Read All I Ever Wanted Online

Authors: Francis Ray

All I Ever Wanted (21 page)

BOOK: All I Ever Wanted
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“All I can say is that if a man tries to hit on you, I won’t be responsible.” He took her arm and started for the door.

“Men don’t notice me that way,” she said matter-of-factly.

“They notice all right. You just don’t notice them that way.” He opened the door. “But it won’t do them any good, because you’re with me and I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

* * *

It had happened just the way she had hoped and dreamed. Richard had actually been stunned speechless when he first saw her. Naomi had wanted to stop time and savor the moment.

After she’d taken Kayla to her sleepover and come back home to shower and dress, she’d worried that perhaps Sierra and Fallon had been wrong. They weren’t. And when he’d kissed her, she’d felt the tenderness and something else she couldn’t put her finger on.

She glanced at him as the maître d’ led them to a secluded table for two with fresh-cut white roses on top. Richard held her seat for her. She smelled his crisp clean scent and a citrus cologne. He smelled as good as he looked.

“Would you care for a glass of wine or do you prefer the sommelier?” the man asked.

“Naomi?” Richard asked.

Her hands clutched the oversized menu. Her knowledge of wines was limited. “You decide.”

“Two sweetened iced teas for now,” Richard said.

“Certainly, sir.” He moved away.

“I hope that’s all right. I seldom drink alcohol,” Richard said.

“Neither do I,” she confessed, then glanced around the restaurant. “It’s lovely.”

“You look even more beautiful in candlelight.”

She glanced back at him, saw the admiration in his dark eyes, and felt her body quicken.

He held up his menu. “What looks good? I think I’ll have a porterhouse.”

Naomi glanced at the menu and gasped at the prices. Everything was à la carte. A meal would cost more than her dress and shoes.


Her menu lowered. Richard was successful, but … “I’m not that hungry.”

Richard gave her a long level look. It was all she could do not to hide behind the menu.

Their waiter appeared with their drinks. “Good evening, are you ready to order?”

“Yes,” Richard said and ordered house salads for both of them, the sea bass for her, and the porterhouse for him with asparagus and mashed potatoes. “We’ll decide on dessert later.”

“Very good, sir.” The waiter moved away.

“What if I didn’t like sea bass?” she asked, making herself relax. Richard was too self-assured to try to impress her or anyone else by dining at a restaurant he couldn’t afford.

“You had it at Catherine’s birthday party.” He picked up his glass of tea.

Shock crossed her face. “That was months ago.”

He placed the glass aside and stared across the table at her. “You wore a pretty blue dress, and ate crab legs for the first time.”

Naomi’s eyes widened. “You remembered what I wore.” If he remembered that clearly, he’d also know she had a limited wardrobe. Embarrassment tinted her cheeks.

“Probably because I like blue and you looked so determined to crack that crab leg yourself.” He chuckled.

She relaxed. “You kept showing me how to use the lobster cracker, not eating. You’ve always been there for me. For us.”

“And I always will be.”

Something about the intensity of his gaze, the way he said the words, warmed her as nothing else could, but they also gave her pause. After Monday night she knew they were going to be intimate. She trusted him enough to give him her body, but not anything more. As she’d told him, she wanted her independence. Never again did she want to be tied to a man in marriage.

Chapter 13

“If you hit the guy talking to Naomi, Morgan isn’t going to be happy you ruined Phoenix’s opening,” Brandon said casually as he stood next to Richard.

“If he keeps leering at her, Morgan will just have to be unhappy,” Richard said tightly. Ever since they’d arrived at the art gallery forty-five minutes ago, men had been coming up to Naomi. Since she was having a good time and talking with Catherine, Richard was trying to be cool.

“Ease up.” Brandon sipped his sparking water. “I admit she looks different tonight, prettier, happier, but you’re not dating her or anything.”

Richard tossed his friend since grade school a look of annoyance. “We’re dating.”

Brandon almost spewed his drink. “You’re lying.”

“If his hand moves anywhere except near her shoulder…”

“You’re not the possessive type.” Brandon wiped his mouth with a napkin. “If you’re dating, she’ll tell the man to back off.”

“Faith just joined them, and he’s looking at her,” Richard said.

Brandon whirled around so fast, his drink sloshed over the side of his wineglass. Faith had indeed joined them, but the man was still grinning like an idiot at Naomi. “Dirty, but I see your point. I’ll explain to Morgan.”

“Thanks.” Richard worked his way through the milling crowd. Santa Fe had over three hundred galleries that had openings regularly, but a showing by Phoenix Bannister Grayson, the nationally renowned sculptress, was an event. Collectors from around the country were there or had sent a representative. Nine of the fifteen bronze pieces were already sold and it was only an hour into the opening.

“Hello, Richard,” Catherine greeted, looking beautiful as usual in an apricot-colored dress. “I was wondering when you’d join us.”

“Brandon detained me.” Smoothly Richard placed himself between Naomi and the overly attentive man. He caught her hand. “Good evening,” he said casually, but his gaze said
Back off.

Relief crossed Naomi’s beautiful face. She squeezed his hand back.

Brandon curved his arm around Faith’s shoulders, kissed her on the cheek. “Hi.”

Used to Brandon’s possessiveness, Faith leaned into him. “Hi.”

The man blinked as Luke joined them to stake his claim on his wife. “Hi.”

“Hello,” the man finally said, his mouth pursed. Clearly he wasn’t pleased by the men joining them.

“Mr. James is the rep for a buyer in New York,” Catherine explained. “He’s waiting on a call from his client.”

James smiled warmly at Catherine and missed Luke’s glare. “His collection of bronzes is one of the foremost in the country. If he decided to purchase one of Bannister’s bronzes, she’ll find herself in some very esteemed company.”

“Since Phoenix’s last three showings have sold out opening night, and she’s been featured on the cover of several premier art magazines, I’d say your client would be the lucky one,” Catherine said. “Please excuse us, I’d like to go congratulate my husband’s sister-in-law on another successful opening.”

“Same here,” Faith said, leaving with Brandon.

“A close friend,” Naomi said as Richard led her away.

Richard’s hand slid up her arm to curve around her waist. “Snob.”

“Yes, he was.” Naomi stopped in front of a two-foot bronze of a woman and man embracing. You could almost feel the intensity of their love and passion. “Thanks for the rescue.”

“The way he was leering at you, I should have hit him.” Richard shot the representative a menacing look. Since he was on the phone, the man missed it entirely. “If his client is as dense as he is, he doesn’t deserve to have one of Phoenix’s pieces.”

“They’re beautiful.” Naomi ran her hand over the sculpture’s entwined arms. “Phoenix is very good.”

“She is. But everyone has some kind of talent. You just have to dig deep sometimes to find out what it is.”

“If you don’t mind. Please don’t touch the bronze,” Mr. James said. “I’ve just been instructed by my client to purchase this.”

“He’s too late. I own the bronze,” Lance said, joining them.

“What? You can’t,” the man sputtered. “I spoke with the gallery owner and told him I was waiting for a call.”

“As a seasoned rep, you should know that interest doesn’t pull a piece. If you wanted the bronze, you should have purchased it.” He turned to Richard and Naomi, ignoring the angry man. “Is Fallon coming?”

“I don’t think so,” Naomi said.

“Pity. I think I’ll go home. ’Night.”

“Good night.”

“’Night, cuz,” Richard said, feeling sorry for his cousin. “I hope Fallon changes her mind about him.”

Naomi gazed up at him tenderly. “We both know it is entirely possible for a woman to change her mind.”

“We do.” Suddenly he wanted to be alone with her. “Let’s get out of here.”

“All right.”

After they congratulated Phoenix on a successful showing, Richard was steering Naomi toward the door when Sierra asked to see her for a moment. He waited impatiently as they talked. Sierra laughed, then escorted Naomi back to him.

“Enjoy the rest of your night,” Sierra told them.

Richard didn’t know why he felt his face heat. That was a lie. He’d been thinking of taking Naomi to bed ever since she said Kayla was sleeping over. “Thanks, good night.”

Richard ushered Naomi out to his car and pulled off. He usually preferred to drive his truck, but tonight he’d wanted a bit more luxury. They were silent on the drive to her apartment. Not a good sign. He parked in front of her apartment and switched off the engine.

“I had a wonderful time tonight.” Naomi fiddled with the clasp of her small purse.

He prayed she wasn’t about to brush him off. “So did I.” He got out of the car and opened her door. They weren’t going to be necking in the car when there was a comfortable sofa inside … if he got that far.

He watched her fumble with her key, trying to open the apartment door, before taking it from her hand to unlock the door and gently helping her inside since her head was down and she wasn’t moving.

He closed the door, saw her jump. Looked like cold showers and erotic dreams again. He held out the key.

After a long moment, she took it. “Would…” She cleared her throat. “Would you like something to drink?”

He stepped closer, tilted her chin up so he could see her face. “What I’d like is an explanation why you’re nervous all of a sudden. You know I won’t push you.”

She swallowed, licked her lips. “I…”

“Remember the pact.” He took both of her arms. “Just say it.”

“The kissing was nice, but I’m not sure about the other.” Her gaze skittered away. “I don’t want to disappoint you. I don’t expect much—”

“Whoa,” he said cutting her off. “If we do make love, we’ll both derive pleasure from it. I don’t want a sacrificial woman in bed with me. I want one who gives and takes pleasure, just as I will.”

“Don’t you see, that’s just it. I don’t know how. He said … I don’t know how,” she murmured softly.

Richard would gladly kick her ex’s butt if he ever saw him. “You ever think the inadequacies were his? You ever think he belittled you because he was the dud?”

Her gaze lifted to him. Clearly she hadn’t.

“Trust yourself, trust me.” His thumb grazed her cheek. “Forget about the past.”

“I want to,” she said.

His hands fell. “Then do it.”

Seconds ticked by and she said nothing, her gaze on the center of his chest. He was about to leave when she looked at him.

“Why are you so patient with me?” she asked.

“Because I see the woman you don’t.”

She went into his arms, hugged him. “I don’t want you to go.”

“Then I won’t.” His arms firmly around her, he brushed his lips across hers, felt her lips tremble, then open.

He carried her to her room and stood her by the bed. The covers were already drawn. She blushed.

“I’m glad you want me, Naomi. Never be ashamed of that.”

Her head lifted. “I’m not. At least not anymore.”

He kissed her with the barest of pressure, letting the heat and desire build before drawing back. Grasping the zipper in back of the dress, he slid it down, then pushed it off her shoulders and over her hips.

His breath caught. She was as exquisite as he knew she would be. His fingertips grazed over her delicate skin between her breasts, felt her shiver. He looked at her face, afraid he’d see fear. What he saw was desire.

“We’ll take this as slow as I can make it.”

She nodded, her eyes huge in her beautiful face.

He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside. His shoes and pants came off next. Palming the condom package, he shoved it discreetly beneath the pillow.

He was aware she was watching him, and it added to his arousal. He wanted her to know he wasn’t going to rush her. Kneeling, he picked up one dainty foot to remove her shoe, then the other foot.

He had to grit his teeth to keep from whimpering as he pulled off her sheer stockings. His face was so close to her stomach he couldn’t resist kissing her there, running his tongue across the indentation of her navel.

Her trembling hands clenched on his shoulders. “Richard.” His name was a shaky thread of sound.

Standing, he kissed her, long and slow. He wanted tenderness for her, he thought as he lowered them to the bed. Tenderness and passion.

One kiss drifted into another. She’d never felt so … cherished. Exquisite sensations rippled though her. She felt his damp, hot mouth on her bare nipple and wondered when he’d removed her bra. A scant second later she could only think of the desire heating her blood and making her move restlessly beneath him. She wanted something … more.

His relentless hand swept down over her stomach and found the essence of her desire. He stroked her there while his tongue laved her nipple. She had no defense against him, wanted none. Her hips moved, seeking, finding.

While she was still coming down, he entered her, pushing past the slight resistance, the pleasure so intense she moaned and arched again. He began to move, slowly in and out, stroking her, filling her.

Wrapping her arms around him as much as she could, she met him stroke for stroke. Soon she was falling again. His hips pumped faster. They went over together. Smiling, she closed her eyes and was asleep within seconds.

* * *

Hearing Naomi’s even breathing, Richard pulled her the tiniest bit closer. How he loved this woman, would do anything for her, except walk away. And after making love with her, that was no longer an option. He wasn’t going to fool himself that it would be easy to get her to open her heart and mind to him all the way. The task ahead was convincing her that they belonged together.

BOOK: All I Ever Wanted
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