All Is Well: Heal Your Body With Medicine, Affirmations, and Intuition (5 page)

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Authors: Louise L. Hay,Mona Lisa Schulz

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Inspiration & Personal Growth, #Self-Help, #Personal Growth

BOOK: All Is Well: Heal Your Body With Medicine, Affirmations, and Intuition
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6. Do you experience dizziness?


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All Is Well
Self-Assessment Quiz

Lifestyle Questions:

1. Do you have trouble keeping within the word limits

on essay tests?

2. Do you have problems with multiple-choice tests?

3. Is your mind always in the clouds?

4. Do you drag your feet when it comes to learning

new technology?

5. Have you ever experienced serious trauma or abuse?

6. Can you feel “spirit” when you’re in nature?

Section 7

Body Health Questions:

1. Are you experiencing a chronic illness?

2. Have you been diagnosed with an incurable disease?

3. Do you have cancer?

4. Is your health so bad that you are on the verge of


Lifestyle Questions:

1. Do you have a driven, indomitable spirit?

2. Are you always working—never taking a sick day?

3. Are you lost as to what your true life’s purpose is?

4. Do you tend to have one life or health crisis after


5. Do most of your friends and family seem to be

moving away or leaving you in other ways?


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To score the quiz, simply count the number of yeses in

each section.

Section 1

We Are Family—The First Emotional Center: Bones,

Joints, Blood, Immune System, and Skin

If you answered yes to:

0 to 6 questions:
You are truly at home in the world,

and your healthy bones, joints, blood, and immune

system reflect this. Your health challenges are likely

to be in other areas.

7 to 11 questions:
You have occasional family

problems, and that twinge of joint pain, the

frustration of skin problems, or the discomfort of

immune system issues will let you know. So make

sure to tune in and try to get these things under

control before they grow into something much worse.

12 to 18 questions:
Brace yourself! It’s time to

reevaluate how to get family or other group support.

You need to focus on the health of the first emotional

center right away by working to create a more secure

life. Go to Chapter 4 to learn what changes you can

make to help rid you of your bone, joint, blood,

immune, and skin problems.


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All Is Well
Self-Assessment Quiz

Section 2

It Takes Two—The Second Emotional Center: Bladder,

Reproductive Organs, Lower Back, and Hips

If you answered yes to:

0 to 2 questions:
You are truly a powerhouse in your

capacity to financially and romantically negotiate

your way through life. With your ability to balance

love and money, your health challenges are more

likely to come from other body regions.

3 to 5 questions:
You have average ups and downs

with love and finances. However, that occasional

hormonal mood swing or lower-back pain may

indicate that you need to look for an unstable

relationship or financial issue somewhere. Just

remember to keep vigilant in your efforts.

6 to 9 questions:
Your life has been a struggle over

how to handle both financial independence and

intimate relationships. Your health challenges with

lower-back and hip pain or hormonal, reproductive,

or bladder problems are likely to help give you

intuitive warnings that you need to find a better way

to balance money and love. Go to Chapter 5 right

away to gain insight on how to create this balance.

Section 3

A New Attitude—The Third Emotional Center: Digestive

System, Weight, Adrenal Glands, Pancreas, and



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If you answered yes to:

0 to 2 questions:
You have an innate sense that you

are lovable and can focus on your own needs, yet you

have enough discipline and responsibility to handle

a job and meet your responsibilities to others. Take a

bow. This is rare. With your capacity to balance your

own identity, your challenges are more likely to come

from other body regions.

3 to 5 questions:
Your occasional struggles with work

and your self-esteem are likely to materialize in only

occasional problems of indigestion, constipation,

bowel irregularity, or weight concerns. So keep an eye

out for any growing imbalances in these areas.

6 to 9 questions:
You know you have self-esteem

issues. Your lifelong struggle to feel empowered by a

career and to simultaneously love yourself is likely

to have resulted in illness of your digestive tract

and kidneys or in issues with weight or addiction.

Chapter 6 can help you learn important ways to

change your thoughts and behavior to lead to health

in this emotional center.

Section 4

Sweet Emotion—The Fourth Emotional Center: Heart,

Lungs, and Breasts

If you answered yes to:

0 to 4 questions:
You are one of those rare individuals

who can take care of a child, an aging parent, or

anyone for that matter and still manage to keep your

wits about you. You were born with a strong mental

and emotional constitution. Good for you.


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All Is Well
Self-Assessment Quiz

5 to 10 questions:
Your heart, respiratory, or breast

problems might signal sadness, anxiety, or frustration

with a child or partner, but you won’t be sidetracked

for long. You have resilience, and somehow you know

how to bounce back!

11 to 15 questions:
Watch out! Your lifelong struggle

managing your emotions in your relationships can

make life seem like a soap opera or bad reality show.

Sometimes you may want to run away and live in

a monastery just to get away from it all. But your

health is within reach. Check out Chapter 7 to see

what you can do to heal yourself.

Section 5

Something to Talk About—The Fifth Emotional Center:

Mouth, Neck, and Thyroid

If you answered yes to:

0 to 4 questions:
Congratulations on your impressive

communication skills. You know how to express your

own needs and listen to the point of view of those

around you. You know yourself and how to be strong

and empathetic at the same time. Good for you.

5 to 8 questions:
You have only the occasional

disagreement with friends, children, parents,

co-workers, or your partner. And even though

you lock horns, your conflict doesn’t last long

and neither do the health problems that tend to

develop in your neck, thyroid, jaw, or mouth.

When a communication style isn’t working, you

will temporarily get neck or jaw tightness or dental


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problems that will quickly help you reevaluate a

better way to communicate.

9 to 13 questions:
You probably don’t need to hear

this from us, but you have had a lifelong struggle

to feel heard and understood by others. You’ve also

had problems listening to those around you. It’s

important that you learn to communicate while

being aware of all sides of a situation—peacefully

having a voice and simultaneously hearing. Chapter

8 will set you on the right path.

Section 6

Suddenly I See—The Sixth Emotional Center: Brain,

Eyes, and Ears

If you answered yes to:

0 to 3 questions:
How do you do it? You are one of

those rare individuals who was born with a stable

mind-set and doesn’t tend to struggle with the

unknown. Call it faith. Or call it traveling through

life on autopilot. It doesn’t matter. You’ve learned

not to struggle, and you gracefully adapt to the

changes in life. Your health problems are probably

not to be found in the brain, eyes, and ears.

4 to 8 questions:
You have only the occasional

problem struggling with pessimism and narrow-

mindedness about the future. However, an inner

voice eventually tells you that your mind is not

your friend. And the headache, dry eyes, or bout of

dizziness that occurs when you are in a pessimistic

funk will soon get your attention and force you to

look at your world with a healthier perspective.


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All Is Well
Self-Assessment Quiz

9 to 12 questions:
Take a deep breath. The cause of

your problems is your lifelong struggle to clearly see

and hear the world as it really is. You need to widen

your scope of perception, making your mind-set

more adaptive and flexible. By being open to how

life flows, and releasing your expectations about

how you think life should be, you can create better

health in your brain, eyes, and ears. Learn more

about this in Chapter 9.

Section 7

Changes—The Seventh Emotional Center: Chronic and

Degenerative Disorders and Life-Threatening Illnesses

If you answered yes to:

0 to 2 questions:
You are at a stable point in life.

You’ve watched other people suffer health disasters

but you’ve remained healthy. Congratulations, and

keep it up.

3 to 5 questions:
You have only the occasional

medical issue. Your faith may have been tested on

those few times when you got the painful medical

results back from the doctor. Since you’ve had these

experiences before, keep an eye out for anything your

body may be trying to tell you before it gets to the

point of dealing with these dramatic situations again.

6 to 9 questions:
Don’t worry; you have company.

You’ve known for a while that you need help. You

meditate, pray, and have an array of medical support

people to help guide you through the crises. However,

you are worn down. To have a better life, you need

to examine how to change and grow in partnership


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with Divine spirit. Join us for the adventure in

Chapter 10.

Now that you’ve evaluated your current situation, let us take

the next steps to create health together.


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Chapter 3
a PersPectIve

on usIng MedIcIne

Some readers who are drawn to this book may be tempted to

opt out of the healing options modern medicine provides. This

could be because they see using these as proof that other options

won’t work, or perhaps because of some level of distrust of the

modern system. But in my experience—both with my own health

and through my patients—I’ve found that medicine is an essential

part of the equation.

Around the world over a period of some years, health care

has undergone seismic shifts. For centuries or perhaps millennia,

when it came to healing, people focused on engaging skilled prac-

titioners who used techniques such as dream interpretation and

intuition. Because they didn’t have the technology we use today,

they relied on these mystical skills to lead them toward a cause

and a cure. For example, in ancient Greece, instead of employing

a radiologist to get an MRI or CT scan, ancient physicians would

go into an altered, dreamlike state and intuitively accessed infor-

mation about their patients’ illnesses. Healing involved looking

at the whole person and attempting to restore balance to restore



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In recent years, science has changed this whole-person, balance-

focused perspective on health. Diagnostic tests, drugs, specialists,

and many technical advances have made the world a healthier

place. Average life expectancy has gone up. The incidence of ma-

ternal death during childbirth has plummeted. We have medi-

cations that can eradicate horrible diseases. Think of the havoc

wreaked on Europe during the mid-14th century. The bubonic

plague—the Black Death—killed somewhere between 30 and 60

percent of the entire population. Can you imagine? And the bu-

bonic plague is still around, but its impact has been minimized

by treatment with antibiotics. Modern medicine really has accom-

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