All She Wants for New Year's -- A Contemporary Erotic Holiday Romance (All She Wants #2)

BOOK: All She Wants for New Year's -- A Contemporary Erotic Holiday Romance (All She Wants #2)
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All She Wants for New Years:

A Contemporary Erotic
Romance Story







Copyright 2012 Nathan Stratton. All rights reserved.

Reproduction of this work prohibited unless the author grants permission.

Art credit: Nathan Stratton, with license from



Approx. word count: 8,600



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"Fifty Shades has got
on this!"
SERVING MR. STEVENS, An Erotic Romance Novel in Five Parts
Part 1 of 5 - The Contract
What if all your fantasies came true -- but at a price? Would you give in to the dream?

What if there was no turning back?
Candace craves a
man, and alpha-male billionaire Thomas Stevens seems like just the man to give her what she wants. But after she enters into a contract with him, she soon comes to realize that with Mr. Stevens,
Has Candace found the lover of her dreams, or is she in over her head?
Handcuffs, spanking, and rough sex with a dominant hunk who knows what he wants... what could be better than SERVING MR. STEVENS?


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Chapter 1: Bah, Humbug

Chapter 2: Trouble Ticket

Chapter 3: Sparks Flying

Chapter 4: Save the Date

Chapter 5: Counting Down the Hours

Chapter 6:
Party Favors

Chapter 7:
Trouble in Paradise

Chapter 8:
A Hot and Heavy Holiday

Chapter 9: Happy New Year












All She Wants for New Years






Chapter 1: Bah, Humbug


Jessica hated the holidays.


It wasn’t the lights, the shopping, or the Christmas carols. She didn’t mind those, and even thought they were nice. It was the fact that every December, she was surrounded by images of happy couples, laughing and singing and celebrating the together. And every time she saw one, it was a sad reminder of her own loneliness.


Jessica was never the type to wallow in depression. Self-pity just didn’t suit her strong, willful personality. So every year, she put up a strong front all through the holidays, keeping up her usual, cheerful personality even when she was hurting inside. Sometimes, though, that cheerfulness just didn’t come to her as naturally as she would like.


This holiday season had been no different. Her parents had asked her to come home for Christmas, and she’d reluctantly obliged their request. Just as she’d suspected, they’d invited one of the neighbors’ sons over for Christmas dinner, the latest in a line of “eligible bachelors” they’d hand-picked as potential suitors for Jessica. Never mind that this one was fresh out of college, while she was twenty-seven. It also didn’t help that his name was Freddie. Jessica could have sworn she’d named one of her teddy bears “Freddie” when she was younger.


This guy may have been twenty-two, but he looked no older than seventeen. He had big ears, an earnest-looking gleam in his eyes, and a dusting of freckles – God help her. Sitting next to him at dinner, listening to him blab on and on about college football, she felt like his baby-sitter. 


“What’d you think of Freddie?” her parents asked anxiously, as soon as he and his family had gone home that evening.


“I told him to call me when he gets his drivers’ license,” Jessica had replied, rolling her eyes in exasperation.


She’d left early the next morning, making the long drive back from Connecticut to her house in Pennsylvania, amid hordes of traffic that indicated many people were doing the same thing. She worked in the HR department of a big healthcare company in Philadelphia, and the holidays were their busiest time of the year. That, of course, was another big reason Jessica loathed the holidays: it was hard to feel the Christmas spirit when you were back at work on December 26th.


Jessica walked in just after 10 AM, an hour later than she normally got in. No sooner had she sat down at her cubicle than her creepy boss, Peter, oozed his way over to have a chat.


“You’re late,” he said brusquely. He sure had a nice way of breaking the ice.


“Yeah, well, the traffic was terrible this morning,” replied Jessica. “And a very merry Christmas to you, too, Peter.”


“I don’t want to hear your excuses anymore, Jess,” said Peter, with a steely glint in his eye. She hated when he called her Jess. “There’s no excuse for being late, you got it? No matter
you were… up to last night.” He grinned lecherously, his eyes raking over her body from head to toe. Just the way he
at her made her feel violated.


“You keep your eyes to yourself, Peter,” she said, her eyes narrowing. “And leave me alone, or I’ll write up another incident report.”


Peter laughed callously. “Ooh, an incident report,” he scoffed. “Who are you going to report me to? Human Resources? In case you forgot, Jess, we
Human Resources! I run this department, and I’m going to run it the way I want. You’re lucky I don’t write
up for chronic tardiness. Now get to work!” Feeling satisfied that he’d gotten the last word in, he slithered off down the hall. 


Despite his tough-guy talk, Jessica knew he was worried about her threat. She’d reported him once already this year, for blocking her passage coming out of the women’s bathroom one day in August. Nothing had happened, but she’d been intimidated enough to say something about it. The report had gotten passed up to corporate, but without further evidence of wrongdoing they couldn’t do anything besides give him a warning. Peter was a total slimeball, but for the time being Jessica was stuck with him. At least he knew she wasn’t afraid to stand up to him.


“Whatever,” she sighed, and tried to forget about their conversation. It was her first day back after a long weekend, and she wasn’t about to let that creep Peter start it off on the wrong foot. She switched on her computer, and it flickered to life. But as soon as she logged in, she saw an error message: “SYSTEM ERROR. CODE #3756c. MEMORY CORRUPTED.”


“Oh, great,” she said, and tried the old Control-Alt-Delete method. Nothing happened. She turned the computer off and then on again, and the same error came up – only this time, her desktop wallpaper had disappeared, and the background had turned completely black. This didn’t look good.


It appeared that this day was going to start off on the wrong foot, after all.


Groaning, Jessica grabbed her computer. “Why do you hate me?!?” she asked it. “After all we’ve been through together.”


Shaking her head, she flipped through her directory for the I.T. helpdesk phone number. She picked up her handset and heard a dial tone;
at least the phones still work,
she thought scornfully. She punched in the number for the help desk and took a swig of coffee. After just one ring, a man’s voice picked up.

“I.T. Helpdesk,” the voice said impassively. “This is Brandon, how may I help you?”

Chapter 2: Trouble Ticket


She hadn’t expected the I.T. person to pick up so quickly, and she still had a mouthful of coffee to swallow. She gulped it down as fast as she could. The line was silent for a second. “…Hello?” the voice asked.


“Hi!” she said abruptly, as soon as she could speak. She was still a bit flustered, and spoke too loudly into the phone.
Easy, tiger
, she thought mockingly to herself, shaking her head. “Uh, hi, Brandon,” she repeated, much more calmly this time. “How are you doing this morning?”


“Just fine, thank you,” he said politely, a business-like tone in his voice. “And who am I speaking with, please?”


“Oh, right,” she said. “Sorry. Um, this is Jessica Bradley… from HR?”


Brandon’s tone brightened considerably. “Oh, Jessica!” he said. “Of course! I should have recognized your voice. Hey, it’s been a while – how are you doing these days?”


, thought Jessica. This happened a lot to her. When new hires came in to the company, she was typically the one to walk them through their orientation training on their first day. As a result, they all knew her
but she had trouble remembering them. She racked her brain now, trying to remember a Brandon from IT, but she was drawing a blank. She went into what she called “fake-smile mode,” an essential skill for people working in Human Resources.


“Oh, I’ve been great!” she replied cheerfully, a smile plastered on her face. “Just super. And how was your Christmas, Brandon? Spend some time with the family?”

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