All The Queen's Men (Fantasy Heights)

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All The Queen's Men

Fantasy Heights, Book 8

by Meg Silver

All The Queen's Men

Fantasy Heights, Book 8

by Meg Silver

Copyright 2012, Meg Silver

All rights reserved.

The author of this work holds sole publishing rights. For information regarding permissions, email Meg Silver at [email protected].

This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author's imagination, or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Edition Notes:



All The Queen’s Men

Fantasy Heights, Book 8

“Spoiled rotten,” Ben muttered. “I didn’t get my own set until I’d been here a year.”

Ben took a sip from a water bottle and tossed his script onto the greenroom’s coffee table.

Amanda shrugged a non-committal shoulder in response. Her first threesome clients, Kevin and Lisa, were back. This time, they had booked the throne room set. With the entire staff spooked and scrambling to cover vacant roles, Ben would do double duty today as observer and performer.

Eric, her usual observer, was busy with Thomas. They were up to no good.

Amanda reached over to pluck a stray blond hair from Ben’s black silk shirtfront. She had become very skilled these last four days at suppressing panic to appear cool and calm, no matter what. The only time she could relax was on set, and she could hardly wait to get there.

Ben asked, “You sure there’s nothing you want to talk about?”

“I’m fine.”

“Sure. You’re fine. It’s been four days since Ridley and Derek were found, and everyone’s fine. It’s a freakin’ epidemic of fine.”

“No offense, but the last time I got chatty, it didn’t end well.”

With a wry look, Ben got up and held the door for her.

Amanda peered around a column to have a look at the set. Today, everything would center on the large padded platform and the throne display. Kevin sat in the throne. Lisa perched beside him. Both were decked out in velvet finery. Kevin wore a quilted tunic with breeches and boots. Lisa wore a deep blue gown Kara had deemed too boring for Amanda to wear anymore.

Amanda’s courtesan getup was definitely not boring. The mulberry corset and bustle made her legs look miles long, and her skin a rich gold in contrast. Kara had piled her hair into a complicated curl pattern strung with pearls. She could feel one long spiral curl tickling between her shoulder blades while Ben led her to stand before the throne.

Seeing her clients up close, she picked up all their unconscious, aroused signals. Two dots of heat formed high on Amanda’s cheekbones. This was the raciest custom fantasy she had ever taken part in. Her body would provide the evening’s entertainment. According to the script’s storyline, she was a pricey acquisition from a rival kingdom. She was a symbol, a rite in a ceremony of surrender and possession.

Her clients made a show of inspecting her. When they gave Ben a signal, he unfastened the back of Amanda’s corset and stripped away the costume. Ben, who had a healthy respect for—and fear of—Kara, placed the heavy brocade fabric costume carefully upon a nearby stretch of clean rug. He returned while Amanda stepped out of beaded high-heeled slippers.

Now standing completely nude before the court, she felt the first rev of arousal. She knew her clients’ appetites, and this script was not tame. Minutes from now, she would be bound and penetrated and writhing in pleasure.

Lisa stood and came down the stairs, completely in character, looking cool and remote. She circled Amanda, eyeing her. Stopping finally, she reached out to lift the weight of Amanda’s left breast with her palm.

Lisa brushed her thumb over the nipple. Her playful, possessive gesture sent a dart of sensation to Amanda’s belly.

Lisa issued her verdict in two words. “Bind her.”

The bulk of the fantasy would play out on the padded square fitted with an eight-point restraint kit. Amanda had never been bound in anything like it before. Equal parts of excitement and nerves steamed her belly as Ben led her to the table. At its edge, he stopped to blindfold her. She wouldn’t see anything for quite some time, until much nearer the final act.

Ben next pressed something gently against her bottom lip. She opened up enough to take in a ball gag. This, too, was new to her. Had she been less familiar with Ben and her clients, she might not have been completely easy with the idea, but she understood how the couple worked. Lisa enjoyed overpowering another woman in front of her husband who was happy to do or try anything. Part of the couple’s payoff was the power they felt when they made their third come.

Blinded and silenced, Amanda turned herself over to Ben. He guided her onto the platform where she lay face up, arms over her head. The first restraint consisted of two leather cuffs with a chain between them. Ben fastened them near her elbows to keep her arms together and her breasts and belly entirely accessible. Simple wrist restraints trapped her hands.

The next set of restraints was applied just above her knees. Each cuff anchored her knees to the side, flat to the table, trapping her legs in a widely spread position. Last, Ben added ankle restraints, holding her feet fast. She couldn’t move them more than an inch in any direction. Unnerving, yes, but she also felt a powerful surge of arousal, being spread so wide open at her clients’ mercy. She knew what Kevin and Lisa were capable of, pleasure-wise. Even thinking about it, she could feel her clitoris begin to swell.

She was left in that helpless, aroused state for minutes, bound and blindfolded and silenced. She could feel her juices begin to leak from her pussy while she listened to Kevin and Lisa undress one another. Ben stayed typically silent throughout. He kept one hand on top of hers in a simple protective gesture.

Someone—Kevin, she realized—came to sit beside her on the platform. He lowered his head to suck a nipple into his mouth.

Behind the blindfold, Amanda squinched her eyes closed tight. Kevin was not gentle. The suction stung, and sent a blazing message to her already enflamed pussy. It struck her all over again that she could not stop them from doing just whatever they pleased.

Not that she hated the idea. In fact, she decided she liked it a lot when Kevin abandoned her breast to apply the tip of his tongue to her clit, taking a long lap at it, stroking her into an even higher state of arousal. His was a hard, intimate touch meant to arouse and enflame. Her back arched involuntarily, trying to prolong the contact.

She felt his touch everywhere. Clear out to her knees, up her spine. She felt the surge harden her nipples into clenched, stinging nubs. Lisa’s mouth took over to torture one tight peak, and Amanda let out a muffled squeal as fingers captured the other nipple.

Gloriously nerve-wracking, not to know what was coming next while Lisa worked hard at her nipples, and Kevin focused his attention between her legs.

He withdrew a moment later. She jumped a little when someone began to drip lube onto her navel. She could feel it running down her sides before hands began to smear it over her labia and between her buttocks.

She writhed. She couldn’t help it. Chemical fire burned along her nerve-endings, all of the sensation gathering between her legs. No hope of controlling anything. She was so aroused, she was pretty certain she would come if anyone so much as looked at her clit.

She moaned around the gag as a finger slick with lube poked into her ass. The stinging was brisk and painful at first, but her tormentor held mercifully still long enough for Amanda to adjust. The finger began to pump in and out. Small finger. Knobby knuckles. Amanda felt a boost in pleasure every time one slipped through her sphincter on its way in or out.

Definitely Lisa’s finger. Amanda knew the moment a mouth closed over the tip of her pubic bone to latch onto her clit. Such a soft mouth, sucking gently, tongue pressing against clit the way only a woman could. Playful, affectionate, in contrast to the finger now pushing deep and hard into her ass.

Amanda came. Her exposed position in the restraints along with Lisa’s skillful suction had ensured an unstoppable release. The gentle laughter against her clit didn’t help. What began as a simple orgasm raged into an inferno of ravaged, pulverizing power as Lisa, feeling Amanda’s sphincter tighten with each pulse, began to pound the finger in and out, laughing at how hard Amanda was coming.

When Amanda had hold enough of her senses again, she heard Lisa give an order. “Ben, keep her warm while we get the strap-on ready.”

Ben bent near her ear to whisper. “You’re okay?”

She nodded. Yes, she was okay. A little embarrassed at the strength of her appetites, perhaps, but otherwise fine.

Ben reached down and began to pet her clit with a fingertip, gentle up-strokes that filled her senses like passing streetlights, brightening on the way up, darkening again as the pressure momentarily lapsed.

“Your clients are completely out of control,” he said. “If you could see yourself, you would understand why.”

Maybe next time he could just inject gasoline into her veins. It was as if the orgasm had never happened. Ben had successfully sent the arousal rocketing even higher, enlisting her imagination into the fantasy.

Stroke, stroke, stroke. She began to move her hips in time with Ben’s finger, wishing he would let it dip into her pussy.

He didn’t, and she decided she hated the ball gag in those moments. Without it, she would be begging him, pleading for him to fuck her.

The stroking and the arousal lulled her out for a time. She floated on a chemical storm of wants and needs and imperatives. She only swerved back toward awareness when the cool tip of a silicon dildo pressed against her pussy lips. The strap-on. Lisa was using it on her while Ben continued to stroke lightly at her clit.

Ben leaned down to whisper again. “Ready for Kevin?”

Amanda nodded, though she felt a surge of annoyance. Relieved though she might be when Ben removed the ball gag, she wanted her hands free to be more aggressive. The blindfold needed to go, too. She wanted to see her clients.

Lisa made the most provocative sounds while thrusting with that dildo. She’d used the tandem strapless kind. Every time she thrust in, her own end would press deep into her cunt. And now Kevin got into position. He straddled Amanda’s ribs. She opened her mouth, eager and ready to take his cock. While she bobbed her chin and let him thrust through the tight
of her lips, she could feel his rhythm falter now and again. Lisa was still fucking her with the dildo. At the same time, the script called for Lisa to smear lube over Kevin’s anus and balls. Amanda could feel it every time Lisa rubbed her husband’s balls. His gasping sounds and faltering rhythm likely meant Lisa was being as rough with him as she was with that dildo.

Half lost to it all, Amanda floated in a daze of physical pleasure until Kevin warned he needed a breather. He took his cock away, and Lisa stop thrusting for a moment.

Amanda heard a couple soft gasps, and then louder ones as Lisa said, “Hang on. I want to put my fingers inside him.”

Kevin hovered above Amanda for a time. Ben took mercy and stopped stroking her clit. Either that or he was so busy watching Lisa work to stretch her husband that he forgot all about her. Entirely forgivable, Amanda conceded, though she envied his ability to watch while their clients played on and on. They plugged Kevin, who had to withdraw even longer.

“Time out,” he said. “I need cool off. Lisa’s turn.”

Amanda, feeling slightly vindictive by this point, was more than ready for the next step. Lisa removed the dildo to straddle Amanda’s face, cowgirl style. While Lisa got into position, she gave Ben another order. “Fuck her. I want to watch you fuck her while she eats my pussy.”

The request was way off script, but there was no reason for Ben to refuse. He reached back to take hold of her hands once more. The gesture was a silent request for permission, she knew, and she squeezed back. Hard. Not only did she want him to follow Lisa’s order, she wished he’d hurry up and get his cock inside her.

Ben moved and began to stroke her again. Hypnotic. When she felt the hot tip of his penis against her pussy lips, she pressed her knees back, spreading herself wide as she could in invitation. He was surprisingly gentle, moving slow, taking his sweet time to lubricate his shaft and press it in, bit by bit.

Lisa, in position now, lowered her pussy over Amanda’s mouth. She tilted her head back to be safe while she suctioned her mouth onto Lisa. Amanda began to mimic Ben’s strokes with the tip of her tongue. Had her hands been free, she would have penetrated Lisa’s ass. As it was, she provoked with her tongue while Lisa rocked her hips gently in rhythm.

Ben had slowed down, not quite halfway in yet. That damn stroking. So overwhelming.

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