All Hallows Heartbreaker (2 page)

Read All Hallows Heartbreaker Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

BOOK: All Hallows Heartbreaker
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“Damn Monica and her costume,” she muttered. When Monica had lent her the Vampira outfit, she obviously hadn’t taken into consideration the two-cup difference in their sizes.

Emmy took another deep gasp of air and headed toward the center of the dance floor. That’s where Monica was most likely to be.

Emmy didn’t recognize a soul. This West Seattle tavern, next to the waterway and Elliot Bay, wasn’t the sort of place Emmy was accustomed to.

“Excuse me. Pardon me,” she said, as she sidled between gyrating bodies, but soon realized no one heard her above the deafening music. And worse, she was the only person dressed for Halloween. “Monica is so dead. Why did I bother with an hour of makeup and this stupid costume when everyone else is wearing Dollar Store fangs?”

“Talking to yourself again?” Monica drawled into her ear.

Emmy whirled. “Don’t do that!”

“I see you made it,” Monica said, grinning. She flicked a lock of brown hair over her shoulder. “I knew the outfit would be delicious on you.”

Emmy took in her friend’s appearance and frowned. “Your fangs look pretty darn good, up close. But your blue jeans and tank are the scariest,” Emmy grumbled. “What’s with this place? Don’t they know it’s Spooky Night? Or did I get my days crossed?” Then she realized Monica hadn’t even bothered changing what she’d worn at lunch before coming to the club. Monica must have been in a hurry. Must be a new man.

“Come,” Monica said, grabbing her hand and pulling her toward a dark corner. “Now that you’re finally here, I have friends I want you to meet.”

Emmy tried to dig in her heels. “When you say friends, you mean guys, don’t you? Monica, I don’t think I’m ready for this whole getting-back-up-on-the-horse-that-kicked-you thing.”

“Shut up, Emmy. My friends will love you.”

“I’m sure they will, with my boobs pushed up to my chin and this tourniquet squeezing my waist to nothing. I’m sure I’ve lost a few brain cells already to asphyxiation.”

Emmy tugged, trying to free her hand, but Monica continued to pull her toward the corner. “You should rethink this whole blind date thing. Your friends aren’t going to know the real me. When they see me in daylight, they’ll think I exploded!”

Monica looked over her shoulder. “Trust me. That will never happen.”

Before Emmy could utter another protest, Monica halted in front of a group of young men. Emmy’s heart sank. “You know I almost thought this might be the night, but Monica—” she pulled her friend close enough to hiss into her ear, “Are you out of your mind? They’re teenagers! What are you going to do, introduce me as Auntie Em?”

“Not them, silly. Him!” Monica placed a hand in the middle of her back and shoved.

Startled, Emmy had only a moment to note a black leather jacket that clothed a tall, lean frame, and then she was hugging it to keep her balance. “Sorry, that was awfully clumsy of…” She looked up into a cold, harshly sculpted face, framed by dark hair that brushed the shoulders of the jacket. “…my friend.”

“What have you brought me, Monica?” the man asked. The smile playing at the corner of his lips didn’t relieve Emmy’s sense of unease.

“An appetizer,” Monica drawled, then giggled.

“You know, I’m not the least bit hungry,” Emmy said, trying to lighten the atmosphere that had suddenly grown dense as mud.

“I almost always am.” The man looked down at Emmy, and then leaned forward.

She screwed her eyes closed and sucked in her lips.
No way is he going to kiss me. Monica, what were you thinking?
Instead of a kiss, he licked the side of her face.

Her eyes flew open. “I think I’m coming down with a bug.” Not averse to licking, but concerned they hadn’t been introduced, Emmy couldn’t stop her nervous prattle. “Licking me could be hazardous to your health. I might have Monkey Pox. I should go home and call the CDC.”

Before she could back away, his arms wrapped around her like a vise.

“Then again,” she said, pushing against his shoulders, “maybe I should just introduce myself since Monica hasn’t seen fit.” She strained to look behind her, but her friend was nowhere to be seen. “Typical,” she muttered.

She turned back to find the man nuzzling her neck and emitting a growl that would have sounded incredibly sexy, except that it tickled the side of her neck. “Stop that!” Turning her head to close access to that particular avenue of attack, she squealed when he hoisted her high in his arms.

His mouth was now level with the exposed flesh of her breasts, and there was too much breast thanks to Monica’s bustier. Her creamy flesh was a beacon for perverts to feast on.

Only this perv wasn’t getting any. “Oh no. No breast-licking. I mean it. Or my boyfriend is going to—”

“Join us?” Despite the deep shadows, Emmy detected amusement in the man’s expression as he gazed up into her eyes.

“Not likely,” she said, lifting her chin and sniffing. “He doesn’t like to share.”

“Is that right?” A smile stretched across his face, his teeth flashing brightly. “Tell me about him. I’d like to know my competition.”

“Well I’m sure he doesn’t have nice pointy teeth like yours, but he’s big as a bear and jealous.” Emmy had a stray thought that she sounded like Little Red Riding Hood. She almost laughed, but her predicament was getting less funny by the moment. The predatory gleam in her captor’s eyes was making her nervous. “You don’t want to upset him by being here when he arrives.”

“What does he look like? So I’ll be sure to call him over.”

Her last boyfriend had been an unimpressive shrimp. “Well, he’s big. And dark. Darker than you. His hair has a little wave, and it’s…longish. And green eyes.” She’d always wished for a lover with green eyes.

“Is there more?”

“That’s it.” She bit her lip. “D-did I tell you he’s big?”

The eyes of the devil who held her narrowed above his crocodile smile. “You know, I don’t think you have a boyfriend, least not one who sounds like he’ll give me any trouble.” His voice dropped to a sexy rasp that sent a shiver of alarm down her spine. “You’re going to have to convince me you aren’t just delaying the edible here.”

“The inevitable, don’t you mean?” Emmy blinked and almost lost the thread of the conversation when he laved his tongue along the side of her neck. “Oh I wouldn’t try to delay anything—if you were my boyfriend, that is. Although I must say, if I didn’t have a boyfriend,” she gulped, “which I may or may not have, I’d probably still not want to date you.”

“I think you would,” he whispered in her ear. “You’re dying for a walk on the wild side.”

A shiver of awareness crept along her spine. Alarmed because she was responding to his seduction, she tried one last time to deny him. “I’d never go out with you. You’re the dangerous type. And a girl knows there’s no future in a relationship with a dangerous man. I may not be the best judge of men, but even I know that.”

“Good God, does the chit ever come up for air?”

Emmy jerked toward the voice that sounded behind her. It belonged to a man who was gorgeous in a proper, stiff-upper-lip sort of way. A white dress shirt tucked into gray slacks clothed a long, lean frame—rakish, and he was blond.

Now the man standing next to him could have been tailor-made for the role of her boyfriend, because he was everything she’d described and so much more. Tall for one. Nicely muscled, if his bare arms were any hint of the corded sinew beneath his clothing. Broader—filled out in all the manly places Emmy liked to have filled out. And more dangerous looking than the scrawny ape licking the tops of her breasts. He’d do.

She smiled brightly. “Darling!”

Chapter Two


Momentarily stunned by her exuberant greeting, Dylan stared at the woman Nicky was about to ravage. With her body crushed against his nemesis, Dylan had an excellent view of the lush curve of her waist, which blended into wide hips—and an ass a man would die to pump against. To his photosensitive eyes, her hair reflected the radiance of a sun in its blonde strands. The skin of her shoulders, rosy with blushes, made his mouth water.

His cock twitched behind the fly of his blue jeans.

Quentin coughed, breaking the spell the woman’s brilliant smile had cast.

“Nicky. You know the house rules,” Dylan said, his voice roughened by his instant attraction to the woman. “No civilians.”

“I like this one. So refreshing.” Nicky nuzzled her neck and grinned lazily. “She’s a meal and a half. We could share.”

The woman slapped Nicky’s shoulder. “Oh no. I don’t go for that kinky stuff.”

“Put her down. Now.” Dylan glared daggers at the younger vamp, even as he wondered at his sudden urge to rip Nicky’s arms off.

Nicky returned his glare, appearing nonchalant about raising Dylan’s ire. “Keep your knickers on—as you Brits say.”

“You damn well know—I’m Irish.”

Nicky shrugged. “I was only having a bit of fun.” He lowered the woman to the floor.

Unsteady, she grabbed Nicky’s arm then smiled thinly at Dylan. “Well, that was entertaining. I think I’ll go find my girlfriend, Monica.”

As she walked past Dylan, he snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her to his side. “Are you talking about Monica with the brown hair and blue eyes?”

She tried to shrug out of his embrace, but only managed to set the fleshy tops of her luscious tits jiggling. “Are we doing this again? I’m tired of the game. And I won’t be surprised if you both haven’t left bruises. You guys must be doing some serious steroids.”

Dylan’s gaze lifted to her face. “You aren’t going to find Monica.”

Her wide hazel eyes met his gaze for the first time. Despite the sexy dress and the thick makeup on her eyes and mouth, there was a lively intelligence reflected in her gaze. And she was an innocent. She hadn’t a clue about the smoldering fire she’d lit in his loins.

“Why?” A frown creased her brow. “Has she already left?”

Dylan resisted the urge to draw a deep breath and bathe his hypersensitive sense of smell in her scent. “Listen, Monica isn’t your friend anymore.”

The sound of Nicky’s mocking laughter angered Dylan. To him, everything was a joke. Human life was cheap.

“Like I’m going to listen to
.” She struggled against his embrace, then frowned when he didn’t let her go. “She’s been my friend forever.”

“Right now, she’s only thinking about her hunger.” He knew—his hunger had hardened his dick to stone, and his fangs inched down from the roof of his mouth.

“You know, you’re right. Why whenever we have lunch together, she doesn’t go on and on about her boyfriends or her bad Brazilian wax job. No, she goes straight for the breadsticks!”

The urge to shake her until her teeth rattled warred with the need to take her to the floor. Dylan realized she was aggravating the shit out of him, but he wasn’t bored. And there was only one way he could think of to make her shut up. Ignoring Nicky’s avid stare, he leaned down and kissed her.

For him, the contact was electric. Her lips were soft and lush. Her breath sweet and minty. Her tongue hesitantly traced the fangs on either side of his mouth, and he thought he’d never been so hard.

He retracted his teeth. He wanted to savor her innocence.

“Nothing like broadcasting your interest to the world,” Quentin mumbled.

Dylan opened his eyes to see Nicky walk away. He pulled back from the woman. “You didn’t see me from the front, Quent. There’s no way he missed this hard-on.”

The woman’s mouth gaped, and her glance fell to his groin.

“Good work shutting her up.” Quentin’s expression was once again irritatingly droll.

“Just make sure Nicky doesn’t get up to any more mischief tonight,” Dylan said. “He’s already staked a claim on her.”

“Righto. I suppose you’re going to look after the girl?” Quentin drawled. “About bloody time.”

“Sod off,” Dylan snarled.

“Hello! I’m here,” the woman said. “I don’t know why men think they can talk over a woman’s head just because she’s blonde.”

Quentin’s gaze was alight with humor.

“You’ve better things to do, Quent. Get lost.” To the woman, Dylan said, “You’re coming with me.”

“Now look here,” she said, pushing against the arm that anchored her to his side, “I don’t know you from Adam. I don’t even know your name. Why the hell would I go anywhere with you?”

“Name’s Dylan O’Hara,” he said flatly, then lifted her off her feet and headed toward the stairs.

“Wait a minute. Where are you taking me?” Her legs scissored and the sharp spikes of her heels found his shin.

Exasperated, he put her down and glowered. “Dammit. I’m rescuing you.”

Her hazel eyes rounded. “You think you’re saving me from the bad guy?”

He stepped close, forcing her to look up at him. “I’m saving you from a

“Oh!” Her eyelids dipped, lashes concealing the thoughts her eyes appeared to always betray. “You really think he would have hurt me?”

Touching a finger to her soft cheek, he said, “He wanted more than just your blood, sweetheart. You wouldn’t have been able to stop him.” He slid the finger to the side of her neck and felt her blood thrum as her heart beat faster.

“That’s an odd way to put it. Can I stop you?” she asked, her breath shallow and rapid.

“Anytime you want. But you have to tell me you don’t want me.”

Her gaze lifted to his face. Fear and excitement warred in her expression. “I’m Emmaline Harris. Emmy, if you like.”

His hand slid behind her head, combing through her hair, and then he tugged to tilt her face back. “Tell me to stop, Emmy.”

“This is crazy. I just swore off men,” she whispered. “I didn’t want this.”

His lips hovered an inch above hers, giving her time to change her mind. “Didn’t want what, Emmy?”

The heat of a blush stained her cheeks. “To fuck.”

“Bloody hell.” Dylan clenched his jaw and willed himself not to pounce. His cock had been painfully hard before—now his balls felt ready to burst. And he’d thought she would be safer with him!

“Was I wrong?” she asked. The uncertainty in her voice produced a slight quaver. “I thought you wanted me too. It’s like I conjured you. You’re everything I ever wanted, and there you were. Just for me.”

“What a coincidence. I thought you’d been made for me.” Dylan’s hand fisted in her hair. “I may hurt you.”

A seductive smile tilted the corners of her mouth. “I’m counting on it. In fact, if what’s pushing against my belly now is any indication, I think you’re going to ruin me for any other man.”

“Come upstairs with me.” He released her hair and moved away. “It’s your choice.”

With a slow rub of her hip against his cock, she stepped past him and climbed the stairs.

He was right behind her—the sway of her hips, from side to side, the sole focus of his attention. Black velvet hugged her bottom as she climbed, revealing the faint indentation of her panties. Each step produced a tiny jiggle of her ass, sending a jolt of awareness right to his groin.

Before they reached the top of the stairs, Dylan adjusted himself to let his cock rise along the zipper of his jeans, popping the snap at the top for relief.

Thankfully, his leather vest covered the head of his penis. He brushed by her to unlock the door, welcoming the darkness inside the room. He became aware of her clutching the back of his vest, so he reached for the blinds and rolled them, letting in the light from the dance floor.

When the door closed behind them, silence fell over the room. Emmy walked to the window. “Can they see us?”

“No. It’s one-way glass.”

She pulled up the blinds, exposing the window. “I didn’t realize there were so many people here. Can they hear us?”

“No more than you can hear them. The room’s soundproof.”

She looked over her shoulder and her skin pinkened. “Dylan, lock the door.”

With his heart pounding in anticipation, he complied. When he turned back, he found her standing in front of the window, peeling down the top of her bustier. Her breasts sprang from their confinement, milky-white globes, crowned by large rosy areolas. As he walked toward her, he noted the large circles were dimpled and her nipples pouted.

Emmy leaned forward and pressed her breasts to the glass, then raised her arms and flattened the rest of her upper torso against it. “Oh, it’s so deliciously cool. You’re sure no one can see me?”

Dylan closed in, standing just behind her. With his nose pressed to her apple-scented hair, he widened his legs and pressed his cock to her backside. “No one can see us. Is this how you want it?”

“My skin aches. Could you untie the laces of my bustier?”

Hunger clawing at his belly and groin, Dylan’s hands shook while he plucked the silk laces along her back to loosen the corset. Finally, it fell to the floor leaving her creamy back bare. He smoothed his hands around her shoulders and down her spine, achingly aware of her fragile body and the warm, fragrant blood just beneath her skin.

She moaned and pushed her velvet-covered bottom against his cock. “The button. There’s a button and a zipper. Open them.”

Dylan found them easily and pushed the skirt past her hips to the floor. He’d been right about her ass. Round and pink—he gave it a little slap and watched its delicious jiggle. His body screamed with the need to ram deep inside her.

Now, the only thing between his cock and her ass were red silk panties. He shoved them down her legs, then knelt to pull them off, lifting one foot at a time. When he rose, he licked the back of her thigh, the crease where her legs and buttocks met, then the dimples above her heart-shaped ass. He skimmed his hands over her from shoulders to her round buttocks and squeezed.

She shuddered. “Dylan, I’m feeling things.”

He smiled, and dipped to kiss her shoulder and the tender corner of her neck. “You bloody well better be.”

“Strange things,” she said, her voice ending on a whimper when his hands circled her hips to play with her pussy. “It’s not like I’m a virgin, but…I’ve never felt like this.”

“Tell me what you feel,” he said, and deliberately licked away Nicky’s scent from her neck.

“Tingly, hot—like something’s going to explode. I’m scared.”

He scraped his teeth against her neck and groaned. The blood was just beneath the surface. Not yet. “Sounds like the buildup to an orgasm, love. Haven’t you ever had one before?” To remove himself from temptation, he knelt behind her and nudged her legs apart with his hands.

Her buttocks rose and she gasped. “I thought so. At least, my heart raced and I felt wet…down there.” A tremor ran down her legs.

With both hands, he parted her buttocks and leaned forward to lap at her down-covered pussy. Her seam oozed a fragrant gift of excitement. “You’re certainly wet now.” Dylan licked between her labia, tasting the salty-sweet cream.

She jerked, and then pushed her hips back and higher, giving him greater access to her soaking cunt. “Ooh! Keep doing whatever it is you’re doing. Don’t stop.”

Two fingers parted her outer lips, and he fluttered his tongue against the thin, tender folds inside. He drew them between his teeth and sucked.

Instantly, Emmy shrieked and bucked. “I’m gonna die. Ohmygod, I’m gonna die.”

Her body shook with her sobs, but Dylan didn’t stop. He slid his tongue inside her juicy cunt and speared in and out while his thumb rubbed in circles over her hooded clit. When her breath came in rhythmic pants, and her thighs stiffened against his cheeks, he sensed she hurtled toward her climax.

Teeth slid from the roof of his mouth a moment before he turned his head and sank his incisors into her quivering pussy, piercing her clit and inner lips.

Emmy screamed a long ragged howl. Her cunt throbbed with pleasure.

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