All of Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy (32 page)

Read All of Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy Online

Authors: K E Osborn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: All of Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy
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“Good riddance,” Bree says as Aiden walks out.

“I heard that, Bree,” he calls out from the front door.

“Hi, girls,” Mom says, walking towards us. I can’t help my excitement; I run to my mother and hug her.

“Oh, Mom, I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes, Mom, everything’s perfect.”


Saturday, September fourteenth. Our wedding day. I wake with excitement.

“Jeni, it’s your wedding day. You’re getting married. Get up,” she says, bouncing on the bed energetically. “Oh
now I gotta pee. Stupid bladder.”

I laugh at her and sit up. “I am getting married,” I say.

Sarah stops bouncing and takes my hands in hers. “Yes you are. Now come downstairs. Your mom is cooking us breakfast,” she says.

Sarah walks arm in arm with me down the stairs to the kitchen where the smell of bacon and eggs is wafting through the house. I see Mom and Bree busily cooking and making coffee.

“Good morning, honey. How did you sleep?” Mom asks when she sees me.

“Really well.” I’m completely relaxed, not nervous at all, and one hundred percent excited to marry the man I love. Sarah makes me sit down at the table while they fuss over me, and she rushes to the bathroom.

I start to wonder how Aiden is feeling.
Is he nervous or excited like me?
My cell
and I check it.

Morning, beautiful, I missed having you in my arms last night. How are you feeling? I love you and can’t wait until you are my wife. xoxo.

I smile at the message. It’s like he knows exactly when I’m thinking about him and need to hear from him. I hit

Good morning, my soon to be husband. I know what you mean; our bed was so empty without you in it last night. I’m feeling excited and happy, and I honestly cannot wait to be your wife. You have no idea how much I love you. How are you feeling?”

I hit
and sit back in the chair, waiting for his response.

I feel elated and completely calm, and maybe a little eager to get through the day and get to our honeymoon ;-) I can’t wait to see you all dressed in your beautiful dress. I know you’re going to look amazing. I also can’t wait to see that dress on the floor. xoxo.

Mom walks over to me. “Is that him?”

“Mmm hmm.”

“How is he?” she asks.

“He’s calm and looking forward to it.”

“Finish up and I’ll get started on your hair, honey.”

I nod and hit

Smart-ass, lol. I can’t wait for the honeymoon either. I’m glad you’re feeling calm, and I can’t wait to see you all dressed up in your tux. I know you’ll look as handsome as ever. Mom is about to do my hair and makeup so I’d better go, but I’ll see you at the gardens. I’ll be the one in white ;-) love you xoxo.

I hit

Baby, before you go I have a surprise for you. Ask Sarah and she’ll get it for you. Love you too xoxo.

I read the message surprised, and I look at Sarah who looks back at me knowingly.

“Sarah, you have something for me apparently?” I ask. She waddles off into the other room to collect whatever it is.

“I think you’re going to love it,” Mom says.

“Oh, so you know as well?” I ask.

She laughs and nods, getting her hair equipment ready. Sarah comes back in with a blue square box with a white ribbon tied perfectly on top. I already know it’s from Tiffany’s. She hands it to me, and I remove the ribbon and open the box to find a sparkling diamond necklace. I almost choke on my champagne. I can only imagine the price tag.

“Oh my God,” I say out loud. I put my champagne flute on the table and take the necklace out of the box, watching it glistening in the light, sending sparkles like a disco ball all around the room.

“What do you think?” Sarah says.

“Its… it’s beautiful, I’m speechless,” I say. Mom rests her hand on my shoulder while Mel ogles the necklace. “Can you guys imagine the price of this thing?”

“My brother has all this money, and he wants to spend it on you,” Brielle says happily.

“I’d better call him. I think my gift of cufflinks completely sucks in comparison.”

Mom laughs. “Honey, you know he’ll love them.”

I pick up my cell, walk to the deck, and dial his number. He answers chirpily.

“Hey baby,” he says. I can hear Chris and the others chatting in the background.

“Thank you so much for my necklace. It’s amazing. I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t need to say anything. As long as you like it, I’m happy.”

“Like it? I love it.”

“Thank you for the cufflinks. Where did you find them?”

“I had them made to match my xo bracelet and necklace.”

“I can tell. They’re perfect, just like you,” he says, making me blush.

“Sorry they aren’t as extravagant as your gift to me,” I say sullenly.

“Jeni, baby, I love them. It’s sentimental and I love that about you.”

“Jeni, hurry up we have to get you beautified,” Sarah calls out.

“Guess you have to go,” Aiden says.

“Yeah, but I’ll see you soon, and thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“See you at two o’clock,” I say cheerily.

“I can’t wait.”

We hang up. I sigh and walk back inside to get beautified.

I sit down at the table and Mom starts on my hair when the doorbell rings. Sarah runs to the door to answers it. She walks back in the kitchen with her mom who’s helping with our hair and makeup.

“Good morning, everyone. How are you feeling, Jeni my sweet?” Trish asks.


“Excellent. Where’s my champagne?” she calls out and everyone laughs.

More champagne is poured throughout the afternoon except for Sarah who I occasionally catch staring at the bottle with a pout. We take turns in getting our hair and makeup done. Eventually the photographer shows up as does the delivery of the flowers. I get more excited as the day continues. Shelly, the photographer, takes random photos of us having a good time. I make sure not to drink too much. I don’t want to be drunk walking down the aisle, especially since it’s a cobble stone path, and we know I already have trouble when I’m wearing heels.

Everyone looks stunning and Shelly snaps some photos of me upstairs on the balcony in my white bridal robe. It gets closer and closer to two o’clock. Shelly brings everyone upstairs and we get dressed. She takes shots of the girls and then it’s my turn. I start to feel those pesky butterflies return, but I’m so happy in this moment, nothing could bring me down from this high. I remove my bridal robe showing my sexy white lingerie that I’ve picked out especially for Aiden, and I blush slightly as everyone smiles at me.

I step into my dress as Mom and Sarah pull it up into place. I take deep calming breaths as my dress goes on and they lace it up. Mom ties the pink sash at the back and I’m now finally dressed for

“Oh, Jeni, honey, you look absolutely beautiful,” she says, trying not to cry.

“Thanks, Mom, for everything.”

“One more thing,” Mom says, pulling out my veil. She places it firmly in my hair and steps back.

“There. All done,” she says. I walk over to the full length mirror and look at myself, I look… like the perfect bride. I’m so happy right now.

Shelly keeps snapping photos of everything and we all head downstairs. We hear the doorbell ring and Mom answers it to Bill, the chauffeur, waiting for us. I let Aiden pick the wedding cars so it’s a complete surprise to me as to what I’ll be riding in.

Trish hands me my bouquet and then hands out the bridesmaid bouquets. She then pins on flower corsage for Mom. This is getting real. I’m actually about to become Mrs. Aiden O’Connell. I can’t wipe the smile from my face as we walk toward the front door. I walk outside to see Bill waiting in front of a pink Cadillac. I laugh when I see it. I should’ve guessed. It has a white ribbon from the hood to the windows.

Another Cadillac pulls up to take the bridesmaids, and I smile so brightly my cheeks hurt. I look at Mom who holds me by the shoulders.

“You ready?”

“I’ve been waiting to marry Aiden all of my life. I’m more than ready.”

Bill opens the car door and everyone helps me into the car. Mom slides in next to me and the girls get into the other car. The bridesmaids go first and then we pull out from the driveway and start our journey to the Botanical Gardens. I hold onto Mom’s hand in the car. I feel at ease the whole way. We pull up at the garden gates, and I sit up in my seat a little straighter. I look at my cell and it’s two-fourteen, a little late but not too bad. Bill helps me out of the car, and Mom fusses with my dress, making sure it’s perfect.

Shelly takes more photos of me and I start to get nervous. I’ve been quite calm and excited up till now. I guess I’m mainly worried about walking down that path and falling, because I am

“You’ll be fine, sweetheart, I’ll be right by your side,” she says, calming me.

Mel walks first, then Brielle and then Sarah; finally it’s my turn to walk around the bend to Aiden.

I wrap my arm around my mom’s arm.

“Last chance to back out,” she says jokingly, making me laugh.

“Not a chance.”

We start down the path and walk around the corner. There’s a string quartet playing softly in the background. I watch the guests’ faces as they see me approaching. I look towards the end of the path and see Aiden, and my breathing stops. It’s like I’m seeing him for the first time. Time stands still as I stare at my soon to be husband who is smiling at me lovingly, with a slight expression of awe on his face. He looks so handsome and so completely gorgeous that all worries of the cobble stone path evaporate in to thin air. I feel like I’m floating down the path towards him, almost like in a dream state as I edge closer and closer to him, the world falls away and I know Aiden feels the same as me.

I reach the archway which is covered in greenery and white gilded roses. The area is so beautiful. Mom kisses my cheek and Aiden takes my hands in his and smiles at me with that brilliant smile that lights his bright blue sparkling eyes. I feel light, my heart pounds in my chest and all I want to do right now is kiss him.

“You look breathtaking, baby,” he whispers.

I bite my bottom lip, and he holds onto my hand tightly. I mouth, ‘I love you’ and he mouths it back to me.

The minister starts talking, but I don’t hear a word he says as I stare into Aiden’s bright blue loving eyes. I know that I love and trust this man more than anything in this world. It comes time to say our vows which we have personally written to each other. Aiden takes both my hands as I face him. I can’t help but well up as we finally get to say the vows that we wrote together to each other.

“Jenifer Taylor, I take you to be my lawful wedded wife, in sickness and health, for richer for poorer. All that I am, I give to you, and all that I have, I share with you; you’re my life, my inspiration, and one true love. From this day forth, I shall love you and honor you in every way possible, and keep you by my side forever as my wife, my lover, and my friend. I loved you from the moment you called me moron. Wherever we go, I promise to be there, holding your hand and telling you, “I love you.” You’re my best friend, and you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you for marrying me. You have all of me.”

“Aiden O’Connell, I take you to be my lawful wedded husband, in sickness and health, for richer for poorer. All that I am, I give to you, and all that I have, I share with you; you’re my life, my inspiration, and one true love. I give my trust to you in every way possible and vow to love, honor, and adore you as my husband, my lover, and my friend from now until the end of time. I loved you from the moment I called you a moron. Wherever we go, I promise to be there, holding your hand and telling you, “I love you.” You’re my best friend, and you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you for marrying me. You have all of me.”

“Aiden, you may place the ring on the finger of your bride.”

Chris searches his pockets, pretending to have lost the rings and everyone laughs. He smiles at me and then hands the rings to the minister who holds them in his hands.

“Jenifer, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you,” Aiden says as he slides the ring on my left hand ring finger. I try to fight back the tears while he places it effortlessly.

“By the same token, Jenifer, you may place the ring on the finger of your groom.”

I take Aiden’s ring from the minister and I hold on to his left hand as mine shakes slightly. I start to place the ring on his finger. “Aiden, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you.” I slide his ring onto his finger the rest of the way effortlessly. He smiles at me, and I bite my bottom lip in response.
Hurry up and get to the kissing part already.

“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”

He holds me tightly and moves in to kiss me. Again, the whole world floats away and I’m here holding my husband kissing him endlessly. I feel like I’m spinning. I can hear the cheering and clapping as it slowly makes its way into my ears. We continue to kiss, lost in each other.

“C’mon that’s enough. You have the rest of your lives to kiss each other,” Chris says, making us laugh and part lips. Aiden comes back in for a quick peck and winks at me. I feel as giddy as I did when we were on our first date.

Aiden takes my hand and we turn to face our family and friends. They cheer as Aiden pulls our entwined hands up in the air. I look at him and he looks as elated as I am. We start to walk down the cobble stone path and the bridal party follows. Everyone congratulates us on the way down the path. We make our way to the waterfall for pictures, and on the way Aiden holds my hand the entire time we walk towards the place where we had our first date. He kisses me on the cheek as we walk.

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