Alien General's Fated: SciFi Alien Romance (Brion Brides) (33 page)

BOOK: Alien General's Fated: SciFi Alien Romance (Brion Brides)
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Without a warning, Ryden pulled her into his lap. Aria yelped, wrapping her hands around the general's neck, feeling the warmth of his skin against hers. She could feel the tip of his cock rubbing against her clit.

The general put his arm around her waist, lifting her up for a second before lowering her onto his huge cock. Aria gasped, biting her tongue not to scream when the throbbing cock pushed into her pussy.

Ryden held her tightly. She could feel his heart beat fast in rhythm with hers. His head was pressed against her neck, kissing, licking her. Aria pressed her nails into his skin as she sunk lower, her body straining to take his size. When the pain finally appeared, Aria didn't consider slowing down even for a moment. It only brought a moan to her lips when it passed, mingling with absolute pleasure.

The general mercifully gave her a second to adjust when he was fully seated, even if Aria could hear his heavy breathing, testing his self-control not to move. She shuddered, feeling her pussy contract ravenously around his cock, wanting more.

"Fuck me," she pleaded again, and Ryden didn't let her ask twice.

The general lifted her against the headboard, his hands wrapped around her ass, holding her up, pulling her cheeks apart to give him the best access. Then he slammed her against the board, pulling out almost entirely before pushing back in with one smooth, stabbing thrust. Aria cried out, clinging onto him for dear life as the general proved he was only picking up speed.

Her hair fell in disarray over her shoulders as Ryden fucked her mercilessly, pounding her pussy like she'd asked him to. Every thrust sent her to heaven and back, the amazing thickness of his cock rubbing against her pleasure spot, making her cry out again and again.

She was riding his lap now, bouncing up and down on his huge shaft. The general's hands were slipping on her slick skin, but he didn't drop her. Aria was way beyond pleasure already to notice anyway; all she cared about was that he fuck her.

," Ryden growled, kissing her, strong and demanding. "You're mine and mine alone."

Yes. That was what she wanted. To belong to him as he did to her, to give her body to him, to be his.

"Oh God
," Aria whimpered, "oh fuck I'm gonna cum, yes, yes, oh fuck how good you are, I need your cock,
fuck, yes

Ryden's grip was almost painful when she felt the orgasm hit her, holding her pussy open for him to ride out his own climax moments later. Aria screamed when the general's thrusts suddenly slammed deeper, faster than they had before, without restraint.

That was what pushed her over the edge. Aria screamed his name as she came, shuddering from head to toe in his strong arms. Ryden groaned, deep and low, as he spilled his cum deep inside her. He thrust one, two more times before the only sound in the room was their deep breathing.

Aria felt Ryden's cum flow out of her when the general pulled out, running down her thighs. She relished the feeling, loved the idea of being filled with his seed. As she slumped down to rest on the pillows again, Ryden's hand protectively over her, she figured out why. They were a bonded couple now, a
and a
. The time would come when she would carry his children. The image brought her more happy anticipation than she would have thought.

For the time being, however, Aria was perfectly happy with simply enjoying Ryden's company. And his cock. Not even five minutes had passed before the general slid his hand between her legs again, half-hard already.

Aria wanted to say she needed a bit of rest after being fucked like that, but the truth was she couldn't imagine ever being too tired to let Ryden take her.

He had been right. No matter what anyone said, the most important thing was that they were together now, and nothing could change that.

Except, possibly, his prediction that the council was not done with him yet. After receiving word from the bridge, Aria and Ryden reluctantly rose from their bed and saw with their own eyes the guns of the Fremma fleet and the Gray Armada pointed right at them.

And she had broken his ship.




As he had predicted, there really was no reason for him to act surprised when it actually happened.

Ryden put the reaction firmly down to irritation. The actions of the council didn't
catch him off guard. What they did was create problems for him at a time when he would rather have spent every waking second with Aria.

That roughly explained his mood. The council would live to regret dragging him away from his new
. They would especially pay for him having to explain to Aria that his sudden coldness wasn't due to her, but the situation outside their quarters.

There would be a time when Aria would know for a fact that his sour mood was never due to her. She was his now, the light on his path, the star that guided him home.

And the little Terran refused to be left behind when he dealt with the issue.

"I'm an ambassador too," she reasoned. "I should be there, hear what they have to say for themselves. Maybe I can make them understand they're being idiots."

He'd grinned at that.

"I doubt it," he said. "They were idiots before and they'll be idiots long after we leave. But you can come."

Instead of commenting further, Aria had a weird look in her eyes.

leave?" she asked.

"Yes," Ryden said, unsure of what the issue was. "You are my

"My life is here. My work is here," Aria said seriously. "I honestly hadn't thought of leaving."

Ryden looked his little Terran then, nodding slowly.

"There will never come a day when I force you to do something against your will," he said. "But considering what's happening right now, is this really the place you wish to call home?"

Aria had no response to that, but the general hadn't missed the small smile on her lips when he'd spoken of her freedom to choose.

Now they stood on the bridge of the
, watching the previously allied fleets outside keeping them in their sights. Through the holoprojector, Ambassador Klaen couldn't fight back his smile.

"General," the man was saying. "We thank you for the service you've provided us. Ilotra is safe, thanks to you. So is the galaxy once more."

Ryden said nothing, so the ambassador went on.

"However," he said, poorly hiding his enjoyment of the task at hand. "
As we tried to warn you before
, we must conduct an investigation into your actions during the conflict."

Seeing that Aria was about to protest, Ryden shook his head. Pouting, Aria reluctantly remained silent.

"Ah, Ambassador Harris," said the old man's flickering image. "We suspected you wouldn't agree. While we
congratulate you on your binding, we fear it might cloud your judgment about this matter."

"You dare—" Aria snapped, but Ryden cut her off before she could get herself into trouble on his behalf.

"I see no reason why I should agree to this," he said calmly. "During the time of war, the highest ranking officer makes the decisions. I take responsibility for everything that happened during the conflict, but I will not answer to
. To anyone really, besides my Elders."

The old ambassador smiled at him, the kindly grin having nothing to do with being amused.

"The commanders of the allied fleets shared your rank, General," he pointed out. "Yet you left them out of the decision-making. We feel that was unfair."

Ryden growled, the man's nerve testing his patience. Even more so because he could broadcast his ridiculous opinions over a safe distance from him, where he didn't need to answer to Ryden. For Aria's sake, he chose not to say what he had in mind.

"I was called by the council to defend Ilotra," he said. "The other fleets only joined the fight later. It was obvious they would take a secondary position."

"We feel that—"

"The war is over," Ryden interrupted him curtly. "Ilotra is in one piece. The enemy is dead. Our business is done. I will take my ship and leave your miserable system to its own devices. The next time someone holds a blade to your throat, we will consider helping you more thoroughly."

Ambassador Klaen stared him down with no hint of a smile. It would have been brave if there weren't thousands of miles separating them, with the old man holding all the weapons in play.

the enemy," he said. "We did not authorize the relocation of the remaining Clayors."

"They are being transported home as we speak," Ryden snarled. "I knew quite well what would happen if they stayed."

"They are the enemy!"

hive mind
was the enemy," Ryden snapped, making the ambassador stumble back so far he actually stepped off the holoplatform.

After a moment, he reappeared, the rage of humiliation tight on his face.

"You were supposed to deal with all of the Clayors," Klaen said.

"A Clayor cut from the hive mind is little better than a child," Ryden said. "No Brion would ever consider butchering them. I will speak of this no further. The Palian commander should be near the hive world soon."

"Yes," Klaen drawled. "
did not have our authorization either. I wonder what made him take your commands over ours."

Ryden bared his teeth, almost making the old ambassador jump again.

"Unlike most of you, the Palians exist in the world we actually live in instead of one they find convenient."

"General," Klaen said then, rage getting the better of him. "You forget your—"

"I forget nothing," Ryden said in a voice that made even his own crew wince. "Don't take me for a fool,
. I know your pride is hurt after I locked you up for your own good. I get that you hold the survival of most of Ilotra's crew and civilians against me because it wasn't

I am also fully aware you can only say this now when the Palian fleet is too far and the
is under repair. I see the guns pointed at me. Do not think for a second that your weak attempts to intimidate me will change anything."

A long silence followed his words, with Aria sending him a worried glance.

"No," Ambassador Klaen said at last. "I wouldn't take you for a fool, General. You've proved that you are not. However, I know a thing or two about the Brions as well. If you want me to believe you're willing to sacrifice your flagship, its entire crew, and your lovely new
for your pride, I'm afraid the one who thinks he's dealing with a fool is you."

That was regrettably true. Ryden had to give it to the ambassador; he certainly had some courage to talk like that to a Brion warrior he was preparing to meet face to face very soon.

When he didn't respond, Klaen continued.

"I assure you our dealings will be fair," he said. "After all, you have allies in the council too. Your own ambassadors, the Palians. The Terrans might rule in your favor now that you are bonded to one of them."

Ryden allowed a vicious grin to appear on his lips.

"You speak of allies," he said, watching the other man realize his mistake. "Meaning you are already certain that
of the council, including yourself, will rule me guilty of misconduct. Indulge me, Ambassador, what are the charges?"

Klaen glared at him, but relented that much.

"Declaring an unlawful martial law on Ilotra without authorization, endangering the lives of the civilians on Ilotra, using unreasonable methods of war to engage the enemy—"

That was about all that Ryden could hear of such nonsense. He raised a hand for Klaen to fall silent.

"I expected as much," was all he had to say about that, though Aria looked like she had
to say.

He couldn't let her implicate herself in his matters. Not if his
ever wanted to work with the Union again. Judging by the fire burning in her beautiful blue eyes, Ryden sincerely doubted that.

"And what is the punishment if you find me guilty?" he went on.

The ambassador shrugged, as if his words were nothing too important to concern himself with.

"The charges mostly fall under the act of treason, General," he said almost dismissively. "The punishment for that, as you surely know, is death."

Ryden's laughter seemed to enrage the old man the most. The general could see the ambassador aching to slap the grin off his face, but he would have needed an army to do that. How fortunate for him then that he had

"I would like to see the man who comes and tries to execute me," he said with dark amusement.

Ambassador Klaen glared at him again, but there was a hint of victory in his voice when he replied.

"Commander Stavor has volunteered for the duty," he said.

That was as expected as well. Ryden saw Aria's face drop immediately, thinking it lucky that Klaen only heard her and didn't
the petrified look of horror on her face.

"I imagined he might," Ryden said.

Klaen nodded, as if that concluded something.

"You have two hours, General, to appear before us down on Ilotra. We would like for you to take Ambassador Harris with you, as she is still one of us," the old man said. "After two hours, if you are not here, we will rule on the matter without your presence or your defense. If the verdict is a guilty one, Commander Stavor will carry it out."

Klaen cut the feed, sending the bridge of the Brions into awkward silence. The situation was one of a kind for them. Ryden didn't think he remembered a time from history when someone had actually had the chance to threaten a Brion warship with realistic destruction.

Aria had tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. "This is my fault. I broke the
and now—"

"You did nothing wrong," Ryden said seriously. "Neither did I. We did what needed to be done, something those scheming liars down there will never understand."

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