All About Charming Alice (11 page)

Read All About Charming Alice Online

Authors: J. Arlene Culiner

Tags: #romance, #contemporary

BOOK: All About Charming Alice
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What was Plan B exactly? Plan B was an excellent idea. It was an almost sure method for knocking rivals out of the scene, rivals like that Brad what’s-his-name from Two Posts — if Brad really did exist. “Because,” Jace reasoned, “where is dear, old Rancher Brad? He certainly never shows his nose around here.”

Alice never seemed to go out on mysterious dates, either. So, was Rancher Brad really and truly a serious rival? He doubted it.

Those were the sorts of thoughts that had kept him awake half the night. And that was how he’d conceived of Plan B. It was simple, easy to put into motion. It consisted in keeping things as cool as he possibly could with Alice. Until she came to the conclusion that he was irresistible. She
attracted to him. He knew it, could feel it, could see it in the way she looked at him, even if she refused to acknowledge or accept that. Look how she kept on shoving up barriers between the two of them.

No, Plan B was the only way to charm Alice that he could figure out. If that didn’t work, well, he’d have to negotiate Plan C or D or Z. He wanted her. She fascinated him. He loved being with her, talking to her. He …

The coffee was ready. Jace filled a large cup and headed back upstairs. Pausing in the hallway outside of Alice’s bedroom, he listened. Not a sound. Did she lock her door at night? He held his breath and turned the knob. No, she didn’t. His heart gave a satisfied little thump. She trusted him to a certain extent, at least.

For a minute or two, Jace simply stood still in the open doorway, waiting until his eyes got used to the dim light and things could take shape. Those furry lumps on the floor around the bed were dogs he knew, because their tails were flapping softly in their usual brief welcome. As for the large beautiful room, it was touched by soft pastel and shadow. And filled with ancient pieces of furniture, most of them covered with books.

Jace smiled. He could just imagine Alice spending long dark winter evenings, reading by the light of that bedside lamp. Yes that would be a nice way to pass evenings, all right: on that bed with Alice beside him.

No. His thoughts were going in a dangerous direction, at the moment.
Think of Plan B!

She was there, in that big four-poster bed right now. Without him. Sound asleep, lying under a pale silken counterpane, head turned slightly to one side, her arms flung out beside her in the innocent way of a child. Her tangle of shining hair spread out over the pillows, down over her naked shoulders. He approached, fascinated.

How peaceful she looked, how lovely, like a princess in a fairy tale. The princess condemned to sleep until the prince found her and woke her with a kiss.

Carefully, he put the coffee cup down on the wooden night table, between two piles of books. A kiss? Plan B didn’t include kissing. However, like all good plans, Plan B didn’t have to be followed strictly to the letter. There had to be
leeway allowed.

He bent down and kissed her gently. Beautiful lips, he thought. Irresistible.

And like a fairy tale princess, her lids fluttered and she abandoned sleep. Her eyes opened and she found him standing there. He watched as the softest, most tender expression crossed her face.

Was he the one still dreaming? He wasn’t. But a swell of joy filled his heart, astonishing him. Those first sleepy seconds had told him the truth about her feelings. She hadn’t had time to hide, be defensive.

“Jace! I was dreaming about you.”

He felt his knees weaken. “If the dreams you’re having about me are anything like the ones I have about you, Princess, it’s a miracle you manage to sleep at all.” Then felt like kicking himself! Plan B didn’t allow him to say things like that, even if they were true.

“Princess? You called me Princess?” She stared at him, her eyes still full of tenderness, astonishment. And then, as if a horribly unpleasant thought suddenly seared across her mind, the softness vanished. “What are you doing here in my bedroom?” She shot to a sitting position. Or almost did. Instantly, she clutched at the sheet and crossed her arms in front of her.

Which is when Jace realized the significance of the naked shoulders. He grinned wickedly. “Alice Treemont, you astound me.”

She met his gaze with embarrassed defiance. “Now what have I done?”

“You sleep naked,” he said simply. “That’s a very exciting idea.” Impossible to keep the huskiness out of his voice. Damn it. Plan B was being shot to hell. Because if there was one thing he longed to do more than anything else was to take those lips of hers again, to pry that sheet out of her hands, to fold it back and reveal her nakedness. He wanted to see her, to see her breasts, kiss their tips, trace a line to her belly with his mouth, go lower, deeper, kiss every inch of her.

He pulled himself back sharply. Just the thought of what he’d like to be doing with Alice caused an almost uncontrollable jolt of desire to shoot though him. His fingers twitched, wanting to touch, to caress. But he couldn’t do that.

Instead, he reached for the coffee cup, offered it to her.

“Hot and freshly made. Milk and no sugar, the way you like it.” With great effort he managed to control his face, keep it devoid of expression.

Which was more than could be said for Alice. She had blushed a fiery pink, didn’t dare look at him. As if one of her deep dark secrets had been found out. “What’s wrong with sleeping in the nude? And why do I have to justify myself? This is too much! First you invade my house, now you invade my bedroom.”

“I’m waiting for you to take this cup.” The rich smell of fresh coffee wafted through the air.

She opened her mouth, closed it again, as if seeing the uselessness of argument. Still holding the sheet tightly against her breasts with one hand, she leaned back against the pillows, reached out for the cup with the other. Her mouth curved upward. “It’s awfully nice of you to bring me coffee in bed. Milk and no sugar: how did you notice such a banal detail?”

“How people like their coffee is no banal detail.”

“Okay.” The smile became a grin. “And, by the way, what are you doing up so early?”

“Early? It’s ten o’clock.”

“Ten!” Her eyes opened wide. “Impossible. I never sleep until ten. I have to get up and make your breakfast! You’re always out of the house by this time.” She reached to put her cup on the table, but he stopped her movement.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m taking the day off. And I’m in charge of breakfast this morning. It’ll be waiting for you in the kitchen.”

“Jace. No.”

“If you go argue with the wind, it’ll be just as useful!” he said, heading for the door. “Drink your coffee and luxuriate. Be happy you have a slave for once.”

He was feeling inordinately pleased. By the look of it, he’d just won a battle. Not the war, of course, not yet. Still, Plan B seemed to be the best thing to hit civilization since black licorice.

• • •

An hour and a half later, the sound of loud banging had Alice shooting out of her office and through the front door. What was going on? It sounded as if a whole wrecking crew was slugging away at the very walls of her house. Any second now, the whole entire building would collapse into a vast heap of dust and shattered sticks of furniture.

She found Jace sitting on the ground beside the veranda, nails sticking out of his mouth, a hammer in his hand and a stack of thick old wooden beams beside him. Now what was this absolutely infuriating person up to? He wasn’t going to make her life miserable all day long, was he? Yes, it looked like he was.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

He turned his head, gazed at her, nonchalantly. Took the nails out of his mouth and whistled lasciviously. “Jeans. I didn’t even know you owned a pair of jeans. I like your hair like that, too.”

She blushed. She’d pinned her hair back in a low, loose chignon but would rather have been eaten by ants than admit she’d taken special care with her appearance this morning. Why? Because she really did want to please him. “Jace, I want an answer. What are you doing?”

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you a house needs upkeep? If you want this place to be standing in another one hundred and fifty years, there are things that have to be done. Urgently. This joist here, for example. It needs to be reinforced so I’m doing just that.”

“You’ve no right!” She leaned forward aggressively, hands balled into fists.

He shook his head, eyes twinkling. “A man likes to catch up on home repairs on his day off.”

“This is my house, not yours!”

“Quite right. You own the house. But just now, this happens to be my home.” He put a nail into place and banged away at it.

All Alice could do was stand there, wait patiently for the noise to stop so she could continue the argument. God, he was infuriating. “It isn’t
home! Your home is in Chicago.”

“My apartment is in Chicago. That’s true enough. A nice, big, flashy apartment with expensive, modern furniture. I’ve also just worked out that it’s perfectly impersonal and soulless. Just an apartment, get it? Not a home. This place is a
. A
home. And I feel like helping you protect it.” He began attacking another nail. Stopped. Looked at her. “And when I’m finished with this job, the veranda isn’t going to cave in like it was threatening to do. And, by the way, I’m not stopping with the veranda. There’s all the rest.” The wide gesture he made encompassed the whole house, the yard, the road.

“The entire state of Nevada, in fact,” Alice muttered sourly, and continued glaring at him ferociously hoping he’d eventually take the hint or feel intimidated. But since he didn’t even bother looking up again, her effort was wasted. Besides, not only was he right, he was also doing her a big favor. He might be gone in a few weeks’ time but the veranda wouldn’t be.

She turned to go back into the house.


She stopped. “Now what?” She forced herself to look forbidding.

“When I’m finished here, we’ll take the dogs for a walk. Together. I’d like you to show me more of the desert.”

“No way.” What would he come up with next? What was he trying to do? Run a revolution? “I go on my walks alone.”

“Not today you aren’t. I even bought a pair of walking boots just like yours, and today’s the day I’ll be testing them.” His eyes twinkled mischievously. “Besides, it’s Saturday, and I promised Killer we’d go walking on Saturday. Can’t disappoint Killer like that, Princess. Could mess up his psyche.”

“Why are you calling me Princess?” she asked suspiciously.

His grin broadened. “Private joke.”

“Between you and who else? Killer?” Exasperated, Alice stomped back into the house, but not before she heard him begin whistling a vaguely familiar tune. What was that melody? She paused, listened, searched her mind. The words rushed into her head:
You’ll never walk alone.

No. He really was pushing things too far. Making fun of her too. Not that there was anything she could do about it. More useful for her to concentrate, get on with her work — as if she could with all that ruckus going on.

• • •

“Which way are we walking?” Jace asked, when lunch dishes had been washed and put away. They’d eaten together, of course. So that problem had been resolved. Now he found himself holding his breath, waiting for her protests about the walk to begin again.

“Hangman’s Hill,” she answered calmly, as if there’d never been the slightest opposition to his accompanying her.

“Sounds cheery.”

They went out onto the veranda where Alice whistled for the dogs and attached them on leashes.

“Are you afraid they’ll run off, become strays again?”

“That’s the least of my worries!” Her mouth twisted into a wry grimace. “Most dogs know when they’ve got a good thing going for them. I usually manage to find good homes for some and just keep the ones that no one will adopt.”

“So why the leashes?”

She shrugged. “I keep them on leashes most of the time so they won’t run wild and hunt. I let them off when I’m sure the coast is clear.”

Of course, thought Jace. He should have thought of that. Trust Alice to be softhearted about any living creature — with the exception of Jace Constant.

“Then I suppose you’ll be interested to learn that there’s a good chance the Winterback Mine area will be turned into a conservation area and wildlife refuge.”

Alice nodded, but with less enthusiasm than he’d expected. “So I’ve heard. But so far, that’s little more than rumor. The politicians have to agree to the project, and funding needs to be found. Those are two huge hurdles.”

He fell into step beside her as they set off on a dirt road behind the house, one that led over a dusty rise. Once again he admired the way she moved — her long, healthy, slightly awkward stride. It was good to be walking beside her like this. Their steps had the same range, the same swing, as if they were meant to cross the world together. It felt just right.

He also liked the way the wind fluttered the loose strands of hair that had escaped from her chignon. Still, the expression on her face hadn’t softened. Not really. She looked as proud, as defiant as ever. Not the way she’d looked at him when he’d stood by her bed this morning. He almost smiled. That had been her secret face, the one he wanted to see again. And he would; he was determined he would.

“Do you have an ulterior motive in taking me to a place called Hangman’s Hill?”

She laughed. “Is your conscience bothering you?”

“Why? Forcing my company on you doesn’t seem like a very serious crime.”

“Actually no one even knows why the place is called Hangman’s Hill. There are no gruesome old stories about the place. Except one.”

“I figured there did have to be one.” He shook his head in mock resignation.

Her golden eyes sparkled as they met his, and his heart swelled.
. The word floated lazily through his head.

“It’s not very gruesome, actually,” she continued. “As you probably know, winters here can be terribly harsh. One year, when spring thaw came, someone from the village found a frozen cow out there. At first, everyone thought it had died of starvation. Until they discovered a cowboy, alive and fairly warm, inside the dead animal. He’d been out of work like most cowboys were in the winter, and had nowhere to live. When the weather became very cold, he’d killed the cow and crawled into its corpse to survive.”

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