All That Lies Within (8 page)

BOOK: All That Lies Within
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When her father was a few steps away, Dara simply slid down to the ground, crouching and cowering.

“What are you doing?” her father asked.

Dara’s lip quivered. “I—”

“Never mind. You want to be out here so badly? Fine.” Her father unlocked the front passenger door, then reached around and unlocked and opened the back door. “Get in.” He made a sweeping motion with his hand. When she didn’t move, he gave her a quick shove.

Dara stumbled into the back seat. Her father closed the door and locked the car.

“You can stay in there until the funeral is over. I’m sure your mother will be much relieved.”

When he was gone, Dara curled up on the vinyl seat and cried. After a short while, she fell asleep. She awoke to see an angel watching over her. She was radiant. Her hair glistened in the sunlight. She wore a flowing bright white robe that matched the feathers on her wings.

“Don’t be afraid, my child, for we angels are here, watching over you. Always.”

“I’m not afraid of you.” Dara jutted out her chin.

The angel smiled. “I’m glad.”

As she looked into the angel’s kind face, Dara’s resolve crumbled and tears pooled in her eyes.

“It’s okay to cry.” The angel wrapped her wings around Dara, and she knew a comfort unlike any she’d ever known. 

“Everybody thinks I’m crazy. The other kids make fun of me and my parents hate me.”

“They don’t hate you, dear. They simply cannot see the things that you see and so they do not understand. For instance, they didn’t see your grandfather standing next to the casket, but you did. Most of your classmates didn’t see Timmy on the playground, but you did.”

Dara looked up into the angel’s face. “You know about Timmy?”

“Of course. We see everything.”

Dara scrunched up her eyes. “You said ‘most’ of the kids couldn’t see Timmy.”

“That’s right.”

“Does that mean that I wasn’t the only one who saw him?”

The angel laughed delightedly and hugged Dara to her. “You’re a very bright little person. Yes, there was one other little girl who saw, but she wasn’t as brave as you in speaking out.”

Dara frowned. “I don’t want to be brave. I want to be like everyone else.”

“I want to be like everyone else. I want to be like everyone else. I want to be like everyone else…” Dara’s head flailed from side to side on the pillow. She gasped and shot up as she came awake in the hotel bed. Sweat dripped between her breasts. She buried her face in her hands as her heart continued to pound.
You’re not that little girl anymore. That was a long time ago. That time is done. Let it go.

Dara turned and put her feet on the floor. The bedside clock read 5:55 a.m.

After a trip to the bathroom and a splash of cold water on her face, she lay back down. Dara didn’t want to sleep—no, that would be risking another dream. Besides, her mind still was racing. She hadn’t recalled those childhood memories in a very long time, but it wasn’t hard to figure out what had triggered them.

The laptop sat on the table in the corner. The last thing Dara wanted to do was subject herself to more of her mother’s confessional tale. But today Dara would have to decide whether her mother lived or died. At the very least, she owed it to this woman she barely knew to hear her out.



“How about if I call room service and have them send up some champagne?” Sharon asked, as she dropped her purse on the dresser.

“Sure.” Rebecca stood just inside the door, wondering what the hell she was doing here.

“You are planning to come farther into the room, aren’t you?”

Sharon’s delicate hand rested on her hip, inviting Rebecca’s scrutiny. The fingers were long and tapered, and…

“I’ll take that for a yes,” Sharon said, acknowledging Rebecca’s stare. She approached slowly, deliberately, maintaining eye contact.

Rebecca swallowed hard, rooted to the spot, mesmerized. Then Sharon was standing in front of her, running a finger across her lips, and all thought fled in a rush of blood to Rebecca’s center. She knew exactly why she was there. It had been too long and she badly needed to restore her confidence. A very attractive woman wanted her—her, the chubby, awkward kid—apparently to satisfy a teenage fantasy. Well, she certainly could help with that.

She sucked Sharon’s index finger into her mouth. As Sharon’s eyes fluttered, Rebecca pulled her close, released her finger, and claimed her lips instead. They were soft, intoxicating, and Rebecca happily lost herself in the kiss.

As if in a dream, she walked Sharon backward toward the bed, never relinquishing her lips, and unzipped her dress as they moved. Rebecca was vaguely aware of Sharon’s hands kneading her ass. It spurred her on. She grazed her fingertips along Sharon’s spine, pausing to unhook her bra and release her breasts as Sharon gasped in pleasure.

Emboldened and on fire, Rebecca eased the dress and the bra off Sharon’s shoulders in one motion and let both garments fall to the floor at their feet. She felt a rush of air on her skin and barely had the time to wonder how Sharon had managed to de-frock her without her being aware of it.

When Sharon covered Rebecca’s nipple with her warm tongue, Rebecca pulled her closer, tumbling both of them onto the bed.

Sharon was relentless. She recaptured Rebecca’s breast, further teasing her already-taut nipple. If Sharon kept this up much longer, Rebecca would lose the upper hand. And after being dominated and used by Cynthia for too long, Rebecca very much wanted to be the one in control.

She slid her thigh between Sharon’s legs and rocked against her damp panties.

“If you keep that up,” Sharon said, in between licks, “I’m going to lose my place.”

In answer, Rebecca wrapped her arms around Sharon and rolled them over. Then she got to her feet and stood alongside the bed. “I’m sure you’ll find it again, but right now I’ve got other ideas.” She slid her fingers inside Sharon’s panties, brushing her thumb lightly over Sharon’s clit. “Help me get these off?” Rebecca indicated the underwear and Sharon lifted up to facilitate their removal.

“You too.”

Rebecca complied, pleased at the look of admiration in Sharon’s eyes. “You like what you see?”

“What’s not to like? You’re a knockout. Surely you know that now.”

Rebecca smiled wryly. “It’s always nice to be reminded. Now, where was I?” She maintained her position by the side of the bed, enjoying her vantage point. She trailed her fingers from Sharon’s jaw, down along the curve of her neck to the hollow of her throat, where she leaned over and planted a soft kiss. Sharon reached for her, but Rebecca evaded her touch.

Sharon groaned in protest.

“You’ll get your turn. All in due time.”

“I didn’t figure you to be sadistic.” Sharon’s eyes followed Rebecca’s every move.

“Your idea of sadism and mine must be very different.” Rebecca resumed her exploration, allowing her fingers and tongue to roam freely over Sharon’s body, creating a trail of goose bumps in their wake. She’d never made love to anyone while standing over them. The feeling of power was exhilarating.

“Please,” Sharon pleaded, reaching again for Rebecca. “You’re killing me.”

“You want me to stop?” Rebecca grazed her teeth over the pulse point in Sharon’s neck.

“God, no. I want you to take me. Now, please.”

Sharon’s breathless plea was all the encouragement Rebecca needed. She entered Sharon with two fingers, simultaneously circling her clit with her thumb. In seconds, Sharon was rising off the bed to meet her thrusts. Sharon’s face was the picture of rapture. She came on a strangled cry, a light sheen of sweat covering her body.

When Sharon’s breathing slowed, Rebecca gently extracted her fingers. Sharon sighed. “That was…different.” She rolled on her side to face Rebecca. “Any chance I can get my hands on you now?” Her tone was light, but Rebecca had no trouble hearing the undercurrent of desire.

In truth, although Rebecca was incredibly turned on, she wasn’t inclined to be touched. Not by a stranger. But Sharon wasn’t really a stranger, was she? After all, they’d known each other once, many years ago, hadn’t they? Still, sex with a virtual stranger was not something Rebecca did. Sex was an act of love, not of lust. And yet, here she was, having just brought this woman to climax in a hotel room after only an hour’s worth of conversation. What was she doing?

Sharon cleared her throat, and Rebecca snapped back into the moment. “Should I take that as a stinging rebuke?”

“No.” Rebecca motioned for Sharon to slide over, and she sat gingerly on the side of the bed. “It isn’t you.” Rebecca ran her thumb across Sharon’s bottom lip. “Heaven knows you’re sexy, and I’m completely soaked.”

“But?” Sharon propped herself up on an elbow.

“But this isn’t me.” Rebecca struggled for the words; Sharon deserved her honesty. “When Cynthia cheated on me—”


“Exactly.” Rebecca fidgeted with the sheets. “Anyway, when she cheated on me, I think I lost my confidence. I no longer trusted my judgment and I felt so…I don’t know…unattractive. It was like being that teenager all over again.”

“I totally get that.” Sharon’s eyes were kind. Rebecca noted that she made no move to cover herself.

“I think maybe tonight, this,” Rebecca indicated the two of them, “was my way of reminding myself that there are women out there—remarkably attractive women—who might want me.”

Sharon nodded sympathetically, but did not try to touch her.

“I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have let this go so far.” Rebecca started to get up. Sharon stopped her with a hand on her wrist.

“Hey. It’s okay. I don’t want you to feel badly about this, Rebecca.” Sharon covered her hand with her free hand. “I’m a big girl. As I told you up front, I was just looking to mark the experience off on my bucket list. I’m not deluded enough to think this was ever going to be anything but a pleasant diversion. And it certainly was that.” Again, she eyed Rebecca appreciatively. “You are very beautiful. And that Cynthia, whoever she is, is an ass.”

“Still, I feel like a cad.”

“Stop it. I’m well satisfied, my body feels great, and I’ve got a wonderful memory to tuck away in my mental journal of outstandingly fun experiences. I promise you, this is one reunion I’ll remember quite fondly.”

Rebecca rose from the bed, leaned over, and gently kissed Sharon’s lips. “You’re an amazing woman. Whoever ends up with you will be very, very lucky.”

“I’m not planning to settle down anytime soon, but thank you for the compliment. Now you’d better get going before I forget my manners and decide to ravage you anyway.”

Rebecca caressed Sharon’s cheek with her fingertips, and then planted a kiss there. “I’d tell you to keep in touch…”

Sharon laughed. “I promise if I’m ever in Vermont, I’ll look you up.”

“Good. Seems I owe you that champagne we never got around to ordering.”

“Good point. Goodbye, Rebecca. I hope you find everything you’re looking for.”

“You too, Sharon. You too.”

Sharon rose and disappeared into the bathroom. Rebecca understood that this was her way of allowing Rebecca to dress and slip out without any more awkwardness. And she was grateful. 



Rebecca managed to get out of the hotel and back to where she was staying without running into anyone from the reunion. She let herself into her room, tossed her purse and the room and car keys on the dresser, and stepped out of her clothes on her way into the bathroom. She still was aroused, and the fact that her hands smelled like sex didn’t help.

She stepped into the shower and allowed the hot water to flow over her back as she soaped herself. Her breasts were sensitive, and the slightest touch sent pinpricks of pleasure shooting directly to her center. She slipped a finger into the wetness and groaned. That’s when she saw Cynthia’s face in her mind’s eye. Rebecca withdrew her finger, rested her forehead against the coolness of the shower wall, and cried. It had been more than a year since the ugly ending with her ex, and in all that time, Rebecca had successfully brought herself to orgasm exactly once.

Rebecca wondered if that wasn’t the real reason she had resisted Sharon’s touch. How embarrassing would it have been to fail to reach orgasm with a woman as attractive as that?

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