All In: Betting on a Full House (Gambling With Love) (8 page)

BOOK: All In: Betting on a Full House (Gambling With Love)
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Chapter Twelve




Ugh. Tyler was right. I should have taken the weekend off, but I couldn't. I needed the money and it's not like I'd actually had a medical procedure. Although it did feel strange stripping now that I knew I had two kids inside me. The whole thing was somehow … inappropriate. Regardless of how I felt, I had work to do. I put on my cowboy boots, hat and white t-shirt, then it was show time.

Def Leppard's
Pour Some Sugar On Me
came over the speakers, indicating it was my turn. I strutted out on stage, feeling as though everyone could
my pregnancy, which was ridiculous. They would be able to soon, but right now my children were nothing more than blips on an ultrasound.

I finished my routine, which consisted of letting a man from the audience pour a bottle of bubbly over my chest, soaking my white t-shirt, before I removed it, then headed for a quick shower. Instead of the shirt, I redressed in a white thong bikini with my brown cowgirl hat and boots, then went out to mingle with the customers to try and sell a few private dances.

I couldn't hide the surprise on my face when I looked up and saw Will and Dylan watching me from one of the tables.

"Well, look what the pussy cat dragged in," I said when I approached them.

"Hey Je-" Will started but I interrupted him.

"It's Eve, and only Eve here guys."

Both of their cute little faces blushed. Their shyness was really adorable.

"So what'd you think of my routine?" I asked, just to frazzle them more. Both of them blushed even harder. 

"It was awesome. Especially the whole upside down thing … you know on the pole," Will said, staring at my barely covered breasts.

"I like the boots," Dylan remarked, his eyes continuing to move up and down my body like hijacked elevators.

I looked down at the brown cowboy boots, the only thing I kept on during the performance and shrugged. "Yeah, all guys have a thing for boots or high heels. Something about imagining them wrapped around their waist while fucking."

Heat lit up their gazes like firecrackers, pulling a laugh from me. The fact that my naked body aroused men didn't bother me quite as much anymore. It was something I'd learned to deal with a long time ago. Not that it would arouse anyone much longer. Soon I'd be fat, and have stretch marks.
Oh fuck

"How about a round of beers on me tonight? I owe you for all those shots the other weekend," I told them.

"Yeah, how did you manage to get home? You were blitzed."

Now it was my turn to blush. "Tyler and I caught a cab."
And he knocked me up
, I thought but didn't share.

"So are the two of you ..." Will inquired, and his eyes lowered to the thin scrap of material between my legs.           

"Still fucking? Yes."

"He's a good guy, and I'm sure you're more than just a fuck buddy to him." Right, I was still just Lauren's stand in.

"Uh-huh," I responded. "Buds okay?"

"Daughtry's would be even better," Dylan said with a big smile.

"You guys like the local brewery?" I asked in surprise. They looked at each other and then nodded. "Huh. Daughtry Lite is my favorite too. I'll grab a round and be right back."

I went to the bar and started to get three bottles before remembering I couldn’t drink. Fuck, part of my job involved letting men buy me drinks during the night. I went for a water instead and carried the three drinks back to the table.

"Thanks Je- I mean Eve," Dylan cringed and caught his slip-up.

"You're welcome." I sat down in the empty chair at their table and both of their jaws dropped.


"You're going to sit with us?"

"Ah, yeah. Is that okay or am I cramping your style?" I asked, opening my water.

"God no," Will answered. "Staying sober tonight?" he asked, nodding to my bottle.

"Yeah. Learned my lesson the other night. So, tell me about what you two do for a living. If I had to guess I'd say computer genius and basketball player."

"Well, I'm nothing near a genius, but I do work with computers doing networking and internet security."   

"And unfortunately I suck at basketball. I'm working on my business admin degree at Madison," Dylan explained, the most words I'd ever heard him use.

"The all-girl, liberal arts University?" I asked.

"Hell yes. There are hardly any guys on campus," he said with a smile.

"Yeah, but my sister Jules is a freshman there, and she said all the girls think he's gay," Will laughed.

"Fuck you," Dylan snapped at Will, flipping him off. 

I couldn't help but laugh, picturing Dylan sitting in a classroom full of girls, all shy. If he had a little more confidence I could seriously see women losing their shit for the big, handsome man.

"Well, I think I'm going to start looking for a new career."

"What? Why? You are so fucking hot," Will said, then quickly added, "Don't tell Tyler I said that."

I smiled at his compliment before answering. "Let's just say I'm tired of this place and want a more … dignified job."

"That's a helluva shame for the male population in this town," Dylan remarked.

"But seriously, I do the IT admin for a law firm that is looking for a legal assistant for one of the attorneys. If you're interested I could text you their number and information," Will offered.

"I don’t have a bit of experience doing anything but taking my clothes off and waitressing, but I'm so desperate I'll give anything a shot."

"Desperate?" Will asked, then looked at my water again before raising an eyebrow in question. The boy was too smart for his own good. I just hoped he didn't spill the beans.

"Just really need a change of … scenery."

"Right," he drawled, but he let it go and pulled out his phone. "What's your number?"

I recited the digits then his phone dinged when he sent the message.

"Thanks. I'll work on my resume and get it out tomorrow."

"Good luck," he said, with a smile that implied he meant more than with the job.

"Thanks for telling me about it. Well, I better go shake my ass and get naked if I want to make any money tonight," I told them as I stood up to leave.                                  

The two boys groaned, and then Dylan cleared his throat.

"We both, um, paid for a private dance, I mean, if that's okay," he said, shocking the fuck out of me. It probably wasn't the best idea, and I knew Tyler would be pissed if he found out, but I was in desperate need of a self-esteem boost. Besides, it was my job, at least for now, and I wasn't anything but a fuck buddy to him.

"Then what are we sitting here for? You don't mind just sharing me for twice as long do you?" I asked, then grabbed each of them by the hand when they shook their heads. They were too sweet, and I couldn't wait to try and blow their minds. They were a nice change of pace from the regular old, creepy men.

"Hey, Tom. I know these guys, so give me thirty minutes, and tell tonight’s monitors not to freak out if they touch me, okay?" I told the security guard.

"Sure, Eve. Have fun boys," he said flashing a smile at Will and Dylan. 

I led them into one of the smaller rooms and shut the door. "There are cameras all around and in the stereo speakers so try and keep your hands to yourselves. If you get too frisky they'll throw you out," I told them while dragging one of the chairs over to set it across from the couch so they'd both have good views.

"So one of you on the couch and one in the chair. Now, do you want me completely naked or should I keep my bottoms on?" I asked, wondering if they'd be embarrassed.

"You can keep the boots on," Will said as he sank down on the couch. Dylan nodded in agreement from the chair.                                                                  

"Naked it is then," I laughed, and walked up between them, throwing my hat off, and shaking my hair out.

I reached up behind my neck to start untying my bikini top while moving my hips to the beat of Warrant's
Cherry Pie
that was blasting through the speakers. If I had a dollar for every time I heard this damn song ... never mind, I actually
get at least a dollar every time I hear this song.

Standing sideways I let the small triangles of my top fall to my waist. Both of their eyes were instantly glued to my breasts, of course. I liked watching their reactions, and noticed when Will swallow hard and Dylan bite his bottom lip.

I brought my hands up, squeezing and teasing my nipples. And damn if they weren't super sensitive too, in a good way. Probably from the pregnancy. Fuck if I didn't feel the zing of arousal all the way to my core. 

I reached around for the string tied at the center of my back, but then turned around to Dylan.

"Will you untie my top for me?" I asked and he nodded and reached up with his big hands to pull the white string, letting my top fell to the floor. I leaned forward, with a hand on each side of Will's legs to give him a good view, which put my ass in Dylan's face as I rolled my hips. When I stood back up I grabbed my hair and pulled it off my neck, then, spreading Will's thighs with my own legs, I started dancing in between them.

"Will, can you handle the strings on my bottoms?" I asked sweetly while I kept moving provocatively.

"Fuck yes," he said, reaching up with a hand on each side of my hips and tugging the strings, letting my bottoms fell to the floor.

"Thanks," I told him, now dancing completely naked in front of him except for my boots.

I climbed up onto Will's lap, straddling his hips and rubbing my hands through his thick, curly brown hair. The move pushed my breasts together and put them right in front of his face.   

"Oh dear God," he muttered as his hands came up and grabbed my waist.

I rolled my hips and grinded against the bulge of his zipper, making him suck in a breath, and causing a hitch in my own.

"Are you happy to see me, Will?" I joked.

"Yes," he answered honestly.  

I leaned backwards as far as I could go, and, feeling brazen for whatever reason, grabbed Will's hand and guided his palm down the center of my breasts, over my stomach, going lower, stopping just above my slit. His soft touch made my breath catch, and I felt pressure starting to build between my legs.

When I raised back up Will's eyes were hooded as they looked over my body, his hands went back to my sides, sliding slowly and hesitantly down. I felt dampness between my legs and stood up quickly before I let things get out of hand with him.

I'd lost my damn mind, and hadn't even noticed a new song was on. It was Nelly's
Hot in Here
, which seemed rather appropriate. The temperature in the room seemed to have gone up at least twenty degrees.

I took a few deep calming breaths as I turned around and moved toward Dylan. His mouth was hanging open, and the heel of his palm pushed down against the bulge in his pants. I stepped up between his long legs that were spread wide, and rubbed my hands through his sandy blonde hair. He was so tall that even sitting he was eye level with my breasts. I turned my back to him and rolled my body down, brushing my bare ass against the crotch of his jeans on the way down, and then back up again. Fuck if he wasn't hard, and I was pretty sure he was
well endowed, proportional to all that height of his.

I turned around to climb on his lap, and since he was in a small chair, I wrapped my legs around and crossed my ankles at the back of it, then laid back with my shoulder on each of his thighs. Giving him the same treatment, I grabbed his big hand and placed it on my pelvis, dragging it up my stomach, between my breasts, to my neck, then down the same trail, rolling my back and hips on him the whole time. I gasped when his hand started following the same path all on its own.

Before I knew what I was doing I'd pressed my breasts together, which caused his large hand to slide over them both on each pass. My pulse and breathing sped up as I arched my back in invitation. Both of Dylan’s palms reached out and cupped my breasts. I didn’t remove his hands, but let him stroke my nipples and keep right on kneading and caressing them until I couldn't hold back my moan of arousal. Desire and need pooled between my legs.

," Dylan groaned, his voice sounding huskier and shaky.

I grabbed the front of his shirt to pull myself up and tried to laugh off being so turned on when I saw how red his face was. Mine was probably also flushed by now. His hands moved down to my waist and I immediately missed their intimate touch.

I went to kiss his cheek before climbing off, but when I pulled my legs around and planted them on either side of his on the floor, my body dipped forward, causing that huge bulge underneath his zipper to push right up into my uncovered entrance. Heat erupted, sending a jolt through my body, and before I knew what was happening Dylan’s mouth was on mine. We both became desperate in our frantic pursuit of pleasure. My arms wrapped tightly around his neck, and my breasts flattened against his hard chest. Our hips started rocking, simulating the act our bodies were begging for.

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