Alien Caged (20 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Alien Caged
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Miragin moved up so that his mouth hovered over the white cotton peak of one bra cup.  His cat-slitted eyes flicked up to gaze at her as full lips descended down.  His mouth closed over the tip of her breast.  The heat of his mouth blasted through her.  Elisa cried out and arched to shove as much into his maw as she could.

It was no dream.  It was gorgeously, wondrously real.  The Imdiko was with her, making love to her.

Miragin’s teeth scraped over the swelling nipple, the hard tip obvious against the fabric.  He mouthed her with eager abandon, sucking and nipping at her through the bra.  Elisa’s gasps rang loud in the room.  Every jolt seemed transmitted straight to her clit, as if the two parts were somehow connected and communicating with each other.

Miragin switched to the other breast.  He seemed not to notice how Elisa’s fists tangled in his mass of hair.  He breathed loudly as he mauled her, occasionally emitting an animal-like growl.  The air was now heavy with the spicy scent of his hunger, stinging Elisa’s nostrils.  It added to the tumbling excitement in her belly.

He pulled at the bra’s closure.  The Imdiko tugged it and her blouse free in one quick movement, making Elisa bare from the waist up.  She gasped as cool air touched her skin.  The alien pressed her back down onto the desk.  His ravenous mouth suckled on naked flesh, the rasp of his tongue chastising and delighting one nipple, then the next.  Elisa cried out at the sensation.  The heat of Miragin’s mouth seemed to fill her body, as if his breath had found a way in through her breasts.  Unable to process the wildness of the sensations pouring in, she writhed and jerked beneath the Kalquorian.  Miragin pressed more of his weight down, holding her still enough that his lips, teeth, and tongue could continue their plunder of her tender orbs.  Elisa’s heels thudded against the side of the desk, beating in haphazard rhythm as the Imdiko sucked first one pale breast deep into his hungry mouth, then the other.

He devoured her, too tender to be animalistic but too strong to be gentle.  Miragin struck the perfect chord to play her with, and Elisa’s entire body sang with carnal pleasure.  She prayed he would not stop.  Had Lieutenant Commander Robards burst into the room right now, shouting about sin and obscenity, Elisa would have paid him no mind.

A hand shoved up her skirt, greedy in its search for her ultimate treasure.  Fingers curled at the top of her panties and pulled.  With her body trapped beneath Miragin’s, the thin fabric was caught under Elisa’s buttocks.  A soft purring sound of cotton ripping joined the gasps that rang through the room.  Though Miragin was not rough, the sound seemed violent.  Elisa’s pussy spasmed as she was laid bare beneath her skirt in such a bestial manner.  Feeling the power of the man on top of her sent her further into wild surrender.  She sobbed as she ground against the hand now covering her mound.

Miragin released the breast he so lovingly attacked to look at her with heavily lidded eyes.  “Do you want this, Elisa?”  His fingers slid over her slit, unfurling streamers of heat within her core.

She arched into his touch.  “Yes, yes, please.”

The Imdiko slid up her body so that his mouth hovered just over hers, mingling their breath.  He rubbed over the soft petals of her womanhood, spreading the juices that flowed.  “Do you want me inside you?”

“Yes.  Oh God, yes.”

One thick finger probed, finding the entrance.  He circled it, and Elisa wept to be so close to the fulfillment she hadn’t known she was desperate for.  He hesitated, his intent purple eyes staring into hers.

Her words strangled with desperate need, she begged, “Please, Miragin.  I want ... I want...”

“Then you shall have,” he whispered, and his finger pushed into her. 

Elisa’s breath caught.  Everything froze in that instant, except for her pussy which clutched hard at the invader, as if to claim
.  It drew on the digit as Miragin pressed in, swallowing with a rapacious hunger until the heel of his hand met her clit.

He paused, watching her as she absorbed the feeling of being filled.  A delicious sensation seized Elisa, as if this was the moment she’d waited her entire life for.  Her core continued to clutch at the finger, desperate to keep this wondrous feeling of being so intimately connected to another.

“How is it, my little beauty?” Miragin asked.

Elisa couldn’t begin to describe the excitement coursing through her body.  She didn’t even try.  Instead she whimpered, “More.”

He smiled, lighting his face in such a way that Elisa thought his beauty might make angels weep.  “Yes, sweet girl.  Much, much more.  You have a lot of lost time to make up for.”

He pulled his finger loose, and Elisa cried out in protest to fill the old emptiness return.  Before Miragin completely quit her, he pushed in again, this time rubbing his palm against her clit. 

Lances of sheer elation exploded within her core.  Elisa’s mouth flew wide open and her eyes squeezed shut as thrilling pulses took hold.  She clutched at Miragin’s hair, shoulders, and arms, unable to figure out what part she should hold onto as he continued to move his finger in and out.  He drew circles over her clit with the heel of his hand each time he filled her, leaving Elisa gasping as excitement burbled from that most delectable spot.

The Imdiko kissed her, his tongue stroking hers to draw it into his mouth.  She tasted him, this luscious man who made her feel so good.  More pleasure warmed her gut at the masculine flavor filling her mouth.  She even imagined she could detect the taste of his lust, his returned need.

She couldn’t imagine how anything could make her feel more complete than she felt right now.  Yet her insatiable body, awakened to hungers she’d never guessed at, kept insisting

Miragin complied with the unspoken request.  A second finger joined the first, sending elation into stratospheric heights.  The thickness pumped in and out of her, and Elisa spread her legs wide in welcome.  She gushed honey over the hand working her, easing the way for him to pleasure her as much as he would grant.  The telltale rise of passion had begun, promising the ultimate release soon.  She moaned into his mouth, entreating him to continue.

Later, Elisa would be amazed to realize how little she knew of her body’s abilities.  The amount of pleasure it could absorb would be astounding to fathom.  It was Miragin who gave her the first clue of that wondrous mystery.

His fingers curled within her so that they rubbed hard along the front of her sheath.  What she had thought of as arousal before disappeared in a thunderclap of sensation.  Her entire body seized at the fierce jolt of brutal excitement.  She forgot how to breathe.

“Easy, easy,” Miragin whispered, stroking that spot to make her writhe uncontrollably.  “That’s my girl.  I found something you like, didn’t I?”

Elisa couldn’t speak.  Her belly felt as if it swelled a thousand times larger with heated pressure.

“Good girl.  Now we’re going to do something a little different.”

With that, he withdrew those amazing fingers.  Elisa moaned to be emptied, especially when she’d been approaching what she knew had to be the most amazing orgasm anyone had experienced in the history of orgasms. 

Miragin smiled.  “I know, but I have to ready you for something you’ve probably never dreamed of doing.  I want you to relax and trust me, Elisa.  Can you do that?”

With need riding her like a frantic jockey in a horse race, she nodded.  Anything.  He could do anything he wanted if he’d just let her come.

However, when his honey-slick fingers traced around her anus, Elisa emerged from her desperate arousal to jerk.  She blinked at Miragin.

His smile grew sweet and comforting despite where his fingers played.  “What do you know of Kalquorian anatomy, Elisa?”

She blinked at him.  It was hard to think while he touched her in that bad place.  Anal play was taboo under Earth’s old regime, punishable by torture and death.  Was it different on Kalquor?  Did they think it acceptable to stroke another person there?

Of course they do.  The males are supposedly all bisexual.  Where else would they go?
  She could have smacked her own head.  Elisa had fantasized about Zemos’ clan enjoying each other in that way, finding the visions in her head almost as exciting as dreaming of how they would be with her.

“Elisa?  Do I need to repeat the question?”

She blinked as Miragin recalled her to the present.  She’d gone off track, distracted by him touching her rear orifice.

“I’m sorry.  I was – I was taken off guard by what you’re doing.”

He nodded with understanding.  “That’s all right.  Tell me what you know of Kalquorian biology.”

Elisa spoke, her mind mostly on the interesting sensations his fingers gave her.  “You’re almost like us except for the size.  Your torsos are a little longer in proportion.  Oh, and you have the fangs with the venom.”

She couldn’t believe how much she enjoyed him touching her there.  It was actually quite pleasurable.

The Imdiko nodded, looking pleased with her recitation.  “There is also another difference, one you might find disturbing.”

“Really?”  Elisa couldn’t imagine that.  The Kalquorians, particularly those of Zemos’ clan, were stunning to the extreme in her opinion.

“Really.  Kalquorian men have two cocks.”

Elisa’s brows drew together.  Two cocks?  Miragin had two?

He chuckled.  “Two cocks, Elisa.  One for your sweet pussy and the other to fill you here.”  He tapped a fingertip right over her anus.

“Oh.  Oh!”  Elisa’s eyes flew open wide.  She stared at him. 

“That’s right.  Since this is a tighter fit, I have to prepare you.”

“Oh.”  Elisa wished she could come up with something more intelligent to say.  Yet what could she say?  Miragin had two penises.  She didn’t know how she was supposed to respond to that.

“I want you to relax, all right?  We’re going to be very careful because I don’t want you hurt,” the Imdiko said. 

He pushed a little at the puckered orifice.  Since Elisa didn’t know what to expect, she decided to trust him.  She made herself soft and yielding.

“That’s my girl.  Let me know right away if it becomes uncomfortable.”

“Okay.”  Miragin’s gentle concern reassured Elisa, though this was strange and unexpected territory he was taking her in.

Eased by her juices, his finger slid in a little ways.  Miragin waited and watched her for a moment.  Then he pressed in further and waited once more.  “How does it feel?”

“Funny.  Strange.  Kind of good.”  Elisa thought it felt quite nice, though not as exciting as what he’d done to her pussy.  What was the big deal?  She couldn’t imagine what all the fuss on Earth had been about, why the priests went so ballistic on the subject. 

This was supposed to be a sin worthy of execution when there was so much worse people did to one another?  It seemed crazy.

“Excellent.  You’re doing very well, little one.”  Miragin’s approval made her warm all over.

He pushed more in, and Elisa felt a some strain.  She made herself relax as much as possible.  “I’m getting a little bit of an ache now,” she told the Imdiko.

“That’s fine.  I’ll make sure you’re properly stretched before we get to the big stuff.”  The way his eyes twinkled as he said that made Elisa laugh.

“Big stuff, huh?  Do Kalquorian cocks tend to be larger than Earthers’?”

“So I hear.”  Miragin’s finger was all the way inside now, turning and twisting, readying her for their first time. 

Elisa hoped it wouldn’t be their only time.  If the ship’s crew caught up with them and decided to execute her because the Kalquorians had taken her hostage, she should at least get her money’s worth.

Her breath caught when the Imdiko pushed a second finger in to join the first.  “Easy, easy.  Relax, pretty girl.  Let me take care of you,” Miragin crooned.  “It’s all right.”

Elisa made herself lax once more, having tensed when the ache had bloomed larger than before.  She held onto Miragin’s shoulders for support, keeping her gaze locked on his.  His continued whispers reassured her.  He was taking care of her.  He wouldn’t hurt her.  She was safe with him.  She believed him, soothed by the tender expression on his face.

His fingers circled and circled inside, letting the small bit of discomfort ease.  “That’s my girl,” he encouraged her.  “We’re almost there.  We’re almost ready.  I have wished to be joined to you almost from the first time I saw you, Elisa.”

“Really?  You were always so polite.”

“You usually had a guard with you.  I didn’t want to get you into trouble, given how your former government tended to punish women for ‘inciting’ lust.” 

He had cared from the start.  Knowing that made Elisa’s throat tighten with emotion.  Had Zemos and Oret felt the same way?  How did they feel about her now?

“There we go,” Miragin said, pulling free of her.  “You are ready for me, my little lovely.”

Elisa felt terribly empty without him.  It was funny, considering how she’d never anticipated having anyone ever touch her

“Can I see you?” she asked.

Miragin smiled.  “If you promise to not be afraid.  I am going to be quite careful with you, so there is no reason for you to worry.”

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