Alien's Bride Book Three (4 page)

Read Alien's Bride Book Three Online

Authors: Yamila Abraham

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Alien's Bride Book Three
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He forced that first orgasm out of me so roughly I screamed.
I kicked his shoulder with every hard spasm.
My back lurched up from the bed involuntarily.
It was so good.
My ravaged hole just kept clenching on his fingers.

When my body went slack he let his mouth pop free from my clit.


“Good girl.”

I looked up at him past my hard nipples with half-closed eyes.
“Fuck you.”


He pulled his cock out of his silk shorts.
I was tossed over onto my stomach and then mounted.
Elentinus pushed his huge thing into me with little restraint.
The second thrust was twice as hard as the first, and he kept that rhythm.
I clung to the blankets with my eyes closed and teeth clench while he humped me.
He made scary grunts with every hard push in.

His big cock compressed my tortured g-spot.
I couldn’t believe how fast my second orgasm was coming on.
That prickly purr of heat and pleasure made my toes curl.
Elentinus could make me lose my mind so fast.
I started moaning just as loud as him.

We came together this time, but I recovered faster.
I dislodged his cock fast enough to pour seed on the bed.
I dove for his thighs and grabbed his tender alien testicles.
No, I didn’t squeeze them.
I assumed they were as vulnerable as human balls.
I just started groping with my splayed fingers firm and deep.

Elentinus careened back onto the pillows.

He tried to pull me off by my hair, but was too kind to yank as hard as necessary.
I started sucking his groin bulge.
This gave me what I was after:
Elentinus started chattering his teeth.

He smacked my ass cheek.
I froze a second.
My flesh had compressed and then jiggled.
All the sensitive nerves on the swell of my butt were electrified.
I could feel goose pimples light up.
It was pain in the form of heat, but tingly pain.
The after-shocks made my asshole clench.
I continued my torturous sucking and rubbing undeterred.

Elentinus smacked the other side, giving me the same intense sensations.
He wasn’t hitting with all his strength.
They were slaps probably thrice as hard as Patty Cake.
He could keep playing that on my ass as far as I was concerned.
I was out for orgasmic revenge.

He smacked my ass twice more before grabbing both cheeks with his hands and kneading them.
This made my legs kick up and down on the bed.
It was about as sensual a massage as I could get.
The sensitized area spread mind-numbing euphoria with every squeeze of his fingers.



He could barely form words through his grunts and teeth chattering.
But then he removed a hand to wet a finger with saliva.
My eyes widened.
As expected he started grinding the slippery finger against my asshole.


I kicked at the bed with both legs in succession.
He was nailing the source of all that euphoria the flesh of my ass had given out.
I clenched both holes against my will.
The pricks of throbbing pleasure carried all the way up my spine.
He was pushing my wrinkled hole into me, grinding out every incredible sensation.
I had to stop sucking his groin to moan.



His triumphant cheer snapped me out of the pleasure paralysis.
I latched my mouth up higher, closer to his shaft.


His finger lost its strength.
I didn’t break mouth contact to give out my own cheer of triumph.
His cock gesticulated in that snake/whip pattern.
Oh yeah…suffer!

The tip of his finger penetrated my ass.


Damn it.
I couldn’t win this battle.

Elentinus didn’t go any deeper.
His wiggling finger didn’t have to.
He’d just advanced into another level of sensation for me.
Everything down there clenched.
The ecstatic tingles were radiating out from the taut ring he’d breached through my whole pelvis.
I kicked at the bed until I screamed.
Then I relinquished his groin and testicles.
Elentinus won.
I rolled onto my back to get free of that finger.

He got on top of me and clutched my breasts.
His strong mouth and tongue worked over my tender nipples while his prehensile cock found its way back inside me.

Elentinus kept control of the fuck.
I stayed limp as he ravaged me.
My ass still throbbed in ecstasy.
It made my legs weak.
I let my third orgasm come without resistance.
His cock was too huge not to agitate me to the prickly tickle that came before climax.
Elentinus came two more times.

His cock finally softened and pulled itself out of me.
Elentinus kissed my neck sweetly.

“That was magnificent, my dear.”

I felt so weak.
“We can’t do this every night.”

He smiled at me and caressed my hair.
“Don’t worry.
I agree.
I’m only glad you’re open to it even sometimes.”

I returned his smile and gave him a soft kiss.


Elentinus awakened me with a kiss on my forehead the next morning.

“Don’t sleep too late, my dear.
We’ll be going to Earth today.”


I let myself doze while he vacated the bed.
When I heard his bathroom door close I got a jolt of panic.
I opened my eyes wide.
Why was my heart racing?

I sat up slowly.
Nauseating dread descended into the pit of my stomach, and then my morning amnesia faded like mist before a tombstone.
I put my face in my hand.

This was my chance, possibly my only chance, to swipe the control unit for Inga.
I had to make the horrendous decision now.

Did I betray the husband I loved to help a fellow human escape a torturous existence?

Or did I turn my back on her.

Elentinus wouldn’t be in the shower long.
I clenched fistfuls of my hair trying to force myself to think fast.

I didn’t want to become one of my husband’s enemies.
I loved him.
I was grateful for how kind he treated me, and the new life we had together.
If I betrayed him it was going to screw everything up with the council.
What if they voted on going to war again?
Nayjoor might insist on it.
What if he used one of those crazy weapons I overheard them talking about and killed millions of aliens?
The Aquars were trying to save me.
They might have had some ulterior motives, but it’s obvious they were bringing salvation to at least some women.

I closed my eyes.
I couldn’t do it.
I wouldn’t.

It was wrong for the Aquars to put me in this position.

That meant I was going to let Inga go back home with her husband.
Her stubborn asshole husband who let his servant torture her.
The jerk who thought women should be punished for speaking their mind, and who wouldn’t let her talk to other women.

If I was her, wouldn’t I be just as desperate to escape?

I wrapped myself in a blanket and climbed out of bed.
There were some Domestics in the room, but none of them were paying attention to me.
I got the control unit out of the drawer and hid my hand under the blanket.

As I crossed to my bathroom I could hear my pulse thumping in my temples.
Did this mean I was going to help her?
I didn’t want to concede that.
I was just getting it because if I changed my mind later I wouldn’t have another chance to swipe it.


I climbed into the shower with a sigh that ended in sobs.

Damn it.

I was going help that nasty girl.
God help me.


I wore my regular black dress so I could hide the control unit in my bra.
When Kang smooshed me for the landing I thought for sure he’d feel it.
The idiocy of my paranoia struck me.
His clunky box body probably couldn’t feel much of anything.

The six of us descended to the lower belly of the ship, where the ‘Defenders’ (Domestics bulked with armor who had tank treads instead of wheels) were stored.
The angular wall in front of us opened like a gangplank downward.
I saw green and could hear birds.
Eight Defenders emerged from the clutch of several hundred behind us and flanked our sides.
Elentinus waited until they were in place and then led us out onto planet Earth.

Inga barely got off the gangplank before dropping on her knees on the tall grass.

“Oh, God.”
She plucked a crocus from the dense weeds.
“Is it Russia?
Tell me.”

I came beside her.
“It’s America.”

She got teary.
“I always…always wanted to go there.
But now?
What’s the fucking point?”
She clutched the grass while breaking into sobs.

Rolf-Tem nudged her butt with his toe.
Let’s move along.”

I snarled at him.
“Give her a minute!”

He lifted his nose and took a few steps away to join Whore.
The two commenced with their idle chatter:
“Is any of this vegetation edible?”
“The humans’ stomachs are too delicate, but their animals can eat it and they can eat the animals.”

I surveyed the landscape.
I couldn’t see the overpasses this time.
We were in wild pasture.
A few young trees were scattered among clean-cut stumps that had moss and mushrooms growing on them.
There was a dirt road ahead of us fighting encroaching crab grass.
It led to what looked like an army base about 30 yards away.
Hundreds of long domed barracks were spread out before us, probably filling up a square mile.

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