All of Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy (16 page)

Read All of Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy Online

Authors: K E Osborn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: All of Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy
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“Anytime. So ah, did you get my flowers?” he asks. I casually glance over at Aiden who’s staring at me intently, but he obviously can’t get away from Mr. Anderson.

“I did, thank you they were lovely, but not necessary. James, I’m engaged and although I’m flattered by your kindness toward me, it’s making my fiancé uncomfortable.”

James looks at me furrowing his brow. “Well I don’t see your fiancé here, so he doesn’t even have to know about it. What do you say? Can I take you out tonight for dinner?” he asks as he sits on the edge of my desk.

My eyes widen in shock.
I can’t believe he’s asking me out even though he knows I am engaged. I shake my head as I see Aiden walking over. His nostrils are flaring and his fists are clenching.


“So how about it, beautiful. You, me, a bottle of champagne, no one needs to know,” he says just as Aiden walks up behind him. His brows furrow on hearing what James is saying to me.

“Aiden!” I say, making James look behind him. Aiden grabs him by the collar of his suit.

“What the hell, dude?” James says, trying to push Aiden off of him.

“Aiden, leave it!” I say as he looks at me with a death glare and pushes James away from him.

“How dare you, you ignorant little
. You know she’s taken and yet you still go after her. Get it through your head, she’s not interested,” Aiden says right in his face.

James scowls at him and pushes him again.

“Stop it!” I say but they both ignore me.

“She wants me and you know it,” James says, getting so close to Aiden I’m sure he can smell James’ breath.

Aiden grabs James by the scruff of his neck and slams him up against the wall.

“Don’t you dare talk about her like that,” Aiden says as Mr. Anderson and Alistair walk over to see what the commotion is about.

“Why do you care?” James asks, pushing Aiden away from him again.

“Because she’s mine, you
. I love her, and I won’t let anyone take her from me again, especially not a sniveling little weasel like you.”

“Aiden, stop it,” I say.

“Well, she must have horrible taste in men if she chose you. C’mon, baby, come and be with a real man,” James says.

Aiden looks at me and his face contorts with rage as he clenches his fists. James suddenly punches Aiden in the jaw. I gasp and my hand shoots up to my mouth as Aiden grabs him and rams him up against the wall so hard he puts a dent in it. James exhales loudly as Aiden’s fist connects with his stomach. Mr. Anderson moves toward the now brawling men to try and separate them.

“Get off me, you
freak,” James yells out as Alistair pulls Aiden back and Mr. Anderson pulls James away.

“Aiden, get a hold of yourself, boy. You’re acting like a goddamned fool for this floozy,” Alistair says, holding Aiden from behind as he glares at James who is hunched over in pain.

“Don’t even start, Father, I swear to God I will knock you out, too,” he says, shaking free of his father’s grip.

“Alistair, I have never been so insulted in all my life. How dare your son hit mine. I don’t care what James may or may not have said. Aiden, you were completely unprofessional and if you act like this in the workplace then I hate to think of what you are capable of with my finances. I’m withdrawing my account from O’Connell Finance and I’ll be telling everyone I know how unprofessional and incompetent you and your staff are. I’m extremely disappointed in you, Aiden. We had high hopes for you and you proved me completely wrong. C’mon, James, let’s get you home. Good day, Alistair,” Mr. Anderson says as they walk toward the elevator.

“Robert, I can’t apologize enough for my son’s behavior. I will pull him from your account and will deal with you personally from now on. I can promise you that your account will be in safe hands, and I'll continue to make the best profits I can for you. Please, Bob, don’t let this come between our friendship,” Alistair says.

“Alistair, we never had a friendship. It was a business relationship, and I never liked you. I only stayed because I believed in Aiden, and now he’s turned out to be an arrogant ass as well as you. No, I will not deal with you from now on because as of this very second, our business relationship is terminated. You, your hostile son, and his tease of a fiancée can go to hell. As I said, good day to you, sir,” Mr. Anderson says as they step into the elevator. James looks at me and furrows his brow looking extremely angry. The doors close and Aiden rushes to my side.

“Baby, are you alright?” he asks, checking me up and down to assess the damage from the fall and the emotional damage from what just happened.

What was that
?” Alistair yells as he walks over.

“He asked for it,” Aiden says.

I’m not asking you. I’m asking her
,” he yells. He glares at me, knowing that I won’t tell Aiden that it was him who purposely tripped me. That’s what started all this in the first place.

“Pulling a stupid stunt like tripping and then being a cock tease to James lost us the account.
You’re nothing but a stupid fucking bitch,
” he says, thumping his fist on the table.

“Don’t you dare call her a cock tease! She couldn’t help tripping. It was an accident. Shouldn’t you be angry with me instead? I’m the one who lost us the account,” Aiden says.

“Pull your act together, both of you. And, Aiden, if you pull a stunt like that again, I’ll sort you out myself, so help me God,” he says, storming back into his office.

“Jeni, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I just lost it when I heard him talking to you like that. Don’t worry about Father, and don’t listen to anything he says,” Aiden says, looking at me with loving eyes.

I raise my hand and lightly touch his jaw where a slight bruise is forming.

He winces and takes my hand. “Would you like to go home? I’ll come and look after you.”

Alistair walks back out of his office glaring at me. Seeing as he’s in a really bad mood and will probably keep tormenting me, plus the emotion of seeing the man I love in a brawl makes me agree; it’s best for us to go home.

“I think it’s a good idea. You don’t mind?”

“I want you to be comfortable and I think we might feel better resting at home for the rest of today.”

I grab my personal belongings and Aiden walks with me to Mike.

“Oh, Miss Taylor, what happened?” he asks.

“I tripped and fell.”

“You seem to be very accident prone don’t you?” he asks with a slight smirk. He looks at Aiden and focuses in on his bruised jaw, but says nothing while Aiden helps me into the back seat.


We pull up at Sarah’s house and we make our way inside. I can hear strange noises coming from the kitchen. It’s like a slapping sound mixed in with moaning. I turn toward Aiden who looks at me with his brows furrowed.

me, sailor, show me how good your seaman skills are,” I hear, and raise my eyebrows in shock. We slowly walk down the hall, and I gasp when we walk into the kitchen. Sarah is naked except for an apron wrapped around her waist and a little French maid’s hat, and Chris is naked except for a sailor’s hat and bib. Sarah’s bent over the kitchen counter while Chris is ramming into her from behind.
Oh my God!
It’s like watching a real live porno. I’m so shocked at what I’m seeing. Aiden chuckles as I raise my hand to cover his eyes.

“You’re such a filthy maid,” Chris says, making me literally laugh out loud. I quickly raise my hand up to my mouth as they both turn to see us gawking at them.

Chris says as he spots us. He pulls Sarah up from the counter and places his hands on her tits. Luckily the apron is covering her down below, or Aiden would have seen everything. Sarah squeals and places her hands on top of Chris’.
Like that’s going to cover them up more
. Chris smirks as Sarah looks horrified. Chris turns to place Sarah in front of him and they quickly dash over to the fridge and open the door, blocking our view of their naked bodies. I can’t help but burst into a fit of laughter, and Aiden doesn’t know where to look as his eyes dart everywhere but toward them.

“Um, what are you guys doing home?” Chris asks as Sarah turns around and hides into his chest.

“Well we were having a pretty bad day at work so we decided to take the rest of today off. Luckily we did or we never would have seen the filthy maid and horny sailor show spectacular,” I say, making Aiden chuckle.

“Oh God,” Sarah says as she hides into Chris even further.

“You guys do know this is a kitchen, right? We have to prepare food in here. I would’ve thought with you being a master chef, Chris, would know all about the correct hygiene standards,” Aiden says, smirking at Chris who laughs.

“Yeah, you would also think that a maid would be cleaner than that, I thought they clean up messes, not make them,” I say with a giggle.

“Okay, okay. Hit us with it, get it all out,” Chris says.

“Well, if you insist. I guess it would be good to have a maid around here. I’m used to having one, but I guess a filthy naughty maid is always better than just your standard maid,” Aiden says.

“Oh yeah and I gotta say I love a man in uniform, even if it is only the hat and bib. It’s good to know you’re serving Sarah’s
try,” I say.

Aiden laughs loudly. “I’ve never heard you say that word before, baby. I like your potty mouth. Maybe I should dress up as a sailor and see what other filthy, naughty things you can say to me?” Aiden says as Sarah and Chris continue to hide behind the refrigerator door. Chris is smirking while Sarah frowns and furrows her brows at us teasing them.

“Oh yeah? Well, what about this for potty mouth?
,” I say, seductively licking my lips as Aiden laughs and shudders.

“Oh, yeah, baby, I like that,” he says, making Chris laugh.

“Seriously?” Sarah says.

“Oh, we’ll only be a minute, Sez. What about this Aiden?
,” I say seductively again. Aiden is smiling.

“Oh Jesus, Jeni, I might have to take you right here and now in the kitchen. Oh wait, it’s occupied already, damn, I love a good countertop
,” he says, making me burst into a fit of laughter.

“Okay, okay, you two have had your fun. Can you let us go now?”

I look at Aiden who is smirking and tilt my head.

“What do you think? Have we teased them enough?” I say.

“I don’t know. Surely there has to be a joke about Chris getting his anchors away, or him docking into port, or something about his seaman lost at sea. Surely there’s more fun to be had?” Aiden says, making Chris laugh and Sarah groan.

“Well, maybe we should let them get back to their bedroom. I guess it is only fair, we did interrupt them,” I say with a grin.

“Thank you, you
Now turn around so we can go to our room,” Sarah says, sounding pissed off, which only makes us both laugh again.

“Oh hell no. You think we’re going to make it easy for you? Nuh uh, you want to go to your room, go right ahead.”

Aiden looks at me with his eyebrows raised.

“Oh for
sake. Chris, cover my boobs,” Sarah says as she shimmies away from the fridge door. She closes it and Chris stands right up close behind Sarah, and they shuffle backwards down the hall toward their room.

“I won’t forget this, Jeni!” Sarah calls out.

“Just think of it as payback for putting condoms in my bag when I went on my first date with Aiden,” I call out as Aiden laughs at me. Their door slams shut and I turn to face Aiden. After the trauma of the day at work, I think Chris and Sarah have just provided the little bit of light relief we needed.


“Good morning, you two,” Bree says chirpily.

“Morning, Bree,” we both say in unison.

“You guys are so in sync with each other. It's so sweet, it's almost sickening,” Bree says.

Aiden leans over and gives me a big sloppy kiss. Bree giggles and Aiden sticks his tongue out at her and walks to his office.

Alistair comes out of his office to talk to Brielle. “Do you have that file I asked for?”

She raises her eyebrow. “What file?”

“You know, the Stewart account files I asked you to get for me,” he says sternly.

Bree scratches her head. “Father, you never asked me to get you any files. I’ll get them for you now if you'd like,” she says, rolling her chair back to open the filing cabinet under her desk.

“Hurry up, I don't have all day,” he says, frowning, looking a little confused.

I peer up at him and he’s looking around the room aimlessly.

Oh, for God’s sake, Callie, hurry up
,” he yells.

“Did you just call me Callie?” Bree asks with a smirk on her face.

No, now give me the goddamned file
,” he yells even louder.

“Jeez alright, don’t get your panties in a twist.” She rolls her eyes and I fight back a laugh. Obviously Alistair’s thinking about Callie. To mention her accidentally is quite strange; he’s normally on the ball with people’s names. Grabbing the file from Bree, he walks back into his office.

Aiden walks out of his, comes over, and gently massages my shoulders.

“Hey, baby,” he says and then nibbles on my ear.

“Hey, yourself.”

He squats down next to me. “I was thinking.”

“Yeah?” I ask hesitantly.

“What do you think about having the reception for our wedding at the Intercontinental? There is a really lovely ballroom which they can decorate for us and it has some great memories attached to it already. Why not add to those great memories?” he asks with an excited tone in his voice.

“Great memories?” I ask, teasing him, but he plays along.

“Yes. It is, after all, where you agreed to be my girlfriend,” he says.

“I’m more than happy with that. Would it be the ballroom where the retirement dinner was?”

“No, there is another one that is much prettier and more suitable.”

“Sounds good to me. Do you want to book it or shall I?”

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