All Fired Up (3 page)

Read All Fired Up Online

Authors: Madelynne Ellis

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: All Fired Up
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‘That you’re not shy and that you’re totally willing to lead.’

‘Like it when I boss you about, do you?’

‘No. I like it that you care enough to care what I’m feeling.’ He gave another gulp as she took him in her mouth. ‘You make this feel so good.’ His head drooped forward so that his brow rested on the sofa arm. ‘So, so, good. Oh, fuck!’

Making him feel good was certainly her plan. Frankly she couldn’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want to make him feel good.

‘Most girls just don’t do this like you do.’

That’s right, she thought. For some reason none of them had ever thought to make sure he was happy while they were having their vacant little minds blown by his awesome licking skills. Though she was kind of grateful for that too, because otherwise how would they have ever met and made this connection?

‘This is an innate talent of yours, right? Because I can’t stand the thought of you having practised.’

She batted his thigh. ‘Rest assured that anyone I’ve been down on in the past was just the warm-up for you. Relax, Ash. Stop thinking and just feel. You’ve nothing to worry about. I’m utterly yours.’

‘You’re not tempted by Xane, or Iain?’

‘Xane’s dating my friend. That makes him an automatic no-no, and Iain, I’m sorry to say, is just way too slimy.’

She thought she sensed him smile at her response.

‘You’re the only one, Ash … Well, OK, I might not say no to Spook if he ever renounces his abstinence vow.’

Immediately, his muscles tensed.

‘Joke,’ she said, smacking his thigh. ‘I wouldn’t, even if he came in now and danced around naked, begging me to do him. Trust me.’

‘Yeah,’ he sighed, relaxing. ‘But I bet you’d watch.’

‘So would you. You’d be too shocked to do otherwise.’

‘Yes, but I wouldn’t be admiring his dick.’

‘Nope,’ she said, giving his another lick, ‘you’d be comparing. I know you too well, Ash Gore. You’re always comparing, and you really don’t need to. Now stop talking and let me do this.’

She sucked him deep, and let him fill her mouth, allowing him to set the pace rather than attempting to spur him towards the finishing line. She knew that only made him less likely to get there. Ash was wired for stamina, not speed. He could be painfully aroused and still not come if his head wasn’t in the right place. A couple of people in his past had done a real number on him. If she ever got the chance, she was going to give them a right piece of her mind.

Only when the taste of him grew thick on her tongue, and his sweet little groans had turned into one long quivering moan, did she release him from her mouth. ‘Roll over,’ she insisted, crawling out from beneath him to give him space to lie on his back stretched out. His jeans lay scrunched around his thighs. Immediately, her hands went to his rigid cock – actually, one to his cock and the other to the line of his snake tattoo on his lower abs. She’d been serious about wanting to watch him come.

‘Know what I’d like? A picture of you sprawled out just like this for my bedroom wall. Do you think Spook would be pissed if I borrowed his camera?’

‘Don’t,’ Ash wheezed, his eyes coming open in alarm. ‘It’d get out.’

‘I wouldn’t let anyone else see it. It’d just be for me.’

‘Don’t, Ginny.’

‘Not one little tiny weeny shot? You let Spook take pictures of you all the time.’

‘Not any more, and those photos weren’t of me. They were of the women.’

‘Do you think? What if really he has a secret crush on you, like serious unrequited love, and taking pictures of you screwing is just a way of seeing you naked?’

‘He hasn’t. He really hasn’t. Now, are you trying to get me off or make my dick shrivel?’

‘Spoilsport,’ she muttered, planting a kiss near his belly button. ‘I was building that into such a wicked fantasy. I ought to make you pay for wrecking it.’

‘Sweetheart, I’m already a slave to your will. Whatever you care to dish out, I’ll willingly take.’

‘Is that right?’ She climbed on top of him so that she was straddling his thighs, and worked at swirling her thumb over the tip of his cock. Round and round, until his breathing became erratic, and he sank deep into the cushions with his mouth open wide.

‘Open your eyes, Ash. I want you to see what I’m doing to you. I want you to know it’s me.’

His eyelids fluttered. ‘Not … sure … I can.’

‘Sure you can. Come on now, look at me. Let me see those cute baby blues.’

He opened his eyes. ‘Ginny.’ He watched her hand working up and down his length, and his stomach muscles tensed along with his jaw. ‘Oh, God! Why is that so fucking hot? It never looked that hot before.’

‘Is this hot too?’ she asked, peeling off her skirt, and then shimmying up the sofa a fraction, so that her pussy kissed the base of his shaft. The sight and taste of him had already fired up her senses, so she was awash with liquid heat and oh, so ready to slide down on him.

‘I think you’re trying to kill me,’ he gasped.

‘You know, you’re the only man I’ve ever met who complains when I make him come.’

‘Ginny,’ he hissed, clenching his teeth as he fought to keep his eyes open.


‘I’m gonna …’

‘Yeah, I know,’ she mouthed as he cried out, and his seed coated her hand and the lips of her pussy. ‘And you look so damn fucking hot.’

Chapter 3

he only downside to making Ash come – if you could even call it a downside – was that he was no longer hard enough to soothe her own nagging need. And she needed … Watching his muscles tighten and relax, and hearing the little croaks that forced their way from his throat, pushed Ginny’s libido sky-high. It gave her an intense thrill knowing this was what she did to him.

‘Come here.’ Ginny grasped the neckline of his T-shirt and tugged his shoulders off the cushions, so that he could meet her embrace. She didn’t care if his come was making a sticky mess of them both. She needed his mouth on hers, and his arms around her.

He came willingly enough, if still a tad breathless and dazzled.

Ginny covered his face in kisses. The seconds after he’d just come were the one time he truly let his guard down. It was when she could really see into his heart and see the welts left there by past lovers. It was always when he needed her to hold him the most.

‘Easy, Ginny. You know I need to breathe, right?’ He turned her about, so that she was sitting and he kneeling on the floor between her splayed legs. ‘Let me take care of you now. You know I like to keep things fair.’ As if it really mattered how many orgasms they coaxed from one another. Not that she was passing up the chance of feeling his magic tongue do its work. No chance. Never ever.

‘Now, where’s that pretty jewellery of yours?’ Ash kissed his way up her inner thigh, but stopped short of actually touching the almost bare, plump, pink swell of her pussy. Instead, he paused while she held her breath and let her anticipation build until she was trembling. Only then, when she was practically dying for it, did he flick his tongue across her sensitive lips and home in on her clit. The shiver of pleasure rolled through her tensed muscles.

Ginny fought off his grip on her wrists and pushed her hands into his hair instead.

OK. Yeah.

She knew all too well what miracles he could work with his tongue, and how intense it felt when he played with her piercing. All he had to do was suck a little, just like that, and tug a little … and she was gone, gulping for oxygen while inwardly screaming his name.

Ash gave her a moment to breathe while her thighs shook, then he buried his head again and devoted himself to making her damn well float. Ginny clung to him. It wasn’t long before she was coming against his mouth and he was coaxing aftershocks from her.

‘Please tell me you’re hard enough to fuck me,’ she said, blinking open her eyes. Once was never enough. Not with him. Not ever with him. If she never fucked another guy again, she knew she’d be content knowing Ash was there for her. He rolled away from the sofa so that he was sprawled on his back with his jeans now around his ankles, and she could see his cock jutting up from his body at an angle.

‘Always, for you.’

Ginny crawled off the sofa and over to him, shedding clothing as she went. She made sure to grab her purse and fish out some protection. No messing, she had him dressed and ready in seconds. Sometimes you just didn’t want to sit around and wait for bliss to happen. It had to be now. Immediate.

She sank down slowly, let him fill her up. Then they were bucking and rolling, fighting for who was on top. She wrapped her legs tight around him as he went deep, let him drive into her hard for a few strokes before she toppled him onto his back again and held him there while she rolled her hips in time with his upward thrusts.

‘Tell me you love me,’ he croaked, voice thick with emotion.

‘Seriously? Ash, you’re fucking amazing. What’s not to adore? I love every bit of you. The way you move, the way you hold your guitar, even the stupid grin you get on your face when Xane listens to you. I love how you kiss me, like I taste of nectar, and the way you shave every time you think you might get a chance to go down on me.’

None of which was quite what he’d asked, but it did what it needed to and salved his skinned emotions. She didn’t know why his self-esteem was so bent out of shape. He was at the top of his game, a total rock superstar, and he was one of the best, most considerate lovers she’d ever had the pleasure to get in the sack. Yet still he needed these assurances that he was valued.

Ginny cuddled him close while their bodies continued to dance together in an age-old rhythm. She wished she understood why he was so damned insecure. Something was behind it, and she didn’t think it was just because his life was so up in the clouds most days that it was impossible to see the ground.

‘Squeeze me tighter,’ he insisted, while pushing her away from his body. They were both dripping with sweat, and the front of his long hair was stuck to his skin. His hands went to her breasts and played with her nipples, while she did as he asked and hugged him with her inner muscles.

‘Feels so good, like you’re pulling me right in.’

It took concentration, which she didn’t have much of when he was doing her this good, but he was right, it did feel amazing. Ginny continued to flutter the muscles of her sheath around him as he pushed upwards so that she was sitting in his lap, and his hands were in her hair and his lips desperately savaging her open mouth. Her finger curled against his back, scratching the skin.

Her climax almost sneaked up on her. She didn’t realise how close he’d brought her until her body started to convulse, and her breathing turned into one long gasp.

‘Hold on. Hold on,’ Ash begged, his teeth gritted as he made their bodies slap together a little hard. ‘I’m almost … Oh, God. Oh, Ginny, hold on. I’m almost there.’

Her muscles trembled, protesting as she fought to hold off the inevitable. The moment she felt his cock pulse inside her, she let go, let the endorphin rush wash over her and make everything so goddamned right. Even the pulse of her orgasm seemed to coincide perfectly with his equally powerful release.

‘Yes, I love you,’ she admitted. She loved him and she loved being this close to him. She prayed the feeling would never fade or grow old.

It wasn’t unusual for Ash to have tears in his eyes after they made love. He lost it completely when he came, was flattened by his emotions, but she’d never genuinely seen him cry like this, with tears running down his cheeks and his mewls of content transformed into sobs.


He buried his face against her shoulder. ‘I don’t want to let go.’

‘Shh.’ She stroked his head. ‘You don’t have to. You don’t ever have to.’

‘But I do. I need to be on the stupid tour bus in about forty seconds.’

‘Forty seconds’ she took as a slight exaggeration. If the tour bus needed to depart that soon, someone would have come to get him. Still, even so. ‘Why’s that a problem? You’ve a bunk, haven’t you, that we can finish this in?’

To her surprise, he started shaking his head. ‘No, we can’t.’ He looked up at her. His cheeks were flushed from their recent exertion, rosy across their ridges. A little of her lipstick was smeared across his jaw, but his brows were furrowed in a way that not even the long fringe of hair that half-covered his face could hide. ‘You can’t come on the bus.’

‘What?’ she said, as the implications of that sentence sank in. ‘Why not?’ OK, Ash had never specifically told her that she could join him on the tour, but neither had he given the impression she wasn’t invited. ‘If you’re joking, or you’re going to state some poxy rule about no one but the band being allowed on the bus, then I’m not going to be impressed. And it’s bollocks anyway. I know perfectly well that Dani’s accompanying Xane.’

‘That’s different,’ he mumbled, his gaze sliding away from her face to a point someway down her body.

‘How so? Dani’s Xane’s girlfriend, and I’m yours.’

‘People know about them. They don’t know about us, and that’s how I want to keep it.’

‘S’cuse me!’ Ginny scuttled out of his lap and stood looking down at him, hurt and confused. ‘I don’t understand. Do you mean the rest of the band aren’t aware that we’re an item?’

He covered his face with one hand as he shook his head.

‘Ash, how can they not know? They’re your friends.’

‘Because I haven’t told them. He scraped one hand through his hair, so that he held the strands away from his face, and looked at her. ‘And I don’t intend to.’

All she could do was gape at him, while attempting to make her vocal cords work. ‘But … but … are you embarrassed by me?’


‘Am I OK to shag, but not good enough to be seen with in public?’


‘Then why?’

He shook his head slowly, making his black hair swish. ‘I’m sorry.’ He rose to his feet and tried to embrace her, but Ginny shifted backwards out of his reach.

‘Don’t just try to kiss me, as if it’ll make everything better. You need to give me a proper explanation. Why doesn’t anyone know about us, Ash?’

‘Because it’s none of their damn business,’ he snapped. He wrenched up his jeans and buckled the belt. ‘What we have is between us. Nobody else needs to have anything to do with it.’

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