All In: Raising the Stakes (10 page)

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"Good morning," Katie says as her lips make their way back up my body.

"Morning," I say between pants. "What'd I deserve…that kind of wake up…so I can do it again?"

"You stayed," she says as she lowers herself down on me.

I feel her up when she’s within reach, and realize she still has her pajamas on and other than my lowered jeans, I’m still dressed. That shit has to go. I pull her top off then push her bottoms and panties down until she can kick them off. Katie goes to work on getting my shirt over my head while I rid myself of the rest.

Then finally, thank fuck, we’re naked and pressed against each other like we can't get close enough. With our hands pulling hair, our mouths sucking on each other, we tumble until I’m hard as a rock again, easing into her wet and ready pussy. We fuck quick and dirty, but it’s really damn amazing.

"God, Joe," Katie whispers as we catch our breath. Her head rests on my chest with my arms around her.

"You sure do know how to get a man up in the morning," I tell her.

She giggles as her fingertip draws some sort of random designs over my chest and stomach.


"You don't think he heard us do you?" I whisper.

She smiles. "No, Joe. He didn't hear us. He's at the other end of the hall and sleeps like a rock."

"Good." I glance at her alarm clock and see I have ten minutes before my phone goes off. Shit. "I better get going, so I can get a shower and get ready for work."

"Yeah," Katie sighs. "I've got to start getting ready, too. Candace will be here any minute."

"Is Candace Drew's babysitter?"

"Uh-huh. I didn't like the idea of throwing him in a daycare with dozens of other kids."

"Yeah, I can understand that," I agree.           

I know I need to get moving, go get ready for work, but it’s tough to do when it feels so good where I am. This is where I feel like I'm supposed to be. It feels so damn right. "Wanna do lunch today?" I ask her.

"Sure. I've got a few appointments with victims this morning but I should be free by noon."

"Okay, I'll swing by your office when I get done in court."

"Okay," she says before, unfortunately, moving off of me and climbing out of bed.

I can't help but stare at the gorgeous woman. I always thought she was a knockout in her work suits, but this morning her long red hair is sexy and messy, flowing down the middle of her naked back. Her ivory skin is a beautiful contrast to her bright, fiery hair. She’s stunning.

I finally force myself off the mattress and start rounding up my abandoned clothing to put it all back on. I give Katie a quick kiss then let myself out the front door. And is it just me or does the sun seem a little brighter? The sky a little bluer? A new spring in my step? Yeah, maybe it's just me, because last night I wiggled my way into a whole new, intimate side of Katie's life that I never knew before. I met her son and spent the night in her bed. I'm on top of the world. At the same time, my heart hurts knowing the pain Katie must feel losing her sister in such a terrible way. 

Figuring Tyler and Jess will be up since they have twin toddlers, I dial his cell while I drive back to my place.

"Joe? What do you want now?" Tyler laughs.

"How'd you know I wanted something?" I ask.  

"Because you call Jess when you just want to catch up. You call
when you want something."

"Fair enough. I want to know what you remember about Katie's sister's case."

"Shit, that damn case still gives me nightmares. Having to tell them…it was the worst thing I've ever had to do."

"What happened? That was a few months before I came to town."

"I was right out of the academy. It was my first week riding with Simmons. We got a call from a neighbor who heard a woman's screams. Then dispatch said a call came in from the house. A woman was in labor with complications. We were at the scene by that time, so Simmons decided to at least let them know the ambulance was on the way. When we went in, Rakes was frantic. No shit, he took us down to the basement. The door had like two or three deadbolt locks on it. Then we saw her," he says, followed by a pause. "She was on a mattress on the floor and had recently been chained up like a damn dog. She'd lost a lot of blood and she was in agony. Finally, the paramedics arrived, but it was too late. Before they took her to the hospital she told me what she wanted to name the baby."

"So they got her to the hospital but couldn't save her?" I ask the obvious.

"She was gone, but the baby, a boy, survived. We went to her parents’ house to tell them and of course they were crushed. Especially since she'd been alive just hours before…then she was gone because of something as fucked up as childbirth. That only made it worse, realizing what she'd been through all those months. I don't know what happened to the baby. She named him Drew."

"He just turned three," I say.

"Yeah, I guess he would be three. Doesn't seem like it's been that long."

"He loves trains and his favorite color is blue."

"What?" Tyler asks. "How do you know that?"

"Because Katie's been raising him for the last three years. I met him last night."

"Holy shit! I had no idea. I mean, I talk to Katie on cases, but I've never brought it up because I knew how hard it was on her and her family. Wow."

"What happened to the bastard? You said his name was Rakes?" I ask.

"Yeah, Richard Rakes. Forty-year-old, white male. No prior record, which was why no one ever suspected him. He was the custodian at Madison, where Kelly went to school, and had been for like fifteen years. We figure he followed her home from school and then forced her out of the house with him." 

"Damn. That's…God. What happened to him?"

"He confessed that night. He was a mess, sobbing because he hadn't gotten her help in time. He thought her and the baby died, so none of us told him any different."

"How much time did he get?"

"I think it was something like six hundred and fifty-four months all together."

"Where's he being held?"

"Probably at Central Prison in Raleigh with most of the other lifers, but I can check and tell you for sure."

"Okay, thanks. And thanks for the info. I can't imagine how hard this is on Katie."

"Yeah, I can't imagine. So you two are seeing each other out of the office?" he asks.

I can't help my smile. "Yes. Finally. I've been trying to get the woman's attention for months."

"Well, good for you, I guess. I'll talk to you later."

"All right, thanks, Tyler. I owe you again. Put it on my tab."

"Will do. See ya."

Chapter Eight


Joe shows up in my office right at noon. I stand up and grab my purse to leave, but he shuts the door. When he pushes the lock in, I swear it felt like his thumb was pressing on my clit. I stand frozen, watching as he comes, all sexy and smug, to me. I expect him to kiss me, but instead, he drops to his knees, his hands reaching under my skirt for my panties.

"Joe!" I say in shock when he lowers them all the way to the ground. "Everyone's gonna know."

"Know what? That you're mine?" he asks, pushing my skirt up to my waist. God, I like the sound of that.                              

"What-what if Caldwell finds out?" I ask him, but then I feel his warm breath on my pussy and any other concerns go out the window.

"I'm sure he'll be thrilled to know we're getting along so well."

"Joe," I half complain and moan. My eyes close when his tongue laps at my flesh.

"Spread your legs for me, Katie Kat. I'm trying to eat your pussy and still have time to take you out to lunch." As a motivator to do as he said, Joe thrusts two fingers deep inside me, making me cry out. Holding on to the edge of my desk, I open my thighs wider for him because I don't want him to stop. My breathing turns ragged as my legs begin to shake. The
sound Joe makes give me that last push off the ledge, making me come on his tongue, and not exactly quietly.

When I'm able to open my eyes again, Joe's looking up at me, his mouth still between my legs, lapping up every drop of my arousal. It's almost enough to send me into another full blown orgasm. Finally he holds my panties out for me to slip them on again and then lowers my skirt.

"Ready to go eat?" he asks with a smug smile.

"Sure," I say even though if I look anything like I feel, I'm a complete mess. I'm off balance. Discombobulated. Tipsy even.

"Maybe we should just order in today," Joe offers, biting his lip,

trying not to grin. I nod my agreement before taking a seat in one of my office chairs.

I vaguely hear Joe ordering us something over the phone. After he hangs up, he comes and sits down in the chair next to me. When our eyes meet we both start laughing. Then I notice the tenting of his suit pants.

"How long before they'll be here?" I ask him.

"Twenty to twenty-five minutes."

"Should be plenty of time for me to get you off with my mouth," I tell him. It takes less than five.

After work, the doorbell rings and my heart races at the thought of seeing Joe. It has to be him, right?

I walk past Drew drawing on his doodle board in the floor and look out the peephole to the porch. God, the man looks even better than I remember from our naughty rendezvous during lunch today.

"Hey," I say when I open the door out of breath. Yeah, because the twenty steps from the kitchen to the front was a strenuous workout. I know my body is all hyped up at the sight of the man in front of me. Speaking of strenuous activity…

"Hey," he replies with a tight smile. "You up for company again tonight?"

"Ah, yeah. I guess." I was starting to think I couldn't refuse him if my life depended on it. Then I notice the big bag in his hand.

"What's that?" I ask.

He looks down at the bag like he'd just remembered he was holding it. "Oh, it's something for Drew if it's okay with you?"

In my
Ally McBeal
like hallucination,
Hooked on a Feeling
blasts loudly as the diaper-wearing baby does his little happy dance on my welcome mat, ending with a moonwalk.

"Katie?" Joe asks, snapping me back to reality.


"Is it…okay?"

"What is it?" I ask.

"A, um, little train track with motorized engine. It's for ages three and up. I checked to make sure."

And that's when my heart melts into a soppy puddle. "Thanks, Joe. You didn't have to do that, but I'm sure he'll love it."

"Good," he exhales, and visibly relaxes like he'd really been worried.

I realize he’s still standing outside because I haven’t moved, so I step aside to let him in. "Go ahead," I tell him, motioning to Drew.

"Hey, Drew. Whatcha drawing?" he asks.

"A doggy, woof-woof," Drew replies.

"Nice." Joe laughs. "I brought you something. Do you want to see it?"

Drew's eyes brighten at the mention of a gift. "Yay!" he exclaims. Hopping off the couch he goes straight for the bag Joe sat down in the floor. The little man gasps when he looks inside. After that his tiny hands start clapping and he jumps up and down, squealing with glee. "Thomas!"

"Yeah, you think you can help me put it together?" Joe asks

"Yes! Let's pway," he says, his L's sounding toddler cute when replaced with W's.

Ten minutes later, Thomas is making his first trip around the track that’s not little as Joe had claimed. I can't complain, though, because Drew absolutely loves it, and Joe also thought to get batteries, which is impressive. 

Drew watches as the train winds its way up the spiral hill to the castle, where it just misses the gate falling on it, then out to the cliff where it suddenly drops through the mountain to come out with a small gold crown as its new cargo. An automatic crane moves just in time to replace a piece of missing track, then the train starts making the whole circuit again. It’s an incredible playset from an even more incredible man.

"You did really good picking this for him, Joe. I'm guessing it'll be one of the few things that actually keeps him entertained for hours."

"Good," he says from where he’s still sitting on the floor, showing Drew how to reset all the little tricks on the track. After the third circuit Drew has it all down and can run the track by himself. Hopping up from his spot on the floor, Drew throws his arms around Joe's neck, catching him and me both off-guard.

"Thank you for my choo-choo. I wuv it," he tells him.  

And cue the waterworks. I quickly wipe the moisture away and try to get my head out of the clouds. Sure, Drew's happy now, but what'll happen when he doesn't see Joe anymore? It's not just me that'll be devastated. Oh God. I can't be so selfish to have Joe temporarily when it means hurting Drew in the long run. I head for the kitchen to try and gather my composure before I ask Joe to leave. Just thinking about not seeing him anymore has my chest aching and my stomach in knots.

My palms are braced on the kitchen island when Joe comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Hey," he says softly. "What's wrong?"

I shake my head, and swallow some of the emotion down. "I can't do this, Joe."

"Can't do what?"

"Us! I can't…we can't. Every second you're here…is going to make it that much worse. I can handle you breaking my heart...but I can't let you break his." My tears have turned to sobs despite how hard I try to hold it together. I selfishly want to be with him, more than anything, and it hurts so damn much to do this.

"You think I don't know that?" Joe asks with his lips against my hair. "I want to be here with you and him, and I promise you I'm not going anywhere, Katie Kat, not unless you make me. I'm falling more in love with you every single day and have been since the moment I met you. Please, just give me a chance to prove that to you."

While my heart tries to find its rhythm again, I let him turn me in around his arms until I’m facing him. Joe's cerulean eyes are pleading and sincere as they look into mine. After his thumbs wipe away my tears, his lips brush against mine. Our kiss grows and becomes needy and urgent. Lifting me up he sits me on the counter to stand between my legs.

"How much longer to bedtime?" he asks as he pulls back.

"Half an hour," I say based on the time showing on the oven.

"If you let me stay, I've got my suit for tomorrow in the car. I won't have to leave in the morning."

I nod, wanting more than anything to give him the chance he asked me for. If he's as serious as he sounded, then maybe this really will work out for the best. Maybe, if Joe’s being honest about what he wants, I can have a little happiness in my life without worrying about hurting Drew. "I want you to stay."

"Good," he says with a smile. "Now let's go see if he's worn out the batteries in the train yet. I've got twenty-two more out in the car, if so."

I’m unable to control my ridiculously happy grin. "If it's possible, I think I want you even more after hearing that you have a battery supply."

Even after Joe’s sincere words before he spent the night again, I knew better than to get my hopes up for this becoming a habit. But I did want him to prove he meant what he said, that I can count on him to stick around.

Unfortunately, the first real test came a lot quicker than I expected.

The next day at work, I'd just got back to the office from my second appointment when I see the vase of flowers taking up most of my desk. A beautiful bouquet of white roses with a few red ones interspersed. I pluck the card from the center already knowing who sent them. The handwritten note reads:    

Even if I was lucky enough to wake up with you in my arms every morning, I'd still dream of you each night

Sorry I have to miss lunch, but I promise I'll make it up to you.

When I woke with him spooning me again this morning, my heart came to a stop in my chest. I was thrilled, while at the same time a little sad thinking I shouldn't get used to how good it feels to share a bed with him. Sure, he didn't immediately go running when he found out I was raising a toddler, but that doesn't mean he won't eventually.

I push those depressing thoughts aside and decide to live in the here and now, enjoying this new relationship and hoping for the best. So he got tied up and had to cancel our lunch plans. It happens. We both work in a demanding field where you never know what emergency might come up or when.

Only Joe's emergency wasn't work related. Later that afternoon I got a text from him that said he was in Charlotte because Lacy has been admitted into the hospital. She's gone into preterm labor and he was down there making sure she and the baby were okay. Possibly

Jealousy is such an annoying little bitch, trying to suffocate me and drown my happiness. Joe admitted he had been with Lacy recently, and yeah, even if her boyfriend had been present, they were still together. If he's planning to continue…whatever it is between them, then I don't want any part of him or his flowers or morning fucks or anything else.



Chad and I pull up at the Women's Hospital in Charlotte and follow the signs to labor and delivery. Will was a mess when he called, worried about Lacy being so stressed that it was probably making things that much worse on the baby.

Asking a nurse at the desk for her room number, she raises a curious eyebrow after she informed us only immediate family and fathers were allowed in the back. I told her we both potentially fell into the latter.

Lacy and Will are in a room with her dad. Oh shit! Does he know about our...unusual situation? I give Will a questioning look and he responds with a half shrug, seeming too worried about Lacy to care. Jim Pierce is surprised to see me and Chad. I think Chad’s definitely the most uncomfortable since Jim is still his current boss.

"How are you doing, Lace?" I ask, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

She frowns and looks over at the machines monitoring the devices stuck to her stomach. "The baby's heart rate is elevated. The doctor said it's probably because he or she is freaking out from being squeezed, ugh, like this," she says as her face pinches in pain. I put a hand on her pregnant belly, not caring about her dad's presence or what he thinks. Her stomach is hard as a damn rock and I can feel the baby's frantic movement underneath. Lacy and Will have decided to let the gender be a surprise since the paternity will be as well. The suspense of it all is killing me.

"So have they told you anything?" I ask.

"They gave me a shot to hopefully stop the contractions. I haven't dilated any which is really good news. They're going to keep me overnight, and if things settle down, they'll let me go home tomorrow on bed rest possibly until the baby's full term."

"That's good, hopefully it'll stop, and you'll go on for a few more weeks."

"Yeah, hopefully at least seven more so the baby's full term."

"The doctor gave her a steroid shot to boost the baby's lungs in case it comes early, and told us to get a pediatrician lined up soon," Will adds.

"So now we wait?" Chad, who'd been relatively quiet, asks.

Jim clears his throat, and says, "Lacy, do I want to know the answer to why there are three men in the labor and delivery room with you?"

"No, Dad, you don't."

"Shit, what's going on? I just got your message after practice," Zack Bradford says when he comes bursting into the room.

"Goddamn it," her dad mutters before leaving.       

Lacy fills Zack in while the rest of us pace, shuffle from foot-to-foot, watch the clock, and chew on our fingernails.

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