All Grown Up (33 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

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, Mr. Mackey, I think we should get the luggage into the bedroom," she smiled.

, Mrs. Mackey." I couldn’t help but feel giddy when I said that. Chloe was my wife. She was Chloe Mackey.

While Chloe took a shower
, I set up wine, cheese, fruit, blankets and pillows around the fireplace. By the time she came downstairs in her pajamas, I had everything ready and the smile on her face was all the reward I needed.

We sat drinking wine and snacking on the food while we talked. The past was a main topic of discussion for about an hour and then we discussed Anthony; how smart he was, his sense of humor, that he had already shown signs of Chloe’s sarcasm, and that he was definitely musical like me.

"I bet you were beautiful," I said without thinking.

"Huh?" Chloe, who was lying next to my with her head on my left arm, tilted her head up to look at me in confusion.

"Uh…when you were pregnant with Anthony," I smiled and looked away. I know how guilty she still felt and I didn’t want her to feel that way tonight.

," she said quietly and returned her head to its original position.
Shit! I just killed the mood.




Seeing the way Leo’s face lit up and at the same time was so saddened at Anthony’s updated birth certificate really ripped my heart apart. He had missed so much with Anthony and it was entirely my fault.

When we had gone out to dinner that night our conversation was so easy and light, but I could tell that Leo had something on his mind. I was waiting for him to decide he was ready to talk
about it. Once I heard him say that he wanted to ask me something and I looked at his face, I was almost distraught. Had he finally wised up to what a bad person I was and decided that we should end this? His face was so nervous and scared that it’s all I could think.

His proposing to me
was not something I had been ready for. I was completely shocked. I listened to him and my first reaction was to object and be cautious, but then I did what I never seemed to be able to do before, I let go and let my heart decide. I said yes.

Lying with him in this cabin
, talking about the past, present, future, listening to him talk about Anthony, I pictured his face the day at his office over the birth certificate.

"I bet you were beautiful
," he seemed to blurt out.

"Huh?" I wasn’t sure if I had missed something.

"Uh…when you were pregnant with Anthony," he smiled at me and quickly avoided looking at me.

Guilt instantly set in, like it always did. "Oh
," was the only response I could give. My mind was spinning and things were flashing behind my eyelids as I closed my eyes and nuzzled up to Leo’s side; Leo seeing Anthony for the first time at Roni’s, him being with Anthony in the hospital, his face as he went through Anthony’s baby and photo books, the way he looked in his office a few weeks ago. It was then that I completely realized my feelings at each of those Moments and it wasn’t just guilt. It was a plethora of emotions; relief, excitement, joy. A few weeks ago it was longing; longing to have another child with Leo.

I rolled over and climbed up his body
, biting my lip just because I knew that it drove him crazy.

"Chloe…that lip…" he warned. I smiled then bit my lip again as I pressed my lips to his.

I took his bottom lip into my mouth and bit gently on it. His tongue plunged into my mouth and his hands were in my hair. I was gripping his shirt as our kiss deepened and became more animalistic.

Our bodies instantly started to react to each other
’s kiss and touch. I ran my hands down his chest and propped myself up so I could grab the hem of his t-shirt. His mouth moved to my neck and he lightly bit between my neck and shoulder. I instantly went primal, yanking his shirt over his head and growling at the sight of his chest.

Planting wet
, open-mouthed kisses on his chest, I pushed his gym shorts to his ankles where he kicked them off. I  thanked God that he had skipped wearing underwear. I licked him from base to tip and slightly sucked the tip of his cock into my mouth, swirling my tongue. He hissed in appreciation and I continued to work his cock with my mouth and hand until he was solid and rock hard for me. I slowly bobbed my head on him, his hands on my head setting the pace for him. I lightly slid my teeth over the flesh of his erection and he growled, pulling me up to his chest and rolling us over.

I could see the primal lust in his eyes too. He tore my silk
camisole top away from my skin. His mouth attacked my right breast as his left hand pushed my silky bottoms down to my knees. He hooked his foot in my pants and pushed them down so I could kick them off.

Leo placed his magic
al fingers between my wet lips. sliding up and down until I bucked my hips. He moved his two fingers to my swollen clit and began to rub slowly, driving me crazy. When he slid the two fingers down my slit and inside of me, I groaned loudly and fisted his hair tightly. As he pumped his fingers into me, I felt my body tighten and clench down around him. I screamed his name out loud and could feel his smile on my breast as I panted, trying to catch my breath.

, he was between my legs and reaching over to something above me. I was kissing his stomach, feeling him shiver when I would lightly bite on his skin.

, he returned to me and pressed his lips to mine forcefully. "You are so amazing," he moaned into my mouth.

"Fuck me
, Leo." I growled into his ear. I felt his body shift and I heard a crumpling sound, instantly realizing that it was a condom. I reached my hand down between us and stopped him as he was about to roll on the latex. His eyes shot up to me as I pulled the condom away and threw it away from us. "Fuck me, Leo,” I growled again and bit my lip. I pushed forward and he started his slow but powerful thrusts. The smoldering soon built into a flame that would put our fireplace to shame. I began to push my hips up faster and harder against him as he increased his plunging.

God…Leo…fuck!" I moaned out as I dug one hand into his shoulder and the other fisted tightly into his hair.

"Too perfect…fuck
, Chloe…you feel so fucking good!" He moaned into my neck before licking and sucking on my skin.

e pushed my legs up to my chest and sunk deeper into me sending me over the edge of ecstasy in his swift, deep move. I screamed his name and my pussy clenched around his cock. That was all he needed to let go and call out my name as he released his orgasm into me.

Both of us were out of breath and were tangled together on the floor in front of the fireplace
. I had never felt so happy, so fulfilled, in all my life.


Chapter Thirty
Three and A Half Years


One Year

A few months after Leo and I were married
, Mina and Oliver welcomed Jasmine into the world. A beautiful, tiny, little girl with a whisper of blond hair like Mina and bright, blue eyes like Oliver. She was so sweet and absolutely spoiled by everyone.

Mina started to design all of Jasmine’s clothes and soon found that she had requests for her baby designs. This got Mina into her newest business
, Fashion Pixie Baby Boutique. She had multiple locations throughout the country; California, New York, Seattle, Dallas, Miami, and still growing. As Jasmine got older, Mina has started designing for toddlers, children and teens. After three years, this led to the development of Boutiques aimed toward the teen demographic. She was truly a brand.

Christopher Robert Mackey arrived almost a year after Leo and I were married. He had dark brown hair and
hazel eyes. From the moment that Leo found out I was pregnant, I couldn’t keep his hands off of my stomach or out of my pants. The larger my belly became, the more he would attack me.

He insisted on being at every doctor’s appointment, watching me shower, drying me off and even bought me maternity clothing that were supposed to fit snugly to my body. I teased him that he wouldn’t want me anymore when my belly was gone. Leo had smirked and responded simply
, "looks like I’ll just have to keep you pregnant then." I had smacked him and laughed.

The first time that he felt Christopher move and kick inside me
, we called out of work. Instead, we stayed in bed all day with his head or hand on my stomach, discussing names and the nursery.

Anthony was excited about the baby
. Although, when he felt the baby kick, he crinkled up his nose and walked away. From that moment on, he didn’t want to touch my stomach. We found this amusing.

I don’t think that there had ever been a prouder father in the hospital the day that Leo watched me give birth to Christopher. He was
so supportive throughout the delivery and the tears that I saw from his eyes when they placed Christopher onto my stomach, made my heart burst with joy. Leo held him close to his chest without any fear. He was a constant in our first days home from the hospital. Even though we had plenty of help and support from friends and family, Leo was determined to do it all for me. While I thought that being pregnant was the largest turn on for Leo, I was wrong.

would watch me breastfeed or sleep with Christopher and the moment he could get me alone, his hands were all over me. "Do you realize how beautiful it is to watch you with our son?" He had mumbled into my neck as he pressed me against the wall outside of Christopher’s room one day. The moment that we were able to have sex again was the most intense night we had ever had. He had made me come at least six times that night and had taken me lovingly, forcefully, from behind, me on top, him on top, against the shower wall and any other way imaginable.


Two Years

Two years after Leo and I had been married
, Max was injured in a game and could no longer play in the NFL. He was disappointed but was happy to be home with Roni and the kids. Roni was the biggest surprise of us all. Miss Independent was the PTA leading, mini-van driving, soccer Mom of the year. I swear, she was on every school committee that she could volunteer for and ran fundraisers for soccer and ballet.

Roni and Max had become foster parents to a set of twins and eventually adopted them. Irina and Carmen were three years old when the adoption was finalized. Roni was super
Mom. She put me to shame.

Max couldn’t stay away from football and Roni knew it
. So, when her school association friends had mentioned that WSU was looking for a football coach, she immediately pushed Max to look into it. Now Max was in his second year of coaching college football.

Anthony was six and going into
first grade and Christopher was a little over a year old when Leo told me what he wanted for our anniversary.


"Yeah?" I said over some papers that I was reading in our home office.

Both of our companies had negotiated a merger that allowed for the companies to function somewhat separately
while being owned by CLM. CLM was the joint company that Leo and I had created after I bought out most of Aron’s stake in the label.

Aron had been looking to retire, so I offered to buy most of his stock and
, in return, he would keep a percentage. This move made me the primary owner of the company which, in turn, became Leo’s with the merger. With the kids, I worked part time in the office and part time at home. Leo worked mostly at the office.

"Our anniversary is coming up
." I looked up from the contracts and smirked.

, it is. Did you just remember that?" I giggled as I put the contracts back into a folder.

," he smirked at me. "I was just thinking about what we should do, that’s all."

"I think that staying home with the kids and having a movie marathon would be idea
l," I smiled brightly. I loved when we all were together; no soccer, no preschool, no work. Just us.

"Hmmm…that sounds good
," he smiled widely. "However, do you think that I will be able to get you alone at some point, Mrs. Mackey?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

I laughed. "You have me alone with you now
, Mr. Mackey."

Leo stood and walked around the desk
, pulling me up from my chair. His lips met mine and his tongue separated my lips. I moaned into his mouth and gripped his biceps. I felt the desk against the back of my thighs and his hands as they lifted me onto the desk. He pushed my skirt up mid-thigh and stood between my knees as he pulled back slightly.

," I panted out, "what is it that you need me alone for?" I said as seductively as I could before licking and biting my lip.

He crushed his mouth to mine and slid his hands over my ass
, gripping firmly. Then he pulled back to answer me, "hmmm…I’m just thinking about how nice a little girl would be."

Leo attacked my neck
, licking and sucking at my flesh. "A little girl?" I questioned breathlessly.

Mmhmm," he said into my neck.

"Leo I…." he cut me off.

"I want to see your belly grow with our child again," he looked into my eyes. "I want to make another beautiful child. I want to see you carry, give birth and breastfeed my baby again."

"I just…"

"Chloe, I love you." He crushed his lips to mine and slid his fingers to the inside of my thighs.

The light touch of his fingertips across my cotton covered core made me shiver and groan.

"Mmm…you’re getting hotter," he whispered into my ear. "I want to make you so wet and so hot that I make you scream out my name so many times the neighbors come to check on us." I felt my underwear instantly dampen as the words rolled off his tongue. The tongue that was currently flicking at my earlobe.

Leo brought me over the edge of ecstasy three times as he fucked me on the office desk
, making me scream out for him each time. As he crashed over the edge, he groaned out my name into my chest.


Three Years

Lily Alexandra Mackey was born with brown hair that held bronze and red highlights as it grew. Her eyes were as green as her father
’s and, from the moment she was born, Leo was hooked. He loved all of our children, but this little girl was his ‘baby girl’, his ‘princess’. ‘Princess Lily’ was brought home to the pinkest and most fairytale like room that any little girl could want. Leo had done it all. She was doted on constantly by her big brothers, who were already very protective of her. If anyone picked her up and held her, they were standing ‘guard’ near them and watching intently. If she cried, Anthony or Chris would immediately put their arms up to hold her or to instruct others to take her back to Momma or Daddy. She had those two little boys wrapped around her tiny pink finger.


Three and a Half Years

Anthony was now seven, Christopher was two and Lily was almost one. They were all staying with Grandpa Kenneth and Grandma Judith tonight.

I had my car filled with blankets, coolers and food. As I drove through Tillamook, I couldn’t help but think of all the things that had happened; some good, some bad, and some great. I was pulled away from my reminiscing by the sound of my cell phone ringing.


"Chloe, did you get everything?" Mina asked in a rushed tone.

"Yes. Where are you and why do you sound…" she cut me off.

"I just dropped Jasmine off at Mom and dads and I am rushing to get everything set up." I shook my head and continued to listen to her rant. "I have to get it just right, you know? It’s been forever." She giggled.

"Yes it has and Mina?"


"This was a brilliant idea. Thanks!"

"Of course it’s brilliant…I thought of it!" She laughed and hung up.

It was a little less than a month ago when Mina had called for an ‘EGL’ – emergency girl’s lunch. I was immediately worried that something was wrong
. Thankfully, I was the one that was wrong.

, ladies, I am calling this lunch with a purpose." Mina sat up straight at the table and pounded her fist on the table like she was a judge. Roni and I laughed. Mina winked at us. "Okay…as I was going to say, we all have been way too wrapped up in our own lives and I think that it’s time for a girl’s night."

Roni and I looked
warily at her as she said ‘girls night’. There were so many things that Mina could be thinking of doing. However, what she had planned was beyond perfect.

About thirty minutes after I had hung up with Mina
, I pulled into the parking area at the beach. Mina was busily moving around, setting up torches and pushing wood into the fire pit.

I was pulling out the blankets and coolers when Roni pulled up smiling widely
. Christy in her passenger seat. They climbed out and we all hugged before we started moving our stuff down to the beach.

After we ate hotdogs and chips
, we started making smores. We laughed as we talked about the many parties that we had come to on the beach; when Christy had to tell Kenneth and Judith that she was pregnant, the weirdness of Leo and me now being together with three kids, Roni being the super PTA Mom, past boyfriends.

Mina got the music going and our next conversation turned into a sex conversation
, courtesy of Roni, of course.

"Max likes for me to take charge and be dominating

I'd just tak
en a sip and ended up spitting it out all over.

, no…I need to know, now!" Mina giggled.

," she started to laugh harder, "likes to be spanked." We burst into hysterics.

, no…wait…Randy likes to pretend that I am the maid and his
is away—"

ur laughter cut her off and she doubled over.

We found humor in the stories, but the a
lcohol was a definite factor. "No…no…listen," she was trying to catch her breath and speak at the same time. "He bought me an outfit to wear and I have to call him Mr. Snyder!" She spit out before we laughed again.

God! I will never be able to look at Randy again." I was almost in tears. Christy pushed me.

, come on, Mina, we all know that behind that calm façade, Oliver’s a freak," I teased.

Mina started to laugh uncontrollably. "What?" I asked
with wide eyes. "Am I right?! I am! Aren’t I?"

She took in a huge breath and tried to calm down. "You know that Oliver likes history…" we all nodded
, "well, he has me dress up in this Southern Belle costume…." our giggles erupted already. "and he likes to play the dominating, Southern Civil War soldier…" She couldn’t finish because our faces had her in a fit of laughter. Then she spit out one last thing. "He even uses a long southern drawl and he has me use it too!"

"That’s it…I’m going to piss my pants!" I held my sides in laughter. We sounded like

"Who would have guessed that they were all such freaks and that you three all participate in that sort of thing
," I teased them.

, not so fast, Miss Chloe!" Mina pointed her finger at me. "He may be my brother, but it’s time to spill and spill it now! What does my freaking brother like?!”

Look, compared to you guys, he’s not such a freak,” I laughed.

“We will be the judge
of that,” Roni ordered.

He likes when I bite my lip…it does him in every time. Oh, and when I pull on his hair." I shrugged.

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