All She Wants For Christmas Is Her Dom (2 page)

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Authors: Stacey Kennedy

Tags: #A 1 Night Stand Story

BOOK: All She Wants For Christmas Is Her Dom
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She screamed as heat burned through her body. The increase of pain introduced the rise of her climax. The sensation stole all of her reason and overloaded her nerve endings with pleasure. “May I come, Sir?”

He removed his foot, placed his hand on her nape, and caged her in his grip. “You may. But you damn well better make it impressive.” He slapped along her body—from her neck all the way to her sore ass—and never missed a piece of her tender flesh.

His hits stung, but they held no comparison to the overwhelming surge of pleasure erupting in her body. Her clit pulsed, pussy contracted, and she vocalized her pleasure to allow him to hear the intensity of her orgasm. She had not come so hard in years and she lost herself completely with the force of it.

It hadn’t been until his finger trailed down her arm did she return from the blissful place she’d been sent to. “Stand, but take it slow.” He helped her up, steadied her, and even supported her for a while. “Are you feeling light-headed at all?”

She groaned as the world spun around her. Her heartbeat raced and a cold sweat washed over her body. She exhaled slow and steady, and waited for her body to recover from his harsh treatment.

Many minutes later, her feet felt more stable on the floor and her body no longer tingled. “I’m feeling better now.” He pushed on her slightly and her bottom connected with a cold, smooth surface—the log wall she assumed—and the coolness against her sore rump came as a relief.

“Don’t move.” He released his hold on her arm, and she heard shuffling before he closed back in on her. She worried for a moment that he might issue more pain, but when he pulled her from the wall and applied cool cream along her bottom, she sighed. The smooth lotion eased the sting on her skin and soothed her. Still, she doubted she’d sit right for a week.

He used a gentle touch as he tended to her. She flinched a few times at the marks that had clearly been the worst, but felt more relaxed than she had in a long time. There, she found her peace. It wasn’t spa days, or therapy sessions—this was where she could release all of her strain. Euphoria filled her soul.

He covered her whole body with the cream, finished up at her ankles and stood. She heard him move in front of her while he rubbed the remaining lotion into his hands. Each breath she took only seemed to draw out the moment of complete silence.

“You’ve done well tonight.”

He trailed a finger down her cheek, and being already sensitive, she shivered. More so, the pride sounding in his voice brought forth emotions long hidden. She’d withstood all his punishment and she’d done right by him. Her self-confidence rose to a level it hadn’t been at in years.

“Thank you, Sir.”

“You’re quite welcome.”

His voice wavered in such a way that made her hesitate, and the sound drained all of her pride and happiness. “Sir, why does it sound as if our night is over?”

“Because, my pet, it is.”

“But I’ve taken your punishment.” She paused. Yes, he’d rewarded her with a climax, but she had yet to have him. She wanted his cock and the ache in her pussy declared she needed him. “What have I done to displease you, Sir?”

“No more formalities, please.”

“What have I done then? Tell me what I did to upset you that you will not offer yourself to me?” Tears rimmed her eyes behind the mask. She’d been taken on a high, soared along the fantastic ride, only to be dropped with no net.

He took her hand and squeezed. “You’ve done nothing wrong. In fact, you did everything right.” His voice sounded so different than it had this whole time—almost unsure.

It unsettled her. Before she had a chance to ask him more, he released a low deep breath. “Remove the blindfold, Taryn.”

She blinked beneath it and tried to process what she’d heard. Up to that point, her Dom had not said her name and the sound of it hit her with a memory.

It can’t be.

She yanked the blindfold down, so she could laugh at herself for thinking that this man just then sounded so much like her ex-boyfriend. But as her vision adjusted from being held in the dark for so long, warm hazel eyes greeted her, along with a charming smile.


He grinned. “Surprised to see me?”



Chapter Two



Blake had no preconceived notion about how Taryn would react, and had been surprised she hadn’t recognized his voice, even though he tried his best to disguise it. He didn’t want her to know who mastered her because he wanted to remind her of what he had to offer. Now, he merely let the seconds tick by until she had resolved her thoughts.

She finally blinked, but still stared blank-faced at him. “How can this be?”

“Madame Eve contacted me three weeks ago—as I’m sure she did you—and invited me to the Christmas celebration here at the lodge to meet my match, and also extended an invitation to attend the gala on Christmas Day. It’s my hope that you’ll join me.”

She shook her head as if she were unable to process what he told her. “Are you telling me we met again by chance?”

“No.” The Christmas Eve encounter had taken not only planning by Madame Eve, but he’d had to make life changes in order to be the man he needed to be when he saw Taryn again.

“Then, what?” Her confused expression shifted to a scowl. “You set this up? You knew you were meeting me tonight and said nothing?”

“You agreed to keep our identities a secret until tonight,” he gently reminded her. “Madame Eve must have thought it was appropriate that I knew we were being matched, but she didn’t disapprove of my wanting to surprise you.”

“That means nothing—who cares what Madame Eve thinks?
should have told me.” She glared. “I cannot believe you did this.” She strode over to her suitcase, grabbed a pair of pants, plus a shirt, and set about getting dressed. “You should have warned me. Told me it was you. You had no right to assume I even wanted to be with you again.” She never looked back, but he could tell by her curt tone that she loathed him.

She dressed and he saw her wince as the clothing settled over her sore body. He wanted to help, but knew better than to approach her right then. He leaned against the wall, crossed his arms, and waited for her to calm down. The Taryn in front of him was one he knew well. If he said a word, she’d trap him in an impossible situation he’d never recover from—nothing he did would ease her. He waited for her to stop being so angry, to allow herself time to think.

“And there you go—like you always did—saying nothing while I’m the only one letting my feelings be known.” She scowled at him. “You have nothing to say?”

He shook his head.
Not right now. Not when you’ve cornered me

Her eyes narrowed, her face turned a dark shade of red, and rage wafted off her. “I’m so fucking angry with you.” She spun on her heels, heading for the patio door, only dressed in the T-shirt and a pair of jeans. “Go home.”

He sighed, annoyed, infuriated, and frustrated. He hoped she’d be more receptive to him—that she missed and wanted him as much as he did her—but her demand had been firm. She wanted nothing to do with him.

It only confirmed he had made the right choice in how he approached her. If he had knocked on her door or even called her, she would have run—just like she did now. He wanted to show her the spark that existed between them, and he held no doubt she’d witnessed it tonight. He suspected her hesitation came from the night he broke her heart and she broke his—too swamped with old pain to see straight.

He had lived that life for the past five years, and he wouldn’t walk in the shadow of despair any longer. He hadn’t gone through all he had to ensure this night happened to let her walk out of his life again.

Fuck this. She’s mine

He snatched the quilt off the bed and strode out after her. The snowy mountains of Alaska stood picturesque against the moonlight sky. The ski hill was lit up and he could hear laughter as guests enjoyed the cold winter’s night. His focus remained on finding Taryn. Each step he took into the deep snow froze his feet as the icy air made him shiver.

He passed a large snowdrift, and she appeared standing beside an evergreen tree. Her head was in her hands and she sobbed. He sighed in relief. Her first reaction might have been anger, but as always, she’d break down and let him in.

He stepped in behind her, placed the quilt over her shoulders, and turned her to face him. It tugged at his heart seeing the pain in the depths of her eyes—pain he’d put there. “Are you ready to talk now?”

“I wasn’t expecting this,” she said so softly he barely heard her. “Why wouldn’t you tell me it was you?”

“Because I wanted to remind you of how good we are together before you knew that I was with you. I didn’t want you to react exactly like you did.”

Her eyes narrowed but there was no heat in her gaze. “How else was I supposed to act? You blindsided me and violated the trust.”

“I did nothing you didn’t agree to. Madame Eve told you exactly what would take place here. You knew you’d be blindfolded, brought into a BDSM scene, and you agreed to know nothing about me before tonight. You, not me, set the limits. I merely followed them.” He cocked his head. “Did you not question why I never engaged you sexually?”

“You….” He saw the argument rise on her expression before she stopped herself. “You’re right. You made me pleasure myself and never touched me in that way.”

“Nor did I kiss you. I acted as your Dom and nothing more, which had all been things you agreed to. In fact, you wanted sex if I remember and didn’t I refuse you? I might have gone about this in a way you disprove of, but I would not have taken you without you knowing the truth.”

She studied him—the sadness, dismay, and even the anger dissipated from her face—she looked exhausted. “How did Madame Eve know about us? How did she arrange this?”

“I hired Madame Eve four months ago, filled out the questionnaire in search of a lifestyle submissive, and as you know she asked about previous relationships.”

“So you told her about me?”

He brushed his knuckles across her cheek and it pleased him when she leaned into his touch. “Of course I would.”

“But….” Her chin quivered. “But I don’t understand. You let me go.”

He deserved to see how much his actions hurt her, and she hid none of it in her expression. “What was I to do? You came to me and spoke of big dreams in Houston.”

“You could have come with me.”

A tear fell down her cheek and he caught it with his thumb. “I couldn’t and you know that. I had the contract to build the new library in Sackville. I would have lost the deal and that project made the company what it is today.”

“You lost me.”

His heart clenched. The truth hurt. “A bad decision on my part, but not one I’ll make again.” It took a good part of the last two weeks to organize his life and get his priorities straight. But he’d not live another day in a life he didn’t want and be away from the woman who fulfilled him. “I sold the business a week ago and moved to Houston last weekend.”

Her eyes went huge. “You sold the business…for me?”

“It’s always been you, Taryn, and
always be you. It hadn’t been until Madame Eve contacted me and told me you had signed up with her services, did I realize I couldn’t live another day without you. I saw that I had submerged myself in my work to try to forget you but that I failed miserably—all that remained was an empty man.”

“Blake,” she whispered.

He needed to explain himself and pressed on to share his soul with her. “Madame Eve felt regardless of what happened between us, that we were a perfect match and I happened to agree with her.” He leaned in and her warm breath tickled his lips as the crisp air nipped at his skin. “I’ve made enough money. Yes, I could make more, but without you I have nothing.”

She exhaled so deep the air fogged around them. “I have waited five years for you to say what you just said to me. There has not been a day where I haven’t thought of you, missed being in your arms, and craved to be your submissive. If I wasn’t as cold as I am now, I’d think I was dreaming, but I doubt I’d feel frostbitten in a dream.”

He chuckled. “Best we warm you up then.” He gathered her in his arms, trudging through the snow with one intent—spend the rest of the night reminding himself and her how right it was for them to be together.




Taryn welcomed the warm air from the suite as Blake shut the sliding door. He turned back to her, his eyes intent and her insides melted. She dropped the blanket to the floor as he latched onto her arms and yanked her toward him. He placed his lips over hers and set to make her forget her own name.

She swiped her tongue across his as he kissed her deeply. It’d been so long since she had his lips on hers, she’d forgotten how good the man could kiss. No one kissed her with the fevered pitch that he did, and no one but him could make her legs wobble.

He backed away, only a moment, and removed his shirt. She ran her hands over his chest, down his toned abs, and was delighted when they clenched beneath her touch. He’d always been muscular, but not like this. Her pussy ached for him at the feel of each groove beneath her fingers.

He left her mouth, to kiss along her jaw, to her shoulder where he bit. She gasped, but the throb along her clit only pulsed deeper. He touched her just how she liked it—rough and never hesitated. It made her burn. She raised her arms when he grabbed her shirt and lifted it over her head. He wasted no time removing her bra, pants, and panties then stepped back to examine her.

“I want you to know that it had been a torment not to see you naked—not to be able to touch your splendid pussy.” He cupped her moist heat and squeezed tight. She ground herself against his hand. “Fuck, Taryn, you’re a sexy woman.”

The crackling fire lit his face in a warm glimmer.
My Blake. My Dom
. She’d missed him terribly, and seeing him like this, so powerful in front of her—she wondered how she’d gone so long without him. She had mourned their break-up for the past five years and her heart welcomed the healing.

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