. You’re staring at him.”

Dani turned her attention back to Balastar, who watched her now as he finished his story.

“I told you
I think we can trust him.”
Ian’s frustration echoed through her like it was her own. That man whipped her emotions like an egg beater. She thought about his parents and all they were doing for her. They didn’t have to do any of it and she didn’t want to put them in any danger. But she was right about Balastar. He could be trusted, she was sure.
“It’s going to be okay, Ian.”

He held her gaze a moment longer, then she could sense him no more.

The rest of the meal was uneventful and Balastar kept them laughing.

After dinner, the staff brought around dessert trays filled with stunning edible confectionaries. Brightly colored figurines and miniature flora and fauna decorated the trays. They looked more like an alien form of chess than dessert.

Dani selected a teddy bear–like creature and a purple flower. She bit into the flower and her mouth exploded with the most incredible flavors. “Wow,” she mumbled, the amazing sweet melting away.

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