Alien Rights (4 page)

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Authors: Nicole Austin

BOOK: Alien Rights
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Chapter Five


Stretching sore muscles, Emily cracked her
eyes open and stared out at a vast, inky-black horizon dotted with a million
points of light. The walls and ceiling of the chamber were still intact but had
turned transparent, providing an awe-inspiring view that seemed to go on

Her arms and legs moved freely and she
realized the cuffs had been removed. The knowledge made her chest tighten.
Being restrained had infuriated her but did the sudden disappearance of the
bonds have significance? Was Kalgron finished with her?

This was basically the morning after and
Emily wondered what would happen now. Would Kal kiss her cheek, promise to call
sometime and beam her back to the diner? Would he then continue to explore the
galaxy, sharing sex with other female “subjects” along the way? The thought
made her nauseous.

What she’d most desired, to return home,
had become the last thing she wanted to contemplate. She didn’t want to go back
to her boring, empty life. Not without Kal. The alien had gotten under her skin
and latched on to her heart.

His lack of understanding of basic human
rights had pissed her off, yet sometime during the intervening hours she’d done
a complete one-eighty. Her mind reeled as she thought back on Kalgron endlessly
pounding his inexhaustible cock into her in every way imaginable, along with
some creative variations she’d never dreamed possible.

“Alien sex is out of this world.” And she
was completely hooked on her big bad alien.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,

Warm breath caressed her neck, followed by
a tender kiss.

“The last word didn’t translate. What’s it

“Cherished one.”

At the purred words, her heart flipped over
then fluttered against her ribs in an erratic beat. Was he attempting to get
her hopes up with pretty words? Were they nothing more than meaningless pillow
talk or was there real emotion behind the endearment? Unfamiliar insecurity and
self-doubt welled up inside Emily, making her antsy.

“Sit up, Emily. I brought you something to

not happening. Her stomach had turned hard as rock. She needed answers.

“I’m not hungry.”

“You need to eat. The scan says—”

“I don’t give a shit what the damn
intrusive scans tell you. I’m not hungry.”

She rose and turned to face him, irritation
turning to fury at the sight of the snug uniform hiding his gorgeous body from
her while she remained nude. The time had come to set her alien straight.

“First off, I want my clothes back. You
can’t just keep me naked all the time.”

“I like you naked.” The offhanded
compliment and lecherous grin only increased her ire.

“Well, it’s not all about you, Kal. I have
rights, wants and needs too.”

His jaw clenched as he moved across the
room and pressed a button on the wall. A shelf slid out and he set down the
tray then turned back toward her, silently waiting.

“Second, I want you to stop with the
scanning. I have a mind of my own and don’t need your computer to decide when I
need to eat, sleep or take a dump. If you want to know how I am, you can simply
ask me.”

His muscles tensed. Kalgron crossed his
massive arms over his chest and glared. “Continue,” he commanded. His mouth
flattened into a menacing line, the tendons in his neck drawn taut as cables
and his eyes had darkened to the orangey color of flames.

A shiver of apprehension skated along her
spine. “Okay. What happens now, Kal? Do you drop me back off at the diner then
carry on abducting people and fucking them ten ways to Sunday?”

The idea of him being intimate with another
woman was the crux of her irritation and took her sour mood to a whole new
level. Did aliens understand or practice monogamy? Would he even consider being

She didn’t give him a chance to respond.
“Are we still near Earth? I’d like to know what your plans are and what happens

“Are you finished,

His quiet, calm tone amped her
apprehension. Kal was looking scarier by the second yet he’d used the
endearment again. She softened her tone. “For now.”

He dropped his arms and took a step closer.
Ingrained survival instincts kicked in and she took a step back, her calves
hitting the lounger. With his next advance she sidestepped the furniture. The
odd dance continued until he’d backed her into a corner.

“Now, Kal…” She held up a hand in front of
her. Kalgron kept coming until his chest pressed against her palm. She shivered
at the flex of solid muscles rippling beneath his uniform. Emily tilted her
head back and stared up into his beautiful cat eyes.

“You are mine, Emily.”

Composed and not a lick of doubt in his
expression or words. The alien believed she belonged to him. As if she were a
possession he owned.

“Now wait—” Warm fingers covered her lips.

“You had your turn to speak. Now you will


Dark brows lifted as if he’d heard the name
she’d called him in her mind. Confirming her suspicion, he nodded.

. I have preternatural
abilities. I can touch your thoughts, run this craft and even command my crew
without moving a muscle. If I chose to, I could influence your thoughts but
that’s something I would never do. I have only entered your mind to ensure your

Kalgron slid his fingers from her lips,
along her jaw and cupped her cheek. She fought the urge to nuzzle his palm.

“The uniform you despised has been
destroyed. There are clothes for you in the storage unit.”

Storage unit?

He nodded toward a row of buttons on the
wall. “The blue button accesses an inventory of clothing available. You make
selections and a panel opens to deliver them.” He shrugged. “I will show you
how to access the things you need,
. And I will teach you to
control your environment with thought. You have the capability, it’s just

She’d have to consider the implications
later. There was no wrapping her mind around that startling information now.
Not with Kalgron’s luscious scent, warmth and touch short-circuiting her brain

“The exomed monitors
life forms
aboard the
and reports changes. This is for your safety and I
will not apologize for protecting you.”

Aww, that’s actually kinda sweet.

One corner of his sensual mouth quirked up
in a lopsided grin.

Jerk. Keep eavesdropping on my thoughts
and you’re not gonna like what you hear.

Kalgron shrugged. “As to what happens now,
I will not give you up, Emily. You will not be going back to Earth. As my
lifemate, your place is with me.”

“My place?” she huffed. “Kal—”

His fingers returned to her lips and, for
the moment, she remained silent and let him finish digging his own grave.

“There are two options for our future,
which we will discuss and make a decision on together. Whether I continue my
mission traveling through space or retire and settle somewhere, you will be at
my side, Emily. Lifemates are bonded for eternity. There will be no other women,
only you.”

Not even marriage guaranteed a couple would stay together yet Kalgron seemed so
certain they’d be bonded forever.

Emily swallowed hard, put both hands on
Kalgron’s chest and shoved. He took a step back, granting her the breathing
room she needed. She didn’t try to fool herself into thinking she’d moved the
mountain. He’d allowed her the space.

“So let’s make sure I understand what
you’re saying. You snatched me and staked a claim. I have no say in whether I
want to stay with you or not?” Not that she wanted to leave him but she needed
to make him understand. Staying might make other members of the crew think it
was okay to abduct people.

He shrugged. “You don’t want to return to

“Listen carefully, Kal. I am human and
humans have inalienable rights to freedom, justice and the pursuit of
happiness. You cannot imprison me. In fact, you should offer to come live on
Earth with me, not expect me to give up every—”

Instead of using his fingers to shut Emily
up, Kal’s lips claimed hers, ending her protest. Heat seared her, surging
through her body as his greater weight pinned her to the wall. Lips tasted,
tongues twined and the kiss reignited primal desires. She sighed brokenly, her
body responding to his masculine power and control with pure feminine delight.

“Emily,” he whispered. “I just found you.”
Kalgron tenderly brushed his lips over hers. “Don’t ask me to give you up. I
can’t! I need you. And I do want to make you happy. You can instruct my crew on
how to proceed should any of them find an Earther lifemate.”

His heartfelt words melted her resistance.
She would deny him nothing, they both knew it, and still she persisted, teasing
him into action. “Convince me.”


Kalgron bent, swung Emily into his arms and
cradled her close to his heart, where he intended to keep her. Simple agreement
would no longer suffice. He would torment her with passion, withholding her
orgasm until his lifemate begged to stay. With their happiness hanging in the
balance, he wouldn’t stop until they were bonded—bodies, hearts and souls.

He’d touched her mind, witnessed her past
and knew fear drove her words and actions. She fought her own desires to
protect her vulnerable heart and her people. This was all new and scary for
Emily. He understood that was why she lashed out and vowed to do his best to
allay her fears.

Laying her down on the lounger, he quickly
stripped off his uniform and boots then retrieved a set of staticuffs from the
storage unit.

His sweet little Earther longed for his
possession and eagerly accepted the bonds. Her nipples were stiff pink peaks
topping her creamy breasts and proof of her arousal glistened on her thighs.

“Say you’re mine,” he demanded.

She shook her head from side to side as he
moved between legs that were spread wide by her own will, since he’d yet to
activate the cuffs. Hopefully she had the strength to hold out and wouldn’t
surrender too soon. There were so many wicked ways he wanted to tease and
pleasure his magnificent woman.

Caging her beneath him, Kalgron bent his
head and brushed her lips with an achingly tender kiss.

“That’s it,
. Make us both
work for it and the reward will be even sweeter.”

“Huh?” Her face scrunched in confusion.

He smoothed her furrowed brow with his
fingertips. “Neither of us will orgasm until you say the words.”

Emily sniffed indignantly. “I’m not going
to say what you want to hear, Kal.”

“Good, because I want to play.”

Starting at her temple, he proceeded to
kiss, taste and caress every inch of skin except where she wanted him most. Her
ripe breasts and lush bottom received extra attention, as did the savory flesh
of her inner thighs.

Her body thrashed wildly, arms and legs
clinging to him as she cried his name.

“Say it, Emily.”

“No.” She shook her head. “Make me come.”

“Not until you say the words,

Kalgron activated the lounger, inserting a
slender probe in her ass and a much larger one in her pussy, shallowly fucking
her with each while he sucked her nipples.

“Kal, I need to come.”

So did he. “Beg me to keep you. Swear
you’ll be mine forever.”

“No, no, no,” she chanted.

He briefly touched her mind to ensure her
well-being and heard words that made his heart sing.
Yes. God yes. Never let
me go. Love me forever, Kal.

Kalgron was in agony. Uncertain how much
more he could take, he placed a narrow staticuff around the base of his cock,
tightening the device to arrest his own climax. No more playing—she had to
agree and end their suffering.

Parting her slick folds, he exposed the
hard bundle of nerves that thrummed with her rapid pulse. After applying a few
drops of a potent stimulating gel, he blew a stream of air over her needy

Emily screamed as the icy-hot burn finally
pushed her past the limits of her willpower. “Kal, please!”

“Please what, Emily?”

“Fuck me, you evil bastard! Fuck me and
keep me and never ever let me go! I’m yours, always and forever. Now please
make me come!”

Thank the heavens!

Kalgron quickly retracted the probes and
removed the cuffs then drove into her body in one fluid thrust.

Home. Warmth, security and passion. Emily
was his home.

Once settled balls-deep, he paused. Holding
his weight on his arms, he stared into her dilated eyes. “Mine.”

Emily zealously accepted and reinforced his
claim. “Yes, Kal. Yours. You may come to regret it, but I’m all yours.”

He hammered her hard and fast and deep,
unable to go slow in his need to possess her. “Your body is mine,” he declared.


“And your heart.”


“Your passion. Your pleasure.”

“Yes, yes, yes.”

He captured her lips as she crested the
plateau, taking her screams into his body. Taking her pleasure into his heart.
Energy crackled along his spine, pooled in his balls, which squeezed tight.
Blissful release exploded along his shaft to be taken into Emily’s hungry womb.
His soul reached out to her, the two becoming one as they cemented their bond.

He wasn’t satisfied with one orgasm. As her
sobs of completion subsided, Kalgron activated the staticuffs, lifting Emily to
her feet. He positioned her facing the transparent wall, taking her from
behind. He drove into her clinging heat at a leisurely pace, reaching around to
pet her clitoris. Emily accepted his passion and gave hers in return, loving
him until they both soared among the stars.

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