All I Want for Christmas Is You (3 page)

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Authors: Lisa Mondello

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: All I Want for Christmas Is You
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The stranger stopped dead in his tracks. "What on earth did you do that for?"


"Don't try anything funny!" she commanded, holding her hands out in front of her as a shield.


Ignoring her, he extracted his wallet. After sifting through it, he plucked out what appeared to be a business card and extended it to her. "See for yourself. Kyle Preston, owner of Preston Galleria."


She quickly glanced at the card in his hand without taking it, then followed his gaze to the sign on the two story building behind him.


"How do I know you're legit?" she asked, still leery of accepting his story. She'd been a fool once when she was young, taking every little word as being the truth. That only left her alone, struggling to make a life for her and Kristen. She couldn't afford to keep making that mistake.


"I assure you that my intentions aren't mercenary. Please, just get behind the wheel and try to start the car. If my instincts are right, all you have is a dead battery," he said evenly, seemingly tired of the game.


"I know that's all it is." She folded her arms across her chest, feeling pretty proud of herself for at least figuring that one on her own. "I left my lights on."


"Oh. Good," he said in resignation. "Then I'll jump you."


"Not on your life!" She struck her Karate pose and ground her teeth, the mama bear in her coming to life again.


When he caught the double meaning of his words, he revised, "I'll bring my car around so that I can jump start your car's battery."


With that, he was gone. Lauren wasn't sure if he'd come back after the way she'd attacked him. Kitten, my butt, she fumed. She had claws just like the next cat.


Kyle was gone for what seemed liked hours, but in reality was only a few minutes. The cold may have had a hand at the slow passing of the time. She couldn't feel her toes in her boots anymore.


What would it hurt to accept some help from a stranger? she thought as she moved to the back of the car. She'd conditioned herself not to trust anyone in the past seven years. Maybe she was becoming too hard, too cold. And although Kyle Preston looked like he'd been put through the proverbial ringer when he appeared out of thin air, he did seem sincere about just wanting to help.


And it was more than that, she had to admit to herself. Except she couldn't quite put a finger on what it was about Kyle Preston that made her think she should trust him. Without something tangible for her to grasp on to, trusting was a dangerous thing to do to say the least.


After inserting the key in the lock, she opened the trunk and pulled out the blanket she kept there for just this type of emergency. She was just placing the blanket over Kristen when she saw headlights approach. The vehicle stopped head to head with her car and Kyle jumped out.


"Why don't you sit in your car? You'll be warmer. I'll only be a minute," Kyle said as he opened the hood of his Jeep and began connecting jumper cables.


Lauren slid into the driver's seat and rubbed her hands together, thankful that this ordeal would soon be over. She blew a hot breath through her frozen fingers before positioning them on the frigid steering wheel as she waited.


"Ready?" she called out the crack in her window after hearing a car door slam.


There was a sudden roar of the Jeep's engine. Then Kyle hollered, "Go ahead and try to start her."


Lauren turned the key in the ignition once. The Ford whined in protest until, finally, the engine turned over. She released the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Thank God," she whispered, looking up at the ceiling of her car.


"You should run it for a few minutes before trying to drive. Let the battery get a little more juice." Kyle quickly removed the wires conjoining the two cars and closed the hoods.


She floored the gas pedal to warm the engine and turned on the heat in the car before climbing out.


"I don't know how to thank you," Lauren said softly. Embarrassment flooded her with the memory of the way she'd behaved earlier.


"No need. You're all set now." Kyle smiled warmly. As he spoke, the sound of his resonant baritone voice soothingly settled her fear. She looked at him and, for the first time, she felt completely at ease. His face was kind, his smile was warm, and she realized he meant what he said, he only wanted to help.


"I apologize for the way..." she started, staring down at the inches of snow on the ground that had accumulated during the short time.


As if sensing her embarrassment, Kyle broke in and said, "Like I said. There is no need. Good will toward men and all that holiday cheer. Woman in your case, Ms. Alexander. You and Kristen are all set now." His eyes grew bright as he gazed at her. Despite the calming effect the deep timbre of his voice gave her just a few short moments ago, she now felt as if she'd just been struck by a bolt of lightning.


Fear racked her body causing her to shudder. "How do you know my name? M-my daughter's name?" she stammered, not missing a beat. She hadn't told him, but he knew. That feeling of ease was short-lived. She trembled, more fearful than she'd been earlier when she foolishly bluffed.


Kyle dug his hand deep into his denim clad pocket and extracted a crumpled piece of paper and held it out to her.


"What's this all about," she blurted out, her eyes fixed on his hands, her breathing becoming shallow.


"You don't have to be afraid. This will explain it all. I promise you." He smiled warmly and Lauren wanted to trust him if only to believe in simple kindness.


With shaking hands, she took the piece of paper, warm from being in the pocket close to Kyle's body. She held it up straight so that she could see Kyle while reading the words on the paper. "Dear Santa..." she read out loud, then read the next part silently. "Oh, no," she moaned.


"I know. That's just how I felt."


Lauren shot him a skeptical glance. "How did you get this?"


"Kristen gave it to me."


"That's impossible. Mrs. Hopkins just helped her with it this afternoon and-"


"And she gave it to me in the Mall," Kyle finished for her.


She looked at him quizzically, still trying to comprehend the course of events leading up to his seizure of her daughter's precious note.


"It's not that hard to figure out, Lauren," Kyle said warmly. His dark eyes gleamed with the light from the lamppost. He wore no hat to protect his head from the falling snow. Now his hair was filled with powdered flakes, matting it down. His grin was bright and wide as he informed her, "I'm Santa Claus."


# # #


Chapter Two


In all her twenty-five years, Lauren thought she'd heard almost every line imaginable from a man. She was wrong. This one took the cake.


"And I'm the good witch of the North," she said sarcastically, trying to keep her voice steady. "Did you pick this up in the garbage or something?"


"I know you don't believe me-"


"You're right. I don't."


"I am telling you the truth."


The truth. Where had she heard that before? We love you no matter what, her father had told her. I'll always stand by you, Kristen's father had promised her. In the end, they both let her down by not keeping their word. The truth stung like a honey bee protecting its hive when it turned into a big, fat lie.


"Sure. Well, thanks for your help, anyway." She turned to move away, but his heavy sigh caused her to turn around again. She saw the defeated resignation in his expression and said, "You really are telling me the truth, aren't you?"


"That's what I said." He smiled as he lifted his hands in the air and let them fall against his side.


She decided Kyle Preston had a nice smile, completely void of hidden intentions. She knew she had no reason to doubt his words. It had just been too many years of mistrusting and keeping her guard up so high that the old habit was hard to break.


"What did daughter say to you?" She wasn't quite sure what had prompted Kristen to ask for a daddy from Santa Claus. Lauren found her own insecurity forging her on to ask for more information.


"She said you work too hard." He spoke delicately, as if her hearing the words might break her, which it did. "She wanted you to have some help. And she said she loves you very much."


Lauren felt a smile tug at her lips. Her heart filled beyond capacity. She loved her little girl with all her heart and soul. She also felt Kristen's love come back at her tenfold. It was so much like her to think of her mommy.


"I always thought I was doing a good job taking care of her, you know. But here she is trying to take care of me." Lauren looked down at her boots and bit her bottom lip, feeling the chapped skin peel. She nervously kicked a layer of powdered snow in frustration.


Not once had she ever heard Kristen mention wanting a daddy. She always thought of the two of them as a team, a twosome. Guilt crept through her veins with the realization of what Kristen obviously felt she was missing in her life, something Lauren alone couldn't give her. Even more so because she felt the need to ask someone else about it, instead of her own mother.


She asked Santa Claus no less!


Fire burned in the pit of Lauren's stomach. If Kristen couldn't tell her about wanting a daddy, then what else was she missing in her life that Lauren couldn't provide?


A familiar anxiety swept through her, leaving her trembling. It was the same fear she felt when she boarded the bus to leave her hometown when Kristen was just days old. Back then, she wondered if she'd made the right decision for Kristen. And now, with Kristen feeling the way she did, she had to wonder if maybe she hadn't.


"Why don't we get some coffee or hot chocolate," Kyle suggested. "It's way too cold for us to be standing here discussing this."


"I have to get Kristen home. It's late and she has school tomorrow." Lauren blinked back a hot tear and sniffed. "Thank you for all your help, Kyle." She extended her hand intending to shake his in thanks.


He obliged by taking her hand in his. But to her surprise, instead of a simple hand shake, he tenderly squeezed it, holding on for a lingering moment. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call me. Kristen's a great kid."


"Yes, she is." Lauren swallowed hard in an effort to clear the lump lodged in her throat. Too overwhelmed by Kyle's kindness to say anymore, she felt her bottom lip quiver.


"Take my card. Keep it handy. Please." He held out his hand and the business card with his phone number.


Lauren blinked hard and shook her head. "We're fine. Thank you very much for your help." She took a deep breath and opened the car door.


The warm car felt inviting when she finally plopped into the driver's seat. After fastening her seat belt, she turned around to find Kyle standing by her door peering into the crack of the open window.


"Tomorrow night there's a tree lighting ceremony in the town square. You may have heard about it on the local news," he said in one breath as if he thought she would flee before he had a chance to finish. The thought had crossed her mind.


"Yeah, I think I remember hearing something about it." Lauren revved the engine.


"There'll be a Santa for the kids. They're having a sleigh ride, hot chocolate, cookies and-"


"Why are you telling me this?" she asked.


He appeared taken aback by her question. She hadn't meant it to sound so blunt, but apparently it had. "Because I thought it would be a nice thing for Kristen...and for you. Things can get so hectic sometimes that we forget to stop and enjoy life, live a little."


This time, his words stung. "Is that what she said?" she asked. Her bottom lip quivered uncontrollably and a single tear betrayed her strength.


"Mrs. Hopkins plays Barbie dolls with her because you have to work." His face was serious, but not judgmental, she observed. He knew too much of the truth for Lauren not to believe that Kristen actually confided those secrets to him.


With the last bit of her resolve eaten away, Lauren burst into tears. Kyle opened the car door and, leaning in, he rubbed her back as she sobbed.


"I didn't mean to upset you...I just..."


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