Alien Caged (31 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Alien Caged
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“That would be nice,” Elisa whispered, more to herself than him.  She was sinking into a sensation of security like she had never known before.  Zemos made her anxious but somehow safe all at once.

The lightest of touches, so ephemeral she almost didn’t register it at first, traced the outer lips of her sex.  Elisa was amazed that someone with Zemos’ presence could be that gentle.  She felt the heat of his fingertips more than actual pressure as he outlined her pussy.  The sensation brought fizzy tingles to her intimate flesh. 

“So pretty,” Zemos told her.  “I like seeing how the pink of the inner folds blushes as I touch you.  I think I will shave you once we have been rescued and given private quarters.  The hair is lovely, but I would enjoy seeing you smooth.”

Elisa didn’t know what to think of that.  It sounded strange that he would want her pubic curls gone, yet titillating as well.

Zemos’ careful exploration continued.  He spread her outer lips wider, slipping fingertips into the crevices between them and her inner petals.  “Wet, my little Elisa.  Are you eager for my touch, precious girl?”

A fine trembling had broken out all over her body as heated prongs of need stabbed deep into her core.  The sound she made in response was like that of a small bird, a strange warbling she’d never made before.

“I see you are.  No, I don’t want you to let your legs close.  Just relax for me.  Good girl.  I’m taking care of you.  You have nothing to do but enjoy.”

The heat in Elisa’s sex climbed, filling her belly.  Zemos now stroked her inner lips, the raspy callouses of his fingers creating a delicious friction that tied her in knots.  She moaned a wordless plea.

“That’s it.  Keep your eyes closed.  I want you to shut out your sight so you can concentrate on how it feels.  Just stay with the sensations.  There is nothing else to do.”

One finger went down the center of her slit, opening the inner lips of her pussy.  Elisa cried out, her hips jerking upward.  Zemos’ grip on her tightened.

“Easy, sweetling.  That was a nice one.”

His touch moved down until he reached her opening.  Elisa felt her body straining, anticipating his finger entering her.  For a moment, Zemos hesitated there, as if contemplating that very thing.  Instead, it traveled back up, smearing a honeyed trail in its wake.

“So enthusiastic.  How lovely they did not succeed in repressing your body’s needs.”

His finger stopped again, just beneath Elisa’s clit.  Her breath caught and held.  It felt as if her every nerve ending had gathered in that tiny nub and begged for the Dramok to stroke her there.  He chuckled.

“No, you are not reluctant in the least.  Poor little thing, you have so much time to make up for.”

Zemos drew lazy circles around her clitoris, rubbing all about to torment Elisa with that almost-there touch.  Her legs drew up and kicked out a little as her knotted guts coiled tighter still.  She bit on her lower lip.

She heard the smile in Zemos’ voice.  “Would you like an orgasm, Elisa?”

The groan came from deep down.  “Yes.”

“Ask me for it, sweetling.  Ask very nicely.”

Elisa didn’t hesitate for an instant.  “Please, Zemos, would you give me an orgasm?”

His arm holding her to his body tightened once more.  “Yes, little one, I will.  Just lay still for me.”

Zemos stopped circling the throbbing nub, his finger and thumb closing on it as if to pinch.  Elisa felt as if her clit had gone fat and engorged, and so intensely sensitive.  She cried out as the Dramok stroked up and down on it.

“That’s it.  Let it go, Elisa.  Come for me.”

She jerked in his grip as he caressed her clit, sending fevered desperation deep into her core.  Her cries grew louder as Zemos rubbed, sending stomach clenching bliss through her.  He held her still for the most part, keeping her an enthralled prisoner as he drove her towards ecstasy.

“You’re getting close, sweetling.  Almost there.  That’s it.  Let it happen.”

The tumult grew sharper, brighter.  It was nearly on her, the sensation of knots within fraying, breaking free.  Here it came, tearing loose now, her senses flying wide open.  A huge, heaving convulsion clenched her tighter once more for a brief instant.

Whiteness flared behind Elisa’s closed eyelids.  Climax rumbled through her body; captured thunder drumming free.  Then everything clutched inside again only to fly apart again. 

Spasm after spasm rolled through her.  Elisa quaked on Zemos’ lap, aware he continued to stroke her clit, drawing out ecstasy far longer than she thought possible.  At last she lay depleted and sprawled over his legs.

“Good girl,” he praised as the last shudders passed.  “You did so well with that.  You can release your hands and open your eyes now.”

Elisa blinked up at him, loosening her laced fingers with some difficulty from the violent grip they’d assumed in her excitement.  Her arms flopped as if boneless to her sides.

Zemos’ smile brought her own smile to her lips.  He looked happy with her.  At the same time, she was very aware of the iron hardness against her ribs.

She started to speak.  “You didn’t—”

“That is not your concern,” he told her.  “All I want you to worry about is doing what I tell you to.  I will handle everything else for the two of us.”

“Oh.”  Elisa tried to think of what to say or do ... but apparently she wasn’t to say or do anything unless Zemos wanted her to.

It made things easy but quite confusing.  Zemos took his need for control very seriously.  He wasn’t done with her for now either; not by a long shot.

“I want you to come for me again,” he whispered.

“Oh, I don’t think I can,” Elisa said.  Her insides felt like jelly.

“I insist.”

He’d stopped playing with her clit, his hand cupping her pussy as she recovered.  Now his fingers probed at her sex’s opening.  The index finger slid inside, entering easily with the slickness of her juices.  Elisa gasped as fresh arousal flared.

Zemos chuckled.  “I told you that you had much lost time to make up for.  You may hold onto me this time, and I want you to keep your eyes on my face.  Look at me, little one, and don’t look away.”

It was a good thing he’d invited her to cling to him, because his finger was moving in and out fast.  He rubbed that good inner spot too, and Elisa moaned as she felt a melting within, as if her insides had become bubbling lava trying to pour out.  Her hands found the bulk of Zemos’ shoulders and her fingers dug in as he worked her already spasming sleeve.

“That’s it, that’s my good girl.  Look me in the eyes, Elisa.  I want to see everything you feel.”

Obeying Zemos on that count was much harder.  It was as if the Dramok’s gaze bore into her skull, so intense were his purple eyes with their kitty-cat pupils.  Elisa’s gaze kept skittering away, now looking at the tip of his nose, now at his brows, now at the indentation of his upper lip.

Each time she quailed before the intensity of his stare, he gently rebuked her.  “No, sweetling.  Look at me.  Stop hiding.  No secrets between us.”

Adding to the tension was Zemos’ delicious assault on her sex.  He pressed a second finger into her, adding to the pressure against the hotspot within her pussy.  Elisa thought she must be drawing blood as she gripped his shoulders with desperation, but she couldn’t relax her hold ... not when her deepest recesses were drawing in tight once more, preparing to detonate.

She’d closed her eyes again, and Zemos brought her back to her senses with a sharp tone.  “You are not looking at me, precious girl.  I think I will have to keep reminding you since you will not behave.”

With that, his fingers pounded into her, harder than before.  The palm of his hand landed against her clit with a loud report.  Pain flared; the engorged nub had emerged from its hood and was defenseless against the slap.

Elisa whooped in a large intake of breath as superheated sensation billowed through her pussy.  The sharp splinter of agony swirled in tight with the roiling arousal already there.  They joined and became one profound feeling that brought every cell of her being to exquisite life.  She cried out, her channel flexing hard around Zemos’ fingers.

His eyes widened and his jaw dropped with surprise.  Then a hint of a smile curled one side of his lips up.  “Oh, it’s like that, is it?” he said, his tone filling with delight.  “Well then, let’s have more, shall we?  Remember, if you need to stop, the word is
.  And keep your eyes on mine.”

With that last bit of instruction, Zemos finger fucked Elisa with brutal excellence.  His fingers inside her kept the amazing friction that felt so good at a continuous burn.  With every thrust into her core, his palm clapped hard against her aroused clit, treating it to pain that on its own would have been torment.  Coupled with the bliss building hard and fast within her, however, it transmuted into an ecstasy that could barely be borne while maintaining sanity.

Elisa strained against his grip, jerking under the assault.  He was making her come ... the need was rising, straining towards his hand ... intense purple eyes filling her vision, coaxing her to obey him ... harder and faster now ... a tidal wave of mind-stealing bliss rising before her ... crashing down ... driving her under with its strength roaring in her ears ... drowning ... drowning...

Elisa didn’t know how long the tides of pleasure washed through her before she emerged gasping, clawing for the surface of her senses.  She became aware of the strong shoulders she clung to, helping her to escape the maelstrom.  Again, Zemos’ warm palm cupped her vagina, as if to soothe it after its violent contortions.  She blinked up into his smiling face.

“Hello, little one,” he said.  “Did you enjoy yourself?”

Had she felt like jelly before?  Now Elisa was made of mercury, oozing liquid that held no strength or form.  She couldn’t even summon the energy to speak.  She blinked up at Zemos, as helpless as a newborn kitten in his arms.

“My girl is tired,” the Dramok observed.  “I would let you sleep again except for the torment I feel now.  Don’t worry though; I will tax you as little as possible.  Just allow me to place you as I need and I will soon be done.”

He rose from his perch on the edge of the desk, supporting Elisa in the crook of one arm.  The other arm swept across the desk’s surface, clearing it of the items littering it.  The tools and machine components clattered unheeded to the floor.

Zemos placed Elisa upon the desk, her head and torso lying stomach-down on its top.  Her legs dangled with her toes skimming the floor.  She felt drained, and the sensation of the Kalquorian’s thighs moving between hers prompted a whimper.

Big, warm hands stroked her hair and moved down to rub her shoulders.  “Easy, Elisa.  There is nothing for you to do.  I guarantee I will not take long to find my pleasure.”

She was sopping wet from the earlier play.  When Zemos’ cock slipped inside her, it did so with great ease.  The hard length of his secondary cock rubbed alongside her clit.  Warmth tumbled through her sex at the friction.

Oh no, Elisa thought.  Surely she wouldn’t become aroused again?

Then the Dramok’s front prick found her inner nest of nerves.  The jolt made her slam her fists on the desk top in agonized lust.  “No!  No, not again!”

“Thank the ancestors I have two more clanmates,” Zemos laughed in disbelief.  “Maybe I’m too old to keep up with such a youngster.”

Elisa groaned.  “I can’t believe this.  I can barely move as it is.”

“I’ve got you, my little one.  I’ll take care of you.”

He fucked her with a steady rhythm, his groin slapping her buttocks.  Elisa kept moaning and whimpering as his smaller cock massaged her clit.  As her sheath convulsed around him, Zemos groaned. 

“Mother of All, I’m not going to last.  Are you close, my lovely?”

Elisa managed a sobbing sound.  She was all hot, balled-up tension within her sex, and the pressure grew by the second.  As the tension mounted, her feet kicked out with desperation.  Zemos thrust in deep, his cock tip striking her cervix like a clapper to a bell.  Every hair stood up on her body.  She seized hard enough that Zemos grunted.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

He drummed hard against her, going deep.  His breath was loud over her, telling Elisa he closed in on his end.  She didn’t have long to think about that, not with Zemos hitting all the right spots to make her toes and fingers curl.

They arrived at the same moment, their sexes throbbing in tandem as they realized ultimate bliss.  Elisa’s pussy clutched and drew on him, milking him of every shouted expulsion.

Zemos sighed and leaned down to cover Elisa’s body with his.  His weight made her feel like she belonged.  As if she’d come home after a long, hard journey.

There was no longer any question in Elisa’s mind as to what her decision would be when Zemos asked her to clan again.  She knew she would go with him, Miragin, and Oret.  Her heart told her she had no choice in the matter.




Chapter 16


Zemos held Elisa for nearly an hour after lovemaking, making her feel warm and secure.  During that time he covered her face with gentle kisses, clutched her close, rocked her, and asked every few minutes how she felt. 

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