All I Want is that Hood Love 3 (9 page)

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              “Nah, I ain’t lost it yet!” I pointed the gun back at her. I wasn’t going to shoot her for real, but she didn’t know that. I wanted the bitch to be scared.

              “Okay, okay dammit! And when I give you this shit, get the fuck out of my house! I’m tired of looking at cha!” She turned and walked down the hall towards her bedroom.

              As we walked through the house I couldn’t help but look around. For her to have a newborn baby, it didn’t seem like it. I saw nothing baby related. There was no milk, bottles, swing, bouncer, diapers, I mean nothing! I wouldn’t be surprised if she had given this baby away as well. I followed right behind her with the gun still in my hands, aiming it at her back. She opened her closet and began moving boxes around that sat at the top of the closet’s shelf. After a few adjustments to the boxes, there was a manila folder that rested in the far back that she grabbed.

              “Here, now you can you put that damn gun down and leave!” She tried to walk past me but I stopped her.

              “Hold up! Let me make sure this is the info that I’m looking for.” I laid the folder down on her bed. I began skimming through the papers with one hand, with the gun pointing at her with other hand. I saw a birth certificate, a few photos, baby foot prints, and a few agreement and terms papers from the DFACS office. Debra sat down on the bed and lit another cigarette.

              “Thanks for your cooperation Debra.” I grabbed my purse to leave.  “Oh, you’ll be seeing me soon,” I blew her a kiss.

              “Seeing you for what?” she frowned.

              “You can’t possibly think that I’m leaving my brother here with you!” She laughed.

              “You can’t take my damn child!”

              “We’ll see about that! See ya in court!” With that being said, I walked out with a mission accomplished.


              “Rock stop! You spinning us too fast!” I screamed as Rock pushed Rahley and me around on the merry-go-round. Rahley was having the time of her life and I was enjoying every minute of it as well.

              “Push daddy, push! Faster! Faster!” Rahley encouraged while giggling.

              She was like a breath of fresh air for us. Rock and I had been arguing every single day about him taking care of his baby mama, and the slick messages that she continued to send to his phone. Today had been a great day for us so far, and I planned on keeping it that way. We had a blanket laid out in the grass with fresh fruit baskets, and sandwiches that Rahley and I made together. Rock’s phone started ringing and he walked away. He always did that on a business call but lately, I had been speculating something different. My lips were sealed for now though. Like I said, I wasn’t up for any shit today.

              “Come on Rahley, let’s go take a break,” I suggested once the merry-go-round came to a halt.

              Rahley and I walked hand and hand over to our picnic area. We wasted no time digging into our fruits and sandwiches. Rock joined us shortly after. Before I could ask him who was that on the phone, Rahley chimed in.

              “Here daddy, I made this one just for you.” When Rahley handed him the sandwich his eyes bucked as if he was the happiest man alive.

              “You did?” he mockingly stated, and added, “I bet it’s sooooooo good!” He kissed her on the cheek. Rock unwrapped the sandwich, bit into it, and immediately started chewing backwards, as if he was about to spit it out.

              I laughed and mouthed silently, “You better not!” He chuckled and continued to eat his sandwich.             

              “Rahley, it’s soooo good. What did you put on it?” he asked while looking at me.

              “I put peanut butter on it…and jelly….and mayonnaise…
…and a lil’ bit of ketchup!” she proudly stated.

              My phone rung interrupting a laugh that was about to come out. It was Taysia.

              “Heeeey boo!” I answered.

              “Hey love! Where you at?” she asked.

              “I’m over here at the park with Rock and Rahley. Bring DJ over here so he can see his auntie.”              

              “He’s with Mega girl. I think they’re at Mrs. Mildred’s house, but I’m about to come through because I got some shit to tell you and show you.”

              “Okay cool.” We ended the call.

              Taysia’s life had become pretty damn interesting since Mega had conquered her world.

              “Taysia’s about to stop through for a second,” I told Rock.

              “Ahh shit. What she got going on now?” Rock asked and I laughed.

              “I don’t know, but she said she had something to show me.”

              “Tell Taysia I said her ass got mo’ problems than a math book!”              

              “Oooh daddy, you said a bad word!” Rahley said.

              “No I didn’t,” Rock said looking confused as if he really didn’t.

              “Yes you did,” Rahley stood her ground.

              “What I say?” he asked her.

              “You said…ass!”

              We both tried to hold back our laughter but couldn’t.

              “Oh, yeah…that is a bad word Rahley. Daddy is sorry!” he apologized.

              A few minutes later, I could see Taysia’s car coming around the corner. Rock stood up and helped Rahley up as well.

              “Come on Rahley, let’s go over there to the swings and let daddy push you. Rahley jumped up and down with excitement. Rock bent down for a kiss and I reached for his lips with mine until they met.

              “Ooooh daddy…why you don’t kiss mommy?” Rahley asked and I looked up at Rock for his response. That question had caught us both off guard.

              “Cause Rahley…Mommy and I are not together anymore,” he said as if she knew what he meant.

              “Well why y’all not together anymore?” she sincerely asked.

              “Hey y’all! What’s up? Hey Rahley!” Taysia approached and gave Rahley a hug and then playfully punched Rock in his abs. Taysia had jolted Rahley’s attention from the question that she’d ask, and I was dying to hear Rock’s answer.

              I noticed that she had a folder in her hands as she sat down beside me on the blanket. We watched Rock and Rahley walk over to the swings and then Taysia ran down everything that had been happening in her world these last few days. I damn near had a heart attack when I found out who Debra’s baby belonged to.

              Jamel’s life had to be the worst of all right now. He had lost his wife because he cheated and got another girl pregnant, or so he thought, because the baby isn’t even his. His wife left, and she was pregnant with another man’s child. Now he done fucked his wife’s crackhead mom and got her pregnant. This some real talk show shit right here, I swear. Just when I thought this shit couldn’t get any worse, Taysia told me about this long lost sister she supposedly has.

              “The papers are right here Kira. Look!” She opened the folder and we started going through the papers. I looked through them and it was true. She definitely had another sister.

              “Damn, this is some fucked up shit! I can’t even believe that I used to give Mrs. Debra the benefit of doubt. What the fuck is wrong with that lady?” I asked.              

              So many times, I would try to get Taysia to give her mom a chance, all because I had lost my mom at an early age and I could never get her back. Mrs. Debra would even come to me a lot and talk about how she wished their relationship was better than what it was. All along she was jealous. Jealous of her own daughter.

              “According to her birth certificate her name is Erica Harris, but I’m not sure if she’s still under that last name. You gotta help me find her Kira.”

              “Damn, she was born a year before you were. You know what would be some crazy shit?” I asked while reading over the adoption papers.

              “What?” Taysia asked as she looked through them as well.

              “If that crazy bitch, Erica that Mega used to fuck around with…you know… the one that was the cause of you getting shot? What if she’s your sister?”

              “Girl, you think too damn much! There is no way possible.” She shook her head and continued to scan through the papers.

              “I mean, y’all do kind of favor each other, and even you said that she looked like the knock off brand of you,” I laughed and continued.               “I’ll ask Rock just to be on the safe side. You never know. Rock! Bae, come here for a minute!” I yelled across the park to the other side of the playground area. He grabbed Rahley off of the swing and walked over to where we were sitting.

              “Don’t be calling me over herr, tryna get me involved in whateva it is y’all got going on,” he said as he got closer to us.

              “Whatever nigga, ain’t nobody tryna get you involved in nothing, I just had a question. The chick Erica that Mega used to mess with, what’s her last name?” I asked.

              “Shit, I don’t know. I can’t remember it. Why?” he asked.

              “We think she may be Taysia’s sister.” Rock burst out laughing as if I had told the funniest joke ever.

              “Man, get the fuck outta herr. I swurr y’all are like some fucking detectives and shit when yall get together. My bad Rahley,” he said as Rahley dropped her mouth open, when Rock cursed. He already knew she was about to bring the bad words to his attention.

              “That’s Kira, Rock. Not me. I didn’t say that she was. Kira came up with that,” Taysia stated.

              “Call Mega and ask him what’s her last name,” I commanded.

              I could tell she didn’t want to call and ask Mega, but the idea of Erica being her sister had to be somewhere resting in her brain, because she picked up the phone and dialed his number anyway.


              I had about two hours to play with since Grandma and MeMe wanted to keep DJ for a while, so I dropped him off over there to tend to some business that was long overdue, and planned to pick him back up right afterwards. The problems that I had needed to be resolved ASAP. There was no more playing around and prolonging shit. Once I got all of this shit out of the way, then I would be able to fix what was emerging in my personal life. Wesley and his crew were still running around tampering with my territory. Chino and Dub were still hanging around, but I needed them to lead me to Wesley. Rock was handling that nigga Jay. Erica had been on my hit list for the longest. It was best to go ahead and take care of the weakest link first, and that was Erica.

              It was about six o’clock in the evening and I was posted up inside of my car a few houses down from Erica’s, when I noticed a FedEx employee hop out of his truck and place a box in front of her door. I had to give her, her props. She was living damn well, and I saw that she no longer had the Ferrari that I had let her keep. She was now pushing a brand new Nissan Maxima. It was nice as hell, but being that she had downgraded from the Ferrari only let me know that she had sold the Ferrari and bought her something that she could manage, which was a pretty smart idea for her dumbass. Instead of ringing her doorbell, the guy pulled the data tool from his waist and begin punching in information. Once he was done, he walked back to the FedEx truck, hopped inside and drove off. Observing my surroundings, there was nobody outside. I waited awhile before I stepped out of my car. Jogging towards Erica’s house, I walked up to the door, picked up the box and rang the doorbell.

              “Who is it?” Erica yelled from the other side of the door.

              “FEDEX!” I replied disguising my voice.

              Taking the bait, she opened the door and tried to shut it as soon as she realized that it was me. I prevented the door from closing with my foot. She couldn’t have possibly thought that she was stronger than me, as she tried to push the door close from the other side. Overpowering her with my strength, I hit the door one good time with my shoulder, knocking her down to the floor.

              “BITCH, GET THE FUCK UP!” I spoke through gritted teeth. I drew back my fist as if I was about to punch her in her shit and she flinched blocking her face with her hands.

              “Ahhhhh!!” she screamed! “Mega, I’m sorry, please!” Tears began to fall from her eyes.

              “THE FUCK IS YOU APOLOGIZING FOR HUH? A HIT DOG WILL HOLLA! I TOLD YOU NOT TO FUCK WITH HER DIDN’T I?” I yanked her up by her hair and drug her to the nearest room. “WHAT YOU THOUGHT, YOU WASN’T GONE SEE ME AGAIN?”

              “I didn’t pull the trigger Mega, I swear I didn’t! It was Simone. She’s the one that shot her,” she confessed but it didn’t make any difference, because she had something to do with it.

              “And you guilty by association bitch! Lay the fuck down and get naked!” I demanded.

              She sucked up her tears and began removing her clothes. I figured I may as well fuck the bitch before I kill her. Being that I’m such a gentleman, it was only right that I send her out with a bang. Changing my mind was out of the question, so I don’t know why this dummy started smiling as she spread her legs apart and began to rub her fingers up and down her slit.

              “The fuck is you smiling for? Turn over!” I ordered.

              She had a puzzled look on her face.

              “Huh? Turn over for what Mega?” she asked.

              “Cause I said so!” After realizing I wasn’t in this shit to have a good time, she came back to her senses and began to cry again.             

              “Please don’t do this to me Mega. Do you remember what we shared? Huh? Remember what we had!” Her pleas went in one ear and out the other. I pulled my gun from my waist and aimed it at her skull.

              “ERICA FAITH HARRIS, IF I HAVE TO TELL YOU ONE MO’ MUTHAFUCKIN TIME!” I said through gritted teeth.

              Knowing that I wasn’t the one to be fucked with, she obliged by turning over and lying flat on her stomach. I placed my gun back inside my waist and pulled out my Rothco Loop Plastic Restraints. I tied both of her hands up to the headboard posts and followed the same procedure with her ankles.

              “Mega, baby please let’s talk about this! You know I love you. What are you about to do?” she inquired through sniffles, while attempting to look behind her.

              “Damn, you still fine as fuck I see. How come when we was fucking around, you never asked me to put this dick in ya ass?” Anal wasn’t really my thing unless a bitch requested it, but I knew Erica feared that shit because we had talked about it on multiple occasions in the past.              

              “You know why Mega. Please don’t, oh God!” she begged, trying to turn her head to see what I was doing. I was standing at the foot of the bed stroking my shit, until it grew to its maximum. I climbed on top of her and her body became tense. She began to shake and cry harder.

              I whispered in her ear from behind. “You brought my ole lady pain, so it’s only right that I make you feel the same.”

              Forcefully, I rammed all twelve inches of hard wood up in her ass, with no compunction. She let out a piercing scream that I’m sure her neighbors would’ve heard if I hadn’t quickly covered her mouth with my hand, and pushed in and out of her of her virgin asshole nice and slow. Erica’s ass was so tight that it literally had my dick in a deathtrap. A nigga would be lying if I said that the shit didn’t feel good. She better hoped this muthafucka didn’t wake back up once I got my nut. This was supposed to be for pain purposes only. The pleasure that escaped my mouth was not in the plan.

              “Argh…ahhh...ugh…got damn!” I groaned as the muscles around her anus began to contract involuntarily.

              Erica tried with all her might to release a sound that would seep through my hand that was still covering her mouth. The veins in her neck had swelled up, and I was still grinding inside of her giving her nothing but dick…twelve inches of dick. After about ten minutes of digging in and out of her, my semen rushed to the head of my dick and overflowed inside of her. I was grunting like a muhfucka.

              If I would have stayed another minute or so up in her ass, I probably would’ve cancelled her death. The shit was just that good, but then I would feel less of a man knowing that the person responsible for shooting my son’s mother still had a place on this earth. By the time I came, Erica was no longer moving. I’m assuming that she had to be numb, because her body looked stiff. I got up and went to her bathroom to wash my dick off. When I came back, she was still laying there as if she was in another zone. I jogged back to my truck, grabbed the gas can and came back inside. I poured it all over her living room floor. Before leaving I stood at the door, struck a match, threw it on the floor and closed the door behind me. By the time the fire would make it to the bedroom where Erica was, I would be long gone. My phone rung as soon as I hopped inside and started my truck. I pulled off and answered.

              “What’s up Mrs. Lady? You miss me already?”

              “Whatever nigga. I have a serious question to ask. The chick Erica that you were messing with, what’s her last name?” I found it funny that not even five minutes after I had tortured Erica, Taysia was calling asking me about her. I trusted Taysia with my life though.

              “Harris, why?” I frowned not feeling comfortable talking about her after what I had just done.             

              “Oh God…Mega, I think Erica’s my sister!” she exclaimed.

I almost ran myself and somebody else off the fucking road after hearing that shit. The car in the left lane blew the horn. If I wasn’t disturbed by this news that I had received, then I probably would’ve slowed up, got behind the car that blew the horn, and followed them home, and set them on fire as well.

              “Mega you there?” she asked.

              “Yeah Mrs. Lady, I’m here. What makes you say that?” I was trying to act all calm and shit, but it was fucking with my mind heavily, now that the chick that I had just killed in a house fire could possibly be her sister. Even if she was, I mean, should she even give a fuck? Shit, Erica had just tried to take her life only a few months ago, or did she forget.

              “It’s a long story. What time you bringing DJ home? Or do you want me to pick him up before I leave Cuthbert?”

              “Cuthbert? The fuck you doing in Cuthbert?” I was mad that she hadn’t called me and told me she was in the city. Her ass was supposed to be in Albany.

              “That’s another long story that I have to tell you about. Right now I’m over here at the park with Kira and Rock.”

              “A’ight, um…I’ll bring him home later on tonight.”

              “Okay cool.”

              On my way back from Columbus, a million thoughts were running through my head.
What if Erica really was Taysia’s sister? Should I tell her what I had done to her? Would she be upset about it? Fuck it! What she don’t know, won’t hurt? Nah, I gotta tell her…whenever the time is right!


              When I walked inside of my grandma’s house, she was sitting in her favorite chair as usual, with DJ in her arms. She had some rollers in her hair with some tissue inside of the rollers.

              “Grandma, you do know that you can lay him down while he’s asleep right?” I asked her as she held him close to her heart and rocked him back and forth in her rocking chair.

              “Mega, this my damn grandbaby! You don’t tell me what to do with him! Ain’t dat right Nanna’s man?” she asked DJ as if he would respond. MeMe was sitting on the couch going through her phone and Jamelia was laying right beside her asleep as well.

              “What’s wrong with you big head?” I flopped down on the couch beside MeMe and kissed her on her cheek.

              “Ewe, Mega! Why you do that?” I laughed as she wiped my kiss off with her shirt.

              She added, “Don’t be putting those lips on me nigga! Ain’t no telling who puss--”

              “I wish you would say it, chile, and I’ll beat the black off both of y’all ass!” Grandma grabbed her cane with one hand, and still held DJ with the other one. I couldn’t help but laugh at her. Meme just rolled her eyes and continued to play with her phone. She knew not to talk back because grandma didn’t play that shit. She would beat our asses for real, grown or not.

              “What you gone beat me for ma? MeMe the one that said it!” Sometimes, I would call my grandma, ma before realizing it. She never corrected me though, because after my mama was killed, that’s who she became.

              “Cause! Bofe of ya need ya ass beat!”

              “Daaaaaaamn, who that is MeMe?” I said low enough so my grandma couldn’t hear me. I was looking over in MeMe’s phone. She was on Facebook scrolling down her timeline and I happened to see someone that piqued my interest.

              “You don’t know her,” she smacked her lips.

              “You don’t know who I know! I’m the Boss around this muhfuc…around this city. My bad, ma,” I corrected myself quickly because grandma had reached for her cane again.

              “This chile looks just like you Mega. I ain’t think yo’ clown ass could produce something this handsome,” she laughed.

              “Whatchu tryna say grandma?” Even MeMe stank attitude ass laughed at that.

              Ignoring the question she continued.

              “I sho’ wish Shelia had the chance to see these beautiful babies y’all done created. I miss her so much.” She shook her head.

              “And daddy!” MeMe defensively stated.             

              “Mmm hmm chile, and ya daddy.” Grandma gave me a look and I just turned my head the other way. Grandma couldn’t stand my daddy. She hated him with a passion, and I couldn’t blame her. My mind went into deep thought as I thought about my parents, and what really happened to them. That’s one night I will never forget.

              “Carlos, I don’t know what you are talking about!! Please get out of my face. God I wish you would stop drinking!” My mama yelled at my dad.

              I could tell she was becoming frustrated with him from the tone of her voice. The last few months they had been arguing more than Shaq and Kobe during the NBA finals. My dad was always accusing her of messing around on him with a nigga named Don. I never got involved in their arguments because his accusations were true. My mama had been messing with Don for almost a year. Majority of the time she took me and my sister, MeMe with her to meet up with him. She knew by tagging us along with her, my dad would never suspect anything, or so she thought.

              “You were with him Sheila and I know it! I followed you today after work! Matter of fact, I’ve followed you quite a few times! What, you think I don’t know? Huh?” he questioned her.

              By now, I was tired of them arguing every night about the same shit. I got up from my bed, turned on my radio and closed the door. I wasn’t up for that shit tonight. I don’t know where my parent’s went wrong, but I really did hate that it had come to this point. I was vibing to the music when I heard the sound of a gun go off. I hopped up from my bed and cracked open my door. Looking both ways down the hall it was empty and quiet. I could feel my heart burning on the inside because I was afraid of what had happened and what may happen next. I knew someone was shot but I didn’t know who. I walked towards my parents’ bedroom quietly. The sound of someone weeping became clearer the closer I made it to their room. That alone made me clench my teeth and fists. I peeped inside of their bedroom and saw my dad laying over my mother, with his head resting on her chest crying like the bitch that he was. If I didn’t think he was a bitch before, I damn sho thought he was a bitch now, and I wanted that nigga dead! Any nigga that takes the life of a woman because of some shit that his heart couldn’t take, was a pussy in my eyes. I would never forgive him for this. I watched as he grabbed a bottle of Barton gin off the nightstand that stood beside her lifeless body, and turned it up nonstop.

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