Read Alien Sex 103 Online

Authors: Allie Ritch

Alien Sex 103 (11 page)

BOOK: Alien Sex 103
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The urge to bolt was strong, and she glanced around everywhere but at him. He was just assuming she’d agree to sleep with him, but she hadn’t decided yet. This was all too new. Zeo was the first man to even kiss her, the first to tempt her. No one else had ever been an issue because men didn’t fall for quiet, unassuming Pixie.

Although she knew she was pretty with her blonde hair and clear skin, she also recognized she wasn’t a stunner. She wore clothes for comfort not fashion, trimmed her nails short, and almost never wore makeup. Most of the time, she kept her head down, so she couldn’t pull off a come-hither look if she tried, let alone lure a male with flirtatious banter. Men didn’t lust after her. They went for confident women like Katra’Ruma or fun girls like Benni. Nobody had ever wanted her before.

“Shsh.” He rubbed her back. “Easy, kitten.”

“You assume a lot,” she finally managed to get out.

One of his rare smiles curved the corners of his lips. “Your body tells me a lot. Arousal coats you like perfume.”

With a quick step, he crossed in front of her and stopped so abruptly she nearly collided with him. Her breasts wound up only an inch from the wall of his chest—less than an inch every time she drew a deep breath. Looking around, she realized they were in front of her building. He had her so flustered she’d nearly walked right past it.

His hot breath hit her ear as he leaned closer. “Listen to your body. Let me show you what it can do.”

He buried his face in her neck and drew a deep breath. The touch of his lips against her pulse point made her shiver as much as his words did. She was pretty sure he was asking her to invite him up.

“I’m not sure,” she admitted. “I’ve never—”

He ran one broad hand up the length of her spine. “I know you’re a virgin. I will not breach you with my cock. Our mating will come later. Tonight, we play.” His tongue flicked out to moisten her skin, maybe to taste her. “Nimanian men play with their females.”

Although her heart was beating frantically, Pixie didn’t balk like she thought she would. If he’d been any other guy, she might have thought he was just saying whatever it took to get upstairs, but she trusted Zeo. If he said he wouldn’t … well …
her, then he wouldn’t. Despite how nervous he sometimes made her, she trusted him with her body.

“Just play?” She gulped. “Nothing more?”

Was she really going to do this? Some other woman must have hijacked her body because this definitely wasn’t her.

“You have my word,” he whispered.

Quaking like a frightened bunny rabbit, she nodded her head and fumbled for her keycard. The card got them into the building, but she had to scan her thumbprint to access her unit on the second floor. Her father had insisted on the extra precaution when she’d graduated and moved off campus.

The entire way, Zeo kept touching her, stroking her back or arm or hair until they entered her apartment and she closed the door behind them. Her trembling didn’t cease when she got inside. Instead, it intensified as she got the lights on and turned to face him.

Expecting him to leap on her, Pixie tried to prepare herself, but he just fixed her with his gaze. After a moment, he switched his attention to the tiny living area leading to her bedroom and stalked past her to move deeper inside. After a quick glance at his surroundings, he strolled through her open bedroom door and disappeared from sight. He didn’t call after her, didn’t even say a word. Shocked, she stood there and gaped.

It wasn’t until a full minute later that suspense and curiosity finally outweighed her nerves. She found herself tiptoeing after him, although she wasn’t sure what she’d find when she reached him. Had he gotten undressed? Was he lying naked beneath her sheets?

With a deep breath for courage, she entered the bedroom. There he was, standing fully clothed in front of her closet. Holding out his hand in silent invitation, he beckoned her closer. Despite her dry mouth, Pixie swallowed hard as she walked toward him.


Drawing on the patience of the hunter, Zeo remained quiet and still while Pixie closed the distance. Her fear smelled like freshly chipped ice, but the spicy aroma of her arousal lay just beneath it. The first was unnatural as far as he was concerned—a result of insecurity and whatever wariness her New Earthling culture must have instilled in her. The latter scent, however, was all her.

Her animal, her most basic self, called to him with the imperative to mate. Whether she acknowledged that pull or not, he knew they were meant to join together. He’d known it from the first moment he’d seen her.

But first he needed to help her claim her sexuality. Once she did, her confidence would grow, and she’d be able to stand up to the females of his community. He hoped.

She slipped her soft hand into his, and Zeo once again marveled at the smoothness of her feminine skin. It made him want to rub his body all over it until his scent filled her every pore. Pulling her closer, he buried his nose in her hair before setting his hands on her slim hips. He turned her to face the mirror he’d discovered on her closet door.

“Undress for me.”

Beneath his hands, her body went stiff. “What?”

“Undress,” he repeated. “I would know your body.”

Her gaze rose to meet his in the mirror, and he could see the debate raging in her mind. Hoping his calmness would ease her, Zeo remained utterly still while she made her decision. His heart leapt for joy, as did his eager cock, when she unsealed the front of her blouse. When her shaking hands reached the hem, though, she refused to let the fabric part. He could see her knuckles had turned white.

Undeterred, he grunted. “Open.”

“I can’t.”

He tilted his head at her, trying to understand her difficulty. “Are you ashamed?”

Many of the other races seemed to enforce modesty with shame. He didn’t want Pixie to feel that way. Ever.

“A little,” she answered, and he was pleased that she was honest with him. “I’ve never been naked in front of anyone before.”

Zeo kissed her nape in encouragement. “Clothes are for warmth and to protect soft skin. Do not hide behind them. I will keep you warm and safe.” Deliberately, he pressed his hips closer so she could feel his rampant erection against her backside. “Feel how much I want this.”

With her spooned so closely, he caught the sensual shiver that ran through her. Drawing an audible breath, she finally loosened her grip and let her blouse fall open. Zeo didn’t break eye contact as he stepped back enough to slip the material off her shoulders and onto the floor.

He was unsurprised when she kicked off her sandals and undid her pants next instead of fully baring her breasts. It didn’t matter. He could wait. She would show him everything before they were through.

Stepping free of her clothes, she stood before him in white cotton panties and bra—a virginal color for New Earthlings, if he wasn’t mistaken. The lily-white undergarments contrasted nicely with her pink skin.

“All of it.” He was startled to hear his voice had lowered another octave.

Somehow, this skittish young female spoke to his most primitive needs. She spurred his desire more than anyone before her. He kept himself in check, but he didn’t try to hide his hunger. She needed to learn how to match his passion.

Still watching her in the mirror, Zeo saw her close her eyes as she popped open her bra and shrugged it off. He only got the briefest glimpse of her pert nipples before she covered them with one arm and used her free hand to shuck her panties. His nostrils flared as her intimate scent intensified. Although he willed her to look at him, her eyelids remained firmly shut after she straightened.

Gripping her wrists, he watched Pixie’s throat convulse when he forced her arms to her sides. For a second, he froze, unable to believe the beauty of her.

Her creamy breasts were firm handfuls studded with pretty pink buds, and her hips and tummy were gently rounded in all the right places. The furry thatch between her legs was a full two shades darker than the halo of blonde tresses on her head, but her curls glimmered with gold where her juices coated them. All that was missing was the pale blue of her eyes.

“Still hiding?” he asked.

With obvious effort, she pried her lids open to look at him. He hadn’t thought it possible, but her body flushed an even rosier hue.

“Perfect.” It was the only compliment worthy of her.

His skin was more darkly tanned, and his hands were callused. Those were the details he noticed when he reached around to cup her breasts. She immediately jolted at the contact, but she didn’t break away.

“Have you ever touched yourself?” he asked.

A shy shake of her head.

“Give me your hands.”

She hesitated, but Zeo caught the backs of her hands in his palms. Lifting them up, he set them over her breasts and showed her how to caress the mounds and tweak her pebbled nipples. Although her pulse was racing beneath their hands, she didn’t stop.

Inserting his knee, he widened her stance and slid her right hand down to the V between her legs. She instantly went rigid and ceased caressing her left breast.

“Keep going.” He brushed her right nipple and gave it a tiny pinch.

She flinched, but he got her started again with a little encouragement.

Parting her delicate folds, he set her fingertip against her exposed clit. “Rub it.”

She whimpered. “I can’t.”

“You can.”

Brooking no argument, he waited until she started drawing tentative circles around her precious nubbin. When she continued to massage her left breast, he dared to let go. Drinking in her reflection, he savored the erotic picture she made. He’d never seen anything so enticing.

“You are masturbating,” he informed her, wanting her to realize the power she held.

She could now please her own body anytime she wanted, although he secretly hoped she’d only do this with him.

Her quivering visibly intensified again, but he was pleased to see she still didn’t balk.

He reclaimed her opposite breast and began to pluck softly at the tip. The contrast of her hard nipple and the pudding-soft plumpness beneath fascinated him.

“You are a woman, not a girl,” he assured her. “You deserve a woman’s pleasure.”

Reaching around, he cupped her mound possessively just below where she still strummed her clitoris. She jumped and hesitated.

“Don’t stop.” He barked the order more roughly than he meant to.

Her lower lip trembled as she obeyed.

Zeo wanted to capture that succulent lip in his mouth and tongue it, but nothing could make him disrupt his view of her. The sight of her naked and ready made hot shivers race up and down his body and along the length of his cock. He had to claim her, if only in some small way. Tracking the source of her dampness, he slid his forefinger between her folds and set it against her opening. With slow, steady pressure, he pushed it past the resistance of her outer muscle and into her sheath.

“Zeo?” She whined fearfully.

He felt Pixie lift up on her toes as if she could escape his invasion. Laying his chin on her shoulder, he kept her in place. Although he made soothing noises, hoping to ease her, she remained tense.

“Does it hurt?” he asked.

She gasped. “I don’t know. It burns.”

“You will grow used to it.”

He slid his finger deeper. Her sheath was so hot she scorched him, so tight he worried for her as much as he craved her. What would she feel like wrapped around his shaft, struggling to accept his girth?

Zeo wanted her familiar with the feel of penetration before he took her, so he intended to play with her often. Still groping her breast, he stroked his digit in and out of her snug sheath. After a moment, her lips parted, and she began to pant.

“You are getting a handjob now, Pixie.” He wanted her to understand and appreciate each new experience.

A sob broke from her, and her instincts finally took over enough to have her riding his hand with tiny jerks of her hips. He could feel the difference in her body immediately: the relaxation of her inner muscles as she let go, the fresh coat of cream on his finger. As she gave herself over to him, her body was seized by a wholly different sort of tension. He could tell she was getting close to coming.

Wanting to push her that little bit further out of her comfort zone, Zeo wedged a second finger into her sex on the next upstroke. Pixie yelped, and he felt her sheath contract twice before her orgasm stuttered. He held still with his fingers only halfway in.

“Relax for me.” His voice was even gruffer than usual. “I want to feel your virginity.”

Her breathing turned ragged, and she shook her head. Around his fingers, though, he felt her channel flutter, so he listened to her body instead. Turning his head, he caught her earlobe between his teeth and gave it a sharp nip to distract her. He plunged his fingers the rest of the way inside as she cried out.

That’s when he felt it: her maidenhead, her hymen, the proof of her innocence. The one obstacle to their mating. Until he’d attended the sexual education class, he hadn’t known such a barrier existed. Nimanian females didn’t have such a thing.

To claim Pixie, he was going to have to rip through this membrane and bleed her, hurting her perhaps terribly in the process. Zeo didn’t know how to make it easier for her either. If he were a New Earthling man, then maybe he could be slow and gentle while she overcame her pain. But he was Nimanian. Once he mounted her, there was no pulling out, no turning back. He would pound her unceasingly until he spent his seed, and no amount of tears or screams would stop him. Although he wouldn’t mean to hurt her and he’d feel sick about it, his body and the primitive sex drive that rode it wouldn’t give him a choice.

Despite the fact that Zeo was known as a fearless, competent male, the thought of hurting Pixie terrified him. He only hoped he could find a way to avoid it because he already knew he couldn’t give her up. One way or another, he was going to have her.

Easing away from that damnable barrier, he began pumping both fingers into her before she lost too much momentum. In response, she mewled like the kitten he sometimes called her and dropped her head back on his shoulder.

BOOK: Alien Sex 103
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