Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance) (19 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance)
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Princess and Prince



"Oh, oh," Vicky cried as she moved under Kroido's arm on the bed. It was over three months later and she was definitely pregnant. "He kicked." She took Kroido's hand and placed it on her belly. "Can you feel it?"

Kroido puffed his chest in pride and gently pressed his hand on her abdomen.

She felt another kick.

Kroido asked, "That little butterfly movement?"

"Butterfly, that's exactly what he feels like. But inside it is like a little thump."

Kroido pressed his hand again, the baby kicked, and Kroido burst into a giant grin of pride.

"He is moving! I felt him." His delight was so apparent and charming Vicky gave him a kiss.

Kroido kissed her back. She felt his shaft responding to their intimacy.

"Is it OK?" He asked.

Vicky laughed, "For aeons, people have made love while the woman was pregnant. The baby survives." She stroked his thigh.

"And we've been making love all along with the baby growing inside. Now that you can feel him, you are getting cautious?"

"Now that I can feel him, he's more than a concept. I don't want to hurt him. He is a miracle for Leka."

"He is a miracle of life," Vicky corrected, nestling up against Kroido. Every time they were together like this she felt that safety net surround her. Just the touch of his hand calmed her as she learned the way of life on Leka and the way of being a ruler.

"Zostug keeps asking when we will make the official announcement," Kroido said.

"Dr. Guloo says if we get past the first three months we can make it any time. Are you ready now that you can feel him?"

"Yes, I will tell him...later," Kroido said as he stroked her breast and brought his other hand to her groin.

They started in the slow way that people who know each other do, knowing how to pleasure the other. Vicky ran her hands over his massive chest feeling the soft blonde tiny curls beneath her fingers. She fondled his nipples and then sucked each one.

She felt his shaft grow against her thigh as Kroido moaned in pleasure.

As his hand probed her opening, he sucked first one nipple and then the other causing her womb to contract in desire. Her areolae puckered under his lips and her nipples hardened against the ministrations of his tongue.

His hand caressed her thigh slowly working up to her entrance. His fingers parted the hair above her swollen lips and plunged into her wet hole. She moved her hips slowly in pleasure as his thumb found her nub.

Vicky cried out in pleasure, "In me, in me."

Kroido's strong arm pushed up so his long body was over hers. His other hand never stopped caressing and exciting her.

She felt the tip of his shaft push against her below his hand. He pulled out his fingers, increasing her desire.

"Yes," she cried. "Yes." Her breathing quickened as she lifted her hips to meet his shaft. He guided it in, pushing gently.

Kroido moaned into her hair as he plunged deep inside. Her wet walls contracted around him, pulling him deeper. He moved up and down with intensity as her passion grew. Then pushing her to extreme desire, he pulled out. Every fiber of her body wanted him back in. His fingers moved her nub in tiny circles causing her waves of passion to peak in intensity.

He pushed his shaft deeper and began to move rhythmically. Her hips moved in time to his rhythm. He took her hands in his and pulled her arms over her head, holding her hands there as they moved in unison.

Her waves of desire turned into a frenzy of motion that spurred him on to higher peaks. She could see the passion on his face as his body moved with hers. He was close and so was she. She reached down and gently touched his balls as they moved against her. His taught shaft filled her and as her waves peaked she felt him jerk with passion and felt the hot spurts fill her.

He collapsed on top of her, spent. She ran her hands through the soft hair on his head.

She whispered, "I never dreamed it could be so pleasurable and intense time after time."

Kroido whispered back, "I'm making up for all those years of thinking that mating was just a physical act. Now I’m learning that the more I love the greater the passion."

"Mmmm," Nicky said. "So am I."







Three days later, Vicky dressed in her official maternity dress. Red was the Lekan color for celebration. Her dress was soft silk fabric, "imported" from Earth.

Women had worked embroidery of fish and flowers and wheat and trees once again all in silver but this time the embroidery covered the entire garment. Vicky wondered how many women and how many hours it had taken to make such a magnificent dress.

Kroido helped her slip into the dress. His hands smoothed the soft fabric over her body as it fell from her shoulders.

"Let me look at you, my love." He stood back and eyed her from top to bottom. "Now turn around."

Vicky turned around. When she faced Kroido again she saw he was smiling.

"I can see it now."

"See what?" Vicky asked puzzled. She'd heard so many times that she looked like the goddess, she knew that couldn't be it.

"The bump, the place where the little one is growing. There's just a small bulge out from your already pleasing roundness." His smile grew. "I'm going to be a father." He laughed. "It's hard to imagine me like Zostug."

"Come on, little one," he said, putting his hand on Vicky's belly. "It's time for your first public appearance."

At the big doors to the balcony, women dressed in red carried big baskets filled with flower petals. Zostug gave Vicky a big un-regal hug.

"I am so proud of you, Vicky," he said. "When you first came here I saw, at once, that you looked like a living Neani. Now, I see that you have the true qualities of a woman.

Somehow you have tamed my son. He has taken pride in his duties in a way I've never seen before. Plus, he tells me you have decided to stay." He patted her arm. "I am very happy. Leka is your home."

Vicky realized she could still blush and she felt her face flush. "Thank you, Zostug. I will do my best not to disappoint. I have prepared a very short speech in your language with Kroido's help."

The big doors opened and they all went out on the balcony. The crowd was just as large as it had been at their wedding. Vicky felt tears come to her eyes as she gazed out at the people cheering.

Zostug started speaking. Vicky could not understand most of it. She did hear "Veeckee" several times. The all at once the crowd sent up a roar. He must have announced the new heir. The crowd started chanting but this time it was a new chant, Veeckee. Veeckee.

Kroido whispered in her ear. "My love, you are restoring the future of Leka. You've brought the gift of true womanhood...and an heir."  He took her hand and the stepped up to the front to replace Zostug.

Kroido raised his hand. Slowly the crowd ceased chanting and became quiet. Kroido spoke to the people. Vicky noticed how proud he was, standing at his full height. The light gleamed in his silvery blond hair. His blue eyes moved to take in the entire crowd. He stopped speaking but there was no cheering, just silence.

"They are waiting for you," Kroido whispered.

Although Vicky had memorized her short speech, she took out her notes, just in case. She took a deep breath. The baby kicked. She smiled. Then she signaled Kroido to translate as she spoke.

"Leka! Our child will be born here, from my body, and become the heir to the throne of Leka. At our wedding I heard the prophecy of Neani, but I didn't understand. Now I ask my husband, Kroido, to tell me the story over and over."

The crowd applauded.

Vicky continued. "At our child's birth my husband, Kroido, and I will work to sustain our future, the future Neani prophesied for Leka.  Prosperity and fruitfulness. Our child is the symbol of Leka’s abundance. Thank you for welcoming me to your planet."

Kroido joined his hand with hers and lifted them into the air high above their heads. The crowd burst out with chants, “Veeckee. Veeckee.”

With his other hand Kroido smoothed out her red dress over her belly until everyone could see the tiny bulge. They stood like this for many minutes as the people continued to cheer.

Kroido brought down their joined hands. He turned and swept her into his arms and kissed her with pride and pleasure. He placed his hand on her belly. The baby kicked.






 Copyright 2015 by Julia Sexton


All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced

in any way whatsoever, without written permission

from the author, except in case of brief

quotations embodied in critical reviews

and articles.


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any

person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

First edition, 2015








Chapter 1


Natasha had to get ready for the wedding. Her alarm had not gone off (or maybe it had and she was just too knocked out to wake up from it) and time was running out. She quickly got up from the bed and first thing she did was open the curtains to let the light in. It was too dark to move around. Immediately, the room was bathed in natural lighting and a whole city appeared on the window, like a movie starting on a cinema screen.

The loud noises from the streets were really not what Natasha needed at this moment. She was navigating her way through the mess that was her room. It looked as if the police had ransacked the whole place and when found nothing of use; they had trashed it just out of frustration. But Natasha knew the room intimately, even in its messed up state.

Her phone rang just as she had entered the bathroom. Coming out quickly, her shirt halfway over her head, she looked at the caller ID. It was Mike.

“Hey,” Natasha said, more positively then her current condition dictated, so as not to give any hint to Mike of her tardiness.

“Where are you?” he said, restless as always.

“Morning to you too, big brother,” Natasha said sarcastically.

“Don’t play cute with me,” Mike said in that voice of his that dripped with the knowledge that he knew exactly what Natasha had done wrong. “You just woke up, didn’t you?”

“What? No,” she said, laying out her dress on the bed. “I will be there soon.”

There was silence on the other end, which led Natasha to believe that maybe Mike had dropped the call, but this wasn’t her lucky day.

“Nat,” he said. “This is an important day for me and I want you to be here, on time, by my side.”

“I know,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“It’s that with Jack coming in at the last moment, you are the one I want to share these moments with.”

I know,”
Natasha said, feeling a little shitty. “Don’t go all sentimental on my ass, big brother.”

He laughed, though Natasha could feel a certain choking in his laugh. It made her feel worse.

“I will be there,” she said and hung up the phone. She sat down for a moment to gather her thoughts. Without paying much attention to what she was doing, she looked at the clock by the bedside table and jumped at least three feet in the air.

She was about to break a promise to her brother on his wedding day. Not an ideal scenario by any means.



Chapter 2


“Do you, Michael Reynolds, take Rebecca Winters to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The minister put the question to Mike, who couldn’t say yes quickly enough.

“I do,” he said.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the minister said. “You may now kiss the bride.”

Mike and Becca kissed for the first time as husband and wife. Natasha’s eyes lingered on their happy faces and she felt elation, followed by a few moments of melancholy. The fact that she didn’t have a date on this wedding was a red sign, for her family and herself too.

No matter how much she kept telling herself that she was not ready for a relationship or that she didn’t need a man right now, the thing was that she sorely missed that sort of thing. She wanted someone to share her happiness and sorrows with.

She had just turned twenty-four and graduated from college. She was entering that important phase of life, the first steps into the practical life. She was figuring things out and she wanted a companion with her to do that. Wilderness wasn’t so scary when accompanied by a loved one.

Becca and Mike passed along the aisle with flowers and confetti thrown on them. She followed them, hearing the joyous cheers of their friends and family. She was happy for Mike, happier than she had been in a long time but there was certain incompleteness to her jubilation.

The wedding party drove to the reception area and Natasha made her way to the bar. She wasn’t a huge drinker but this was a special occasion.

“What’s your poison?” the bartender asked her.

“Bloody Mary,” she said.

“Ouch,” he said and poured her one. She took the drink and turned to face the crowd.

Wherever she looked, there were happy faces, faces of people she loved and cherished. She ought to be mingling with them, ought to be celebrating. Then she caught Mike’s eye that was looking at her in a concerned way.

She quickly faked a smile and she must have done a convincing job because Mike smiled back and diverted his gaze. Her eyes then landed on Jack, their eldest brother who had flown in from New York at the last moment.

It was typical of Jack, always working, never taking a day off. It was a mark of his incessant working that he would have missed his brother’s wedding had Natasha not called him and asked him to come. Jack could never say no to his sister. Natasha might use this influence of hers over Jack sometimes for her benefit, but she loved Jack very much and she knew that he loved her too.

Jack was here with his wife, Jenna, and their son, Lloyd. Jenna was the only woman other than Natasha who seemed to have any influence over Jack. If it had not been for Jenna, Jack surely would have worked himself to death. After marrying Jenna, he rarely worked after five.

“A girl as beautiful as you ought not to be drinking alone,” a voice said from close by.

Natasha turned to her right to see a young pretty blonde face split in smile. It was Todd. They had dated briefly in high school but even that was pushing it. It had been years since they had seen each other.

“I did not expect you here,” Natasha said, without thinking.

“Well, I assume you’re glad,” Todd said.

“Always glad to see old faces,” Natasha said cryptically.

The truth was that things had not ended particularly well with Todd. He was the typical asshole high school jock who believed he was above everybody else. That did not sit well by Natasha, not one bit, least of all when he started doing his shtick with her in public.

“So, what have you been up to?” Todd said. “Last I heard you were graduating from college.”

“And that is the last interesting thing that happened to me, yeah,” Natasha said. “I’ve been figuring things out since then.”

“Maybe it’s time you return to your roots,” Todd said, mysteriously.

“What do you mean?” she asked him.

“Just that, maybe this big city thing ain’t for you. Maybe your comfort zone is smaller. Maybe you are better off where you were raised.”

“Todd,” sighed Natasha. “Not the best thing to say to a girl on a wedding.”

He laughed and Natasha saw in his laugh, the boyish charm that she had found alluring during high school. Shame the novelty had worn off.

“It’s sincere advice,” he said, raising his hands. “Scout’s honor.”

“Todd and honor,” smirked Natasha, “Why am I skeptical?”

“Stop holding on to the past, baby,” he said.

“Don’t call me baby, baby,” she snapped.

“You still got the fire, I like that,” he said.

“Don’t come too close or you will get burnt,” she said.

“Maybe I would like to get burned, for proper this time around.”

Natasha looked at him for a long time. There seemed to be certain wistfulness in Todd’s eyes. He seemed to have a look that said
missed chances.
Natasha did not know if she felt the same way or not.

“Are you seeing anybody?” Todd said, looking away, realizing that he had perhaps said too much.

Natasha also felt uncomfortable and an air of formality seemed to have come between them. She sipped her drink and found the glass empty.

“Not at the moment,” she said, not meeting his eyes.

“Hey, can I get refill here,” Todd said, looking at her empty glass.

“What about you?” Natasha said, not wanting to dwell on her non-existent love life.

“I just broke up with a girl I was seeing for the past three years,” he said.

“Sorry to hear that,” Natasha said and meant it.

She could very well understand the misery of heartbreak. Endless hours listening to music and wondering what it really meant when someone asked the question: what came first, the music or the misery?

Natasha noticed that Jack was beckoning her to come to him. She excused herself to Todd and went to see her elder brother.

“Hey, Natasha,” he said when she was within earshot. “I want you to meet Jim. He works with Mike and we have met a couple of times over the past few months.”

“Hi,” Natasha said not knowing why she was being asked to meet this stranger, though there was an instinctual feeling creeping up inside her.

“Hi,” said Jim, who seemed a little shy.
Perhaps, he was pushed into this scenario as well.

“You guys chat up,” Jack said, looking at the two of them like a matchmaker. Natasha gave him a look that clearly said
I know what you are doing.

Jack shrugged in a way that said
so what?

Natasha talked to Jim for a few minutes, but both of them felt that the conversation was going nowhere. They both seemed to be forced into it and they were just not clicking. After a couple of minutes of painful back and forth, Natasha decided that enough was enough.

“I know what happened here,” she said.

“What’s that?” he said.

“My brother tried to hook me up to one of his friends. It is a classic trope and I don’t blame him.”

Jim laughed. “I knew you’d figure it out. To tell you the truth, he pushed me into this as well. Your brother doesn’t take no for an answer.”

“That’s him,” she said. “So, why don’t we just cut the bullshit and admit that this is not working and we smile and shake hands and go our separate ways.”

“Sounds about fine to me,” he said, looking relieved and shook her hand.

Natasha turned to the bar; purposefully avoiding Jack’s questioning gaze and saw that Todd was talking to a man she had never seen before. He was tall and extremely handsome. He was so handsome, that Todd, inarguably the hottest guy of her high school and even still someone who made girls look twice when he entered the room, looked positively plain in front of him.

He towered over Todd, with his beefed up frame and confident demeanor. He had jet black hair, a strand of which fell over his forehead. It looked natural but Natasha thought maybe he did that on purpose. He looked sharp in a black suit.

Just as Natasha was admiring the stranger, he averted his eyes from Todd and they landed straight at Natasha. They didn’t linger on anyone, but came directly towards her. She could feel herself blushing. But she didn’t want to seem affected by his looks. She started walking towards the bar but the stranger left and soon was out of the room. Natasha was perplexed.

She reached the bar where Todd was holding a drink of his own and looked a little fidgety.

“Who was he?” Natasha said.

Todd looked at her in a strange way.

“Look here, Natasha,” he said. “It was great seeing you. It is getting late and I have to go back. I hope we meet again.”

He said that and left so abruptly that Natasha could not say anything other than goodbye. She was baffled. What happened suddenly? Who was the tall sexy stranger?

She picked up her drink and took a swig. Just then she saw Jack get up for his best man speech.

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